Annie's Tale: Cuckolding My Husband - The Cuckold Consultant (2024)

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Section 1

My husband and I always had a great sex life. When we married I was madly in love with Craig. I still am. We’d dated for seven years and I knew he was for me. He was smart, handsome, had a good job, was good to the people around him, and good to my family.

He treated me like the wife I wanted to be. He was loving and worked to make me happy. All our friends pictured us as the perfect marriage. So did I.

Our sex life was never dull. We were comfortable with each other and our bodies. We masturbat*d in front of each other. f*cked in every room of the house. We tried every position we could think of and giggled together when some didn’t work. Craig was long lasting, just the right size, and knew where to touch me to get just the right response.

For my part I tried to keep him equally satisfied. There wasn’t a hole on my body he couldn’t have or a place on his I wouldn’t suck. Like I said, a great sex life.

We’d been married for three years when it started. Well not quite true. There were signs before then. I just didn’t see them as signs.

My name is Annie. Craig and I met at a college party. Nothing outrageous. I didn’t f*ck him on the first date. In fact we dated a while before we f*cked.

f*cked, hmmm, I didn’t use to use that word. I’d say ‘Made love’. The reality is we do make love, but we also f*ck. I love both.

In college I was the smart one. I never really felt men noticed me. I was flattered when Craig asked me out. He was 5’ 10" about 170 and handsome. I thought he could have had any girl so it felt good when he asked me out.

I mean, I’m no slouch. Even today I am 5'7" 128 lbs. I have a flat belly, Auburn hair, that falls between my shoulder blades, and a great ass. I’m not very busty, 34b, but I think they look good on my frame.

I was 19 when we met. I used to wear a lot of crop tops and short skirts. I never really thought about it being sexy. I just thought I looked cute. Since then I’ve learned that Craig found it very sexy.

After college Craig would try to get me to wear sexier clothes. I prefered the girl next door look, lacy tops and jeans.

We dated seven years before we married. Although outside the house I kept my girl next door image, sometimes, when I was feeling naughty, I shed the image and became a bad girl.

Craig loves my bad girl. Sometimes we watch p*rn. Sometimes I just wear something slu*tty looking. Often when I’m in bad girl mode I’ll take selfies of me in my underwear and send them to Craig at the office. That way he’d know what he was coming home too.

In my mind the p*rn started it. In retrospect I now know that Craig was on his own path. I didn’t know it at the time.

The p*rn was hot. His favorite included watching a woman with two or more men. I have to admit the scenes turned me on too. We always had great sex after.

Craig would always ask how the movies made me feel. Truthfully they really turned me on but I was a little too embarrassed to say so. Once in a while I’d tell him they turned me on, and I’d f*ck him like they turned me on, but I was too embarrassed to really talk about it. I admit, I did masturbat* to the fantasy.

Often while f*cking he’d bring up the idea of me f*cking two men. It would really get my mind going but I really didn’t respond verbally. I was sort of afraid what he’d really think of me. Also afraid that meant he wanted another woman too.

What I didn’t know at the time was that Craig was also having his fantasies fueled. Craig liked to read erotic stories, mostly literotica. He tried to get me to read some, but truthfully I preferred watching p*rn to reading. The stories Craig showed me always involved a woman getting f*cked by two or more guys. They were in a category called loving wives.

I now know that Craig had found an author that he loved. Although I didn’t read any at the time, I have since then. It seems most of the stories she wrote were wife sharing stories. They turned him on.

They turned him on so much he wrote the author to tell her how much. She responded. I’ve since read their whole correspondence, but at the time it was a secret from me. In the correspondence Craig explored his fantasy about seeing me with two or more men. She was supportive.

Craig seemed really turned on by the idea of her husband, an older man, f*cking me. He’d constantly ask her what her husband would do to me.

Craig and the author started devising plans on how they might get me to cuckold him. It seems the author had helped her husband cuckold men before and had a few ideas in what things worked.

She told him that the first positive sign was that the p*rn of multiple men turned me on. She suggested that he bring it up in bed anytime he could. She also suggested that we watch the p*rn together as often as he could get me to. I did not notice the change. We had already discussed the subject, so when it came up more I barely noticed.

When it came up, I admit, it always turned me on. If it was during sex I would moan and could feel myself getting wetter. The idea of two men treating me as a slu*t turned me on. A co*ck in my mouth, one in my puss*, mmmmm. I wondered if I could DP a guy like they did in the p*rnos.

If he’d bring it up while watching, it would go something like this.

“I bet you’d look hot taking on two hard co*cks,” he’d say.

“You’d love it,” I’d quip back.

He’d want to pursue it more, but I always let the conversation trail off. Even so, it led to great sex afterwards.

The other thing she suggested was to try and get me to pose for pictures. The goal was for me to let him show off my pics and see the reaction i got from men. She wanted to see if I got turned on by being shown off.

Craig had asked me before if he could show off my pics. The thought really turned me on but it scared me too. I always said no.

Back to what I knew then, before I read the emails.

One day Craig asked me if he could show a picture to a coworker. This was one of the author’s suggestions. He’d asked before, but with the p*rn and the talk of other men, truthfully the idea was beginning to turn me on.

Section 2

I said, “Sure,” but then told him I was only kidding.

After thinking about it I asked, “Which one?”

Craig laughed, “Which picture, or which coworker?”

I didn’t think of that. “Both, I responded.”

Craig went through my pictures and found one of me in a black, see through, spandex, tube dress. I loved lingerie and would often dress up and take selfies for Craig. This was an older one. I was sideways so you couldn’t really see anything. My face was not in the picture. I knew it was a sexy pic.

“How about this one?” he asked.

“Ok,” I responded tentatively. Then I added, “You can’t email it. You have to just show it off.”

“I promise,” he said.

“So who are you going to show it to?” I asked.

“How about James?” he suggested. “He’s not from our office. He’s seen you at office parties and has told me you’re hot, and he’s from out of town.”

“He’s told you I’m hot?” I asked

I’d always thought I was kind of unnoticeable. I thought I was pretty average. But to have someone besides my husband telling me I’m hot was kind of cool.

“Yeah,” said Craig. “A lot of the guys in my office think your hot.”

I could feel my puss* start to tingle.

“Like who,” I asked.

Craig, gave me a list of a few men he worked with. I asked what they’d say that made him think they thought I was sexy.

“Oh you know,” he responded. “They say things like, ‘where’s your sexy wife’ or ‘how’s that hot wife of yours doing’ just guy stuf, you know”

I didn’t know, but I liked the idea.

“Ok, you can show off that pic,” I said.

That night we f*cked like banshees.

“You like the idea of some guy seeing you in lingerie,” he’d tease

“Shut up and f*ck me,” I responded.

I knew James wasn’t going to be in the office for a few days. The wait was killing me. I had reservations and often thought of telling Craig no, but the idea also excited me. I was constantly horny and ready to f*ck.

I’d see Craig and immediately drop to my knees. I’d undo his pants and start sucking him. I’d think of James. I wondered what his co*ck felt like. What it looked like. When Craig came I wondered what James’ cum tasted like. As I sucked Craigs co*ck I played with my puss*. As my mouth filled with cum, I also came. I was constantly horny.

The big day came. I didn’t want to ask Craig if he was going to show off the picture, I didn’t want to seem to excited, but I couldn’t wait. I tried to be nonchalant.

“Today’s the day,” I remarked.

“Today?” he responded, obviously confused.

“Isn’t James in today?” I pushed.

“Oh yeah,” he responded it suddenly dawned on him. “Why do you care?” he teased.

“Jerk,” I replied.

“Yeah.” he laughed.

That day was hell. All day I wondered if he’d shown it yet. I wondered what the response was. The idea kept me wet all morning. By noon I needed some relief. I unzipped my jeans and pushed them and my panties to my thighs. I reached down to play with myself. With my fingers in my puss* I brought myself to three org*sms.

When it was finally time for Craig to come home. I was like one of Pavlov’s dogs, I was practically salivating waiting for him. When I heard his car pull up I felt like I needed a drink to calm my nerves. I poured a glass of wine for me and one for Craig.

He walked in the door.

“Hey babe,” he said. Then he noticed the wine. “Wine? What are we celebrating?”

“Nothing special,” I replied. “Just wanted a glass.”

He took his glass and kissed me.

The suspense was killing me but I didn’t want to seem to anxious.

“How was your day?” I asked.

“Busy,” he said.

Too busy to share my pic, I wondered.

“Oh,” I replied. Then, trying to steer the conversation, “Was James in today?”

“As a matter of fact he was,” said my husband. “We were working on a joint project, so I spent the day with him.”

This was killing me. I got the feeling he was doing it on purpose.

I couldn’t take anymore.

“Well?” I asked.

“Well what?” He teased.

“You know damn well what,” I responded. “Did you show him my pic?”

“Oh that,” he sighed. “Well we were pretty busy,” he added.

“Oh,” I said. I must have sounded disappointed. I mean I was, but I tried to hide it. I guess I didn’t do so good job.

He took pity on me. “I’m teasing. Of course I showed him your pic. I was dying too. I wanted to just show it to him but I had to wait for the right time. Finally, at lunch, he asked about you,” he told me.

“What did he ask?” I responded.

“He asked how you were,” he said.

“And?” I pushed. I was starting to get exasperated.

He laughed, “Well after he asked about you and told me how lucky I was to have such a pretty wife, I told him you took some sexy pics for me. He called me a lucky guy and said he wished he could see them. I told him I’d show him one. He got all excited and I showed him the pic.”

“Did he like it?” I asked.

“He was practically drooling,” he replied.

We talked a bit more about what James said. The whole conversation was making me wet. I loved the idea that someone saw me as sexy and not just the smart one.

After about three minutes I threw my arms around Craig and said, “f*ck me.”

I bent over the back of a chair and pushed my jeans and panties down to my ankles. It was about 3 seconds before I felt his co*ck slide into me. I was so wet it plunged deep inside me with one stroke.

“God yes,” I moaned.

Craig didn’t move. He just kept his co*ck deep inside me.

“Oh,” he teased. “Did my shy little wife get turned on by me showing off her picture?”

I didn’t answer. He pulled his co*ck out till just the tip was in me.

I squirmed trying to push back onto his co*ck, but he kept moving.

“Well,” he said.

“Yes,” I practically hissed.

He thrust his co*ck back into me. I moaned.

Again he didn’t move.

“Tell me,” he said

“f*ck me,” I pleaded.

“Tell me how it made you feel,” he insisted.

I moaned.

“Bastard,” I hissed as I tried to f*ck him.

“Tell me,” he repeated.

I moaned, “I loved it. I was thinking about it all day. I had to play with myself just to get through the day.”

He started f*cking me.

“Oh yes,” I moaned.

He continued to f*ck me and continued where I left off.

“So you liked being shown off.” It was a statement, not a question. You liked knowing that some other man was admiring your body," he continued.

My mind was on fire. “Yes, yes I did, I loved it,” I breathed.

“I’d love to show you off in person,” he said.

I knew that, but I’d never encouraged it. This time I moaned.

“Oh, you’d like that?” he went on.

His co*ck kept jack hammering my puss*. I could feel the org*sm building.

“Would you?” he pushed.

“Yes,” I moaned again.

He then put his finger in my mouth.

“Suck it,” he said. “Imagine you’re sucking a co*ck while I f*ck you.”

I sucked his finger into my mouth. An image of me, on my knees, sucking a big co*ck while being f*cked from behind entered my mind. I started to realize I really wanted it more than I wanted to admit. I’ve never been able to cum fast. As soon as he told me to imagine I was being f*cked from behind while i was sucking someone off i started cumming, and hard. It was hot.

“f*ck yes,” I moaned.

My knees buckled, he held me up.

He prodded me some more. “What.” he asked.

“I’d love it,” I breathed as my org*sm subsided. “I’d love it,” I repeated.

He pulled out of me. I couldn’t stand anymore. He laid me on the floor and pulled my jeans and panties the rest of the way off. I spread my legs and he knelt between them and entered me.

One of the things I loved about our sex life was we could go from f*cking to making love all in the same session. The love making made me feel secure enough for the times he just wanted to f*ck me or me him.

Section 3

We kissed as we slowly made love.

Feeling safe in his arms I asked, “Wouldn’t you be jealous?”

“God no,” he replied. “You’re so sexy, watching you is like having my own personal p*rn star that I could never get tired of watching.”

“Mmmm,” I sighed as he kissed my neck.

“You are so beautiful, and so fun when you’re naughty,” he went on. “Other men would be jealous of me once they knew what I had.”

He sucked on my nipples. I moaned again. I could feel another org*sm growing. This one was smaller in light waves, loving, sweet. As I came I found myself again imagining myself with two co*cks. I realized later, in my fantasy, Craig was watching and not f*cking me.

I whispered in Craig’s ear.

“Would you really like to see your wife be such a slu*t? Let two men f*ck me? Watch as they shoved their co*cks in my mouth and puss*?”

I could feel his body tense up. He was ready to cum.

“Would you like to see them cum in me?” I continued.

As I said it his body shuddered and he flooded my puss* with cum. I came again.

We got up kissed and the evening went back to normal. We went to bed and in those moments before you fall asleep a thought occurred to me.

“Are you going to show him more pictures?” I asked.

“I’d like to,” he replied.

I thought about it. “Ok,” I said. I fell asleep.

That weekend Craig asked me to pose for pictures. We took dozens. Lingerie, various states of undress, some with my face in them, some without. After, we went through the pics and deleted the ones I didn’t think were flattering. He kept the rest. I asked him which ones he wanted to show off.

“All of them,” he responded.

The thought made me tingle, but I knew I should protest.

“You can’t show my face,” I protested.

“Why not? If I’m showing them they already know they’re pictures of my wife.” He pointed out.

I was glad he came up with a reason. I wanted people to see me.

“Ok,” I responded.

Our love life continued to be amazing. We continued to include p*rn in our sex lives. I didn’t notice it at the time, but all of it included women cuckolding their husbands or taking on two or more men.

Craig continued to bring up his fantasy about seeing me with other men. The idea always made me wet and made me cum.

Craig would show off my pics. He would always tell me the guys reactions. We’d f*ck like crazy afterwards.

One time we ran into a Paul, one of the guys Craig had shown my pictures to, while we were out for dinner. He immediately came over to say hi.

“Hey guys, how are you,” he started with a normal greeting. Then he immediately followed with, “Annie, I love your pictures.”

I could feel my face start to flush. I also felt my puss* get wet. I wasn’t sure what to say. I stammered out a, “Thank you.”

“Well I hope you keep taking them,” he said.

Oh, she will," answered Craig. “Right honey?”

My mind was spinning, I was kind of tongue tied. “Yes,” I nodded.

The guy went back to his table.

“Oh my god,” I said to Craig. “Oh my god.”

“You ok?” He asked.

“Yes,” I breathed.

“Did you find that as hot as I did?” he asked.

“Uh huh, I think so,” I responded.

“Think?” He responded.

I responded by kissing him. Hot and passionately.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” he said.

Dinner conversation was about my pics and how hot they were. I kept looking at the guy and noticed he kept checking me out. I smiled at him.

Then Craig said, “Can you imagine f*cking him?”

I blushed. As soon as he said it I pictured myself on the floor, the friend between my legs, pounding me.

“No,” I lied.

Craig saw the guy get up and head to the restroom. He immediately said, “Go to the restroom. Say hi to him in the hall.”

We’d been here before. The restrooms were in a little hall hidden from the rest of the restaurant. They were single person rooms so if someone was in them you’d have to wait.

“Really?” I asked.

“Yes hurry,” Craig replied.

I didn’t really think. Craig wanted me alone with this guy, unseen from anyone else.

“Ok,” I said. After all, what could happen in a public restaurant.

I got up and headed towards the restrooms. As I went I wondered what I would say, maybe do? Why was I going there. I could see him standing in the hall. There was obviously someone in the men’s room.

I went in the hall and said hi. I didn’t even try the women’s room door.

“Well hi Annie,” he responded. “I love the dress.”

I admit. I looked good. It was a floral print. Short, about mid thigh. It showed enough cleavage, what little I had, to be interesting. Thank god for push up bras.

“Thank you,” I said.

He got bold. “I loved your pictures,” he said. “I love the cute panties that you own.

Again, all I could think to say was, “Thank you.”

“Are you wearing cute ones today? He asked boldly.

I blushed, as I did I thought about what I was wearing. It was a lavender hip hugger thong.

“I think they’re cute,” I replied.

Then he went all out. “Let me see,” he almost commanded.

The way he said it sent a hot flash to my puss*. I looked around. We were hidden from everyone. Wait was I considering this? What would Craig say? My skin felt hot.

“Show me,” he pushed.

“And what do you think my husband would say?” I asked.

“I bet he’d pull your dress up if I asked him to,” Paul said.

I thought about it. The idea of Craig pulling up my dress and showing me off made my panties wet.

With that vision in my head my hands seemed to have a mind of their own. I slowly reached down and grabbed the hem of my dress and just as slowly pulled it up. The anticipation, knowing he was going to see me, was making my knees week. I had butterflies in my stomach but I didn’t stop.

“Nice,” he said, when I had my dress around my hips. “Turn around.”

I was enjoying being told what to do, too much. Holding my dress up I turned so he could see my ass.

“Nice,” he repeated.

Just then I heard the door to the men’s room start to open. I let my dress fall back into place. The door opened and a man came out. He walked past us and into the restaurant.

I just stood there. I wasn’t sure what to do. Paul leaned in and kissed me. I was taken by surprise. For some reason I kissed back. No tongue. His hand on my ass over my dress. Then he stopped and went into the restroom.

I was tingling all over. I tried the women’s room door. It opened right up. I went in, locked the door, and leaned on the sink. I was breathing hard. I looked at my face in the mirror. It was flushed with little beads of sweat. I was aware my puss* was soaking wet. I finished up in the restroom. I composed myself and headed back to the table.

I was silent when I sat down.

“Are you ok?” asked my husband.

“Umm, yes,” I nearly replied.

“What happened?” he sounded concerned.

“Ummm, you won’t be mad?” I bit my lip.

“I want to know,” he said. “Everything.”

I looked over. Paul was at his table. He smiled at me. Then I started with the whole story. Me pulling up my dress, Paul kissing me, everything.

Craig listened carefully. At one time he turned and looked at Paul. I’m sure Paul knew I was telling Craig what happened. Craig made me repeat the sections about the dress and kiss. As I told story I could feel my skin get hot and my puss* get wet. I actually started to perspire.

Then he asked me how it made me feel.

“Are you done eating?” I asked.

He looked at his almost full plate. “Why?” he asked.

“Pay and let’s go,” I answered.

We paid the bill and jumped in the car. As soon as he got in I pulled him to me and kissed him. We made out like teenagers. We were parked right in front of the restaurant, I’m sure people going in wondered about the couple making out in the car. After a few minutes I broke the kiss.

“Take me Home,” I breathed.

Craig started the car and headed home. I leaned over the console as close to him as I could get, my head on his shoulder. He placed his hand on my leg and started to caress it. I sighed.

“Mmmm, that feels nice,” I moaned.

“What’s got into you?” he asked.

“As soon as we get home it will be you,” I replied.

His hand slid further up my thigh till it reached my soaking wet panties.

“Oh, what made you so wet?” he asked.

“Just get me home,” I breathed.

I could feel his fingers playing with my cl*t over my soaked panties. I wanted something inside me.

Section 4

We finally made it home. He parked the car in the driveway and we got out. As I headed for the door in front of him I reached under my dress and pushed my panties down. As I walked they shimmied down my legs and I stepped out of them. He stopped to pick them up from the lawn as he followed me.

I walked into the house and laid down on the couch. As I did I pulled my dress up to my waist.

“f*ck me,” I said breathlessly.

Craig wasted no time undoing his pants and pulling his co*ck out. I was so wet you could hear his co*ck slide into me with a watery smack with each thrust. I’m what they call a squirter. I knew I was staining the couch and I didn’t care.

“Yes, yes. Yes,” I moaned with every thrust.

“f*ck me. God that feels good,” I breathed.

“So,” asked Craig. “What made you so hot?”

“Shut up,” I replied.

“Yeah?” Craig continued. “It wasn’t showing off your panties to a man in a restaurant?”

“Mmmmmm,” I moaned.

Craig pulled his co*ck back leaving just the tip inside me. I strained to pull him into me but he kept pulling back so only the tip stayed in me.

“You do realize he’s my coworker,” Craig went on. “You just showed off your panties and kissed a guy I work with everyday,” he teased.

I couldn’t tell if he was mad or not, but the thought excited me. I just moaned.

“So you like knowing I work with him and everyday I’m going to have to see him knowing you kissed him and pulled up your dress for him.”

I moaned again.

“That was a pretty slu*tty thing to do,” he went on. “Were you being slu*tty?”

I moaned.

“Were you?” he asked again. This time more forcefully.

“Yes dammit,” I hissed. “It was slu*tty, I was being naughty, I knew he worked with you and didn’t care. I wanted him to see my panties. I wanted him to kiss me.”

As the words came out Craig thrust his co*ck into me and started pumping my puss*. I moaned with every stroke.

“Yes, yes, god yes,” I hissed.

Craig just grunted with each thrust. With each grunt I arched my hips so my puss* would meet his thrusting co*ck. He started pumping me harder and faster. I knew his org*sm was building, but so was mine. All of a sudden he stiffened up. I could feel hot jets of cum hit my puss* walls. As he filled me a mind crushing org*sm washed over me as well.

“Oh f*ck,” was all I could get out.

Craig rolled off me and onto the floor. We laid there, me on the couch, him on the floor, catching our breath.

After awhile Craig spoke up. “You liked it that much?”

I wasn’t sure how to answer him. Should I be honest? Did Craig really want me to be that slu*tty? Finally I just said, “Yes.”

Then I asked, “Is it what you wanted?”

“I loved it,” he replied.

“Why?” I replied. I really needed to know why he got off on the idea of me with another man. I mean we’d played with the idea before, but this time something actually happened.

“Would you read something for me?” he asked. “It might help you understand.”

“Ok,” I answered tentatively. I wasn’t sure where this was going.

He got my iPad and brought up a story in literotica.

“I think this story captures how I feel the best,” he said.

I knew he read p*rn. I liked to watch more than read it. He liked reading better. He said when he read he could picture me and him as the characters. I liked to masturbat* to p*rn. I found that hard to do while reading.

I didn’t read it right away. Instead we cleaned up and got ready for bed. Once in bed we started kissing. We made love softly on top of the sheets. I loved the way I felt in his arms. I laid on top of him and just felt our bodies merge together. I came twice, he came once. We fell asleep.

The next day Craig had some errands to run. I puttered around the house and when I was caught up, pulled out my iPad and brought up the story Craig wanted me to read.

The story involved a young husband and wife on vacation. They run into two younger men at a bar and after an evening of drinks and fun they invite the men back to their room. Even though she was nervous she ended up f*cking both of them while her husband watched.

It was a very sexy story and I was getting wet reading it. In the beginning of the story the husband and wife discussed the fantasy of seeing her get f*cked. She wanted to understand what he got out of it.

The guy tried to explain. He explained that she was so beautiful it wasn’t fair for him to keep her to himself. There was a level of voyeurism. A step past seeing himself have sex with her. Like having the sexiest woman he knew as his personal p*rn star.

There was an element of ‘Save the last dance for me’. Knowing that these men now knew how amazing and sexy his wife was but in the end they knew she was coming home with him and they would be aware of what their lives were missing.

Last there was a roller coaster emotional ride, a nagging fear that when she was with someone, he might lose her, but that euphoric high in the end when she returns to him.

I kind of understood, but still had questions. I told Craig.

“I wrote the author,” Craig admitted.

“Oh? What for?” I responded.

“After I read her biography I wanted to know if she had any advice for getting my wife to explore this fantasy,” he said shyly.

“Oh,” was all I could say.

“Would you like to read the emails?” He offered.

I wasn’t sure if I did or not, but figured the devil you know is better, so I offered to read them.

First he had me read her biography. It seems she was older than us, married, and was a swinger at one time. Her stories were about turning a nice girl into a slu*t.

In the emails she spent a lot of time discussing what he wanted. They answered a lot of my questions and concerns

Did he want to be with other women? No

Did he want to join in? Maybe, not required

Did he want to watch? Yes, but not required

He wanted me to be taken by these men and not thinking about him, just thinking about being f*cked? Yes

She explored fantasies with him. Different ways I could be taken. Him being forced to undress me for another man, me being bent over a couch while the man told Craig what a good f*ck I was. I could tell by his responses how turned on he was by the idea.

In their conversations the word cuckold came up. After exploring it he admitted he wanted to be cuckolded. They discussed her husband f*cking me. She’d talk about different ways he’d f*ck me. Craig admitted to getting hard and masturbating to these fantasies.

If I’d known before, I would have been shocked. When I finally read all the correspondence, I admit, they turned me on and made me feel like I understood more.

I read it all and thought about it. Craig did not bring up any of it. He just let it sit with me. We kind of got back to normal in our lives. Craig did not bring up any fantasies during our lovemaking. It was kind of like he’d laid this one out and the ball was in my court.

The only thing Craig asked was could he send pictures to the author.

“You’re sure they won’t share them?” I asked.

“I trust her,” he said. “She knows most of my secrets and has never given me reason not to trust her.

“Ok,” l agreed.

To Craig I barely reacted, i mean I wanted sex more often, but I did not bring up the stories or emails. On the other hand, when I was alone, I was sex crazed. I read the author’s other stories, they were all about wifesharing and hot wives. I would masturbat* two to three times a day imagining being shared with other men. I wondered what the author’s husband looked like.

In some fantasies Craig joined in, in others he just watched. He was always there. The idea was turning me on more and more.

One night we were making love. We’d not talked about the fantasy for four weeks. After sex, as I laid in his arms, I finally asked, “Do you really want that?”

“Only if it would turn you on,” he replied.

“It turns me on,” I whispered.

He kissed me.

We would continue to take pics. Nothing x rated, but lots of sexy poses. He’d always ask if he could show them off, I always said yes as long as he didn’t email them except to the author.

Section 5

Whenever we’d do new pics I’d wait at home in anticipation of what the guys thought. Craig would always come home and tell me and we’d have great sex after.

One day when I was asking what the guys said Craig suggested I let them tell me themselves.

“How,” I asked.

“Simple,” he said. “I could give them your cell number. They could text you.”

This both scared and excited me. Talking to men who’d seen me in lingerie. Craig’s coworkers.

“I don’t know,” I replied. “Is that a good idea?”

“My author suggested it,” he admitted.

“She did?” I asked. I forgot he was still talking to her, so this caught me by surprise.

“Yeah, she said it would make you nervous but excite you,” he replied.

She was right, I wasn’t sure how much I liked that this woman could read me so well. I wondered if I was just a cliche and lots of women felt like I did. I asked.

“She says that the New York Times just published an article and that group sex was the number one fantasy of both men and women. I’ll send you a copy,” he offered.

“Do you want me to text with other men?” I asked.

“I think it would be cool,” he replied.

I agreed even though I had reservations.

My first text came that day, a guy named Mark.

Mark: Nice pictures.

Me: Thank you.

Mark: Thank you for sharing them. Please share more.

Me: (I don’t know where this came from) any requests?

Mark: More ass shots.

Me: I’ll see what I can do.

The conversation left my heart beating fast and my brain going a mile a minute. I knew Mark. I’d met him a dozen times and now he was asking to see my ass. I was surprised to realize how wet the thought made me.

Texts started coming through regularly after that. Compliments on how I looked or what I was wearing. Requests for certain poses. Comments on what a lucky guy Craig was. There were three of them, James, Paul, and Mark. I found myself enjoying the attention and the flirting.

On days that I knew we’d taken new pictures I couldn’t wait for the responses to come in. I would stare at my phone hoping to hear the text ringtone.

Those nights, when Craig got home, we would read the texts and f*ck like maniacs. I was loving it.

This went on for a few months, then Craig dropped a bombshell on me. His author was coming to town and he wanted us to meet her.

I didn’t know how I felt. I knew she wanted her husband to f*ck me. That was in the correspondence. Was that what Craig wanted? Is that what I wanted. I didn’t even know the man. On the other hand the idea of f*cking a handsome stranger was a turn on. f*cking, why was I thinking of f*cking. It could just be, meet for dinner, like normal people.

I asked Craig what he wanted.

“Let’s meet them for dinner,” he suggested.

“Just dinner?” I inquired. “You don’t want it to go further?”

“Well,” he said. “If it went further I wouldn’t mind but I won’t be counting on it being anything but dinner.”

I agreed to dinner. I got curious. What did they look like. Specifically her husband. I wanted a picture. Craig gave her my email address. It wasn’t long till this appeared in my mail.

‘Hi Anne, so nice to finally talk to you. Craig has told me so much about you I feel I know you. We look forward to meeting you. You are such a beautiful woman.’

I blushed reading that. I wrote back, ‘Thank you. I’ve enjoyed your stories.

‘I’m glad you enjoy my stories,’ came the reply.

We started chatting. Their names were Dianne and Dave. I found her stories about her experiences fascinating. I had questions. How did she not get jealous watching her husband with other women. How did he not get jealous? And then, shyly, what was it like being with another man, multiple men?

I did not ask all these questions at once, but over time.

I found her perspective fascinating.

She loved her husband, and knew he loved her. They had an amazing marriage. If another woman wanted to f*ck him, she knew she wasn’t going to lose him, and he was such a good husband she enjoyed watching him enjoy himself. I told her I didn’t think I could watch Craig with another woman. She told me that was ok, Craig did not want another woman.

Her husband felt the same about watching her. He wanted her to experience her fantasies. She told me that truthfully, she had experienced all her fantasies and now preferred just to f*ck her husband and watch him turn women into slu*ts.

As far as multiple men she told me it was amazing. Letting go, being a slu*t, knowing it was ok.

Our conversations intrigued me.

Now we were making arrangements for them to visit.

The plan was for them to arrive on a Thursday and we’d have dinner. That was it. We made no other plans.

My husband dropped all conversation about me f*cking another man. I don’t know if I was glad or disappointed. Did he not want that anymore? Did it get too real? Why did I feel disappointed? Did I want to f*ck her husband? Was it her husband I wanted to f*ck or just any man? I had a lot of questions and no answers.

We still made love, he still told me how sexy and beautiful I was, but the fantasy portion kind of disappeared. The part that surprised me was how much I missed it. When he wasn’t home I’d go back and read her stories. I’d masturbat* to the thought of being f*cked in front of my husband.

I’d seen a picture of her husband. He was graying, but distinguished. He became a part of my fantasies.

Finally the day came. I was nervous all day. I must have stood at my closet twenty times trying to decide what to wear. My heart felt like it was in my mouth all day.

First I spent a lot of time on panties. I know, I wasn’t expecting anyone to see them but I wanted to make sure they were hot. I chose a pink and blue ruffled thong that perfectly framed my ass. It came with a matching push-up bra.

Then I started looking at dresses. Normally I would wear jeans but I wanted to wear a dress in front of them. I knew from our conversations that Dave loved a woman in a dress.

I found a cute summer wrap. It came down to my knees and tied at the hip. It showed a lot of cleavage. I had to pin it closed to hide my bra.

When Craig saw me he whistled.

“Damn, you look good enough to eat,” he said.

“Oh?” I quipped. “And who’s going to eat me?” I teased.

“I’m sure we could find volunteers,” he replied.

I began to feel that warm feeling in my puss*. I pictured being eaten by Diane’s husband. I could imagine his grey hair between my legs as I looked down. I was getting hot again.

“You’d like that,” I quipped.

“Uh huh,” he replied.

I lightly punched him in the arm.

“Ready to go?” I asked.

We jumped in the car and headed to the restaurant. We didn’t talk much. I think we were both lost in thought. I had no idea what the evening would bring. The possibilities both scared and excited me.

We arrived at the restaurant and found that Diane and Dave were already there and had a table. They recognized us immediately and waved us over. Introductions were more hugs than introductions. They looked just like their pictures. We all sat down.

Surprisingly conversation came easy. None of it sexual. They were intelligent and articulate. Dave was complementary and flirtatious, but not overwhelmingly so. I don’t know what I expected, but dinner was just very nice and I found myself warming up to them and flirting back.

Then at one point I got up to use the restroom. When I got out Dave was standing there.

“Oh, hi,” I said quickly. He caught me by surprise.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.” He said. “I was just thinking of a story Diane said Craig told her, about you and a restaurant restroom.”

I looked confused, then it dawned on me. I realized Dave wanted the same show I gave Paul. Up to now nothing too sexual had been discussed, but we had been flirting.

Section 6

“Oh? And what story might that be,” I flirted.

“How many are there,” Dave replied.

“Probably just the one,” I admitted.

“Then that one,” he laughed.

I quickly looked around. No one could see me. In a moment of bravery I looked him straight in the eye, grabbed the hem of my dress, and pulled it to my waist showing off my panties.

“Like this?” I asked.

“That’s half of it,” he responded.

I moved close to him and tilted my lips up towards him.

“What’s the other half?” I teased.

He grabbed my ass and pulled me too him.

“This,” he said as he kissed me.

I kissed back. His hands were on my ass under my dress as he kissed me. I didn’t care if anyone walked by, I was loving it.

We actually made out for maybe thirty seconds. To me it felt longer. My heart was beating in my chest. My skin was tingling. I could feel the electricity. It was like my lips were attached directly to my puss*.

All of a sudden I heard a noise. Someone was standing behind me waiting to get to the restrooms. I turned and looked. There was an older man trying not to look. I realized Dave still had my dress pulled up and his hands on my ass.

“I’m sorry,” I giggled.

Dave let my dress fall into place and we walked arm in arm back to the table smiling.

“What have you two been up to?” asked Diane.

“Oh, Anne was just showing me how she kissed that guy by the bathroom,” Dave replied.

I watched Craig’s face. His jaw dropped a little. He looked at me, then Dave, then Diane. Diane shrugged. I blushed.

“Is she a good kisser?” asked Diane.

“Uh huh, plus she has a great ass,” Dave answered.

Craig was obviously at a loss for words. Diane helped him out.

“What do you think of your pretty little wife kissing my husband?” she asked.

“Ummm…,” He stammered.

“Well?” She persisted.

He still looked surprised.

Diane reached over and stroked his co*ck through his pants. He must have been hard because she smiled and said, “Ooooo, trust me, he liked it.”

Then again to him, “Didn’t you dear?”

Craig seemed to compose himself. He nodded.

Diane whispered something in his ear that I couldn’t hear. Later on Craig told me what she said.

“That’s a good little cuck.”

Dave looked at me. “Why don’t we head to your house?”

My stomach did flip flops. Did I want this? If I said yes, I knew where this would go. Basically I was deciding if I was going to be a slu*t or not. Was I going to f*ck a man, not my husband, with my husband’s knowledge and consent.

I knew I should say no but, after all the bedroom play, I was more than curious. I realized during the last months when we hadn’t talked about it, I missed it as part of our bedroom play. With my heart thumping I feigned confidence and replied, “I’d love to.”

He looked at Craig. “Craig?” He asked.

Craig again nodded his head.

Dave paid the bill. Dave and Diane had Ubered to the restaurant from their hotel So we all headed to our car. When we got there Diane got in the front with Craig. Dave and I got in the back.

As we started to drive thoughts raced through my mind in a jumbled mess.

Was I really going to do this?

I’d only had sex with three guys in my life, this was going to be my fourth. I was sure Dave had experience. Would he think I was any good?

I loved Craig. How would this affect my marriage? He said he wanted this, did he really?

I wondered what Dave’s co*ck looked like.

Then it dawned on me Diane and Craig would be there. Would they watch?

How would I feel with Craig watching? The thought brought butterflies to my stomach. How would Craig feel when he actually saw me.

What would Diane do?

Would she join in? Watch? I’d never been with a woman before.

All these thoughts brought my heart to my throat, but I also realized they were turning me on.

All of a sudden I felt Dave’s hand on my cheek. It brought me back to reality.

“You look beautiful,” Dave said.

He bent in and kissed me. I kissed back. My eyes were open, I looked at Craig. I could tell he was watching through the rear view mirror. He looked like he was watching an adventure movie and the hero was just about to let loose. You could see the anticipation on his face.

I closed my eyes and let myself go to the kiss.

Dave wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to him. Dave was a little taller than Craig. Maybe 6’. He was also heavier than Craig. Not fat, but solid. When he took me in his arms I felt small, light. I felt surrounded in his arms. His scent filled my nose. Wood, leather, musk, I couldn’t place it. Made me think of a man swinging a hammer somewhere.

As he kissed me one hand went to the hem of my dress and started sliding up my thigh. I heard Diane speak.

“She looks so sexy in his arms,” she said, obviously to Craig.

I opened my eyes to find her turned in the seat looking at me.

“Isn’t he a great kisser?” she asked me.

“Yes,” I replied, trying to see Craig’s eyes in the rear view mirror.

I closed my eyes again and let myself go to Dave’s kisses. As I did I felt his hand slide up my thigh. I instinctively spread my legs a bit to give him easier access. His fingers moved up to my panty covered puss*. He took his time.

The anticipation was killing me. I wanted to grab his hand and pull it up to my puss*. He finally reached the crotch of my panties. I knew they were soaked. I wanted him to pull them aside and jam his fingers in me, but instead he played small circles around my cl*t and lightly ran his fingers up and down my labia. Just enough to tease me. I kept arching my hips towards his hands but he kept a light touch. As he teased me I was kind of whining and moaning. I think I sounded like a lost kitten.

I heard Diane say something and Craig answered, “almost there.”

Hearing that Dave wrapped his hand around the waistband of my thong and started pulling it down over my hips. I lifted my hips to help him. He continued to remove it, briefly getting it tangled up in my heels. Once he freed it he reached over the seat and dropped the thong in Craig’s lap just as we pulled in the driveway.

Dave escorted me to the front door as Craig fumbled for his house key. When we walked in Diane started acting like they were just visiting socially.

“What a lovely home you have,” she said to me. “Thank you so much for having us,” she said.

“Thank you,” I said, no longer sure of what to do.

Craig and I stood there expectantly looking at Dave and Diane.

Diane broke the silence. “Well I think it’s time we got this slu*t f*cked,” she said. The way she said it made my knees week. I’d gone from being kissed like I was on a date to being called a slu*t, what worried me was, I liked it.

Diane was standing next to Craig. “Come here,” she almost ordered me.

I walked over to them.

“Unite her dress,” she told Craig.

I was wearing a halter style wrap dress. Craig hesitated and then reached for the string on my hip he pulled it loose. The dress pulled back revealing the inner tie. He pulled that one as well. The dress fell open revealing I was only wearing a bra. Craig pulled the dress the rest of the way off me and dropped it to the floor. I stood there in just my bra.

Diane looked at me, then to Craig. Once you take that bra off her, she’s going to f*ck my husband. You will be a cuckold and she will be a hot, shared wife. Do you want that?

Craig hesitated. She reached down and stroked his co*ck through his pants. I could tell he was hard.

“Feels like you do,” she said. “Do you?”

Craig nodded.

“That’s not enough,” she said. “I want to hear it.”

“Yes,” He said.

“Yes what?” She pressed.

He hesitated and then blurted. “I want to be a cuckold. I want to see her with other men. I want her to be other men’s slu*t. I want to see her f*ck.”

Section 7

“Take off her bra then,” she said.

Craig did what he was told. I was now naked in front of the three of them. They were all dressed. Dianne took my hand and stood me facing Dave. She reached down, undid his zipper, and pulled his co*ck out of his pants.

“Touch it,” she ordered.

I reached out and took it in my hand. I always loved the way a hard co*ck felt. I loved the soft skin in contrast with the rigid pole. I started to stroke it. It felt heavy in my hand. It was a little longer and thicker than Dave’s. I could just barely get my hand around it.

I looked at Craig. He was staring with rapt attention. I looked back at Dave’s face. Well if I was going to be a slu*t… I thought. I got to my knees and took him in my mouth. This was the first new co*ck I’d had since we started dating. Only the third I’d given a blow j*b to. Craig loved my blowj*bs but Dave had more experience. I found myself wanting to please this man.

I couldn’t get him all in my mouth, so I treated it more like my favorite popsicle. I would take the tip in my mouth while I jacked it off with my hands. Then I would lick and suck up and down the sides returning to getting as much of the tip in my mouth as I could. About one third.

I forgot about Craig and Diane and concentrated on the co*ck in my mouth. I was loving sucking this strange co*ck. I wasn’t a lover, not even a friend. I was just a hole to stick his co*ck in. That thought brought a hot flash to my puss*. I moaned.

Diane spoke up. “Sounds like the little slu*t likes sucking co*ck,” she said.

I moaned again.

I looked at Dave. I was hot, I wanted someone in my puss*. “Please,” I begged.

“Please what,” was the reply.

“Please f*ck me,” I begged.

Dave scooped me up in his strong arms.

“Where is your bedroom?” he asked.

Craig told him.

“Good,” said Dave. “I want to f*ck the slu*t in your bed.”

He carried me to the bedroom. He dropped me on the bed and said, “Undress me.”

I got down on my knees and started undressing him. I was aware of his co*ck at eye level. I took off his shoes and socks then stood up to remove his shirt. I was vaguely aware of Craig and Diane standing in the room watching.

I got down on my knees again and removed his pants and boxers. He was now naked with his co*ck right in front of my face, I took it in my hands and started sucking him again.

“Get up on the bed,” he ordered.

I climbed on the bed and laid down on my back.

“Not like that,” he said. “That’s not how a slu*t gets f*cked.”

I realized he was right. A lover looks at his or her lover face to face, in each other’s arms. A slu*t presents her puss* to be f*cked. I rolled over, got on all fours, and stuck my ass up in air.

I felt a hand on my puss*. Two fingers slid in. I knew right away they weren’t man fingers. It was obviously Diane. She circled my cl*t and then stick her fingers in me. I moaned. It felt good. It also felt naughty. I’d never been touched by a girl before. The thought made me moan again. I pushed my puss* into her hand.

Diane fingered me some more and then said, “the slu*ts c*nt is really wet. She needs to be f*cked.

c*nt? If someone used that word around me a day ago I would have slapped them. Now I wanted to hear it again. It made me feel dirty. Free dirty. Like a free slu*t whose c*nt is there to be f*cked.

I felt Dave climb on the bed behind me. Diane put a hand on my ass and one on his co*ck. She brought his co*ck to my puss* and started rubbing it all over my cl*t and lips. I moaned. I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter. You could hear the sound of his co*ck moving against my wetness.

“What do you want?” Diane asked.

I moaned.

“Tell me,” she said.

“f*ck me,” I breathed.

“f*ck me?” She repeated in a questioning tone.

I exploded, “f*ck my slu*tty c*nt! Stick that fat co*ck in me and f*ck me, please f*ck me.”

And he did. He rammed his co*ck into me and started thrusting hard.

“God yes,” I practically screamed. " f*ck, f*ck, f*ck,” I hissed after each stroke.

It took about a minute when I felt my first org*sm rising. It started in my puss* and flashed out to my brain.

As I came I yelled, “f*ck yes.” I could feel myself squirting and soaking his co*ck with my puss*.

He continued to pound my puss*. You could hear it smack against the fluids soaking my ass and puss*.

“Ughh. Ughh, ughh. Yes, yes, yes,” I grunted as he pounded into me. “f*ck me, f*ck my c*nt.”

Then I remembered Craig was in the room. “Is this what you wanted baby? Do you like watching your wife turn into a slu*t and getting her c*nt pounded? I love this.” Then I grunted a few more times, " Ugh, ohhh, ohh.”

“Oh my god baby. This feels so good, so free, I love being a slu*t, from now on my c*nt is going to get lots of co*ck.”

Telling him this made another org*sm rise. “Oh Craig, I’m coming! God yes. I’m coming on someone else’s co*ck. Yes, yes, yes,” I moaned as I came.

I kind of fell forward onto my stomach. Dave fell out of me. He then straddled my thighs. I arched my hips a bit so he could enter me. With his hands grabbing my ass he continued to thrust into me. I grunted with each thrust.

Then he suddenly pulled out. I whispered as he did.

“Roll over,” he commanded.

I rolled over on my back. Dave straddled my chest and stuck his wet, hard, co*ck in front of my face. I opened my mouth and took in as much as I could. Dave started f*cking my mouth. Not to hard. I’m not a deep throat queen. He knew just where to stop.

Using my hands I jerked his co*ck as he f*cked my mouth. I could taste my tangy puss* juices all over his hard co*ck. “Mmmm,” I moaned.

I felt my legs being spread. Then I felt a cascade of hair on my thighs. I knew it was Diane’s long black hair being lowered on my thighs. All of a sudden I felt her tongue on my puss*. I moaned around Dave’s co*ck. I thrust my puss* towards her mouth. She had obviously done this before. It felt amazing. I continued to suck Dave’s co*ck.

I felt an org*sm rising again. I moaned around Dave’s co*ck. My body arched. I could feel his co*ck start to spasm. He started cumming in my mouth. The feeling of the hot cum hitting the back of my throat set off my org*sm. My mouth let go of his co*ck as I came. Dave’s hot cum started to hit me in the face and hair. I came again.

As our org*sms subsided Dave rolled off me and laid on the bed beside me.

“Oh f*ck,” I moaned. “That was amazing.”

I looked at Craig, “Well dear, I am now a slu*t.”

With cum drying on my face and hair I said, “Come f*ck your slu*tty wife.”

Craig climbed between my legs and f*cked me like he loved me.

Diane and Dave decided to spend the weekend. Dave and Diane slept in the king bed with me, Craig slept in the recliner we had in the bedroom. I f*cked Dave at least 5 more times. Craig always f*cked me after. Dave loved cumming on me. I loved the feeling of hot cum drying on my skin. Craig always f*cked me covered in cum.

Twice Craig f*cked me while I already had a c*ntful of Dave’s cum. I loved that feeling. Craig’s co*ck surrounded by another man’s cum, knowing someone has been there before him. Just the thought of it made me wet.

Diane suggested we make plans for Sunday. She specifically mentioned Paul, James, and Mark, Craig’s three coworkers who he had shown my pictures to. Diane suggested we invite them over to watch a game.

“I’ve never had them over before,” protested Craig.

Diane suggested he tell them that I said we never have company and suggested them because at least she knew them.

Craig made the first call to Paul, the guy I kissed.

“Hey Paul, Annie and I were wondering if you would like to come over and watch the game tomorrow.

Yes, Annie will be here. We were thinking of inviting James and Mark too. We also have guests from out of town”

I knew that all three knew the others had seen my pics.

Craig chuckled, “I’ll see what I can do. See you tomorrow.”

He hung up and I looked at him.

“Paul said I should get you to wear something sexy,” Craig informed us.

“That’s great,” said Diane.

Craig made the other two phone calls. They both asked if I was going to be there. They both agreed to come.

Section 8

Dave f*cked me Sunday morning. He bent me over the breakfast table and f*cked me from behind while Diane and Craig sat there having their coffee. He pulled out and came all over my ass.

“We need to decide what you’re going to wear today,” said Diane.

“Wear?” I repeated.

“Yes, now that you’re a slu*t we have to find something appropriate,” she said.

I took a shower and went to my room. Normally I would’ve thrown on jeans and a t shirt. Today I wasn’t sure what I was looking for. I stood there naked looking at my dresser. Diane walked in.

“Hey slu*t, can’t decide what to wear?” she asked.

“Not really,” I replied. “I honestly don’t know what I’m dressing for. Normally I’d wear jeans.”

“Well, I think these guys want to see you in something sexier than jeans,” she said.

“Lingerie?” I asked. “They’ve all seen pictures of me in lingerie but that doesn’t seem right.”

“You’re right, but I bet they’d love it,” she said.

“Where are your shorts,” she asked.

I had a drawer full of shorts. In the bottom was a white pair of running shorts. I wore them in high school and college. They were made of a stretchy material and were kind of worn. I knew they’d be way too tight. I didn’t protest.

She then went through my lingerie drawer. She pulled out a ruffled thong with s deep blue and red design on them. They’d easily be seen through the shorts. She found a white v neck t shirt and made me try it on. It was not form fitting and hung straight down from my breasts to below my waist. Diane sent me for a pair of scissors.

When I brought them Diane took them to the t shirt and cut almost a foot from the bottom. She put it on the bed with the shorts and panties.

“Cool,” she said. Why don’t you get dressed.

“No bra?” I asked.

“No, you don’t need one. You have great tit*,” she said.

I got dressed. I put on the thong, it was one of my favorites. I liked the colors and style. They were pretty small. Then I pulled on the t shirt. It was barely a shirt. She had cropped it right at the bottom of my rib cage. Nothing showed, but if I bent over you’d see right down the v neck and if you were sitting I’m sure you would see my tit* when you looked up.

The shape of my nipples were clearly on display. Last I pulled on the shorts. They were tight like I expected. They covered two thirds my ass and you could obviously see my thong through them.

I topped it off with a pair of high heeled red pumps.

I left the bedroom and entered the living room where the guys could see me.

“Perfect,” said David.

“Are you sure?” Craig asked Diane.

“Oh yes,” I’m sure,” she answered.

Craig looked unsure.

“You wanted a slu*t,” I said as I kissed Craig.

It was an hour before the guys were going to show up. I was getting restless. Dave was sitting on the couch. I went over to him.

“I’m bored,” I said as I knelt between his legs. I was really anxious and nervous but didn’t want to admit it.

“Yeah?” He replied.

“Uh huh,” I grinned at him.

I pulled out his co*ck and started sucking on it. I found it calming. I laughed to myself that I was using Dave’s co*ck as a big pacifier. I relaxed and enjoyed the feel of his strong co*ck in my mouth. As I sucked it I would pull it out and rub it all over my face. I loved the feeling of the hard co*ck in the soft skin against my skin.

After a while I realized that Dave was not going to cum from the blowj*b. He rarely did. I stopped sucking him and sat next to him to watch tv. I gently stroked his co*ck as we watched.

The doorbell rang. Dave quickly put his co*ck away and told me to get the door. I went to answer it.

It was James and Mark. I think they were both surprised to see me and for a second they just stared and didn’t say a word, I broke the ice.

“Hi guys,” I said. “Come on in.”

“Th-th-thank you,” stammered Mark.

They came in. I introduced them to Diane and Dave. Diane looked great, she was wearing a short summer dress that showed just enough of everything to be interesting. The guys said hi.

I offered them a drink and directed them to the den. They both accepted. As I walked away to get the drinks I could feel both their eyes on my ass. I liked knowing they were looking at me. The beer was in the fridge on the bottom shelf. I made sure I bent over straight legged when I got the beers.

I delivered the beers. I wasn’t sure if the guys could see up my shirt or not. Just then the doorbell rang. I answered it.

It was James. He took one look at me and said, “Dammit Annie, you look amazing.” Then to the other guys, “Doesn’t she look amazing?”

They both agreed.

I introduced him to Dianne and Dave. They made pleasantries as I got James a beer.

James then turned his attention to me. “You look better in person than you do in your pics,” he said.

I thanked him.

He went on. “What do you guys think,” he asked Paul and Mark.

“Oh much better,” said Mark. “Although,” he paused.

“Although?” queried Dave.

Mark looked at Craig then went on. “Well, most of the time her pictures are in lingerie.”

“Is that true?” Dave asked Craig. Dave knew the answer but wanted to put Craig on the spot.

Craig nodded.

Dave pressed it, “So Annie has a lot of lingerie pictures?” He went on.

“A few,” Craig answered.

“A few,” said James. “Come on, you’ve got at least 100.”

All through this conversation I felt my heart beating. I’d always been the girl people missed. Now I was the center of attention. These guys were definitely checking me out and pleased with what they saw. I liked that feeling. It was keeping me hot between my legs.

“Well I’d like to see them,” said Dave.

He’d seen me naked all weekend, I wasn’t sure why he wanted lingerie pics. I’d soon find out.

“Craig let’s see some of those pictures,” said Diane.

I was surprised she suggested it. So were the guys.

Craig went to the Mac and opened it up. He brought up the album and the first pic. It was me in panties holding my arm over my tit*.

“Nice,” said Diane. The guys all agreed.

They went through about twenty pictures when Dave looked at one and asked me, “Hey, aren’t those the panties you have on?”

They all turned to look at me, more specifically my panties. I blushed.

“Yes, they’re the same ones,” I said.

James got brave. In a joking tone he said, “Well if we’ve already seen them, and can through your shorts, what’s the point of the shorts anyways?”

“I agree with James,” said Paul.

All the guys agreed.

“Isn’t there a game on?” I said hopefully.

Secretly I was hoping they’d forget the game. By this time I was getting horny. I liked the way the guys were talking about me and looking at me. I was hoping they’d forget the game and leave soon so I could f*ck Dave.

The guys ignored me.

Then Dave shocked everyone. “Craig, I think you should get your wife to take off those shorts so we can see how cute those panties are in person.”

The guys all looked at Dave then at Craig. I think they expected Craig to punch him.

I was torn. Half of me wanted to strip off the shorts and show off, bask in the attention. Half of me was scared to death I might do it.

Dave repeated, “Craig why don’t you show us.”

Diane took my hand and stood me next to Craig. He looked me in the eye. I could tell he wanted to.

“It’s ok,” I said.

Craig reached for the waistband of my shorts. The guys looked on incredulously as Craig pushed my shorts to the ground. I went to step out of them but one of my heels got stuck. Mark bent over to help me out.

Now I was there in front of Craig’s coworkers in just a thong and t shirt.

I was feeling sexy and emboldened.

Section 9

“Is this what you wanted?” I asked Craig. “You begged me to let you show my pictures off and now here I am in my underwear, in person, in front of your coworkers. Everyday when you go to work you’ll know they’ve seen me like this. Is it what you expected?”

All the guys looked at Craig, then to me, then back to Craig.

“Well?” I said.

“You look amazing,” was his reply.

Now I was enjoying showing off. I didn’t realize how much fun showing off could be.

“Oh, What else do you want them to see,” I asked.

Mark spoke up, “I’d love to see those tit*.”

I turned to Craig, “Look at that. Your coworker wants to see my tit*.” I teased.

I stood in front of Mark I held the bottom of my t and pulled it up a bit. Not enough to show anything but enough to tease.

“What do you think honey,” I teased Craig. “Should I show your coworkers my tit*?”

I was still facing a Mark. “Do you really want to see them?” I teased.

“Absolutely,” he said.

This was fun. I was enjoying myself.

I looked at Craig again. He was just staring, mouth agape.

I turned back to Mark and raised my arms over my head. “And who’s stopping you?”

Mark looked at Craig. Craig didn’t say anything. Mark looked back at me and tentatively reached for my t shirt. When I didn’t stop him he grabbed the hem and pulled it over my arms. I immediately used my arms to cover my tit*.

“Look honey, your coworker just took my shirt off me,” I teased.

I stood real close to Mark.

“Did you enjoy that?” I asked.

He put his arms around me and pulled me to him. I put my arms around his neck.

“What? Just because I showed you my tit* you think you get to kiss me?” I said in an innocent voice.

“Yup,” he said and kissed me. I kissed back.

I paused. “Hunny, you’re coworker is kissing your half naked wife,” I teased.

I kissed Mark again.

Paul spoke up. He had kissed me in the restaurant.

“Hey,” he said. “We’re your houseguests too.” He jokingly complained.

“Oh I’m sorry,” I said. “Are you feeling left out?”

I went to Paul. He took me in his arms and kissed me. When I pulled back James was standing there. I turned, faced him, and kissed him.

“Look hunny. All your coworkers want to make out with your half naked wife,” I teased.

The guys started passing me back and forth kissing me. I was enjoying it. All of a sudden I felt hands on my tit*. I stopped kissing and looked behind me. Paul had reached around me and grabbed my breasts.

I looked over my shoulder and said, “Mmmmmm,” then went back to kissing.

The guys passed me back and forth kissing me and playing with my tit*. I was loving it. Then one of the guys tried to pull my panties off me. I danced away.

“Hunny,” I said. “They’re trying to get my panties off me.”

I looked at the guys, “only my husband gets to take my panties off me,” I said.

Then I went back to Craig. “Do you want to take my panties off me?” I teased. “I’d be naked in front of your coworkers. You’d go to work Monday knowing they’d all seen me naked, or worse. If you take them off do you think they’d want to touch me?

Put their fingers in me? How would you feel knowing your coworkers fingers were inside my puss*? Not puss*, c*nt, I guess if I let three guys finger me im a slu*t and it’s a c*nt. Is that what you want? Your coworkers fingering your slu*tty wife’s c*nt?

Mark, Paul, and James stood there with their mouths open. I gave them a sweet smile. Diane went and sat next to Craig. She patted his leg.

“Do it,” she said.

Craig looked at me, then at the faces around him. Diane rubbed his co*ck through his jeans. I could see how hard he was.

He reached out and put his hands on the waistband of my panties.

“You’re sure,” I said. “Because I am so f*cking horny right now it will never be the same again.”

Diane squeezed his co*ck. “Do it,” she said.

The next thing I knew my panties were on the ground and I was naked with Dave and three of Craig’s coworkers.

I did a pirouette. “What do you think boys?” I asked.

The three of them tried talking at once. All complimentary.

“Well?” I asked. “Now that your coworkers slu*tty little wife is naked, what do you want to do with her.”

James grabbed me in his arms and kissed me. His hands slid down to my ass as he pulled me to him. I could feel his hard co*ck through his jeans. Mark came up behind me, he slid his hands around and started playing with my tit*.

“Hunny look,” your coworkers are playing with my slu*tty little ass and tit*.

I asked James, “do you like having me naked in front of my husband who you work with?”

“f*ck yes,” he answered.

I looked over to the side of me. Paul had taken his co*ck out and started stroking it.

I reached my hand down and started stroking it for him.

“Look Hunny, your slu*tty little wife is stroking your coworkers co*ck. What do you think that will lead to?” I teased.

Mark must have seen what I was doing because the next thing I knew I could feel his naked co*ck poking against me from behind. I pushed my ass back against it.

With my free hand I started rubbing James’ co*ck through his pants.

“Take it out,” I said.

James unzipped his pants and pulled his co*ck out. I dropped to my knees and started sucking it. James made a moaning noise.

I stopped for a moment to tease Craig. “Monday when you go to work and see James you’ll have to remember what his co*ck in my mouth looks like.”

I went back to working on his co*ck. I still had my hand wrapped around Paul’s co*ck. All of a sudden I gasped, two fingers had entered my puss* from the rear. I looked back and Mark had one hand on my ass and the other had fingers in my puss*.

“Mmmmmm…,” I moaned around James co*ck. I pushed my puss* back against Mark’s fingers and moaned again.

My puss* was dripping wet. I let go of Paul’s co*ck and pulled James to the ground. Now on all fours I could suck James’ co*ck and get my ass in the air for better access.

Mark continued to play with my puss*. Then his fingers pulled out. I felt him push against my puss* again. It took me a moment to realize it was his co*ck and he was trying to f*ck me.

I stopped sucking James’ co*ck to give Mark a moment to stuff his co*ck in me. As he entered me I moaned and then took James back into my mouth. I got a rhythm going between them. I felt exhilarated taking two co*cks at once, I wondered what I looked like. Mark continued to pump me from behind but was being too gentle.

I let go of James’ co*ck. “That’s it Mark, f*ck me, f*ck my c*nt, give it to me. f*ck me hard, f*ck me like the slu*t I am.”

Mark got the hint and started f*cking me hard. I took James’ co*ck back in my mouth. I grunted as Mark jammed his co*ck into my wet puss*. I was having a hard time sucking James. He grabbed his co*ck and started jerking it off.

As Mark f*cked me I continued to grunt, “f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, unghh, unghh, that’s it, f*ck me, f*ck me hard.”

I felt Mark start to stiffen. I knew he was about to cum.

“Cum for me. Look Craig, your coworker is about to fill my c*nt with cum.” Mark started to cum. Feeling the hot jets of cum against my puss* walls brought me to a wild org*sm.

“f*ck Craig, I’m cumming, I’m cumming. f*ck, im cumming all over your coworkers co*ck. Oh my god.”

Just as I said that I was hit in the face with a hot stream of cum. I had forgot all about James jacking off in front of me. The first jet hit me in the face. I opened my mouth, the next jets hit me in my face, mouth and chin. Rope after rope hit my face and started to drip off.

I moaned as Marks co*ck slid out of my puss*. Then I felt another co*ck. I forgot all about Paul. Paul slid his co*ck right into my cum filled c*nt.

“Mmmmmm…,” I moaned as it filled me up. Paul started f*cking me. I could feel Mark’s cum squishing inside me with every thrust of Paul’s co*ck. Then I remembered Craig was watching.

“See my face Craig, look at the cum on it. Is this what you wanted, is this slu*tty enough for you?”

I could see that Craig had pulled out his co*ck and started jerking off. Diane sat next to him with her hand on his thigh. She was whispering to him, but I couldn’t hear them.

I let myself go to the co*ck inside me. I rested my head and chest on the floor so my ass was high and meeting every stroke of Paul’s co*ck. Paul was taking long deep strokes. I closed my eyes and just concentrated on my puss*.

I let him do all the work. I felt my org*sm start to build. I started moaning. I remembered that I barely knew this guy who was f*cking me. All I really knew was that he worked with my husband and that Monday morning my husband would see him at work.

That brought an org*sm crashing over my body. Wave after wave, I shuddered. “Oh my god, Craig, I’m cumming, oh god, yes,” I practically screamed.

I opened my eyes and saw Craig feverishly working his co*ck. Paul pulled out of me. You could hear the suction noise as he pulled out of my c*nt now with two loads of cum.

I looked at Craig. Don’t waste that baby. Cum here and put it in your slu*t wife’s cum filled puss*.”

I laid on my back. My puss* was a dripping mess. I had dried Cum on my face and in my hair. I held my arms out to Craig. He climbed on top of me and entered me. I knew he loved me.

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Annie's Tale: Cuckolding My Husband - The Cuckold Consultant (2024)
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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Views: 6066

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Author information

Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.