An exploration of the Fawn stress response (2024)

What is Fawn?

Fawn is a stress response that allows us to imitate a “safe and social” ventral vagal state, even when we are feeling threatened. It happens when it is either not possible, or it would increase danger to ourselves, to Fight or Flee (high sympathetic responses) from the perceived threat. It is also sometimes called appeasem*nt or “people pleasing”.

Fawning it is a protective state in which our nervous system unconsciously and automatically prioritises our safety over the authenticity of our expressions. The term was first coined by Pete Walker, therapist and who experienced Complex PTSD, and has been picked up by many interested in Stephen Porges’ Polyvagal Theory.

In this state, we may say or do things that are incongruent with our true feelings, as a survival mechanism. We might act in a way that is friendly, agreeable, even funny, even though we are feeling angry or scared (threatened). We might surrender our own needs or preferences, due to fear that expressing them might make us more unsafe.

When it isn’t safe to fight or flee, then pretending to agree with, and perhaps even flatter, the source of “threat” can be a way of achieving safety. The less threatening we appear to another (e.g. a predator), the less likely they are to attack us. They might even relax enough to allow us to escape form the situation unscathed (“Flight”).

An extreme example of Fawning can be seen when people are being held against their will, and attempting to Fight or Flee will not bring them more safety, but more likely lead to an increased risk of harm to them. This can become Stockholm Syndrome, where they begin to identify with their captor, and feel bonded with them.

In terms of the autonomic nervous system, fawning is thought to be a state that involves both high sympathetic activation (stress) and a degree of dorsal vagal (shutdown) engagement. That means that we have lots of sympathetic energy in our bodies, which by itself would make us act bigger, louder, and more threatening. But the dorsal vagal immobilisation tones down our expression, so we act smaller, quieter, and less threatening.

(You can find my overview of all of the stress responses here A graphic to illustrate autonomic nervous systemfunctioning)

Fawning in our day to day lives

An exploration of the Fawn stress response (1)

The Fawn state – in which we unconsciously imitate a state of safety (when really we have a combination of sympathetic activation and dorsal vagal immobilisation) – can be a one that we spend a lot of time in, or one that we just “visit” in reaction to a stressful situation.

In parenting, Fawning can help us in a situation with our kids (or partner) in which we are feeling highly stressed, angry or afraid, but just need to “get through” it. Fighting wouldn’t work to bring us greater “safety”, and we can’t safely flee because we need to take care of our kids.

So we automatically put on a smile, and say kind things. We’re unconsciously pretending to feel calm and in control, but really we are right on the edge of that high sympathetic activation. So our smile doesn’t look quite natural (the expressiveness in our upper face and eyes is missing).

Our speech will be slower, quieter, and less harsh and clipped than if we were in a pure sympathetic state (Fight/Flight), but it probably won’t have the gentle rhythmic intonation (prosody) of a true calm and connected ventral vagal state (or it might have too much!).

Because of their highly tuned neuroception*, kids can often tell the difference between us Fawning and being in a truly safe calm and connected state. Older kids might even call us out on it, expressing their discomfort, and saying things like, “Don’t use that nice voice!”.

When we’re in Fawn, we might find ourselves agreeing to anything our child asks for, even though it is not in line with our values, and we don’t have a true “yes”. We’ll do anything, maybe even offer our child a bribe or “sweetener”, to help get through the stressful situation.

Or we might try to set limits with our kids, but they’ll come out shaky and tentative, rather than grounded and confident. Our child might not get a sense that we’re serious, and “push back” in an attempt to get something more solid (congruent) from us, where our words match our state.

If we‘ve been in Fight, and had an argument with our child (or partner), then Fawning might look like going to reconnect and apologise before we are really feeling calm and connected again. We unconsciously pretend that I’m fine, we’re fine, everything’s fine.

If we’re in Fawn a lot of the time, it might look like us acting overly “nice”, at our own expense. We’ll have difficulty sensing and honouring our own boundaries (saying “no”). We’ll prioritise what we think others are wanting, instead of identifying what we want and asking for it.

*Neuroception is the unconscious perception of threat, and in relationship we pick up subtle and not so subtle cues about safety and danger (i.e. whether the other person is in a calm and connected state or not) from tone of voice, facial expression, posture and body language.

What are the impacts of Fawning?

An exploration of the Fawn stress response (2)

If we spend a lot of time Fawning, putting everybody else’s feelings and needs ahead of our own in an attempt to feel safer, we can often find ourselves feeling frustrated, resentful, hopeless, exhausted, and even physically unwell.

We might have spent so much time focussing on what we think others want to get a sense of safety (including to gain and retain others’ love), so much time subjugating our own needs, that we lose connection with what we like, want and need. We might end up feeling like we don’t really know ourselves very well, or that we don’t even have any wants or needs!

Being stuck in Fawn can make us prone to swinging into a more mobilized sympathetic stress response, such as Fight or Flight, all of a sudden and without warning. This might look like erupting with big angry feelings, or experiencing a strong urge to escape. At other times, we might swing from Fawning to a more immobilised dorsal vagal stress response, like Freeze, where we can feel lethargic, depressed, or dissociated.

And unfortunately, when we are often Fawning, our kids can end up feeling like they don’t really know where they stand with us. They hear our words, but they can sense from our incongruent behaviour (via neuroception) that we might actually be feeling differently. So they can’t trust fully that what we say is actually how we feel/what we want. This can bring insecurity to their relationship with us.

Why do so many of us Fawn?

An exploration of the Fawn stress response (3)

A lot of adults seem to have developed Fawning as a default stress response. Here are just some of the childhood experiences that could lay down a neural pathway that favours Fawning.

Perhaps big emotions, such as anger and fear, were not accepted in our family, and may have been punished or shamed. So instead, we pushed them down and became a “good girl/boy”.

We might have been given responsibility or blamed for the state of another family member, and so taken on a protective state of putting their feelings or needs before our own.

We might have observed one or other of our parents (more often the mother, but not always) surrendering their own needs to the other parent, and had that model imprinted on us.

It could also stem from our experiences in school, where we were likely expected to obey the rules, with little to no safe space being given for us to express our true feelings.

If we acted out our feelings, by becoming aggressive or running away, instead of receiving understanding and support, we might more likely have been given detention, or worse.

If you’re resonating with any of this, I’m sending you lots of gentle compassion. There are things we can do to rewire our nervous system, and get “unstuck” from these stress responses.

Kids and Fawning

An exploration of the Fawn stress response (4)

As kids generally have less power in their world, Fight or Flight is less likely to help them achieve safety in a stressful situation. So it is not uncommon for kids to go into a Fawning stress response.

We often see the impact of Fawning on our kids when have been away from us and then return to the connection and emotional safety of our care.

School can be a stressful environment for many kids. It can be overstimulating and overwhelming, with many expectations and rules with which they need to comply.

Fawning helps kids to shut down their authentic expression of stress (Fight/Flight, the sympathetic nervous system), and play the role of “good boy/girl”.

With neurodivergent kids, who may have additional stresses at school, including social challenges, this is often called “masking”, in which kids put all their focus on “fitting in”.

Similarly, kids might have been in the care of someone else who they don’t feel as understood, accepted or safe with as they do with us, and act like a “little angel” while they are away.

The impact of this is that when they return home to us, where they feel an increased sense of safety, they are quite likely to go through a more pure sympathetic nervous system state.

This can look like being generally keyed up, “hyperactive”, acting out with aggression, or having a tantrum or meltdown, before they can return to a more calm and connected state.

What can we do if we tend to Fawn a lot?

An exploration of the Fawn stress response (5)

If you’ve realised that you tend to Fawn a lot, and you’re wondering what you can do to shift that pattern, here are some ideas.

  • We can bring awareness to our pattern of Fawning, and hold ourselves with gentleness and compassion
  • We can acknowledge that it isn’t our fault, it is a response of our nervous system to protect us (even if it is based on “out-dated” information)
  • In the moment, we can be silently honest with ourselves about it, “I’m Fawning. How I’m really feeling right now is …”
  • We can “feel” into the Fawning state, witnessing how it has us sensing in our body, feeling emotionally, and thinking
  • If it is safe/appropriate to do so (e.g. with a trusted partner), we can share these things with the other person in the moment, and even check out our fears with them
  • We can make it a new habit to give ourselves the time and space to explore our authentic feelings, what we like, and what we need
  • We can start by choosing one small thing each day where make ourselves a priority, doing something that we want or need for our health and wellbeing
  • When we are feeling safe, we can practice sensing into what a true “yes”, “no” and “don’t know” feel like in our body
  • If there is a particular situation in which we know we’re likely to have been Fawning (e.g. work, school), we can set aside time afterwards to regulate ourselves
  • We can learn other ways to increase a sense of safety in our nervous system, and to return to safety after we’ve been in a stress response.

*This is a compilation of a series of posts on the Fawn stress response originally posted on Facebook in October 2020.

The article delves into the stress response known as "Fawn," a coping mechanism ingrained in our nervous system that operates when the traditional responses of Fight or Flight might not be safe or conducive to our protection. It involves an adaptive social strategy characterized by agreeable behavior, even in situations where one might feel threatened or unsafe. The Fawn response, coined by therapist Pete Walker, involves mimicking a safe and social state despite underlying feelings of fear or anger. This response, intertwined with Stephen Porges’ Polyvagal Theory, combines sympathetic activation (stress) and dorsal vagal engagement (shutdown).

To fully understand the concepts within the article, let's break them down:

  1. Fawning: A stress response akin to "appeasem*nt" or "people-pleasing," allowing one to simulate safety in threatening situations by adopting agreeable behavior, concealing genuine feelings.

  2. Polyvagal Theory: Stephen Porges' theory describing the autonomic nervous system's response to stress, emphasizing three states: ventral vagal (safe and social), sympathetic (Fight or Flight), and dorsal vagal (shutdown).

  3. Sympathetic Activation: The body's response to stress, preparing for Fight or Flight, often characterized by increased heart rate, alertness, and readiness to confront or escape perceived threats.

  4. Dorsal Vagal Engagement: The nervous system's shutdown response, leading to immobilization or a reduced threat response, associated with withdrawal or immobilization in stressful situations.

  5. Neuroception: The unconscious perception of threat or safety, involving cues from tone of voice, facial expression, posture, and body language to assess danger or security in relationships.

  6. Impact of Fawning: Spending excessive time in a Fawn state can lead to emotional exhaustion, resentment, a disconnect from personal needs, and sudden swings between other stress responses like Fight, Flight, or Freeze.

  7. Childhood Experiences and Fawning: Certain childhood experiences, such as suppression of emotions, taking responsibility for others' feelings, or observing parental dynamics, can contribute to the development of Fawning as a coping mechanism.

  8. Effects on Children: Children, often having less agency, might resort to Fawning in stressful situations, impacting their behavior and ability to express authentic emotions, particularly in environments like school or under certain caregivers.

  9. Addressing Fawning: Techniques to address excessive Fawning involve self-awareness, self-compassion, identifying authentic feelings, setting boundaries, and creating a safe space to explore personal needs and emotions.

Understanding these concepts allows us to recognize the nuances of the Fawn stress response, its origins, impacts, and strategies to navigate or mitigate its effects in both adults and children.

An exploration of the Fawn stress response (2024)


How do you respond to a fawn response? ›

Here are nine ways to heal from the fawn trauma response:
  1. Become Aware of Your Fawning Behavior. ...
  2. Let Go of Any Shame. ...
  3. Seek Professional Support. ...
  4. Start with Noticing & Honoring Basic Needs. ...
  5. Recognize That Anger Has a Purpose. ...
  6. Accept You Never Deserved the Abuse. ...
  7. Allow For Complex Reactions to the Abuser. ...
  8. Find Social Support.
Jun 7, 2023

Is fawn a real stress response? ›

The Fawn Trauma Response

Pete Walker is a psychotherapist who coined the term “fawn” and added it as the fourth F in the collection of instinctive responses to trauma. Someone using the fawn response will try to avoid conflict or danger, keep the peace, and ensure their safety at the expense of their own needs.

What is the fawn brain response? ›

The fawn response is your body's emotional reaction that involves becoming highly agreeable to the person abusing you. The fawn response can cause confusion and guilt if you have PTSD.

What is the fawn response in Cptsd? ›

According to Pete Walker, M.A., complex PTSD (C-PTSD) is often associated with a fourth possible response: the so-called fawn response. In other words, fawning is a trauma response where a person behaves in a people-pleasing way to avoid conflict and establish a sense of safety.

What childhood trauma causes fawn response? ›

From having an abusive sibling to a violent parent, here are a few childhood experiences that can lead to fawning. Fawning is a trauma response – this usually happens when we do not receive enough love, care and affection as a child. Not being brought up in a secure home, as an adult, we struggle in our relationships.

What is a fawn response to narcissistic abuse? ›

The Fawn Response is essentially an instinctual response that arises to manage conflict and trauma by appeasing a non-nurturing or abusive person. In kids, fawning behaviors develop as a way to survive or cope with a difficult parent.

How do I get out of fawn trauma response? ›

If you struggle with the fawn response, it will be important to focus on increasing awareness of your emotions. To recover requires awareness of your feelings. Avoidance can no longer be your means of avoiding the past. Rather than bypasses your own needs, grief, and memories, slow down.

What is the flop trauma response? ›

Flop: similar to freezing, except your muscles become loose and your body goes floppy. This is an automatic reaction that can reduce the physical pain of what's happening to you. Your mind can also shut down to protect itself.

What kind of trauma causes people pleasing? ›

The fawn response is usually demonstrated by people who have been exposed to repeated traumatic events, as opposed to a one-time traumatic event such as a car crash or bad breakup. Fawning is most commonly associated with childhood trauma, relational trauma, and complex trauma—such as ongoing partner violence.

Why do clients smile when talking about trauma? ›

Smiling is a way to communicate that they don't have the tools to manage “negative” emotions. Although many clients don't openly talk about it, many of them are anxious and afraid that if their feelings come to the surface they won't know how to effectively navigate and titrate them.

What is the fawn response in polyvagal theory? ›

In terms of polyvagal theory, when we neurocept (subconsciously perceive) a certain level of danger, the fawn response is one of the possible trauma responses that our body uses for survival purposes. The fawn response involves both Fight/Flight and Freeze activation at the same time.

What are the 6 trauma responses? ›

Everyone responds to trauma in a different way, and different kinds of trauma can have different responses in the same people. The six main types of trauma responses are fight, flight, freeze, fawn, fine, and faint. All reactions to trauma are valid, but trauma should always be addressed in therapy.

What are the 4 F's of Cptsd? ›

The four Fs of trauma (fight, flight, freeze, and fawn) refer to types of trauma responses. (Shortform note: People with PTSD and CPTSD become trapped in their trauma responses because they're trapped in the memories of their traumatic experiences.

Is the fawn response parasympathetic? ›

Dorsal Vagal Complex and the Freeze-Fawning Response

It's part of the sympathetic nervous system's fight-or-flight mechanism. On the other hand, the dorsal vagal shutdown is a parasympathetic response.

What is the fawn response in EMDR? ›

In simple terms, “fawning” is the people-pleasing response, and it's something many individuals wear as a badge of honor. “You know me, always the people-pleaser, can't say no!” The fawn response is often culturally normalized, making it challenging to recognize, as those around you often benefit from it.

What to do if a fawn approaches you? ›

In almost all cases, the best way to help is to simply give the fawn space and leave it alone.

Why might the fawn response be unhealthy? ›

This lesser-known trauma response refers to a tendency some people have to caretake another person in response to conflict or stress. Experts say that just like the other stress responses, the fawn response develops as a form of self-protection – but in the long run, it can be both exhausting and harmful.

Is fawn a fight or flight response? ›

The fawn response usually occurs when a person is being attacked in some way, and they try to appease or placate their attacker to protect themselves. A fight response is when someone reacts to a threat with aggression.

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.