7 Most Watched Sports in India  (2024)

Apr 29, 2023, 12:36 AM IST

Riya Teotia


Cricket is India's most popular sport. It is strongly ingrained in the culture and tradition of the country. Although the sport was first introduced to India during the British rule, it has since become an important part of the country's history, culture, and tradition.


Kabaddi, India's second most popular sport, has been played and watched since ancient times. However, thanks to the government's and sports department's attention and the rise of world-class players, it has now become the country's premier sport.

Field Hockey

India's national sport, hockey, is still seeking to recover its glory days, when it won gold medals at every Olympic Games.


Badminton isone of India's most popular sportsfollowing cricket, hockey, and Kabaddi. This sport is managed by the Badminton Association of India, which organises competitions at the local, national, and international levels.


Football has millions of supporters in India. The Indian Football Federation has devised a strategic growth plan allowing men, women, and children to train with professional coaches.


Wrestling, also known as Kushti or Pehlwani, is one of India's oldest sports. Traditional Indian-style wrestling is popular among Indians, particularly those living in rural areas.


Tennis has been a popular sport in the United Kingdom since the late 1800s, when it was introduced to India by British officers and colonial inhabitants.

7 Most Watched Sports in India  (2024)
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