Are Annuities a Good Investment? The Good, Bad, and Real Ugly - Good Financial Cents® (2024)

Home » Retirement » Are Annuities a Good Investment? The Good, Bad, and Real Ugly

Diving into the world of annuities can feel like a maze of options, fees, and guarantees. This guide breaks down the good, the bad, and the real ugly of annuities, offering insights on alternatives to ensure your investments align with your unique needs.


You may have heard investment advisors – or insurance advisors – talk about them in the past. In fact, earlier, I described several reasons you should and shouldn’t buy annuities.

If you catch me on the street and ask if annuities are a good investment, I’d tell you the short answer is that it depends.

If you press me further, I’d tell you that most of the time they aren’t a good investment. But, with that said, here are some great short-term investments that I recommend! 🙂

If you demand clarification, I’d probably just shoot you a link to this article – unless you’d like to take me to In-N-Out Burger and pick up the tab. 😉

Are Annuities a Good Investment? The Good, Bad, and Real Ugly - Good Financial Cents® (1)

Here, I’m going to define annuities, show you why some people buy them, present two particular types of annuities, and show you a few alternatives you might like.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me! If you would like to find some of the best annuity quotes, I can help you with that as well! Now, let’s get started.

Table of Contents

  • Annuities Defined
  • Why Do People Buy Annuities?
  • Are Variable Annuities a Good Investment?
  • Fixed-Indexed Annuities
  • Annuity Alternatives
  • So, Are Annuities a Good Investment?
  • Bottom Line: Annuity Investment Evaluation

Annuities Defined

Let’s start out with a definitionof an annuity:

A fixed sum of money is paid to someone each year, typically for the rest of their life.

The basic concept is pretty simple. But we’re just scratching the surface of the question at hand.

Why Do People Buy Annuities?

Obviously, people buy annuities because there is some sort of perceived benefit. The main perceived benefit is safety.

Safe annuitiesinclude the following:

  • Fixed annuities
  • Single premium immediate annuities
  • Deferred Income Annuities
  • Fixed indexed annuities

I’d like to cover fixed indexed annuities in a moment, but first, let’s take a look at an unsafe option . . .

Are Variable Annuities a Good Investment?

One product that isn’t on the safety list is the variable annuity. Now, I don’t always agree with Suze Orman, but I do agree with her here:

Suze is right. And so are many others.

Here’s what Michael Gauthier, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ from Strategic Income Group, says:

Variable annuities are one of the most oversold products in the financial services industry. Especially for people that are in the Accumulating Wealth Phase of their life, these investment vehicles tend to slow down the process of actually accumulating wealth due to the high fees that are associated with these products. Most investors would be better off owning lower cost options in ETFs and/or appropriate mutual funds.

Here’s what Todd Tressider at says about variable annuities:

. . .consumer advocates argue some variable annuity fees are so steep it can take more than a decade to outperform more straightforward investments, the benefits are misrepresented, and the restrictive features and penalties aren’t adequately understood.

Here’s what Alan Moore, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ at Serenity Financial Consulting says about variable annuities:

Variable annuities are incredibly complex, and are difficult for most financial advisors to understand, so I don’t expect the vast majority of consumers to really understand how they work.

Jane Bryant Quinn from the Wall Street Journal has written that she’d like to take all variable annuities and smash them into smithereens. How’s that for being blunt? 🙂

John Biggs from TIAA-CREF says it’s never suitable to buy a variable annuity.

AARP has written about many of the pros and cons of variable annuities.

Whoa. Big names hate variable annuities.

Let me explain why…

When you’re buying variable annuities, you’re buying mutual funds through a variable annuity company.

While those companies may boast about how many options you have inside of a variable annuity (around 80 to 300 mutual funds), you have many more options if you just open a Scottrade account (around 29,000 mutual funds).

Here’s another reason variable annuities are bad: fees. The national average for variable annuity fees as of 2023 is 6.00%. Yikes!

Oh, and by the way, just because you read the word “guaranteed” in your policy doesn’t mean you’ll really get a guaranteed return. Take a look at what the SEC has to say:

You may want to consider the financial strength of the insurance company that sponsors any variable annuity you are considering buying. This can affect the company’s ability to pay any benefits that are greater than the value of your account in mutual fund investment options, such as a death benefit, guaranteed minimum income benefit, long-term care benefit, or amounts you have allocated to a fixed account investment option.

You read that right.

Companies do not have to be in financial trouble to take away the death benefit or income riders for new policies, and sometimes, they try to change existing policies when possible. One company offered a lump sum to tempt people to get rid of guarantees. Another required certain changes to be made, or the riders would be eliminated.

That’s why it’s important to understand that changes in a company’s policy may affect your abilityor willingness to maintain those benefits.

In summary, guaranteed death benefits and income accounts may havea lot of fine print you should understand before you sign on the dotted line.

Fixed-Indexed Annuities

One type of annuity that is on my safe annuity list is the fixed-indexed annuity.

The great thing about these is that they actually do have a guarantee that you can’t lose the money you put in. Any deposits you make or gains that are credited get locked in at various time increments – that’s a good thing, people! What this means is that values can only go up, not down.

Okay, so should you go out and buy a fixed-indexed annuity? Not necessarily. While they are so much better than variable annuities, there are other options out there! More on that in a moment.

One other common practice of fixed-indexed annuities is to place caps on growth. For example, if the investment index goes up in one year by 30%, you may be capped at, say, 4% – and therefore miss out on a 26% gain.

There are different caps for each policy, so make sure you research caps related to the fixed-indexed annuity you are considering. And by the way, the caps can change over time.

The good news is that you can get a return of premium (ROP) on some of these policies, which sometimes states you can get your money back at any time for any reason. That’s pretty sweet.

There are also some fixed indexed annuities that are uncapped, meaning there is no limit to the upside potential, and some provide two times the payout for qualifying medical conditions.

The other guarantee that fixed index annuities offer is lifetime income benefits. This will allow you and potentially your spouse to have a paycheck for the rest of your lives.

And unlike a pension, in the event you have money left over, the remaining balance would be passed on to your heirs.

But again, do all these benefits make sense for you?

Annuity Alternatives

Remember that just because there are some great fixed-indexed annuities, that doesn’t mean you should sign your name on the dotted line.

I meet with clients who read about this or that annuity, thought it sounded good, and decided it was the best investment for them.

Instead of taking a step back and considering other investment options, they got excited about a particular investment’s benefits and didn’t think to examine all the possibilities.

That’s why I’d like to take a few moments of your time to discuss annuity alternatives.

Granted, you’re probably interested in annuities because of their guarantees. So, the question is, how do you protect your money without buying an annuity? Here are some options . . . .

Insured High-Yield Savings Accounts

If you’re looking for a guarantee that you won’t lose money, this is the best option. In the United States, many savings accounts are insured by the FDIC or NCUA all the way up to $250,000.

That’s right, so if the bank or credit union tanks, you’ll still have a guarantee that you’ll get your money back. That’s huge!

I put together a list of some of the best online high-yield savings accounts just for you. But you’ll notice something . . . . You probably won’t grow your money in these accounts as well as you might be able to in a fixed-indexed annuity or the stock market.

Let’s take a look at another option . . . .

Stock Market With AssetLock™

AssetLock™ is proprietary software that is only available through a select group of advisors. The software is designed to monitor your stock market accounts every single day.

AssetLock™ will always display four important numbers for investors:

1. High Water Value – The highest value the portfolio has ever reached.

2. High Water Date – The date your portfolio reached the highest value ithas ever reached.

3. Current Account Value –The most recent value from the last closing day in the stock market.

4. AssetLock™ Value – The predetermined amount of downside (loss) the portfolio should experience during the period of time that the client is invested.

The software takes into account all of these factors to help you avoid a stock market crash. And the cool thing is that you can view this information yourself right on your computer, smartphone, or tablet computer.

You can set your AssetLock™ Value at 5%, 10%, 15% – whatever makes sense for you! If you’re more conservative and don’t want much risk, you can set it at 5%. Maybe you’re more aggressive and want to set it higher at 15% – it’s your choice!

[vimeo 111029539 w=500 h=281]

I am an AssetLock™ approved advisor. It’s amazing how the software works, and if you give me the chance, I’d be happy to show it to you.

Are Annuities a Good Investment? The Good, Bad, and Real Ugly - Good Financial Cents® (2)

So, Are Annuities a Good Investment?

Hopefully, by now, you have answered that question for yourself. Everyone’s situation is different.

I’ll say again that most of the time, annuities are not a good investment. In those situations, investing in the stock market with AssetLock™ makes a lot of sense as it blends a great deal of safety with potentially higher returns.

In other situations, fixed-indexed annuities may make sense when investors want a guarantee that they won’t lose any money – the stock market with AssetLock™ can’t provide that level of guarantee.

But remember, if your fixed-indexed annuities are capped, you’re limiting your potential upside.

Consider your options, consider your situation, and pick the right investment for you!

Bottom Line: Annuity Investment Evaluation

The question of whether annuities are a good investment depends on your unique circ*mstances. While annuities offer safety and guarantees, they often come with high fees, particularly variable annuities. Fixed-indexed annuities provide some level of security but may limit potential growth due to caps.

Annuities should be carefully evaluated, considering alternatives such as insured high-yield savings accounts for capital preservation or investing in the stock market with AssetLock™ for a balance of safety and potential returns. It’s crucial to understand the fine print and assess your financial goals before committing to any investment, ensuring it aligns with your specific needs.

Are Annuities a Good Investment? The Good, Bad, and Real Ugly - Good Financial Cents® (2024)


Are Annuities a Good Investment? The Good, Bad, and Real Ugly - Good Financial Cents®? ›

Annuities are bogged down by a lot of fees that cut into the return on your investment and keep your money tied up. Yep—if you want to get your hands on the money you've put into an annuity, it'll cost you. That's a big reason why we don't recommend annuities.

Are annuities good or bad investments? ›

Annuities can be a bad choice for some people—they have higher fees and less flexibility than some savings options. And depending on the type you choose, your heirs may get nothing after you die even if far less was paid out than you had contributed. but for others they are a great option to help save for retirement.

Why do financial advisors hate annuities? ›

‌They don't want their army of advisors pushing Immediate Annuities, Deferred Income Annuities, QLACs, and Qualified Longevity Annuity Contracts. Why? You can't charge a fee on those, and those are irrevocable lifetime income products, which means that money in the firm's eyes is gone.

What is the downside to an annuity? ›

Expenses Can Add Up

Layers of fees can obscure an annuity's total cost and reduce how much it pays out. Before buying an annuity, it's important to understand what you'll have to pay for all the features you want. While you'll always pay a mortality and expense fee, some fees only apply to certain types of annuities.

Are annuities safe if market crashes? ›

Yes, some annuities are safe in a recession. Some annuities are even securities. Fixed annuities provide guaranteed rates of return, which means that you know exactly how much you can earn at the end of the term.

Who should not buy an annuity? ›

So, if you have experience and success managing your funds on your own and can convert your assets into an income, there is no reason to buy an annuity. 2. Don't buy an annuity if you're sure you have enough money to meet your income needs during retirement (no matter how long you may live).

Do rich people invest in annuities? ›

Wealthy investors can leverage certain aspects of annuities, which is one of the reasons they are popular. For example, those with a high level of disposable income can contribute to an annuity if they have maxed out their traditional retirement plans.

What does Suze Orman say about annuity? ›

Guaranteed Income: Suze Orman appreciates FIAs for their ability to provide guaranteed income during retirement. This regular income stream can be crucial for women, as they often have longer life expectancies and may need reliable income to sustain their quality of life in retirement.

What is the biggest disadvantage of an annuity? ›

Disadvantages of Annuities
  • Surrender charges. An annuity seller subtracts this charge from the cash value of your annuity when you sell or withdraw money from a variable annuity during what's known as the surrender period. ...
  • Mortality and expense risk charges. ...
  • Administrative fees.
Jun 14, 2023

Does Suze Orman agree with annuities? ›

There are those who staunchly advocate for annuities, while others criticize them harshly. Suze Orman is one such critic who is known for not being a fan of annuities. However, not all annuities are created equal, and there are circ*mstances where they do make sense.

Can money be lost in an annuity? ›

You can't lose money with annuities in the traditional sense that you can with other investments tied to the market. You can, however, lose money on annuities if the insurance company that issued the annuity goes out of business and defaults on its obligation.

Can you lose value in an annuity? ›

The short answer is yes, while most types of annuities can provide a safe haven in volatile markets, in specific circ*mstances they can lose money. Annuities can be a safe option for people saving for retirement and looking for guaranteed income once retirement begins.

What is a better option than an annuity? ›

Examples of Popular Annuity Alternatives

Treasury bonds. Certificates of deposit. Dividend-paying stock funds. Retirement income funds.

What is a common problem with annuities? ›

Beware of High Surrender Charges

The most significant fee associated with annuities is often the surrender charge. This is the percentage that a consumer is charged if he or she withdraws funds early.

Why don t more people buy annuities? ›

Why? Because most Americans count on Social Security to cover the bulk of their retirement expenses. And that annuity, alone, doesn't provide enough monthly income to fund a comfortable retirement, at least not for many of us. The average monthly Social Security benefit was $1,907, as of January.

What is the safest type of annuity? ›

Fixed annuities are the least risky annuity product out there. In fact, Fixed annuities are one of the safest investment vehicles in a retirement portfolio. When you sign your contract, you're given a guaranteed rate of return, which remains the same no matter what happens in the market.

How much does a $100,000 annuity pay per month? ›

A $100,000 immediate income annuity purchased at age 65 could provide around $614 per month. With a 5% interest rate and a 10-year payout period, the same annuity might pay approximately $1,055 monthly. At age 70, a similar annuity could offer a lifetime payout of around $613 per month.

Do annuities ever lose money? ›

Immediate Annuities

You pass along a lump sum to the life insurance company, and they guarantee a stream of payments for the period of time that you choose. The distributions are guaranteed by the financial strength of the insurer and you cannot lose money.

How much does a $50,000 annuity pay per month? ›

Payments You Might Receive From a $50,000 Annuity

A straight fixed annuity is the easiest type of annuity to calculate a payment from. This is because fixed annuities work like bonds. If you use $50,000 to buy a fixed annuity paying 5% per year, for example, you'll earn $2,500 annually or about $208.33 per month.

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.