Acts 28 Lesson (2024)


Astudy conducted in2019 showed that overaperiod ofjustsixyears,thenumber ofself-help books sold inthe United States hadmore than tripled! (Source:Google Search)

  • 2013:1.4million self-help books sold inthe United States.
  • 2019:4.3million self-help books sold inthe United States.

Whyare people soworried?

Part ofthe answer isbecause ofthe decline oforganized religion.


According, church membership hasdeclined by20% inthe last twodecades.

Fewer people going tochurch means fewer people hearing God’s word, andthat leads toan increase inanxiety.

People with strong faith worry less than those without itbecause they have thehopeofeternalsalvation.


Theapostle Paul said:

  • “Donot beanxious about anything, butin everything byprayer andpleading with thanksgiving letyour requests bemade known toGod. Andthe peace ofGod, which surpasses allcomprehension, willguard your hearts andminds inChrist Jesus.” – Philippians 4:6-7.

Itis notuntil weeliminate worry from ourminds that wecan truly beat peace with God, andourselves.


Paul wrote inhis letter tothe Romans:

  • “Sothen faith comes byhearing, andhearing bythe word ofGod.” – Romans 10:17.

Aswe spend more time inGod’s word, ourfaith will increase.

Theopposite isalso true.

When there arefewer people inGod’s word, there will bean increase inanxiety.


Paul’s faith allowed himto beat peace indifficult circ*mstances.

InActs Chapter 28, Paul, Luke, andothers aresailing toMalta when ahorrific storm appears.

Thestorm wasso severe, that they were forced toabandon their ship andthrow their food overboard toavoid perishing atsea.

Those onboard hadplenty ofreasons toworry, especially Paul!

Paul wason hisway toRome tostand trial forhis life.

Paul’s amazing faith allowed himto beat peace during times ofgreat affliction.

Paul understood God's plan forhim, andhe wasdetermined tofollow it.

When Paul andthe othersarrived inMalta, thenatives ofthe island greeted them andprovided them with food andfire.

This wasno coincidence.

Godunderstood what they needed, andHe provided it.

Thesame canbe said forus ifwe follow theunique plan that Godhas made forus.

Aswe navigate thestorms inour ownlives, Godmoves people inand outof ourlives tomake sure that wehave allthat weneed.

Godunderstands ourneeds even before weask Him.(Mathew 6:8)

Andif weput ourtrust inHim, andHis unique plan forus, wewill notbe disappointed!


There isan increased level ofanxiety inthe world today, inpart, because fewer people aregoing tochurch.

Goddoes notwant Hischildren tobe worried.

Jesus talked about this during HisSermon onthe Mount when Hesaid:

  • “Forthis reason Isay toyou,donot beworried about yourlife, asto what youwill eator what youwill drink; norfor your body, asto what youwill puton. Isnot life more than food, andthe body more than clothing?Look atthe birds ofthe air, that they donot sow, norreap norgather into barns, andyet your heavenly Father feeds them. Areyou notworth much more than they?Andwho ofyou bybeingworried canadd asingle hour tohis life?Andwhy areyou worried about clothing? Observe howthe lilies ofthe field grow; they donot toil, nordo they spin,yetI sayto youthat notevenSolomon inall hisglory clothed himself like oneof these.Butif Godso clothes thegrass ofthe field, which isalive today andtomorrow isthrown into thefurnace, will Henot much more clothe you?Youof little faith!Donot worry then, saying, ‘What will weeat?’or ‘What will wedrink?’or ‘What will wewear forclothing?’For theGentiles eagerly seek allthese things; foryour heavenly Father knows that youneed allthese things.Butseek firstHiskingdom andHis righteousness, andall these things will beadded toyou. “Sodo notworry about tomorrow; fortomorrow willcare foritself.Each dayhas enough trouble ofits own.” – Mathew 6:25-34.

Jesus knew that having strong faith wasthe keyto eliminating worry, andHe shared that with Hisaudience.

Aswe navigate through life andface adversity, weneed toremember theimportance offaith inour lives.

AsChildren ofGod, weneed tomake acommitment tostudying God’s word andapplying itto ourlives.

Andwhen wedo, wewill find thepeace that surpasses allunderstanding. (Philippians 4:6-7)

Wewill endtoday’s lesson with thefollowing scripture taken from theGospel ofJohn. Itreminds usof howGod andJesus want usto beat peace inour lives:

  • “These things Ihave spoken toyou, sothatinMe youmay have peace.Inthe world youhave tribulation, buttake courage;Ihave overcome theworld.” - John 16:33.

Acts 28 Lesson (1)

Acts 28 Lesson (2024)
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Author: Arielle Torp

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.