A Guide On How To Unshrink Clothes (2024)

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Have you ever taken your favourite t-shirt, jumper or jeans out of the wash to find it’s suddenly small enough to fit a chihuahua? We’ve all been there, and it couldn’t be more frustrating! As disheartening as it may be to be faced with the sudden realisation that you may not be able to wear your staple items, there’s no need to panic. There are a number of different ways that you can resize and reshape clothing to get it back to its original condition. Here we run through not only how to unshrink clothes, but also how to avoid the problem altogether!

Tips On How To Unshrink Clothes

From washing at a temperature that is a little too high to popping items in the tumble dryer without reading the care label, it’s super easy to shrink clothing. With so many materials now used to design items, it can be a little tricky to know how to wash and dry clothes without causing damage. If you’ve recently fallen victim to a washing or drying mishap, then we have you covered!

  • Why Do Clothes Shrink?
  • Can You Unshrink Clothes?
  • How To Prevent Clothes From Shrinking

Why Do Clothes Shrink?

The key to prevention is knowledge. So, first and foremost, we must tackle the question, why do clothes shrink? There are actually three different types of clothing shrinkage; each come alongside their own causes, and it all depends on the material of the item in question. The different types are as follows:


If you have noticed that an item made with animal fibres has shrunk in the wash, then it is called felting. Animal fibres, such as cashmere and wool, feature scales along the surface of the material. When washed in a combination of water and heat, the scales begin to compress and, therefore, mesh together as one. It means that as the fibres are compressed, the item of clothing shrinks. If you have ever experienced a shrunken sweater, then this is why!

A Guide On How To Unshrink Clothes (1)


Unlike felting, where the fibres compress, relaxation shrinkage is caused when the fibres within the material relax (hence the name). Relaxation only occurs in absorbent materials, which includes both natural and synthetic fibres. While natural fibres such as cotton, silk and linen are absorbant by default, their synthetic alternatives are modified to match.


Consolidation is caused by a combination of excessive moisture, heat and constant movement caused by a washing machine or tumble dryer. The mechanical action during washing and drying begins to agitate the material, meaning that the tension formed during manufacturing will be released. As the fibres will no longer be fused securely together, the item of clothing will be deformed.

A Guide On How To Unshrink Clothes (2)

Can You Unshrink Clothes?

The short answer to ‘can you unshrink clothes?’ is yes. But how do you unshrink clothes depending on their material? Although clothing shrinkage is incredibly frustrating, and we’d all like to avoid the hassle at all costs, there are a number of ways to successfully unshrink your favourite clothing. It is vital to consider the material of items before attempting to resolve the issue to avoid doing more harm than good. To give you an insight into where to begin, we have compiled a comprehensive guide on how to tackle shrunken clothing, regardless of the material!

How To Unshrink A Shirt Made From Silk Or Linen

Natural fibres are any materials that have been organically produced and derived from plants, animals or a mineral source. The most common natural fibres include popular materials such as cotton (from the cotton plant), silk (from the cocoon of a Bombyx Mori, also known as a silkworm) and linen (from the cellulose fibers grown inside flax plants). Natural fibres feature manipulative qualities, which makes them super easy to accidentally shrink, even when being extra careful. However, it does mean that they’re relatively straightforward to stretch back to their original size and shape.

To unshrink clothing made with natural fibres, begin by filling a large bowl with lukewarm water and add a few tablespoons of baby shampoo. Place your item in the bowl, allow to soak for half an hour and then rinse. Next, lay the item flat on a towel and roll until damp. Unroll the clothing, lay flat and pin down the edges using heavy objects to ensure that the material is stretched out. Leave to dry in this position.

You can find out more information about how to unshrink a shirt made from silk on Sewing Is Cool.

A Guide On How To Unshrink Clothes (3)

How To Unshrink Cashmere Clothes

Consisting mainly of proteins, animal fibres are, as expected, obtained from animals such as sheep (to make wool) and goats (to make cashmere). It is important to highlight that, while materials such as leather are from an animal, they are not animal fibre. Leather, for instance, is obtained from animal hides (animal skin used for human use), whereas wool is a textile fibre taken from the coat of a sheep.

If you have shrunk an item made from animal fibres, then it is vital that you not only resize the clothing but also reshape it. Similarly to unshrinking natural fibres, to tackle animal fibres, you will need to fill a bowl with lukewarm water. However, this time, add two tablespoons of vinegar. Again, place the clothing in the bowl and allow it to soak for 30 minutes. Now and again, it is highly recommended to stretch out the item while soaked in water before removing it. Try to squeeze out as much water as possible, then stuff the item with towels. By filling the clothing with towels, it can begin to stretch back into its original shape while drying. Once damp, hang the piece up to dry.

Take a look at the video below on how to shrink cashmere clothes for further details.

How To Unshrink Jeans

If you were to purchase an item made with only denim, it is unlikely that you will experience any shrinkage. However, nowadays, most “denim” clothing is blended with other materials such as polyester or elastane, making them more susceptible to shrinking in the wash. This is why most jeans feel a little snug when you first put them on after washing, but loosen up the longer you wear them.

When researching on the internet how to unshrink jeans, many sites will advise putting the item on and then sitting in the bath in lukewarm water. While this is effective, it isn’t the most convenient and, let’s be honest, would be incredibly uncomfortable. So, we have an alternative to trial when faced with shrunken denim. First, lay your jeans flat on either the floor or a large surface. Ensure that the legs have been separated, as this will make it easier to work on sections. Fill a spray bottle with lukewarm water and begin spraying the jeans with water in sections. Once damp, use your hands to stretch out the section of the jeans to loosen the fabric. After each section has been sprayed and stretched, hang the item to air dry.

How To Fix A Shrunken Sweater Made From Polyester

The last material to tackle is synthetic fibres. Synthetic fibres are the most ‘manmade’ of all fabrics, created from polymers that are made using chemical synthesis. Polymers, by definition, are chemical substances, including a repeating chain of molecules. Items made using synthetic fibres often start as either coal or petroleum, which is then mixed with acids and alcohol. Each step of the synthetic fibre making process is completed artificially, meaning that this material is not organic. More information and a helpful video explaining synthetic fibres can be found on Study.com.

If you’re wondering how to fix a shrunken sweater, then it is best to first check the label to see if it is made from polyester, and if so, you can follow the process provided. Unlike their alternatives, synthetic fibres are a little more sensitive, which means you need to take extra care when attempting to unshrink the fabric. You will need to fill a bowl with lukewarm water and add just one tablespoon of baby shampoo. Place your item in the bowl and soak for no longer than 20 minutes. Once removed, it is imperative not to wring your item to dry. Instead, begin to gently stretch the clothing straight away while still wet. Once you have stretched to your desired size and shape, lay the item flat, pin down the edges and leave until dry.

A Guide On How To Unshrink Clothes (4)

How To Prevent Clothes From Shrinking

Although it is always handy to understand how to unshrink clothing, it’s even more valuable to know how to prevent clothes from shrinking altogether. This way, you can ensure that all of your favourite items remain in pristine condition, regardless of how many washes they undergo. As dry cleaners in Milton Keynes, we’ve picked up a whole host of secrets on how to prevent shrinking. Here we let you in on our top four tips:

Always Follow The Labels

While this may seem somewhat obvious, it is most definitely the most effective way to keep your items in their original condition. The purpose of the care label is to inform you on how to look after clothing, including washing, drying and ironing information. Clothing retailers understand that every material comes alongside specific requirements, which means that it is their duty to provide instructions to the buyer. Always be sure to take a look at the care label before attempting to wash any new items. If you’re unsure on how to decipher the care label, take a look at our previous article titled ‘what do cleaning symbols mean?

A Guide On How To Unshrink Clothes (5)

Wash With Cold Water

One of the most common causes of shrunken clothes is excessive heat, which means that to reduce the likelihood, we suggest opting for a cooler temperature. Although it cannot be guaranteed that washing in cold water will stop shrinking, it will help towards keeping your items in their original state. To ensure that you can still achieve a thorough clean while using colder water, add a little extra detergent.

Visit A Dry Cleaners

No one knows better how to care for clothing than professionals. With this in mind, if you have a particularly delicate item that you do not want to risk ruining, most definitely visit your local dry cleaners.

As highly reputable providers of dry cleaning in Milton Keynes, One Stop delivers unrivalled customer service and care for your favourite items. All fabrics can be treated by our experts, who use only solvent-free and eco-friendly products to maximise results. We even provide a free pick-up and drop-off service! As well as our dry cleaning services, you can also book for alterations in Milton Keynes, tailoring your clothing to fit perfectly.

A Guide On How To Unshrink Clothes (6)

Take Care When Drying

Ideally, to prevent your clothing from shrinking, you should always opt for air-drying items. Hanging clothing to dry either outside or on a drying rack will allow them to dry in their natural shape, without being put through the mechanical action of a tumble dryer.

However, with the ever-changing British weather conditions, we understand that it’s not always convenient to air-dry clothing. If you do prefer to use a tumble dryer, then always switch to a lower heat. In using a cooler temperature, you can avoid causing heat damage to the fibres, which is a common culprit for shrinking.

A Guide On How To Unshrink Clothes (7)

Make Shrunken Clothing A Problem Of The Past

Through reading the instruction label, using a cooler temperature and taking just that little extra care, you can keep your favourite items in perfect condition. If you do fall victim to an unexpected shrinkage, then you will now be well-informed on how to resolve the issue before your next wash. Be sure to follow the steps mentioned above, allowing plenty of time for items to dry in their stretched position before attempting to wear any shrunken clothing.

A Guide On How To Unshrink Clothes (2024)


A Guide On How To Unshrink Clothes? ›

You will need to fill a bowl with lukewarm water and add just one tablespoon of baby shampoo. Place your item in the bowl and soak for no longer than 20 minutes. Once removed, it is imperative not to wring your item to dry. Instead, begin to gently stretch the clothing straight away while still wet.

How do you Unshrink clothes easily? ›

How to unshrink clothes
  1. Fill your sink with lukewarm water and 1/3 cup of hair conditioner.
  2. Add the jumper and let it soak for about 10 minutes.
  3. Pull out the plug and let the water drain. ...
  4. Lay the jumper flat on an absorbent towel and lay another towel on top and press gently to dry the jumper.
Jun 22, 2023

Is there a way to Unshrink clothes? ›

You will need to fill a bowl with lukewarm water and add just one tablespoon of baby shampoo. Place your item in the bowl and soak for no longer than 20 minutes. Once removed, it is imperative not to wring your item to dry. Instead, begin to gently stretch the clothing straight away while still wet.

How to Unshrink clothes hack? ›

Add a tablespoon of any conditioner to the bucket, and mix around as best as you can. Put the shrunken garment into the bucket, and let it soak for 30 minutes.

How do you Unshrink delicate clothes? ›

Regardless of the type of garment—shirts, cotton, hoodies, and pants/jeans—or fabric, from rayon to 100 percent cotton, the most common process for potentially shrinking clothes is to machine wash them with hot water and machine dry them with high heat.

How do you reverse shrinkage? ›

In most scenarios, all you need is a container full of warm water with a capful of liquid detergent. Next, make sure to add in your clothes and stir them into the solution until they are completely soaked. Gently wring out the clothing to expel excess liquid and gently stretch the clothing back to its original size.

Will hot water Unshrink clothes? ›

Make sure the water is at or a little warmer than room temperature so it relaxes the fibers in the fabric. Avoid using cold water since it will make the fabric fibers shrink so they're harder to stretch. Extremely hot water can also shrink and damage clothing so avoid using it as well.

Does fabric softener Unshrink clothes? ›

You can, however, use fabric softener to unshrink clothes enough that they will fit again. Fill a bucket or sink with warm water, add a cup of fabric softener and soak your shrunken garment over night. Wring it out and stretch gently while still damp. Spread out to dry and rejoice when it returns to its old form.

Why does baby shampoo Unshrink clothes? ›

Why does baby shampoo work? Because clothes shrink when their fibers contract strongly, either due to washing or drying at hot temperatures. Baby shampoo, like fabric softener, helps the fibers relax so you can shape the item to its original size.

Why are my clothes shrinking in cold water? ›

Conclusion. Cotton shrinks because the fibres contract when exposed to water or heat. While cold water may shrink them slightly, avoiding high heat when washing and drying them can help to prevent significant shrinkage. If your clothes do shrink, then with a little effort you'll be able to unshrink them.

How do you restore stretched clothes? ›

Wash your 100-percent cotton shirt or wool garment for one cycle on your washing machine's hottest temperature setting. The combination of moisture, heat and agitation can help stretched fabric fibers to shrink back to their original state.

How do you Unshrink clothes with shampoo? ›

Fill a sink, tub, or bucket with lukewarm water, then add a capful (or a couple teaspoons) of baby shampoo. Place the item you want to unshrink into the sudsy water and let it soak for a minute or two. While it's soaking, gently knead the item with your hands to help relax the fibers.

What temperature shrinks clothes? ›

Unfortunately, certain fibers can shrink and weaken in hot (above 130 degrees Fahrenheit) water, but won't get a deep, thorough cleaning in anything considered too cold (between 60 to 80 degrees).

Can you Unshrink dried clothes? ›

To unshrink clothes, first, add 1 Tbsp. of conditioner to a small bucket or container filled with warm water, mixing the product as much as possible. Fully immerse the garment in the mixture and let it soak for 30 minutes. Finally, rinse the conditioner from the item and gently stretch it to your desired size.

Can you Unshrink 100% cotton clothes? ›

Because there is a transition back to an original state, you cannot unshrink cotton. You can however, temporarily reshape back the shrunken cotton using hair conditioner and warm water.

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