Aisle Or Window Seat – The Pros And Cons (2024)

Air Travel, Airplanes, Travel

Aisle Or Window Seat – The Pros And Cons (1)

Delta A220-100 economy class

Date: March 18, 2022Author: salsaworldtraveler 57 Comments

A popular “points and miles” blog I follow recently asserted unequivocally that aisle seats are better than window seats. I disagree. Of course, it is a matter of personal choice, and there can be valid reasons for choosing an aisle seat on one flight and a window seat on another.

Here’s my perspective on the pros and cons for sitting in a seat by the window or on the aisle.

Window Seat Pros

  1. View. The sights from cruising altitudes are often amazing.
  2. Personal space. Window seats have additional shoulder room because of the curvature of the fuselage.
  3. Sleep. It is easier to sleep or rest in the window seat because there is something to lean against and no one will disturb you when they get up.
  4. Privacy. There is only one adjacent seat and less exposure to passengers in the aisle.
  5. Covid Safety. Passengers sitting by the window are exposed to fewer people than those sitting in aisle seats. During boarding, passengers in aisle seats are exposed to people walking to their seat or standing in the aisle Sometimes people stand next to aisle passengers for several minutes while waiting for others to find seats and store luggage.
  6. Work. Passengers in a window seat can work on their tray tables without being disturbed when others in the row get up.
  7. Window Shade. The window seat controls the window shade but should be thoughtful of others. I will shut the shade if the sun is shining in someone’s face or making them hot.

Aisle Or Window Seat – The Pros And Cons (2)

Window Seat Cons

  1. Getting Up. Getting up to go the the lavatory, get something from the overhead bin, or just stretch one’s legs requires disturbing others. This is a self-imposed “con” because window seat passengers should get up whenever they have a need. While people shouldn’t disturb others without reason, passengers on the aisle or in the middle seat have no right to make prisoners out of others in the row. If someone has their laptop out or is otherwise working on the tray table, that is not the window seat passenger’s fault. If others do not want to be disturbed, they should have chosen a window seat.
  2. Claustrophobia. Some may feel claustrophobic in a window seat.
  3. Disembarking. Passengers in a window seat must wait to get to the aisle before they can get things from the overhead bin.

Aisle Seat Pros

  1. Getting Up. It is easier to get up from an aisle seat when you want to get something from the overhead, go to the loo, or stretch legs.
  2. More Space. Aisle seat passengers can let themselves expand into the aisle. That also comes with cons.
  3. Claustrophobia. The empty space in the aisle benefits those who feel claustrophobic on planes.
  4. Disembarking. Passengers in aisle seats can get to their things in the overhead bins easier, but they still must wait for the non-aisle passengers in rows in front of them to do the same.
Aisle Or Window Seat – The Pros And Cons (3)

Aisle Seat Cons

  1. Getting Up. You will be disturbed whenever a seatmate wants to get up.
  2. Covid Safety. Passengers in aisle seats have increased exposure to other passengers especially during boarding when the aisle is crowded and people may stand in one place for several minutes. Boarding and disembarking are the most dangerous times for Covid spread on planes because during those times the ventilation ventilation systems and HEPA filters are usually not working. The Covid risk for everyone (but especially for those in aisle seats) will increase when the government lifts the mask mandate for air travel as it is expected to do in about 30 days.
  3. General Safety. People in aisle seats are subject to being assaulted by bags, personal items and body parts from unthinking passengers as they walk down the aisle. They are also at risk from the service carts flight attendants wheel down the aisles. Sometimes people drop things on the person in the aisle seat when accessing the overhead bin.
  4. Service. Flight attendants must reach over the aisle passenger to serve the ones in the middle and window seats.

Final Thoughts

I prefer window seats primarily for the views. I used to be embarrassed to disturb others when I wanted to get up. Happily, I’ve moved past that thinking. Now I get up when I want.

The most desirable seat is one that is both a window seat and an aisle seat.

Aisle Or Window Seat – The Pros And Cons (4)

Airlines seem to think frequent flyers prefer aisle seats. When I don’t select a seat at booking, the airlines that I have status with automatically assign an aisle seat.

Which seat do your prefer. Please share your thoughts on the aisle versus window debate. I assume no one prefers middle seats.

57 thoughts on “Aisle Or Window Seat – The Pros AndCons

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  1. This is a good description of the pros and cons. I like window seats because of the privacy they allow. One can even sleep. The view can be excellent aurora borealis.

    LikeLiked by 2 people


    1. I bet the aurora borealis from a plane would be spectacular. I’d love to see that. Thanks for visiting and have a great weekend!



  2. On long haul flights, I prefer the aisle as I make a conscious effort to get up and walk around. For shorter flights, I prefer window as I usually nap ahaha.

    LikeLiked by 1 person


    1. That is a good way to do it. I used to feel the same way. But when I sit in the aisle seat, I have no problem getting up for people in the window or middle seat. I know they have needs too and I have no right to make them prisoners or feel put out because they want to get up. If not being disturbed is important, people should take a window seat. I know others feel differently which is their right. 😊

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      1. I think that’s the part responsibility of aisle sitters. I also have no problem getting out (any chance to not be sitting!) for others to get out. I might even stand and wait for them to come back. I’ve actually swapped my aisle seat before as there were parents with a new born in window/middle seat and they had so many nappy changes.

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        1. Babies are a whole different challenge. I try to remember when we traveled with my son as a baby and now travel with noise-cancelling headphones. 😊 Thanks for sharing your experiences and adding to the discussion.

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  3. On long flights, my husband will sit in the window seat when we take off and land (he likes to watch the world from above … me not so much – the height makes me dizzy, yes silly woman I am). But once we’re in the air, we switch places. He likes to stretch his legs and I like to cuddle up next to the window to sleep.

    LikeLiked by 1 person


    1. You guys have the best of both worlds. Window seats are great for sleeping. Switching makes a lot of sense.

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  4. All valid points. For me its the window if there are only 2 seats and I’m travelling with my partner. If it’s 3 seats I’ll take the aisle thanks. But of course the best thing is a window seat on the aisle – if only I could afford this every time i fly!

    LikeLiked by 1 person


    1. Business and first class seats that are both aisle and window are definitely the way to go when we have the cash or points and miles. Thanks for visiting and adding your perspective.



    1. The views are hard to beat.



  5. I’m definitely a window seat person! I love the view, though I do always feel bad having to get up to use the restroom.

    LikeLiked by 1 person


    1. I used to feel the same way. Then I concluded that it was kind of silly to be held hostage. Plus when I sit in the aisle seat, I have zero problem getting up for others. It is just common courtesy.

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  6. Great post John! I don’t fly often these days but when I lived in London I used to take flights very frequently and I always preferred the window seat.

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    1. Great minds think alike!😄 Thanks for stopping by, Blanca.

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  7. A very well laid out article John and I’m with you all the way reading window seats. That Qatar Airways Business Class QSuite is where it’s at.

    LikeLiked by 1 person


    1. Views trump all other considerations for me. 😃 If only all window seats had direct access to the aisle like the QSuite.

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  8. I’ve always preferred aisle seats because I’m tall and my knees and long legs appreciate the space. Though, as you point out, there is increased risk of injury. I’m also afraid of heights and don’t particularly like flying, so I avoid looking out of airplane windows. That changed somewhat during my 70-day RTW trip. I splurged and purchased business class tickets for every leg of the journey, as a retirement gift to myself. Some seats were aisle and window, and in my relaxed and pampered state I forgot my fear and enjoyed looking out at the view.

    LikeLiked by 1 person


    1. You did it right on your RTW trip. Business class where each seat has plenty of leg room and direct access to the aisle is the way to go. Funny that I’m afraid of heights except in a plane.😄



  9. Thanks for your like of my post, “Daniel Prophecy – Chapter 9;” you are very kind.

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    1. Thanks for your posts!

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      1. You are very welcome.

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  10. I like the window seat on a daytime flight and the aisle seat if it’s at night. I don’t feel bad disturbing people during the day but if they’re sleeping that’s a different matter. I’m a light sleeper, especially on flights, and I like to get up to stretch my legs from time to time even if I don’t need the loo – that seems a lot to ask of someone enjoying a nice sleep! But if there are views to be had, I want them 😀 The only problem is that if I get my preference each time we fly my poor husband is stuck with the middle seat which he hates, so if we have a window we usually swap at some point so he can enjoy the views too. The best solution is to try to book one of the sets of two near the back, as we did on our recent 11 hour flight back from Costa Rica – it made all the difference 🙂

    LikeLiked by 1 person


    1. That makes sense because usually there is not much to see at night, especially over the ocean.😊 If I have the window at night, I go before everyone is sleeping. But if I have to go when others are sleeping, it is in everyone’s best interests that I get up. Your flight from Costa Rica shows how important it is to scan the seating chart! Thanks for your thoughts.

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    1. Interesting that you choose based on the length of the flight!

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  11. I much prefer window seats, especially when I can see a wing. I love watching the mechanical features and the engines as they perform their functions. I also enjoy the view of the landscape and clouds from above.

    LikeLiked by 1 person


    1. Seeing the wing and engines is another point in favor of window seats. Your comment reminded me that on some planes like the ATR and Dash 8, you can also see the landing gear on takeoff and landing.

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  12. window window window! I dont even have to think about it. for all those reasons! And you know what – theres one con for aisle seats that you forget – when the window seat person needs the toilet, it inconveniences the aisle and middle seat far more than having to get up to pee!

    LikeLiked by 1 person


    1. Agreed! The views are too good to pass up..



  13. Window 100% of the time, but my wife prefers that one too, and I always let her take it because she’s much more nervous flying than me.

    LikeLiked by 1 person


    1. Oh Oh! Sounds like that means you get the middle seat in coach😊

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  14. Yes we always book two seats together with axtwo seat combo but not three. Ha!

    LikeLiked by 1 person


    1. So you are aisle and window. 😊



  15. I agree that a window and aisle are my favorite! I stick to the aisle so that I can get up if I need to. For some reason I get nervous to get up on planes, so if I was in the window it would be even harder for me haha. Your comment about disembarking remind me of how some people don’t understand the order of disembarking…

    LikeLiked by 2 people


    1. Thanks for sharing, Lyssy. I think I know what you mean. A long time ago, I used to worry that if I got up it might cause the plane to loose altitude. Like I somehow weighed more in the aisle than I did in the seat. 🤣

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      1. That funny 😂 I think mine is more a fear of awkwardly being in the way or finally getting up and then the cart coming through and having to dejectedly go back to my seat. Still makes no sense 😂

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        1. Maybe I should do a post about flying phobias. 😊

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  16. Is it because you can get up easier, or have more room? I was an aisle seat person until I started blogging and wanted to take photos of interesting sights.
    Now I’m a confirmed window guy.😊



  17. Interesting post! Definitely I prefer an aisle seat, thank’s for share, John.
    Keep well.



  18. Really informative and interesting!
    Thanks for the advice

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    1. I appreciate that, Louisa! Thanks. John

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  19. I think it all depends on the aurline, plane and class of travel.

    LikeLiked by 2 people


    1. All true, Sheree. Even the row your are sitting in can make a difference. In an exit row in coach on many airplanes, there is enough room that the window passenger can get up without disturbing anyone.

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  20. it’s a tough call. I think when I was younger I preferred the window. Now I prefer the aisle. If my wife and I travel, we try to get two aisle seats next to each other. If our son is with us, we like to get three across, and we can take turns who sits where…

    LikeLiked by 1 person


    1. Siting across from each other in aisle seats is a good option. On a six-hour red-eye flight from Anchorage to Dallas, I took the middle seat in coach because my son likes the window seat for sleeping. I survived, surprisingly.😄

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      1. I would have done the same thing with my son if we were traveling together and those were the only seats we had 🙂

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        1. I used to be an aisle seat guy until I started blogging. The window views are more important now than convenience in getting up. Now I don’t hesitate to disturb others if I need to get up. Conversely when I’m in an aisle seat, I gladly get up for others.

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          1. it’s funny that blogging makes us be more observant of what’s around us, I guess hoping there is a blog post in it!

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  21. A work friend of mine was booking our flights through the work travel agent. He told the travel agent that Maggie loves the middle! She was stunned, was very quiet and then realized the joke and gave me the aisle. 😊

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    1. Ha ha!😄 I don’t know anyone who prefers the middle seat, but you never know. There is an unwritten rule that the person in the middle seat gets both armrests.

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  22. Depending upon your need to use the bathroom, that may determine which seat works best for you.

    LikeLiked by 2 people


    1. Bathroom use is a very important consideration. Sitting on the aisle is easier for that, but when I gotta go, I go. I gave up making myself uncomfortable for the convenience of the person in the aisle seat. Others may be more deferential. When I sit in an aisle seat, I have no problem getting up for the people in the window seat or middle seat. It as a common courtesy. Thanks for bringing up a good point.

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      1. You’re welcome. For some people, the length of time between aware of need and deed may be a bit short…

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        1. I hate to say, but I’m becoming one of those people. That’s why I don’t hesitate to say “I need to get up.” 😊

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          1. Good for you. This past trip, I made that same decision since the two men had gone earlier and showed no need of having to go at a time that I felt the urge.

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Aisle Or Window Seat – The Pros And Cons (2024)
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