Are You Casting As Far As You Think? (2024)

Do you really cast as far as you think? Should you be casting farther?

There are many skills in inshore fishing, but arguably the most important of them is casting.

Not being able to cast well spells doom for a fishing trip!

What is a long cast for inshore fishing?

When it comes to casting skill, we all have room for improvement.

But how much?

To answer this question, it's good to know what is considered a "long cast" within the realm of inshore fishing.

25-30 yards is the norm

It doesn't seem far, but go measure it out.

Most anglers proficient at casting average 25-30 yards, depending on their tackle and wind conditions.

When I used to guide, I'd teach people new to fishing to cast this far. Once they became consistent, my life became much easier.

35-40 yards is pretty far...

It's rare for me to get distance like this with my baitcasting equipment.

If I do, it's because I am using spinning tackle with a little extra weight.

A long, stiff spinning rod with a heavy carolina rig will set distance records all day long.

Conversely, a baitcaster with an 1/8 oz jighead isn't going to do so well.

Hence another advantage of spinning tackle: you can put a lot of muscle into your casts, and get much better distance.

40-50 yards is long-distance shooting!

Cast this far and you are probably using a heavy lure tired to thin monofilament (or fluoro) on spinning tackle with an 8ft+ rod and the wind to your back.

Florida inshore anglers have taught me this kind of equipment and casting distance is what you want when stalking spooky reds.

What is the world record casting distance?

It is over 313 yards, held by Danny Moeskops.

Watch how he casts, but also how long the rod is. (The weight he is casting is over 5 ounces!)


To really know where you stand, you have to know the standard.

With that knowledge and skill you will catch more speckled trout and redfish!

Are You Casting As Far As You Think? (2024)
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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.