Acts 27 Lesson (2024)


TheApostle Paul trusted Godno matter howdifficult hiscirc*mstances became.

What about us? Canwe saythe same?

When life gets hard, orwe getscared, tired, orlonely, dowe continue totrust inGod's plan?

Ordoes ourfaith sometimes getcompromised?


Trust isdefined as:

  • “Afirm belief inthe reliability, truth, ability, orstrength ofsomeone orsomething.” (Source: Google Dictionary)

Using this definition, wesee that inorder totrust somebody, they must be:

  1. Reliable,
  2. Truthful,
  3. Able,
  4. Strong.


InActs Chapter 27,wesee that Paul isbeing transported toRome ona bigship.

TheAuthor ofActs, Luke, wason this trip with him, andprovides uswith afirst-hand report ofall that heheard andsaw.

Luke writes about howdangerous andhard thetrip was, andhow thewind wasnot cooperating with their plans:

  • “When wehad sailed slowly fora good many days, andwith difficulty hadarrived offCnidus,since thewind didnot permit usto gofarther, wesailed under theshelter ofCrete, offSalmone; andwith difficultysailing past itwe came toa place called Fair Havens, near which wasthe city ofLasea.” – Acts 27:7-8.

This mayhave been thelowest point inPaul’s journey todate.

Consider these four points:

  1. Paul hadnow been imprisoned foryears,
  2. Hisfuture wasuncertain,
  3. People inpower were trying tokill him,
  4. Hewas lost atsea andhad toendure deadly seas onhis wayto Rome.

Andas ifthis wasnot enough, Paul hadno idea what wasgoing tohappen tohim when hedid make itto Rome.

From what Paul sawwas done toJesus, andfrom what hadbeen done tohim already, Paul understood that theRoman leaders might:

  1. Order himto bekilled,
  2. Beat himagain,
  3. Order himto remain inprison.

This type ofhardship might strain some people’s faith.

Butnot Paul’s.

Paul remained determined tofollow God’s plan forhim.

Nomatter howdifficult hissituation got, orhow much adversity hewent through, Paul never stopped trusting Godor believing inhis plan.

That isthe example that weare tofollow inour ownlives.

Luke recorded thefollowing words spoken bythe Apostle Paul toeveryone onthe ship with himat sea:

  • “Forthis very nightanangel ofthe Godto whom Ibelong andwhom Iservestood before me,saying, ‘Donot beafraid, Paul;youmust stand before Caesar; andbehold, Godhas granted youall those whoare sailing with you.’Therefore,keep upyour courage, men, forI believe Godthatitwill turn outexactly asI have been told.Butwe mustrunaground ona certainisland.’” – Acts 27:23-26.

Paul trusted themessage that Godgave him.

Hetrusted itso much that hewanted toshare itwith everybody onboard theship.

Hebelieved inhis heart that ifthey trusted inGod theway that hedid, they would becomforted andbetter able toendure thechallenge that wasin front ofthem.

That isthe hope that wereceive when wecommit tofollowing God’s plan, andnot ours.


Earlier inour lesson, wedefined trust as:

Therefore, inorder totrust God, wemust believe that Heis:

  1. Reliable,
  2. Truthful,
  3. Able,
  4. Andstrong.


There aremany scriptures inthe Bible that talk about thereliability ofGod.

Fortoday’s lesson, wehave highlighted these four:

  1. “Butthe Lord isfaithful,andHe will strengthen andprotect youfromtheevil one.” -2Thessalonians 3:3,
  2. “Hewill notallow your foot toslip; Hewho watches over youwill notslumber.” -Psalm 121:3,
  3. “TheLord’sacts ofmercyindeed donot end, forHis compassionsdonot fail. Theyarenew every morning.” -Lamentations 3:22-23,
  4. “Andthe Lordisthe onewho isgoing ahead ofyou; Hewill bewith you.Hewill notdesert youor abandon you.” -Deuteronomy 31:8.

TheBible tells useverything that weneed toknow totrust inGod’s reliability.

Godis perfect!

Weare not.

Weare human andwe make mistakes.

Sometimes, wesay that weare going todo something, butwe don't doit.

Butthat isnot what Goddoes.

Godis notlike us.

IfGod says that Heis going todo something, Hedoes it!

Andbecause Heis always reliable, wecan trust Him.


Theworld isfull oflies.

That isnot tosay that everyone isa liar. They arenot.

Butwe live ina world that isruled bySatan. This iswhat theBible teaches.

Godhas allowed Satan toTEMPORARILY have power over theearth.

Andbecause ofthis, there arelies allaround us.

Weare lied toon television, bysocial media, andeven face toface.

Butnot byGod!

Godis somebody whois always truthful.

Andbecause Heis, wecan trust Him.

Consider thefollowing four verses that speak about thetruthfulness ofGod, andby extension, HisSon, Jesus:

  1. “Jesus said tohim,‘Iam theway, andthe truth, andthe life; noone comes tothe Father butthrough Me.’” - John 14:6,
  2. “Sanctify them inthe truth; Your word istruth.” - John 17:17,
  3. “Butwhen He,theSpirit oftruth, comes, Hewillguide youinto allthe truth.” - John 16:13,
  4. “SoJesus wassaying tothose Jews whohad believed Him,‘Ifyou continue inMy word,thenyouare trulydisciples ofMine;andyou will know thetruth, andthe truth will make youfree.’” - John 8:31-32.


Godcan doanything!

Hehas supreme power over everything andeveryone!

Godis thecreator ofthe world andall that isin it(Genesis 1:1-31).

Listed below arefour scriptures that show howGod cando anything, andthat there isno problem toobig forHim tohandle:

  1. “Byfaithweunderstand that theworlds were preparedbythe word ofGod, sothat what isseenwasnot made outof things which arevisible.” -Hebrews 11:3,
  2. “Forby Himall things were created,bothinthe heavens andon earth, visible andinvisible.” -Colossians 1:16,
  3. “Allthings came into being through Him, andapart from Himnothing came into being that hascome into being.” -John 1:3,
  4. “Itis Iwho made theearth, andcreated mankind upon it. Istretched outthe heavens with Myhands, andI ordainedalltheirlights.” -Isaiah 45:12.

Godis able todo anything!

Andbecause Heis, wecan trust Him.


Godis stronger than anyproblem wehave faced orwill ever face.

Heis thealmighty God!

Hecreated theworld, andwe aretoserve Him,notthe other wayaround.

Andbecause Godhas this strength, Heis able todo anything, including bringing thefaithful tobe with Himin Heaven foreternity.

Thefollowing verses talk about thestrength ofGod, andby extension, HisSon, Jesus:

  1. “Andlooking atthemJesus said tothem,“With people this isimpossible, butwith Godall things arepossible.” - Mathew 19:26,
  2. “Yours,Lord, isthe greatness, thepower, theglory, thevictory, andthe majesty, indeed everything that isin theheavens andon theearth; Yours isthe dominion,Lord, andYou exalt Yourself ashead over all.” - 1Chronicles 29:11,
  3. “NowGod hasnot onlyraised theLord, butwill also raise usup through Hispower.” - 1Corinthians 6:14,
  4. “Forsince thecreation ofthe world Hisinvisible attributes, Hiseternal power anddivine nature, have been clearly seen,being understood through what hasbeen made, sothat they arewithout excuse.” - Romans 1:20.

Godis stronger than anyof ouradversaries, andGod isstronger than Satan. Andbecause Heis, wecan trust Him.


Nobody deserves ourtrust more than God.

Wecan trust inGod because Heis:

  1. Reliable,
  2. Truthful,
  3. Able,
  4. Strong.

Godhas aunique plan forall ofus, onethat leads toHeaven andeternal salvation.

Theonly question is, will wefollow it?

Wewill endtoday’s lesson with thefollowing words from theprophet Jeremiah:

  • “ForI know theplansIhave foryou,” declares theLord, “plans toprosperyouand notto harm you, plans togive youhope anda future.” –Jeremiah 29:11.

Acts 27 Lesson (1)

Acts 27 Lesson (2024)


What is the main lesson in Acts 27? ›

In Acts 27, Luke highlights God's sovereignty over the storm, over the soldiers and sailors, and over Paul's life. It was confidence in God's power and promise that allowed Paul to step into the role of spiritual leader for this ship.

What is the promise in Acts 27? ›

We learn in Acts 27 that Paul trusted God's promise that he would go to tell others about Jesus in Rome. On his way to Rome, the ship Paul was sailing on came upon a terrible storm. The ship's crew began to panic, but because Paul trusted in God's faithful promise, he reassured the crew that they would all be safe.

What is the significance of the four anchors in Acts 27? ›

They cast four anchors that brought them safely through the storm; and, accordingly, there are four anchors that can hold you steady amidst the storm that confronts you. Those anchors are guidelines for living. The first anchor that will strengthen you in the storm is the anchor of God's Word, the Bible.

How does Paul show his character and faith during the shipwreck in Acts 27? ›

f. I believe God that it will be just as it was told me: Paul's confident word to the troubled sailors on a storm-tossed ship express the essence of what it means to put our faith in God and His Word. God said it to Paul (through an angel) and Paul said, “I believe God.”

What is the day of atonement in Acts 27? ›

This was the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, the holiest rest-day in the Jewish calendar, which commemorates the return of Moses from Mount Sinai with the Tablets of Law, and marks the day on which the Jewish people are granted divine forgiveness for their sins.

What is the overall message of Acts? ›

The overarching theme of Acts consists of three interrelated themes - the Holy Spirit, the Great Commission, and the Church, related as follows: The Holy Spirit: the entity that empowers the work of the Great Commission. The Great Commission: Jesus' command for followers to share the Gospel message with others ...

What was the name of the storm in Acts 27? ›

Acts 27:14-19 New King James Version (NKJV)

But not long after, a tempestuous head wind arose, called Euroclydon. So when the ship was caught, and could not head into the wind, we let her drive.

What is the message of Acts 27-25? ›

In Acts 27:25, Paul says, Keep up your courage, men, for I have faith in God that it will happen just as He told me. The third anchor is God's promise. God keeps His promises without fail.

What is the meaning of Acts 27 23? ›

Acts 27:23 Reminds Us That We Belong to God

That God has taken ownership and responsibility for caring for Paul, for providing for Paul. Paul belongs to God, and God is the one whom Paul worships. He loves and adores God. The God who is in control of the sea, the God who is in control of the storms.

What does an anchor symbolize in the Bible? ›

An anchor is something that provides a firm foundation and security. In Scripture, the term anchor is used metaphorically to represent God and faith - that which keeps us steadfast and gives us hope during the trials and storms of life. Hebrews 6 tells us that is it our hope that is the "anchor for our soul".

What are the 4 anchors of life? ›

I have discovered that I am unable to get through even the peaceful, ordinary days of life without the Spirit's power. These, then, are four deep anchors that can preserve us in any storm: the Word of God, worship, prayer and the Holy Spirit.

What is the meaning of an anchor? ›

1. : a device usually of metal that is attached to a boat or ship by a cable and that when thrown overboard digs into the earth and holds the boat or ship in place. 2. : something that serves to hold an object firmly or that gives a feeling of stability. the anchor of a bridge.

What does Acts 27 teach us? ›

God sent Paul encouragement and a prophetic word — a promise — that everyone on the ship would survive. God understands our fear. We may feel anxious and afraid in our storms, but if we look to God, He will strengthen and encourage us.

What caused the shipwreck in Acts 27? ›

During the storms, an angel appeared to Paul to tell him that he and every man on board would be saved. Heavy storms blew the ship off course and caused it to break up near the island of Malta. God's protection meant Paul finally arrived in Rome having survived a storm, a shipwreck and even a snake bite.

What is the lesson of Acts 27 and 28? ›

Paul would acknowledge his condition but turn his attention to the needs of others, encouraging them to be strong in the Lord and never turn away from the truth. We, too, can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. In all circ*mstances, let us always trust God, preach God, and encourage others in the faith.

What was Paul's journey in Acts 27? ›

Under Roman guard, Paul sets sail to hold trial under Caesar in Rome (Acts 27:1). The journey is difficult and tumultuous. A storm threatens all 276 passengers, but Paul receives a message from God to stay with the ship. The crew decides to trust Paul, and they run aground on the island of Malta (Acts 27:20-44).

What can we learn from Acts 27-13-26? ›

Service Overview: Life may get messy, complicated, or even frightening, but God's will cannot be thwarted! While the ship's crew in this text gave up hope of survival, Paul hadn't.

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.