100+ Most Important French Words For Fluency (With Audio) (2024)

Learning the most common words is the first step to learning to speak fluently. Rather than just providing a list of top-100 words without any structure, we’ve created a list based on language sub-areas such as common adjectives, prepositions and verbs. We’ve also broken our list down into noun groups such family, clothing and much more. Click on any of the audio players, listen and repeat!

100+ Most Important French Words For Fluency (With Audio) (1)

Most frequently used French words

The most common French words are: Oui (yes), non (no), merci (thank you), je (I), tu/vous (you), le/la/les (the), un, une des (a, an and some), le/la/les (it, them), et (and) and mais (but).

Top 10 French words in a nutshell

These are the top ten frequently most used words in the French language:

  1. Oui yes
  2. Non no
  3. Merci thank you
  4. Je I
  5. Tu/vous you
  6. le, la, les the
  7. Un, une, des a, an, some
  8. le, la, les it, them
  9. Et and
  10. Mais but

Example sentences with the most common words:

  • Oui, je parle français. Yes, I speak French.
  • Non, je ne parle pas français. No, I don’t speak French.
  • Merci beaucoup. Thank you very much.
  • Je mange le pain. I eat the bread.
  • Tu manges la salade. You seat the salad.
  • Vous mangez la pizza. You eat the pizza.
  • Le garçon chante. The boy sings.
  • La fille nage. The girl swims.
  • Les enfants chantent. The children sing.
  • Un garçon écrit. A boy writes.
  • Une fille dort. A girl sleeps.
  • Des enfant étudient. Some kids study.
  • Je le/la mange. I eat it.
  • Je les mange. I eat them.
  • Marc et Sylvie. Marc and Sylvie.
  • Il aime Sylvie mais il est trop timide. He likes Sylvie but he’s too shy.

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100+ Most Important French Words For Fluency (With Audio) (2)

How to say “not in French

In French, to say “not”, wrap ne…pas around a verb. For example, “Je ne parle pas français” (I don’t speak French).

This is called negation. This page covers French negation in detail.

  • Ne…pas not

Articles: words for “the” and “a, an”

The articles in French (words for the and a/an) must agree in gender and number with the noun they describe.

The words for the are called the definite article and the words for a/some are called the indefinite article. This page explains these French articles in detail.

  • Le the (masculine)
  • La the (feminine)
  • Les the (plural)
  • L’ the (comes before noun starting with a vowel)
  • Un a or an (masculine)
  • Une a or an (feminine)
  • Des some (plural)

Personal pronouns

One of the first steps in learning French is to learn the personal pronouns. These refer to words for people (I, you, he, she, etc.).

This page covers French personal pronouns in detail.

  • Je I
  • Tu you
  • Il he
  • Elle she
  • On one
  • Nous we
  • Vous you (formal)
  • Ils they (all men or mixed company)
  • Elles they (female only)

Stressed pronouns

A second kind of pronoun that’s use for people is is called a “stressed pronoun”. These are words like me, him and her in English.

This page covers French stressed pronouns.

  • Moi me
  • Toi you
  • Lui him
  • Elle her
  • Nous us
  • Vous you
  • Eux them
  • Elles them (female only)

Most common verbs

Verbs are action words. For example, “I go” or “I eat”. In the list below we included 10 commonly used verbs in the first-person singular (I) form.

This lesson covers the most common French verbs in detail.

  • Je suis I am
  • J’ai I have
  • Je fais I make, I do
  • Je vais I go
  • Je parle I speak
  • Je mange I eat
  • Je sais I know
  • Je veux I want
  • Je dois I must
  • Je peux I can

Words for politeness and greetings

It’s essential to learn words for politeness and greetings. Bonjour means hello and au revoir means good-bye.

  • Bonjour Hello, good morning
  • Au revoir goodbye
  • Merci thank you
  • De rien you’re welcome
  • Salut hi and bye
  • Bonsoir good evening
  • Bonne nuit good night
  • S’il vous plaît please (formal)
  • S’il te plaît please (informal)

French numbers

Learning to count to ten is essential for any beginner. Learning these most basic numbers will help you to ask how much things cost, tell time and say the date.

This lesson covers the French numbers 1-100 in detail.

  • Un one
  • Deux two
  • Trois three
  • Quatre four
  • Cinq five
  • Six six
  • Sept seven
  • Huit eight
  • Neuf nine
  • Dix ten

Connecting words

Connecting words or conjunctions are words that are used to join two parts of sentence together.

  • Et and
  • Ou or
  • Si if
  • Mais but
  • Quand when
  • Que that
  • Qui who, that
  • Comme like, as
  • Parceque because

French prepositions

A preposition is a word that introduces another part of a sentences. For example, “in the bathroom”, “at the movies” or “with mom”.

The two most commonly used French prepositions are à (to/at) and de (from/of). This page covers the French preposition à in detail and this page covers the French preposition de.

  • À to, at
  • De from, of
  • Avec with
  • Pour four
  • Par by
  • Sans without
  • Contre against
  • Dans in, inside of
  • En in
  • Sur on, on top of
  • Chez at the home, place of
  • Avant before
  • Après after
100+ Most Important French Words For Fluency (With Audio) (4)

French adverbs

An adverb is a word that’s used to describe how you do something. For example, “I run quickly” or “You speak slowly“.

  • Bien well
  • Mauvais poorly
  • Vite quickly
  • Rapidement quickly
  • Lentement slowly
  • Heureusem*nt fortunately
  • Seulement only
  • Rarement rarely, seldom
  • Souvent often
  • Beaucoup a lot
  • Un peu a little, a bit
  • Trop too, too much

Family members

Learning the words for family members is essential for getting to know people.

This lesson covers French family vocabulary in detail.

  • le père father
  • la mère mother
  • le frère brother
  • la soeur sister
  • le fils son
  • la fille daughter
  • le bébé baby
  • l’enfant child
  • le grand-père grandfather
  • la grand-mère grandmother
  • le cousin, la cousine cousin
  • l’oncle uncle
  • la tante aunt

French adjectives

Adjectives are describing words. For example, “a big house” or “an intelligent girl”.

The French rules for adjectives are very complex as the adjective must agree in number and gender with the noun (the thing) it’s describing (talking about).

The -e in parenthesis below indicates the feminine form of the adjective.

This page covers French adjectives and rules in detail.

  • grand(e) big
  • petit(e) little
  • bon (bonne) good
  • mauvais(e) bad
  • beau (belle) beautiful
  • joli(e) pretty
  • jeune young
  • vieux (vieille) old
  • heureux (heureuse) happy
  • triste sad

French colors

Learning the colors is very important for describing the things we see. Colors are also adjectives as they are description words.

This page covers French colors in detail.

  • Rouge red
  • Orange orange
  • Jaune yellow
  • Blanc white
  • Noir black
  • Bleu blue
  • Vert green

Question words

Question words are words used for seeking information when asking a question. For example: Who, what, where, when and why.

  • Quel (Quelle) which
  • Qui who
  • Quoi what
  • where
  • Quand when
  • Why pourquoi

Words about time

Words about time include days of the week, months and times of day.

The following is just a sample of these words. These pages cover these words in detail: Telling time and months and days of the week,

  • Aujourd’hui today
  • Hier yesterday
  • L’heure hour
  • Le temps time
  • Quelle heure what time
  • Midi noon
  • Minuit midnight
  • Lundi Monday
  • Mardi Tuesday
  • Mercredi Wednesday
  • Jeudi Thursday
  • Vendredi Friday
  • Samedi Saturday
  • Dimanche Sunday
100+ Most Important French Words For Fluency (With Audio) (5)

Food and drinks vocabulary

It’s nice to learn a few food words. This page offers a very complete list of French food vocabulary.

  • le pain bread
  • la viande meat
  • le lait milk
  • le fromage cheese
  • le poulet chicken
  • la salade salade
  • la pomme apple
  • la pomme de terre potatoe
  • le riz rice
  • le gâteau cake
  • l’eau water
  • le café coffee

Names of places

It’s important to know how to say the names of places. Here’s a list of frequently used words.

  • le pays country
  • l’état state
  • la ville city
  • le village town
  • l’école school
  • l’église church
  • la maison house
  • le bureau office
  • le supermarché supermarket
  • la poste post office
  • la bibliothèque library
100+ Most Important French Words For Fluency (With Audio) (6)

Clothing words

Here’s a brief list of some clothing words. This page covers clothing vocabulary in detail.

  • la chemise shirt
  • le pantalon pants
  • la jupe skirt
  • la robe dress
  • le chemisier blouse
  • le pull sweater
  • les chaussures shoes
  • les chaussettes socks


We hope we have helped to provide a comprehensive overview of the most common French words. We have summarized our top-10 list in the following table.

FrenchEnglishPronunciation and comments
OuiYesPronounced "wee". "Mais oui!" Means of course!
NonNoPronounced "nɔ̃" or nasal "on". Non, je n'aime pas le fromage. No, I don't like cheese.
MerciThank youPronounced "mer-see". Merci beaucoup means "Thank you very much".
JeIPronounced "ʒə" or "juh". Je parle français! I speak French!
Tu/vousYou (informal), You (plural and formal)Tu = ty, vous = vu or vou. This page covers pronunciation of tu.
le, la, lesThePronounced "luh", "lah" and "lay". When you want to say "the" all nouns require one of these words.
Un, une, desA, an, somePronounced "uhn", "yn" and "day". Nouns require these articles as well.
le, la, lesIt, themPronounced "luh", "la" and "les". These are covered in this object pronoun lesson.
EtAndPronounced "ay" and never "et". Et never has a liason in French.
MaisButPronounced "may". Liason rule can apply to mais.

More lessons:

  • French for beginners – how to get started
  • French vocabulary lists
  • French grammar lessons

More resources:

100+ Most Important French Words For Fluency (With Audio) (7)

100+ Most Important French Words For Fluency (With Audio) (2024)


What are the 100 most used words in French? ›

100 Most Common List of French Words
  • le (det.) the; (pron.) him, her, it, them.
  • de (det.) some, any; (prep.) of, from.
  • un (det.) a, an; (adj., pron.) one.
  • à (prep.) to, at, in.
  • être (verb) to be; (noun [m. ]) being.
  • et (conj.) and.
  • en (prep.) in, by; (adv., pron.)
  • avoir (verb) to have; (noun [m. ]) assets.

How many French words should I know to be fluent? ›

It is estimated that you have to learn 5000 words to be fluent in French. Be selective and learn the 5000 most used words in French! Think about it. Some words are more valuable than others.

Is 5000 words enough to speak French? ›

The more words you know, the better. In fact, it's estimated that you need to know around 5,000 words to be fluent in French, although native speakers will often know up to 30,000! That's a lot of words, making vocabulary learning a bit of a numbers game.

Is 1000 words enough to speak French? ›

With a 5,000-word active vocabulary, learners should be able to understand and use more and more French every day. Better yet, since you've probably come across a lot of French words at this point, you should have a considerable passive vocabulary as well—which should be much larger than 5,000 words.

Why is there no word for 80 in French? ›

There are three words for 80 in French. The prevalent form, 'quatre-vingts,' meaning 'four twenties,' is used in France, Belgium, Canada and marginally in the canton of Geneva in Switzerland. It is based on the vigesimal system (based on 20 as opposed to the decimal system, based on 10).

How to say 100 1000 in French? ›

Learn the big French numbers: hundreds, thousands, millions, billions, and trillions.
  1. 100 to 999. 100. cent. 200. deux cents. 300. trois cents. 400. quatre cents. 500. cinq cents. 600. six cents. 700. sept cents. 800. huit cents. 900. neuf cents. ...
  2. 2 Responses. Charlie LeRoyer 15 November 2016 / 13:16. lkl 15 November 2016 / 13:17.

How long does it take to learn French fluently? ›

C1 level: 700 to 800 hours of learning. At this level, you might be able to communicate in most situations, being fluent in French. C2 level: 1000 to 1200 hours of learning. This level is focused on mastering the language, making you able to communicate in really specific situations and fields of study.

How many years does it take to speak French fluently? ›

So, according to the CEFR, conversational fluency develops at the B2 level after 540-620 hours of deliberate practice. This goal is attainable in 12-24 months with consistent hard work. Another institution, the United States Foreign Service Institute (FSI), estimates that fluency requires 600 or more classroom hours.

How many months does it take to learn French fluently? ›

You might take around 6 and 9 months to achieve a B1 level if you engage in 10 hours each week for your French studies. It might take you longer, possibly up to a year or more, if you are starting from scratch and have no prior knowledge of the language.

How many words does the average French person know? ›

In most cases, it will then be possible to fill in any blanks through contextual awareness. However, it is estimated that a truly fluent French speaker knows around 3,000 words.

How many words is B2 in French? ›

How many words should you know at each stage of language learning?
1 more row
Feb 16, 2021

Is it possible to be fluent in 15 languages? ›

Even Ziad Fazah – who is considered to be one of the most skilled living polyglots – is said to be able to speak 15 languages fluently without any preparation, with his proficiency in the others being unknown.

Is French spoken more quickly than English? ›

Compared to English, Spanish tends to be faster in speech. For example, the Spanish word “amigo” (friend) has one less syllable than its English counterpart. Watch a post from Sam Gratton that explains a little bit about it. French lags just a little far behind with a rate of 7.18 syllables per second.

Is it impressive to speak 7 languages? ›

A person who can speak four or more languages is multilingual. Only three percent of people around the world can speak over four languages. Less than one percent of people worldwide are proficient in many languages. If someone is fluent in more than five languages, the person is called a polyglot.

Do you say 100 in French? ›

and for 90 remember that there are 4 times 20 plus 10 = "quatre-vingt-dix ” Finally, to say 100 in French, say “cent”

What are the 50 verbs in French? ›

The 50 most common French verbs: a list
4faireto do
5mettreto put, place
6diresay, tell
7devoirhave to, must, owe
45 more rows

What are 50 French words and phrases? ›

50 Frequently Used French Phrases
attendez-nous làwait for us there
je suis arrivéI have arrived (m)
je suis désoléI am sorry (m)
je suis perduI'm lost (m)
je suis près deI am close to
44 more rows

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