6 Biggest and Most Powerful Fandom in the World (2024)

What makes a fan? The answer can be found either in the explanations of a fan or in the life of the characters that they adore. Fans are what every musician, painter, actor or director ever works for. The many fans that a piece of art or artist gathers around themselves, commands the future endeavours for the artist. Hence, some movies, TVseries and music groups achieve some of the biggest fandom in the world. It is not easy to move the public and having the biggest fandom in the world as it requires a lot of precision work that sometimes spans years. Which is why, many fail on the road to fandom.

The true joy is found by an artist when their art takes root in the minds of onlookers and becomes bigger than them. That is where a true fandom is found. Do you know what is considered the first biggest fandom in the world? They were the resolute followers of the belief that Sherlock Holmes is a real person. And with enough drudgery, one could acquire his skills. Today, not everyone might know the creator of Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, but everyone knows the high functioning detective.

When Holmes was ‘killed off’ in the story called ‘The Final Problem’ in 1893, it gave rise to public mourning demonstrations. That might be the proof of the first biggest fandom in the world. A large group of fans united by the same interests and discussion topics is what creates a fandom for a certain book, cinema or television series. Since 2010, many fandoms have formed around the world. They are fanatical about every little detail of a story, meanings behind songs and create fanfiction about their favourite character. So, from comics to popstars, here are the biggest fandoms in the world ranked:

1. ARMY - BTS Fandom

K-Pop has set the world afire in recent years and kids that don’t even understand the Korean language, have a strong religious liking towards BTS. The ARMY is the most powerful fandom in the world. Because it brought an end to the long reigning ‘beliebers’ group (fans of Justin Beiber). The reason why the ARMY came to be so popular is the short climb of BTS in being the first K-Pop group to win a place in the Billboards 200 Chart.

BTS ARMY surpassed the ‘beliebers’ when BTS won the Billboard Awards’ Top Social Artist with the largest ever, 300 million votes worldwide. Since then, there has been no stopping them. BTS fans have three handles on twitter- ‘BTS on Billboard’ to support the advances of BTS on the charts, ‘BTS Views’ to keep track of YouTube views and a third ‘BTS’ page to drive their efforts through hashtag votings on social media. Korean media suggests that the fanbase is so strong that it can influence marketing strategies and sales, they can even stop the sales of BTS based merch and put down trolls. What is the benefit of being the biggest fandom in the world if you can’t pull some strings? The social media and joint efforts of ARMY has enabled them to replant rainforests, acquire funds for LBGTQ+ refugees and other social causes. So, till a bigger contender comes along, the ARMY is marching on without halts.

2. Potterheads - Harry Potter Movie and Novel Fandom

There are still some of us in our late 20s waiting for our letter from Hogwarts. If there is a 90s kid that doesn’t know who Harry Potter is, they are certainly living under a rock, on a desolate island! J K Rowling’s creations - the boy who lived, the school of witchcraft and wizardry and one of the most terrifying villains in cinema – Lord Voldemort. All of these magical world imaginations gave a whole new level to fantasy writing and movies.

The world’s biggest Harry Potter fandom of Potterheads exploded when the first movie, The Sorcerer’s Stone, released in 2001. Before that, Harry Potter had its fandom within the reading circles. After the movies, however, first the British Isles and then the rest of the world went on to look for references in myths and legends for a real Hogwarts. While everyone was ready to fly a broom or open an account in Gringotts Bank, the Harry Potter movies also promoted the sales of the books heavily. Making Rowling one of the world’s biggest writers with a fandom. Today, after the final part of the movies has been released, Potterheads still meet in secret to enjoy butterbeer, discuss Hogwarts and show off their pet owls!

6 Biggest and Most Powerful Fandom in the World (1)

3. Marvel Zombies - Marvel Cinematic Universe Fandom

No, they are not drooling blood with blacked out eyes but their passion for Marvel makes them see everything through the Multiverse of Madness. The MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) kicked off as a shared universe between movies in 2010. When Captain America: The First Avenger was announced the fans of Marvel saw a great upcoming movie in the future.

For many true MCU fans, the universe began to take shape with Iron-Man itself, which was released in 2008. The MCU is the home of some of the biggest superheroes like Spiderman, the X-men, Iron-Man and Hulk. If you haven’t heard of even one of these superheroes, you’re probably using the internet for the first time today. In its ten years, the MCU has become a great superhero franchise amongst Marvel Zombies, which is the largest fictional fandom in the world.

The unbroken faith in the Avengers and the huge teen following of Spiderman, makes this cinematic universe an entertaining yet complex movie series. More so because of its hidden clues and easter eggs in every movie. With the MCU moving into its second phase of production, the Multiverse is yet to expand with new blood for the zombies.

6 Biggest and Most Powerful Fandom in the World (2)

4. Directioners - One Direction Fandom

The boy band might have gone in different directions but they left behind what today is the biggest fandom that a broken boyband can have. Directioners have always adored the boys of One Direction - Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson and Niall Horan. Zayn Malik is not considered a part of the band by the followers anymore, since he was the one who left first. In a way most directioners began to dislike Zayn, accusing him of being the reason 1D got disbanded. That is because after Zayn left in March 2015, the boyband took an extended break the same year in December, and never came back for another show. But Directioners are still the sweetest and most favourable fandom in the world.

5. Warsies - Star Wars Fandom

Star Wars can be easily considered one of the largest fandoms in the world. It might be one of the only fandoms that have people from all age groups including the boomers and the Gen Z. Star Wars was founded by George Lucas in 1976 as a multimedia company. Star Wars is now one of the biggest franchises that delves into all sorts of entertainment like comics, novels, movies, TV series, toys and video games.

The reason for its never-ending success is that it gives everyone, with different interests, something to talk about. Its archetypal themes that are derived from political climaxes, religious sentiments, spiritual significance and classical mythology have always been pondered upon. Which is why it is one of the most powerful and biggest fandoms in the world after BTS.

6. Narutards - Naruto Fandom

Animation has always been the starting point of everyone’s TV entertainment journey. While many people grow out of the animated genre, Naruto fans are the ones who understand that animation can be used to convey deeper, much more complex themes. Naruto is an anime surrounding the struggle of Naruto and his friends in becoming a Hokage (the strongest ninja in the village).

The best thing about Naruto fandom is that the Narutards are not revolving around the lead protagonist. All Naruto fans learn their life lessons, or so they say, from different characters like Kakashi, Sasuke, Pain, and many more. Among anime lovers, Naruto has the biggest fandom in the world because of its motivational themes, warrior fundamentals and life lessons of teamwork and unity.

There are fans all around the world that have their own interests. Some are addicted to the magical world of Hogwarts, some like to brag about Hulk being immortal, while others thrive to be a Jedi. Whatever the centre of the fandom, the fictional worlds and musical personas give the people a chance to come together despite political and religious differences. This is where art surpasses the limits of humanity.

Fandoms: Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones had a massive global following. The fandom was known for its passionate discussions about the intricate plot and memorable characters. While the series concluded, fans continue to explore the world of Westeros through books and spin-offs.

Fandoms: Star Trek

Star Trek fans, often referred to as Trekkies, are known for their unwavering support of the Star Trek franchise. They discuss the philosophical themes of the series, analyze alien cultures, and anticipate new Star Trek content.

Fandoms: Sherlock

Sherlock Holmes has a dedicated fanbase, with fans analyzing the detective's methods and debating various adaptations. The fandom eagerly anticipates new interpretations of the legendary detective.

Fandoms: Avatar - The Last Airbender

Avatar fans celebrate the show's deep characters, world-building, and thematic depth. They engage in discussions about the elements, bending, and the lessons the series imparts.

Fandoms: Pokémon: Legends Unleashed

Pokémon fans eagerly explore new regions, capture Pokémon, and engage in battles. They follow the games, TV series, and collectables, and the franchise continues to evolve with each generation.

Fandoms: Stranger Things

Stranger Things enthusiasts celebrate the show's 80s nostalgia, supernatural mysteries, and endearing characters. They eagerly await new seasons and delve into fan theories.

Fandoms: Minecraft

Minecraft players and fans create intricate worlds, share mods, and participate in collaborative projects. The sandbox game fosters creativity and innovation.

Fandoms: DC Comics

The DC Comics fandom, which includes fans of Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and more, passionately discusses the comic book universe, movie adaptations, and iconic characters.

Fandoms: Supernatural

Supernatural fans celebrate the show's blend of horror, humor, and family dynamics. They continue to cherish the Winchester brothers' adventures and explore the supernatural world.

The Diversity of Fandoms:

Fandoms are incredibly diverse, covering a wide range of genres and interests. While some are drawn to the magical world of Harry Potter or the epic battles of Star Wars, others find their passion in anime, K-pop, or even historical dramas. The diversity of fandoms reflects the vast array of interests and passions that people have. Whether you're into science fiction, fantasy, music, or sports, there's likely a fandom out there for you to join.

Fandom Events and Conventions:

One of the most exciting aspects of being part of a fandom is the opportunity to attend conventions and events. These gatherings bring fans together from around the world to celebrate their shared interests. Events like Comic-Con, Star Wars Celebration, and Anime Expo feature celebrity appearances, exclusive merchandise, panel discussions, cosplay competitions, and more. They provide fans with a chance to immerse themselves in their favorite worlds and connect with fellow enthusiasts.

The Impact of Fandom on Creators:

Fandoms can have a profound impact on the creators of the source material. Producers, authors, and directors often listen to fan feedback and take fan opinions into account. In some cases, fan enthusiasm has even led to the revival of canceled TV shows or the creation of new content within a franchise. This relationship between creators and fans demonstrates the power of passionate communities in shaping the entertainment industry.

Fandom Charity Work:

Many fandoms also engage in charitable activities. Fans often come together to support various causes and make a positive impact on the world. For example, Harry Potter fans have created the "Harry Potter Alliance," a group that focuses on social and political activism. Such charitable efforts demonstrate how fandoms can go beyond their interests and use their collective power for good.

Fandom in the Digital Age:

The internet and social media have played a significant role in the growth and global reach of fandoms. Online platforms, such as Reddit, Tumblr, and Twitter, have become hubs for fan discussions, fan art sharing, and fan fiction. Fans can connect with like-minded individuals from different parts of the world, share their creations, and stay updated on the latest news and rumors surrounding their favorite franchises.

The Future of Fandoms:

Fandoms are continually evolving, adapting to new technologies and trends. Virtual reality, live streaming, and other innovations are changing how fans interact with their favorite content. The future of fandoms will likely be shaped by emerging technologies and the changing landscape of entertainment.


In the vast landscape of entertainment and pop culture, fandoms serve as powerful testaments to the impact stories, characters, and experiences have on our lives. They're not just groups of fans; they're supportive, creative communities that come together to celebrate shared passions. The 15 biggest fandoms we've explored here are just the tip of the iceberg in the world of fan culture.

Fandoms aren't just about the shows, movies, games, or books they love; they're about the connections they form, the creativity they inspire, and the enthusiasm they spread across the globe. These passionate communities are a testament to the profound influence of storytelling and how it brings people from all walks of life together.

Whether you're a Potterhead lost in the magical world of Hogwarts, an ARMY swayed by the rhythms of BTS, or a Trekkie boldly exploring the final frontier, the world of fandom welcomes you with open arms. It's a place where you can share your love, discuss your theories, and dive into the rich worlds created by authors, filmmakers, and game developers.

So, if you're not already part of a fandom, consider exploring one. Engage with fellow fans on social media, attend fan conventions, create fan art or fan fiction, and experience the power of passionate communities. Just remember to respect each other's opinions, keep the discussions civil, and have fun celebrating the stories and characters you hold dear. Fandoms are not just fan clubs; they are families where your shared love turns into shared strength.


1.What is the world's biggest fandom?

Answer: The world's biggest fandom can vary depending on the criteria, but notable contenders include BTS's ARMY, Harry Potter's Potterheads, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Marvel Zombies.

2.How do I become part of a fandom?

Answer: To become part of a fandom, start by exploring the content, engaging with fellow fans on social media or fan forums, attending fan conventions, and creating fan art or fan fiction.

3.What is the most powerful fandom in the world?

Answer: The most powerful fandom can be subjective, but it often relates to the level of dedication, influence, and community engagement. Fandoms like BTS's ARMY and the Harry Potter fandom are often considered powerful.

4.Are there any negative aspects to fandom culture?

Answer: While fandoms are primarily positive communities, they can sometimes experience conflicts, disagreements, or fan controversies. It's essential to maintain respect and civility within fandoms.

5.What is a fandom?

Answer: A fandom is a community of passionate fans who share a common interest in a particular form of entertainment, such as movies, TV series, books, video games, or music. Fandoms are known for their enthusiasm and engagement with the source material.

6.How do fandoms express their passion?

Answer: Fandoms express their passion through various means, including attending conventions, creating fan art and fan fiction, cosplaying as their favorite characters, participating in online forums and discussions, and organizing fan events.

7. Which is the largest and most influential fandom?

Answer: The size and influence of a fandom can vary depending on the source material and its global popularity. Some of the largest and most influential fandoms include those associated with franchises like Harry Potter, Star Wars, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).

8. Are fandoms exclusive to certain age groups?

Answer: Fandoms are not exclusive to any particular age group. Fans of all ages can participate in fandom communities. Some fans may have grown up with the source material, while others discover it later in life.

9. How do fans contribute to the success of a franchise?

Answer: Fans contribute to the success of a franchise by actively supporting it through merchandise purchases, attending movie premieres, watching TV series, and creating fan content. Their enthusiasm and engagement can help maintain and expand the fan base.

10. What role does social media play in fandoms?

Answer: Social media platforms play a significant role in connecting fans from around the world. Fans use social media to share their passion, discuss the latest developments, and even influence the direction of their favorite franchises.

6 Biggest and Most Powerful Fandom in the World (2024)
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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.