20 Ways to Save on Medical Bills (2024)

For most Americans, healthcare is a top personal and financial priority. Unfortunately, provider billing mistakes combined with the skyrocketing cost of healthcare services, health insurance premiums, and prescription drugs can create real financial concerns. The good news is that there are ways to keep your medical bills in check.

Key Takeaways

  • Saving money on medical bills can be done by wisely choosing providers, such as using in-network care providers and asking for discounts.
  • Other ways to cut costs include using generic prescriptions and getting mail-order drugs.
  • Billing errors can increase your costs as well, thus, it pays to audit your medical bills and establishing a relationship with billing offices.
  • Using medical marijuana in lieu of some prescription drugs may save you money, if you are uninsured.
  • Urgent care centers are often less expensive than going to the emergency room of a hospital.

Choosing Providers and Pricing

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, most Americans (91.7%) have health insurance coverage to pay for the majority of their healthcare services. However, even if you have health insurance, you can still comparison shop for healthcare just like any other purchase. Here are some tips on how to choose a provider and a price before getting socked with unexpected or larger-than-expected bills.

1. Use In-Network Care Providers

If you have a PPO (preferred provider option) health insurance plan, your insurer will pay for most of the cost (minus your co-pay) when you use a doctor or hospital that is part of the insurance company's preferred network of providers. If you use a doctor or hospital outside the provider network, you will have to pay a larger portion of the bill. The amount you'll pay will depend on the services and their cost, but PPOs will always cover a significantly lower portion if you go out of network.

2. Research Service Costs Online

With Americans having to pay for more of their healthcare costs, third-party health "infomediaries," organizations that advise consumers about treatment and provider options, are coming on the scene.

The approximate prices for medical services are available online from several locations, including consumer websites (such as HealthGrades.com and The Leapfrog Group), individual hospitals and insurance companies, and even the federal government. When you receive a diagnosis or recommendation for a procedure, do a little online research to become a more informed customer.

3. Ask for the Cost

You might be surprised to know that you can ask your doctor to give you an estimated cost for a procedure or service before scheduling an appointment. If the cost is too high for you, an excellent time to negotiate is before your appointment or seek treatment elsewhere. If it is a routine procedure or appointment, it may easy to "shop around" with other local doctors. In addition, you could ask for an installment plan to pay.

4. Ask About Options

Ask your physician if all the recommended tests or procedures are medically necessary, especially if you have to meet a high out-of-pocket deductible or co-pay.

5. Ask for a Discount

It is possible to negotiate a lower price for healthcare services, particularly if you are seeking a procedure or treatment offered by numerous other providers in your area.

6. Seek Out a Local Advocate

Professional healthcare advocates can provide you with information about local care options, help you obtain care, and resolve billing issues with your insurance company and/or healthcare providers.

7. Pay in Cash

While doctors might pull down some impressive yearly incomes, their offices are typically cash-poor. Doctors' offices will frequently discount bills for patients paying cash because it eliminates their need to file insurance claims and pay credit card transaction fees.

Trim Prescription Drug Costs

There are several ways you can save money on prescription drugs:

8. Use Generic Prescriptions

Since the FDA eased restrictions on pharmaceutical companies being able to advertise directly to consumers (called DTC advertising) in 1997, Americans have been bombarded with multi-million-dollar ad campaigns promoting name-brand drugs and treatments. According to FDA, generic drugs are as effective and safe as name-brand drugs and often cost significantly less.

9. Get Drugs by Mail or From Big-Box Retailers

You can sometimes find prescription drugs at reduced rates at warehouse club stores like Sam's Club. Several large retail chain stores also offer significant discounts (without health insurance), such as $4 for a 30-day supply or $10 for a 90-day supply on 300-400 popular generic drugs. You can also search for a mail order pharmacy or ask your doctor to recommend one where you can get a larger prescription package (e.g., a three-month supply instead of a typical one-month supply) for less.

10. Ask for an Over-The-Counter (OTC) Alternative

Your doctor or pharmacist can let you know if an OTC drug can treat your symptoms for less money.

The following section will show you how to save by watching for billing errors and working the system.

Always check your medical bill before paying it. Hospitals and medical offices may inadvertently overcharge you.

Watch for Billing Errors

When was the last time you reviewed your medical bills? Up to 80% of medical bills are incorrect, according to the advocates for transparent medical billing.

Reduce the likelihood of paying too much for your medical care by doing the following:

11. Ask for Itemized Bills

The explanation of benefits (EOB) statement you get in the mail does not contain a detailed breakdown of all costs charged to you for services and/or inpatient stay. Specifically, ask for an itemized bill, so you know exactly what you are being charged for.

12. Review Bills for Errors

Make sure that you actually received all of the services, medications, and other items on your bill. If you notice a discrepancy or error, request copies of your medical chart and/or pharmacy ledger so that you can compare the doctor's orders for services on your bill.

13. Ask for Audits of Your Medical Bills

Insurance claim processors can make mistakes resulting in incorrect billing even for services and medications you received. Your healthcare provider's claim managers can review your case and correct any billing errors.

14. Review Your Insurance Coverage

Your health insurance policy manual outlines which charges are "covered" versus "not covered." All covered expenses should be paid for by the health insurance company. The EOB form you receive from your insurance company will note if a service was covered or not.

15. Establish a Relationship With the Billing Office

Most doctors' offices have a professional billing staff or finance department that handles all patient billing questions and concerns and interactions with insurance companies.

If you are having difficulty with your medical bills, schedule an appointment with your doctor's billing office. They should be able to review your bills, explain your health insurance benefits, direct you to other resources to maximize your insurance benefits, and help you obtain less-costly drugs and services.

16. Use a Professional Bill Reviewer

If you just can't make heads or tails of the bills' codes and costs, contact a professional bill reviewer who knows hospital diagnoses and procedure codes and can determine if you have been incorrectly billed or overcharged for the care you received.

Signing up for a health savings account (HSA) or flexible spending account (FSA) are two ways to save money on medical and healthcare costs.

Managing Medical Bills

Reducing your medical bills or restructuring your payment schedule can be fairly simple if you're willing to take an active approach.

17. Negotiate With Your Doctor's Office

You can often get a discount on services simply by asking. In today's increasingly competitive healthcare industry, keeping customers is in a provider's long-term interest. It can't hurt to ask for a discount to get your business.

18. Create a Payment Plan

If you can't pay your bill in full and on time, ask the billing-office staff if they will work with you to create a plan enabling you to make smaller, more manageable payments over an extended period of time.

19. Talk to Your Insurance Company

If you're having trouble paying your medical bills, there may be a different health insurance plan better suited to your needs. Co-pays, deductibles, annual maximums, and other fees can vary significantly between plans.

20. Establish a Health Savings Account

If you have a high-deductible health plan, you should consider opening a health savings account to save for items your health plan won't cover. The money you or your employer contribute to the account is tax-deductible, it grows tax-free, and the money you withdraw from the account is tax-free, too, as long as it goes toward a qualified medical expense.

Ways to Save on Medical Bills FAQs

Can You Claim a Tax Deduction for Medical Expenses?

If you itemize your deductions for a taxable year onSchedule A (Form 1040), Itemized Deductions, it might be possible to deduct medical and dental expenses you paid that year for yourself, your spouse, and even your dependents.

According to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). "You may deduct only the amount of your total medical expenses that exceed 7.5% of your adjusted gross income. You figure the amount you're allowed to deduct on Schedule A (Form 1040)."

How Much Can You Save on Medical Bills With a Flexible Spending Account?

According to the Federal Flexible Spending Account Program (FSAFEDS) website, an FSA, an account that lets you use pre-tax dollars, may save you on average 30% for your out-of-pocket medical costs.

Can You Save on Medical Bills by Using Urgent Care?

Maybe. It depends on your insurance and how much you have to pay out of pocket for an urgent care visit. However, visiting an urgent care is typically less expensive than going to the ER at a hospital.

Can Medical Marijuana Help You Save on Prescriptions?

A 2016 study released from the University of Georgia found that medical marijuana may lower the need for some prescription drugs like those used to treat depression, nausea, and pain. If you purchase medical marijuana to use in place of prescribed drugs, you might save some money, if you don't have insurance. The out of pocket cost for medical marijuana is generally lower than most prescription drugs. However, insurance pays for prescription drugs, but not medical marijuana, making prescriptions generally cheaper for those with health insurance.

Can You Save on Medical Bills by Going Vegan?

A vegan or vegetarian diet is often equated with overall better health, but it's not always truly healthier for everyone. It depends on the individual, their body and needs, and what they are eating as part of a vegan diet. Like other diets, it's not without its concerns and downsides. This same question and answer could be extend to other diet types. The field of nutrition is filled with a lot of debate as to what's the healthiest way to eat and how much of an impact it has. There is no telling for sure if eating healthy in some form would or would not save you money on your medical bills. However, one could argue if you are healthier, you may be less likely to develop chronic health problems, and that could lower your costs during your lifetime.

The Bottom Line

By taking the time to familiarize yourself with your insurance benefits, seek discounted services and drugs, review your bills and work closely with your healthcare providers' billing or finance staff, you can manage and even significantly decrease your medical bills.

Health savings accounts can be another way for some people to reduce healthcare costs. Some employers also offer cafeteria plans or flexible spending accounts that can help to offset various medical expenses.

20 Ways to Save on Medical Bills (2024)


20 Ways to Save on Medical Bills? ›

Offer to pay upfront.

If you can afford to pay a portion of the bill upfront, you can sometimes reduce medical bills by earning a discount. Many healthcare providers are more likely to offer a reduced rate if they know they will receive payment promptly.

What do I say to lower my medical bill? ›

Offer to pay upfront.

If you can afford to pay a portion of the bill upfront, you can sometimes reduce medical bills by earning a discount. Many healthcare providers are more likely to offer a reduced rate if they know they will receive payment promptly.

How do I ask for a discount on my hospital bill? ›

Reach out to the billing office to ask for a reduced fee. You can usually find their phone number on your bill. "Ask if you qualify for charity care or financial assistance programs," said Latham. "Just asking for this can often cut your debt in half.

How to handle large medical bills? ›

How to pay huge medical bills on a small income
  1. Ensure charges are accurate.
  2. Ask about a discount and negotiate the payment amount.
  3. Set up a payment plan.
  4. Find financial assistance.
  5. Look into medical credit cards.
  6. Consider a personal loan.
  7. Contact a medical bill advocate.
  8. Contact an attorney.
Dec 13, 2023

How to negotiate hospital bill script? ›

To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to negotiate the above medical bills because I am unable to pay the amount requested. Pursuing me for these bills will force me (and my family) into further financial hardship. This is where you explain your current financial situation and why you are unable to pay.

How do you negotiate a medical bill collection? ›

Unlike many other types of debt, medical bills can often be negotiated. See if your provider offers any discounts for things like paying as a lump sum (provided you can afford it). Many hospitals also have bill relief programs that can help decrease your bill if you meet certain criteria for financial assistance.

Do medical bills affect your credit? ›

Medical bills affect your credit score only if a collection agency gets involved. If you don't pay your bill and it becomes significantly past due, your health care provider may give up on collecting the debt from you and sell it to a collection agency.

Which of the following is not a strategy for lowering your medical bills? ›

Explanation: The strategy that is not for lowering medical bills is using an emergency savings fund.

How do I ask for an itemized bill? ›

Contact the billing department or office: Call the healthcare provider's office or the billing department directly to make your request. You can usually find the contact information on their website, on your billing statement, or on the medical records provided to you.

What is one way you can lower your health care costs? ›

A simple way to save money on health care is to stay healthy. Of course, that is sometimes easier said than done. But staying at a healthy weight, getting regular exercise, and not smoking lowers your risk for health problems.

What disqualifies you from the premium tax credit? ›

To be eligible for the premium tax credit, your household income must be at least 100 percent and, for years other than 2021 and 2022, no more than 400 percent of the federal poverty line for your family size, although there are two exceptions for individuals with household income below 100 percent of the applicable ...

Why is healthcare so expensive in the US? ›

There are many possible reasons for that increase in healthcare prices: The introduction of new, innovative healthcare technology can lead to better, more expensive procedures and products. The complexity of the U.S. healthcare system can lead to administrative waste in the insurance and provider payment systems.

How can I maximize my medical billing? ›

10 Expert Medical Billing Tips for Independent Practices
  1. Establish clear patient payment rules. ...
  2. Standardize billing procedures and rules for staff. ...
  3. Optimizing team proficiency in the billing process. ...
  4. Verify your patient's information. ...
  5. Speed up patient collection. ...
  6. Establish a patient communication workflow to follow up.
Feb 2, 2024

What happens if you can't afford healthcare in America? ›

In a worst-case scenario, you could be sued and have your wages garnished. You might even be forced into bankruptcy. The Commonwealth Fund's 2023 Health Care Affordability Survey found that 38% of people surveyed said they delayed or skipped needed healthcare or prescription drugs because they couldn't afford it.

What percentage of medical bills can be deducted? ›

How Much of the Expenses Can You Deduct? Generally, you can deduct on Schedule A (Form 1040) only the amount of your medical and dental expenses that is more than 7.5% of your AGI.

Can you negotiate health benefits? ›

Benefits you can typically negotiate include:

Better health benefits. Work flexibility like remote work, work-from-home or work-from-anywhere days, flexible hours, a 4 day work week, etc. A later start date. A sign-on bonus.

Why are medical bills so high? ›

There are many factors that contribute to the high cost of healthcare in the country. These include wasteful systems, rising drug costs, medical professional salaries, profit-driven healthcare centers, the type of medical practices, and health-related pricing.

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Name: Van Hayes

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.