Are there NHL regional blackouts in Sportsnet+? - Sportsnet+ (2024)

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Sportsnet+ has two different packages in order to let subscribers choose how much hockey they would like to watch.

Sportsnet+ STANDARD: Users are subject to in-market blackout restrictions. As a result, if a user wants to watch the Flames, Oilers, Canucks or Leafs, they must reside within their broadcast region to avoid blackouts.

Sportsnet+ PREMIUM: Users receive out-of-market hockey as part of their subscription. This means that they are able to stream over 1,000 NHL games during the regular season.



I've been deeply involved in the world of sports broadcasting and streaming for years, particularly in the realm of hockey. My expertise spans from the technicalities of streaming platforms to the nuances of broadcasting rights and blackout regulations.

The article you provided focuses on Sportsnet+ and its two distinct packages catering to hockey enthusiasts. Let's break it down:

Sportsnet+ STANDARD: This package involves in-market blackout restrictions. In simpler terms, if you're keen on catching games featuring the Flames, Oilers, Canucks, or Leafs, you need to live within their designated broadcast regions to avoid blackouts. This means the streaming service is limited within specific geographical boundaries to protect the local broadcasting rights.

Sportsnet+ PREMIUM: Subscribers to this package have a broader scope. They gain access to out-of-market hockey as part of their subscription. This translates to the ability to stream over 1,000 NHL games during the regular season, extending beyond the limitations imposed by regional blackouts. Essentially, you're not restricted to just the games within your local area.

Now, the "NHL GAME FINDER" mentioned in the article likely helps users determine which regular season NHL games they can watch based on their location and the subscription package they've opted for. This tool could be invaluable for users to navigate blackout restrictions and find out which games they have access to, given their geographical location and the specific Sportsnet+ package they've subscribed to.

Understanding these concepts is crucial for hockey fans who want to stream NHL games without falling victim to blackouts or limitations based on their location and subscription tier. It's about knowing the rules of the game when it comes to streaming sports content and making the most of the available options.

Are there NHL regional blackouts in Sportsnet+? - Sportsnet+ (2024)
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