5 NFL franchises with the cheapest tickets for 2022-23 NFL season ft. Cleveland Browns and New York Jets (2024)

Tickets for an NFL game are relatively expensive and the prices continue to increase each year. Even for the cheapest tickets for the upcoming NFL season, fans are expected to spend a minimum of $50. Moreover, the average price for most games exceeds $200 per ticket.

While NFL games aren't necessarily cheap, some teams offer prices that are much more affordable than others.

Here are the five teams with the lowest average ticket price ahead of the 2022-23 season.

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(Note: Averages include all seating in the stadium across home and away games, as estimated by The Sporting News through data generated by Ticket Smarter).

#5 Cleveland Browns - $282

5 NFL franchises with the cheapest tickets for 2022-23 NFL season ft. Cleveland Browns and New York Jets (8)

The Cleveland Browns ($282) are one of only five teams with an average ticket price below $300 ahead of the 2022-23 season. Their ticket prices have been among the lowest in the league for many years. This is probably due to how the team has struggled to consistently remain competitive.

5 NFL franchises with the cheapest tickets for 2022-23 NFL season ft. Cleveland Browns and New York Jets (9)

The Browns were active during the 2022 offseason, pulling off a blockbuster trade to acquire superstar quarterback Deshaun Watson. The team will be hoping he can elevate them to being Super Bowl contenders and subsequently make their tickets more valuable.

#4 Arizona Cardinals - $276

5 NFL franchises with the cheapest tickets for 2022-23 NFL season ft. Cleveland Browns and New York Jets (10)

The Arizona Cardinals have been aggressively improving their roster over the last couple of years by signing free agents and trading for players at various positions. They made it to the playoffs last season, but are aiming to advance further in the 2022-23 season.

Kyler Murray made the right choice choosing football over baseball and his latest contract extension is why...@ColinCowherd explains https://t.co/yfhbfZILec

The Cardinals made headlines during the 2022 offseason by making Kyler Murray the second-highest paid player in the league. With a strong roster, they will expect to be contenders next season under Kliff Kingsbury despite having some of the cheapest tickets on the market ($276).

#3 New York Jets - $265

5 NFL franchises with the cheapest tickets for 2022-23 NFL season ft. Cleveland Browns and New York Jets (11)

The New York Jets have failed to make it to the NFL playoffs in each of the last 11 seasons. This likely contributes to their tickets being some of the cheapest in the league.

The New York Jets are in a unique situation as they share their home stadium with the New York Giants. The Los Angeles Rams and Los Angeles Chargers are the only other pair of teams in the league to share a home city and home stadium.

While the Jets average the third lowest ticket prices ($265), the Giants have the 11th lowest.

#2 Jacksonville Jaguars - $258

5 NFL franchises with the cheapest tickets for 2022-23 NFL season ft. Cleveland Browns and New York Jets (13)

The Jacksonville Jaguars have traditionally struggled to maintain local support from their fan base relative to other NFL teams. They rank among the bottom three in the NFL in both average ticket prices ($258) as well as average attendance during their home games.

5 NFL franchises with the cheapest tickets for 2022-23 NFL season ft. Cleveland Browns and New York Jets (14)

The Jaguars were one of the most active teams in free agency. They added quality players on offense and defense, including Darious Williams and Evan Engram. If their new look, helmed by Doug Pederson, finds some success, their fan support will likely increase.

#1 Detroit Lions - $244

5 NFL franchises with the cheapest tickets for 2022-23 NFL season ft. Cleveland Browns and New York Jets (15)

Like the Jaguars, the Detroit Lions also rank in the bottom three in the NFL in both average ticket prices and total attendance in their home games. They are one of the oldest franchises in the entire league, but have traditionally struggled to find success.

"I don't think we've seen Goff's ceiling yet."@0Doseofdion on Jared Goff #OnePride https://t.co/UVdJyeefCQ

Not only have the Lions failed to ever win a Super Bowl ring, but they have never even appeared in the game. They are the only current NFC team that has never represented the conference in a Super Bowl.

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Edited by Nicolaas Ackermann


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5 NFL franchises with the cheapest tickets for 2022-23 NFL season ft. Cleveland Browns and New York Jets (2024)


Which NFL tickets are the cheapest? ›

Least Expensive NFL Tickets

As you can see below, the Indianapolis Colts are the least expensive team for the 2023 season based on the average list price on the secondary market. At $230, the Colts' average price is 9% lower than the number two team on the list, the Saints ($252).

What NFL team has cheapest season tickets? ›

Least Expensive NFL Season Tickets

The Detroit Lions, the Cleveland Browns, and the New York Jets are the three most common teams to see lower ticket prices due to recent results. Fans can sometimes even attend any of those franchises' home slates for as low as $300.

What is the best company to buy NFL tickets from? ›

Ticketmaster is the best place to buy NFL tickets to see your favorite team play live. As the Official Ticket Marketplace of the NFL, Ticketmaster has the best seats to every game, so you never miss a minute of the action.

What is the average price of a Jets ticket? ›

You can find New York Jets tickets for as low as $20.00, with an average price of $154.00.

Is it cheaper to buy NFL tickets day of? ›

Tickets on game day are 29% cheaper than average, yet only 4% of resale tickets are sold that day. The worst time to buy NFL tickets is 3+ months in advance. Fans paid 16% more than average when buying resale tickets 3 months or more in advance.

Which NFL team has the highest priced tickets? ›

Patriots have NFL's priciest 2023-24 ticket thus far; Buccaneers' prices plunge
RankGameAvg. Price
1Eagles at Patriots$1,022
2Steelers at Raiders (SNF)$688
3Packers at Raiders$634
4Jets at Raiders (SNF)$527
6 more rows
4 days ago

Who is the most expensive NFL ticket? ›

The most expensive ticket for any game available on SeatGeek is from another high-profile matchup, the Buccaneers at the Cowboys on Sunday night. For $3,125, you could be three rows back from Tom Brady and the Bucs' sideline at AT&T Stadium. But if you're OK with standing-room-only "seats," you can get in for $67.

Where is the most expensive place to watch an NFL game? ›

Most Expensive NFL Stadiums

The Las Vegas Raiders come in at No. 1 ($236.97) followed by the San Francisco 49ers ($205.75) and the Dallas Cowboys ($198). The Las Vegas Raiders also have the most expensive general admission ticket with an average cost of $153.47.

How much does it cost for a family of 4 to go to an NFL game? ›

The average cost for a family of four to attend an NFL game in the 2021 season is $568.18, an increase of $14.05 over last year, according to Team Marketing Report's NFL Fan Cost Index. The average NFL ticket is around $107, they say.

How much is a VIP ticket to a NFL game? ›

Super Bowl VIP Hospitality & Tailgate Party
VIP Hospitality & Tailgate PartiesPrice
Pre and post game VIP hospitality hosted by Pro Football Hall of Famers$1,575
Pre and post game Hall of Fame Experiences luxury hospitality$1,299
Pre game tailgate party with former professional athletes appearances.$600

What happens to unsold NFL tickets? ›

Any tickets that have not sold will be placed back into your account for your use. Unsold tickets aren't eligible for refunds, but you can still use the ticket(s) by removing the listing.

How to buy football tickets without getting scammed? ›

  1. Buy tickets at the venue box office.
  2. Buy tickets from authorized brokers and third party sellers, with verified contact information. ...
  3. Verify that the seller has a real physical addresses and phone numbers. ...
  4. Check the actual web address of the resale ticket seller. ...
  5. Search for negative reviews about the seller.

Is it better to sell NFL tickets on TicketMaster or StubHub? ›

Ticketmaster is great for those who purchased their tickets through their platform, and who want an easier time selecting the tickets they want to sell. StubHub, on the other hand, is the better option for selling tickets purchased from any platform, and it will allow sellers more flexibility with selling prices.

How much are the cheapest Jets tickets? ›

How much are Winnipeg Jets tickets? You can find Jets tickets for as low as $15.00, with an average ticket price of $85.00.

How much does it cost to buy and keep a private jet? ›

What Are the Ongoing Costs Associated With Owning a Private Jet? Ongoing costs with owning a private jet include maintenance, repairs, storage, fuel, and more. Costs can range between $500,000 to $1 million annually.

How much do private jets go for? ›

On average, you can expect to pay between $20 million and $30 million for a used ultra-long-range heavy jet and up to $65 million for a new model.

How to save money on NFL? ›

14 Ways To Save Big at NFL Games
  1. Wait Until Just Before the Game To Buy NFL Tickets. ...
  2. Choose a Less-Popular Opponent. ...
  3. Take a Road Trip and Attend an Away Game. ...
  4. Choose the Nosebleed Seats. ...
  5. Eat Before the Game. ...
  6. Take Your Own Snacks to the Game. ...
  7. Stay Sober. ...
  8. Take Public Transit to the Stadium.
Oct 6, 2022

Who determines NFL ticket prices? ›

Based on factors including the quality of the team, the day of the week, weather forecasts, and the visiting team, ticket prices are adjusted based on the perceived value of the event. If you live in New York, your ticket prices are likely to be higher than most other cities due to the popularity of local sports teams.

What is the cheapest NFL stadium? ›

The cheapest NFL stadium belongs to Lambeau Field, home of the Green Bay Packers. Opened on Sept. 29, 1957, the initial construction cost for the “Frozen Tundra” was $960,000.

What team sells the most tickets? ›

That mantle belongs to America's favorite team, the Dallas Cowboys. It's the sixth consecutive time the Cowboys have topped the list. Noteworthy, the second most in-demand team for the 2022 NFL season is Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

What's the cheapest Super Bowl ticket for 2023? ›

How much are tickets to see The Kansas City Chiefs vs The Philadelphia Eagles in Super Bowl LVII?
  • Cheapest ticket: $4,259.
  • Lower-level tickets: $5,007.
  • Average ticket: $6,783.
  • Most expensive single ticket premium: $28,788.
Feb 12, 2023

Which stadium is the tickets most expensive? ›

List of most expensive stadiums
RankStadiumInflation-adjusted cost (billion US$) in 2021
1SoFi Stadium$5.76 billion
2Allegiant Stadium$1.99 billion
3MetLife Stadium$2.11 billion
4Mercedes-Benz Stadium$1.66 billion
24 more rows

What is the most expensive NFL stadium to go? ›

What's the most expensive NFL stadium? SoFi Stadium, home of the Los Angeles Rams and Los Angeles Chargers, is the most expensive NFL stadium with a whopping reported cost of $4.9 billion to construct.

How much is a ticket to the Super Bowl? ›

Super Bowl Ticket Prices in 2023

Depending on the seats available, prices started just below $5,000 and went all the way up to around $36,000 for the most premium seats. Most of the available seats were in the lower range, making the average Super Bowl ticket for 2023 a hefty $8,000.

What is the difference between NFL game Pass and Sunday Ticket? ›

NFL+ and NFL Sunday Ticket are very different viewing options for football fans. Both streaming services come with live games, but NFL+ carries live in-market games, while NFL Sunday Ticket has live out-of-market games.

Are any NFL teams getting new uniforms in 2023? ›

Several NFL teams are getting new uniforms and helmets for the 2023 season, while others are changing current sets. The NFL dropped its one-helmet rule last year, prompting many teams to add an alternate helmet, with more sure to come.

What day does the 2023 NFL schedule come out? ›

The league has announced that the 2023 schedule will be released on Thursday, May 11 at 8 p.m. ET.

How to get into NFL games cheap? ›

Yes, you can get live mobile access to NFL Network with NFL+ (starting at $4.99 a month). Otherwise, most live TV streaming services offer NFL Network in their base plans or add-ons. The cheapest way to get NFL Network outside of NFL+ is with Sling TV's Blue plan for $40.00 a month.

What is the cheapest NFL team to watch? ›

Least Expensive NFL Tickets

As you can see below, the Indianapolis Colts are the least expensive team for the 2023 season based on the average list price on the secondary market. At $230, the Colts' average price is 9% lower than the number two team on the list, the Saints ($252).

What is the smallest NFL stadium? ›

The smallest stadium is Soldier Field with a capacity of 61,500. In their normal configurations, all of the league's 30 stadiums have a seating capacity of at least 60,000 spectators; of those, a majority (17) have fewer than 70,000 seats, while eight have between 70,000 and 80,000 and five can seat 80,000 or more.

What is the cheapest football team to buy? ›

NFL teams on average are worth $4.14 billion, 18 percent more than last year, with the cheapest team the Cincinnati Bengals at $2.84 billion, a new valuation study from Sportico reports.

How much is a hotdog at a NFL game? ›

The price of a hot dog at stadiums of the National Football League during the 2022 season ranged from just two U.S. dollars at the Atlanta Falcons to eight U.S. dollars for both Los Angeles franchises. Meanwhile, visitors to Soldier Field paid 7.5 U.S. dollars for a hot dog at Chicago Bears games.

How much does it cost a NFL player when they give away a football? ›

According to the NFL's schedule of infractions and fines, players are fined $7,210 for a first offense and $12,360 for a second offense. However, this fine is usually reserved for when players throw or kick the ball into the stands. It's all about safety and making sure there isn't a fight over who gets the ball.

What is the cheapest ticket to the Super Bowl? ›

How much did Super Bowl tickets cost in 2022? Multiple reports indicate the lowest "on location" price for the 2022 Super Bowl in Los Angeles started at $5,823. The cheapest Super Bowl tickets from SeatGeek, Vivid Seats, StubHub and the NFL Exchange averaged out to $4,366.

How much is a 50 yard line ticket for the Super Bowl? ›

You better break out the hammer and crack open that piggy bank. The most expensive standard-seating Super Bowl tickets (those not in club levels nor combined with other perks packages) on Ticketmaster are at the 50-yard line, in Section 108, Row 2. They cost $43,050.00 with fees included.

How much is a skybox at a NFL game? ›

CNBC.com notes that annual suite prices can stretch anywhere from $80,000 per box (the lowest price you'll pay at Indianapolis' Lucas Oil Stadium) to more than $900,000.

What is the cheapest NFL stadium prices? ›

What's the cheapest NFL stadium? The cheapest NFL stadium belongs to Lambeau Field, home of the Green Bay Packers. Opened on Sept. 29, 1957, the initial construction cost for the “Frozen Tundra” was $960,000.

Are NFL tickets cheapest the day of the game? ›

Typically, NFL tickets get cheaper closer to the date of the game. Buying tickets on the day of the game can save you up to 20%. A team's record, as well as their opponents, can strongly affect ticket prices. Game time temperature, on the other hand, has little influence on cost.

What is the most affordable NFL city? ›

Rent.com says Buffalo's low rental prices is one of the cheapest football cities in the United States, and is appealing to people who like the big city vibe, but has a slower pace and smaller size. Here are other football cities ranked: Cincinnati, Ohio. Green Bay, Wisconsin.

What NFL stadium has the cheapest food? ›

The Atlanta Falcons' stadium serves $5 beers, tied for the lowest-priced NFL stadium beers and the third-cheapest beers of stadiums across leagues. Mercedes-Benz Stadium is also tied for the second-cheapest hot dogs and soft drinks, with both selling for $2 a pop. It's the best stadium to visit for cheap football food.

How much is a beer at a Jets game? ›

On the other hand “the Jets, Falcons, and Lions lead the list for the most inexpensive beers, at a reasonable 5 dollars each.” And now (drum roll please) the NFL's stadium prices for one small beer in 2022…

Are tickets cheaper the day of game? ›

Researchers at personal finance website FinanceBuzz took data from 1.6 million NFL ticket transactions last season and analyzed when prices were cheapest. They found that buying an NFL ticket online from a third-party site like StubHub on the day of the game is typically 29% cheaper than buying it ahead of time.

Why are NFL tickets so expensive right now? ›

The Law of Demand Dictates the Price of NFL Tickets

Given that football stadiums have limited seating, the sellers are forced to raise prices to a point where only a few buyers capable of paying the additional charge can attend.

What is the smallest NFL team city? ›

Green Bay, Wisconsin, is the smallest market to have a major pro sports team because of a population of around 105,100. Many early NFL franchises were in small cities (like the Chicago Bears, who started in Decatur, Illinois, as the Decatur Stanleys).

What city has the smallest NFL stadium? ›

Soldier Field is the smallest NFL stadium with a standard capacity of 61,500. Completed in 2010, MetLife Stadium is located five miles west of New York City in East Rutherford, New Jersey, and is the home of the New York Giants and New York Jets.
Largest & Smallest NFL Stadiums.
StadiumMetLife Stadium
Team(s)Giants & Jets
29 more columns
Feb 13, 2023

What city has the smallest NFL franchise? ›

Green Bay Packers. The Green Bay Packers are the smallest market NFL team with a market size of 456,000 people. In fact, Green Bay is the smallest major league professional sports market in North America. And while their media market includes the greater Green Bay area, the city alone only contains 104,508 people.

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