150 Best Money Manifestation Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance (2024)

Want to manifest more money, wealth, and abundance into your life? There are many manifestation methods, but affirmations are one of the best ways to do just this! Use these 150 Best Money Manifestation Affirmations to attract wealth and abundance.

150 Best Money Manifestation Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance (1)

What Are Money Manifestation Affirmations?

Affirmations are positive statements that help you manifest what you want into your life. And if you’re here, you want more money and/or abundance!

Here at The Chic Life, we do a practical-meets-woo approaching to manifestation:

  • From a woo perspective: using money manifestation affirmations helps you align to the energy of money. With Law of Attraction – like attracts like. So by aligning to the energy of wealth, abundance, and financial success, you will attract that to you like a magnet.
  • From a practical perspective: using money manifestation affirmations can help you re-write negative thoughts you may have about money and/or re-wire your subconscious mind for positive money thoughts. Thoughts become things, so it’s important to choose the thoughts that align to your ideal reality.

Whether you’re more into the practical or woo, affirmations are a powerful tool to bring more wealth and abundance into your life.

How to Use Money Affirmations

There are many ways to successfully use money affirmations. Here are some of my faves:

  • Use a sticky note: Write your current favorite money affirmation on a sticky note, put it somewhere you’ll see it frequently (bathroom mirror, fridge, door, etc.) and say it out loud when you see it.
  • Pivot negative thoughts: If you have a negative thought about money, pivot your thoughts and put more energy into one of the powerful wealth affirmations below.
  • Build positive energy: Use a positive affirmation to increase positive emotions and build magnetic, positive energy within you as it relates to money and abundance. Emotions can make a big difference in what you attract to your life.
  • Do daily affirmations: Choose one of the affirmations below to use on a daily basis, saying it to yourself throughout the day. Choose a new affirmation the next day and repeat.

As long as using affirmations is generating positive energy for money, wealth, and abundance for you, they’re working!

150 Best Money Manifestation Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance (2)

150 Best Wealth and Abundance Affirmations to Attract Money

Use your favorite money manifestation affirmation below to call in wealth and abundance in all areas of your life.

Below, you will find 150 powerful affirmations to manifest money, wealth, and abundance in the following categories:

  • Affirmations to Attract Money / Money Flow Affirmations
  • Money Mindset Affirmations
  • Positive Affirmations for Wealth, Money, and Abundance
  • Affirmations for Managing Money
  • Affirmations to Manifest Being Rich and Wealthy
  • Making Money Affirmations / Affirmations for Financial Success
  • Affirmations for Career and Money
  • Money and Business Affirmations (For Entrepreneurs and Business Owners)

Add your favorites to your daily affirmations and call more money to your life now!

Affirmations to Attract Money / Money Magnet Affirmations

Overcome limiting beliefs about money and open the flood gates to receive money with the ease of a powerful magnet with these:

150 Best Money Manifestation Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance (3)

I am a money magnet

I attract wealth

My bank account grows every day

Money flows to me with ease

I receive money in unexpected ways for my highest good and the good of all

Money flows to me from all directions

I attract money magnetically

150 Best Money Manifestation Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance (4)

I effortlessly attract wealth and abundance

My wealth increases every single day

Money comes to me in unexpected ways

I am aligned to the frequency of money, so I attract it with ease

The money I spend will always be replaced with more

I attract money in miraculous ways

Money makes me feel good

150 Best Money Manifestation Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance (5)

I love watching my bank account grow

The money is on the way

I easily align to the frequency of money

I am a magnet for wealth and prosperity

The Universe always provides money when I need it

150 Best Money Manifestation Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance (6)

I attract money

I am so happy and grateful for money to flow to me so easily

Money flows to me effortlessly

Money Mindset Affirmations

Overcome scarcity mindset and foster a positive money mindset with these money manifestation affirmations.

I love money

Money is energy

I am worthy of all the money I desire

150 Best Money Manifestation Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance (7)

I love money, and money loves me

Money is good

I am worthy of financial abundance

I welcome wealth and abundance with open arms

Financial blessings happen easily for me

150 Best Money Manifestation Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance (8)

Money is my friend

There is plenty of money in the world

I deserve money

It’s safe to be wealthy

I am grateful for the money I have

I release all negativity I have associated with money and wealth

Money helps me make a positive impact

150 Best Money Manifestation Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance (9)

I love being rich

I easily align to the frequency of wealth

I have an abundant mindset

Welcoming money with open arms is my jam

I am abundant AF

I have all the money I need to do everything I want in life

Money is a limitless resource

150 Best Money Manifestation Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance (10)

Wealth, money, and abundance come easily to me

It’s safe for me to keep money

I always have enough money

Money is everywhere

I deserve to be rich

I always have enough money to do everything I want and live my life the way I choose

Wealthy is my natural state of being

150 Best Money Manifestation Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance (11)

I achieve my money goals with ease

Positive Affirmations for Wealth and Abundance

Manifest abundance and wealth by directing your mind with positive thinking about money. Use these money manifestation affirmations to help.

I am so happy and grateful for all the ways I am blessed by wealth and abundance

Having money is a good thing

I can do wonderful things with money

150 Best Money Manifestation Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance (12)

I use money in positive ways

Thank you, Universe/God/your higher power, for all the ways my life is abundant

I choose positive thoughts when I think about money

I am grateful for every dollar I receive

I have a heathy relationship with money

I am worthy of the wealth I choose

The world is an abundant place

I am healthy, wealthy, and happy

I enjoy financial abundance

There is plenty of money to go around

I use money to make the world a better place

My financial dreams are coming true

Affirmations for Managing Money

A common challenge for people manifesting money is getting it but not keeping it or feeling like you can’t manage it. Managing money can be easy and natural for you so you keep it, grow it, and keep it coming!

150 Best Money Manifestation Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance (13)

I’m good with money

I’m an excellent money manager

I use money well

Having money makes me feel good

I overcome money obstacles with ease

I am responsible with money

Managing money well comes easily to me

I manage money wisely

I save money

150 Best Money Manifestation Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance (14)

Investing in myself is a good idea

I use money responsibly

I love seeing lots of money in my bank accounts

I pay my bills on time

My attitude of gratitude for money attracts even more wealth to my life

150 Best Money Manifestation Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance (15)

I am debt free

I can handle all the money that flows my way

It’s safe for me to have lots of money

I love my financial freedom

I always have money

Responsibly using my money comes easy to me

Affirmations to Manifest Being Rich and Wealthy

Ready to up your net worth and enjoy your richest, most wealthy life? Your time is now! Call it in with these:

150 Best Money Manifestation Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance (16)

I am rich

I enjoy being wealthy

150 Best Money Manifestation Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance (17)

Being wealthy looks good on me

I am abundant

150 Best Money Manifestation Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance (18)

My bank account is overflowing

I am wealthy and successful

I make a positive impact with my wealth

150 Best Money Manifestation Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance (19)

I am abundant in all areas of my life

Being rich is fun

I enjoy my abundance

I am the first millionaire of my family

My wealth uplevels every year

150 Best Money Manifestation Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance (20)

I am financially free

My life is abundant

I was born to be rich

I am rich in all areas of my life

Financial abundance is meant for me

I am lucky with money

Money is my vibe

150 Best Money Manifestation Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance (21)

I am a millionaire

I am a billionaire

I easily afford anything I want

I am prosperous

150 Best Money Manifestation Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance (22)

Rich is my vibe

I was born to be wealthy

Making Money Affirmations / Affirmations for Financial Success

Take your financial situation to the next level of abundance by calling in more money with these money manifestation affirmations.

Opportunities are all around for me

I create new ways for money to flow to me abundantly

150 Best Money Manifestation Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance (23)

The more fun I have, the more money I make

There is no limit to the money I can make

150 Best Money Manifestation Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance (24)

I make money in my sleep

They money I invest in myself comes back to me multiplied

I attract opportunities

My thoughts and actions are aligned to calling in money with ease

There are unlimited ways for money to flow to me

Making money is easy for me

I can make as much money as I choose, however I choose

150 Best Money Manifestation Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance (25)

All the money I desire flows to me with ease

I make money while I play

New ways to make money open up to me freely

“I step into the Winner’s Circle now” ~Louise Hay

Financial success comes easily to me

I make <insert amount> per year
Note: Insert your ideal salary / annual money received.

It’s safe for me to make money

I can make money from anywhere

When I have fun, I make money with ease

Wealthy Career Affirmations

Improve your career wealth / 9to5 financial life with these money manifestation affirmations:

I am grateful for my paycheck

150 Best Money Manifestation Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance (26)

I make six figures a year

I got a raise at work

My work bonus was bigger than I ever could have imagined

My job pays me well

My career brings me wealth and happiness

150 Best Money Manifestation Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance (27)

I am so happy and grateful to be working my dream job

I can have whatever salary I choose

Money and Business Affirmations (For Entrepreneurs and Business Owners)

Ready for your business to make a lot of money? Sell out your products and programs and embrace your success with these affirmations.

I can make money any way I choose

“My work is of high service and worthy of massive compensation” ~Amanda Frances

150 Best Money Manifestation Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance (28)

I charge what I’m worth and am confident in my value

150 Best Money Manifestation Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance (29)

Everything I touch turns to gold

I get paid for being me

My launches always sell out

I make money doing anything I want anywhere I want

People love to pay me

150 Best Money Manifestation Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance (30)

I make $10k a month
Note: Adjust this for whatever amount you want to make each month.

I create multiple pathways for money to flow to me


Summary: Money Manifestation Affirmations

150 Best Money Manifestation Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance (31)

Money affirmations are a powerful tool to help you achieve your financial goals, foster an abundance mindset, manifest small and large sums of money, and bring more abundance to your life, in general.

Positive affirmations can help you from both a woo and practical POV.

On the former, affirmations can help you communicate your money goals and desires to the Universe / God / your Higher Power to call them in through the Law of Attraction.

On the latter, this list of money affirmations can assist you with overcoming negative self-talk and building a healthy relationship with money so you can more easily take practical steps to bring more money to your life.

Either way, I hope these affirmations help you manifest the most abundant and wealthy life of your dreams.


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Hope you enjoyed my blog post: 150 Best Money Manifestation Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance. I had so much fun putting together this list of my favorite money affirmations for you!

Which affirmation is your fave? Comment below!

150 Best Money Manifestation Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance (2024)


What do I say when manifesting money? ›

Effective Money Manifestation Affirmations

I am worthy of receiving abundance in all areas of my life, including finances.” “My bank account is constantly growing, and I am financially secure.” “I release all limiting beliefs about money and embrace a mindset of abundance.”

Do money affirmations really work? ›

Money affirmations are more than optimistic phrases; they are key to unlocking a positive financial mindset. Repeating these affirmations means you're not just speaking to the universe; you're rewiring your brain. You begin dismantling long-held beliefs of scarcity and replacing them with an abundance mindset.

What is the powerful mantra for money attraction? ›

Mantra: Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Shreem Kleem Vitteshvaraya Namaha|| (ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं क्लीं श्रीं क्लीं वित्तेश्वराय नमः॥) When you chant this mantra, you invoke the God of prosperity and the Lord who fights and destroys demons.

What is the number of attracting money? ›

Number 9 is associated with abundance, generosity, and humanitarian pursuits. It is believed that by sharing wealth and resources, individuals can attract more abundance into their lives.

What colors attract money? ›

Attracting Money: Decorate in Red, Purple or Green

Think of walking the red carpet or wearing a red power tie," explains Laura. Purple and green are also key colors for attracting prosperity but there's a hitch. "If you really can't stand the color green, it won't work for you.

What Colour manifests money? ›

What color represents wealth? Green is often associated with wealth, as it is the color of money in many countries. Additionally, gold and purple are also sometimes associated with luxury and abundance.

What should you not say when manifesting? ›

"Can't" and "impossible": These words imply a lack of belief in your ability to manifest your desires. By using them, you introduce doubt and limit the potential of what you can attract into your life. Replace them with empowering statements that affirm your capability to achieve your goals.

How long does it take for positive affirmations to work? ›

How long does it take positive affirmations to work? For me, I honestly saw results within a few days. Very quickly I started nipping negative thoughts in the bud which had a huge impact on my day, my positive and whole outlook. I didn't expect to see results as quickly as I did.

What happens if you listen to positive affirmations everyday? ›

Positive affirmations are a self-help strategy that puts that saying into practice. These daily sayings can help you overcome self-doubt, self-sabotage and fear. Psychologist Lauren Alexander, PhD, explains how daily positive affirmations can help you face the world with a belief in yourself and your abilities.

Which stone attracts money? ›

Citrine – Known as the "Merchant's Stone" or "Success Stone," Citrine is highly regarded for its ability to attract wealth and success.

How to pray for wealth? ›

"Dear God, I pray for abundance and financial prosperity in my life. Please bless me with the resources and opportunities to achieve my financial goals and provide for myself and my loved ones."

How to manifest abundance? ›

When you take away the need to look for lack and instead look for abundance, abundance becomes what you see. Your true abundance starts with your belief system, so choose to see through the lens of love. Choose to reach for a thought that makes you feel even subtly better than the one you just had.

What is an abundance affirmation? ›

Abundance Definition:

Abundance is the opposite of lack. It is an outpouring of bounty. So abundance affirmations usually refer to positive statements that are related to an overflow of wealth, money, prosperity, success. 13 Ways on How to Build Confidence for Network Marketing Success.

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Name: Carmelo Roob

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.