Asgardian Ageing Calculations (2024)

Note: As of late 2021, this blog is still intended to be revisited and worked on further. It will be updated, as well as built to cover remaining Asgardians, hopefully fairly soon.


  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Lifespans
  • 3 y, the Multiplier of Differences in Years
  • 4 x, the Age at Which Ageing Slows Down
  • 5 Extra
  • 6 Working Out Other Asgardians
    • 6.1 Bor
    • 6.2 Odin
    • 6.3 Frigga
    • 6.4 Elliot Randolph
    • 6.5 Volstagg
    • 6.6 Hela
      • 6.6.1 Buri
    • 6.7 Skurge
    • 6.8 Heimdall
    • 6.9 Hogun
    • 6.10 Fandral
    • 6.11 Thor
    • 6.12 Loki
    • 6.13 Sif
    • 6.14 Lorelei


It is known that Asgardians live much longer than humans. In sites like this one, the Marvel database, and question and answer forums, it is said that Asgardians age at a normal human rate until they reach adulthood, and then begin to age very slowly. So, can we estimate an exact age when they start ageing slower? And the rough rate of ageing they then have, compared to humans?


In the opening of Thor: The Dark World, straight after The Avengers, Odin says, "We are not gods. We are born, we live, we die. Just as humans do," to which Loki replies, "... Give or take 5000 years." From this, it can be taken that Asgardians live approximately 5000 years longer than humans.

I'm not entirely sure what the average human lifespan was in May 2012, as there are different pieces of information. For now, I have used the result of 71.5 years from here, here, and here, and therefore estimating about 71.4 years around May 2012. If the actual answer is different, I can plug the new numbers in. So, the average lifespan of an Asgardian is approximately 5000 years + 71.4 years = 5071.4 years.

When I refer to "human years" and "Asgardian years" here, I am not referring to Asgard's orbit (if it even has one), but rather the relativity to human lifespans. For example, "2 in dog years is 14 in human years." So, 5071.4 in Asgardian years ≈ 71.4 in human years.

Therefore, labelling the age they slow down at as age x years, and the multiplier of [difference in human years] ÷ [difference in Asgardian years] when past x years as y, then past x:

  • [age in human years] - x ≈ ([age in Asgardian years] - x) × y
    • so [age in human years] ≈ x + ([age in Asgardian years] - x) × y
    • and ([age in human years] - x) ÷ y ≈ [age in Asgardian years] - x
    • so [age in Asgardian years] ≈ x + ([age in human years] - x) ÷ y

y, the Multiplier of Differences in Years[]

Now, to find y:
y will be based on Thor and Loki's ages, as they are the only Asgardians for whom we have a good idea of date of birth. This will then be compared against Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston's ages when they filmed each film they star in (not including the Doctor Strange credits scene, as it is part of Thor: Ragnarok). Loki is not actually Asgardian, but a Frost Giant, however his ageing has aroused no questions among the Asgardians - he clearly ages at an unnoticeably close rate to Asgardians. Although, because Thor is the only one who is true Asgardian, his stats will have double the weight of Loki's when averaging.

When was Loki born for a start?
In Thor, we flash back to "965 A.D." The best approximate is the middle of the year, July 2, 965 A.D. as the date for the "965 A.D." moment.
With the Frost Giants arriving on July 2, 965 A.D. then, it would take the Asgardians around 5 days to arrive and fight back against the Giants' establishment. Therefore they arrive around July 7, 965 A.D.. They fight back, pushing the Frost Giants back to Jotunheim by July 8, 965 A.D.. There they find Loki, left out to die, only around a day old.
Loki was born approximately on July 7, 965 A.D. (965.51369863 in decimals).

When was Thor born, then?
Thor is the older brother, because in Thor, Odin proclaims Thor to be his "first-born". While, yes, Loki is technically not his "born" at all, this is at a point in the film where he is still pretending Loki is his biological son, and thus if Loki were older, he would have called Thor his second-born - but no, his first. This also makes sense as to why Thor would be entrusted the throne, given that he is older and therefore first in line.
Assuming Asgardians have a 9-month gestation period (as up until early adulthood, they mature at the same rate as humans, so this would make sense), realistically, the minimum gap in age between the two brothers would have to be at least 13 months, for it to not raise suspicion among the brothers themselves, nor among Odin's subjects. The brothers are, however, very close in age. The actors playing them as young boys, at a point when the characters' ageing is still normal, were very close in age (within a couple of months, see more later), so, Thor would've been born about 13 months earlier. In fact, when Thor tells the snake story in Thor: Ragnarok, he finishes saying "we were 8 at the time", meaning they are less than 12 months apart. So Thor was likely born around 11 months before Loki.
Thor was born approximately on August 7, 964 A.D. (964.59972678 in decimals).

Now, how old were the actors when they shot the films?

  • Chris Hemsworth was born on August 11, 1983.
  • Tom Hiddleston was born on February 9, 1981.

Thor was filmed from January 11, 2010 to May 6, 2010. The middle of the shoot was therefore March 9.5, 2010. Therefore, in the middle of the filming for Thor:

  • Chris Hemsworth was 9707.5 days old.
  • Tom Hiddleston was 10,620.5 days old.

Marvel's The Avengers was filmed from April 25, 2011 to August 30, 2011. The middle of the shoot was therefore June 27.5, 2011. Therefore, in the middle of the filming for Marvel's The Avengers:

  • Chris Hemsworth was 10,182.5 days old.
  • Tom Hiddleston was 11,095.5 days old.

Thor: The Dark World was filmed from September 10, 2012 to December 14, 2012. The middle of the shoot was therefore October 27.5, 2012. Therefore, in the middle of the filming for Thor: The Dark World:

  • Chris Hemsworth was 10,670.5 days old.
  • Tom Hiddleston was 11,583.5 days old.

Avengers: Age of Ultron was filmed from February 11, 2014 to August 6, 2014. The middle of the shoot was therefore May 10, 2014. Therefore, in the middle of the filming for Thor: The Dark World:

  • Chris Hemsworth was 11,230 days old.

Thor: Ragnarok was filmed from July 4, 2016 to October 28, 2016. The middle of the shoot was therefore August 31, 2016. Therefore, in the middle of the filming for Thor: Ragnarok:

  • Chris Hemsworth was 12,074 days old.
  • Tom Hiddleston was 12,987 days old.

Avengers: Infinity War was filmed from January 23, 2017 to July 14, 2017. The middle of the shoot was therefore April 19, 2017. Therefore, in the middle of the filming for Avengers: Infinity War:

  • Chris Hemsworth was 12,305 days old.
  • Tom Hiddleston was 13,218 days old.

When finding the weighted average age of a character, I always weigh each value by 1 ÷ (given age in years). This is because, the younger a person is, the less ambiguous their age is. If a baby character were played by a 2-month-old, the character really has to be within a month either way. If a character is played by a 5-year-old, the character really has to be within a year either way. If a character is played by a 30-year-old, they could be within 5 years either way really, and so on. So the younger the age, the more weight it has (i.e. (1 ÷ 3) is larger than (1 ÷ 12)), and I find that using this reciprocal system works out nicely for the curve of weight based on leniency. Here we are not dealing with actors at particularly different ages, but all the same, I keep up the weighing average.
So, ([first age in years] × (1 ÷ [first age in years]) + [second age in years] × (1 ÷ [second age in years]) + [third age in years] × (1 ÷ [third age in years])...) ÷ ((1 ÷ [first age in years] + (1 ÷ [second age in years]) + (1 ÷ [third age in years])...).You might notice that any [age in years] × (1 ÷ [age in years]) = 1. So really, the formula is: [number of age values] ÷ ((1 ÷ [first age in years]) + (1 ÷ [second age in years]) + (1 ÷ [third age in years])...)

  • So, for Chris Hemsworth's weighted average age, at the average date his films are set (to be calculated later):
    • 6 ÷ ((1 ÷ (9707.5 ÷ 365.25)) + (1 ÷ (10,182.5 ÷ 365.25)) + (1 ÷ (10,670.5 ÷ 365.25)) + (1 ÷ (11,230 ÷ 365.25)) + (1 ÷ (12,074 ÷ 365.25)) + (1 ÷ (12,305 ÷ 365.25)))
      • = 29.97238115.
  • And for Tom Hiddleston's weighted average age, at the average date his films are set (to be calculated later):
    • 5 ÷ ((1 ÷ (10,620.5 ÷ 365.25)) + (1 ÷ (11,095.5 ÷ 365.25)) + (1 ÷ (11,583.5 ÷ 365.25)) + (1 ÷ (12,987 ÷ 365.25)) + (1 ÷ (13,218 ÷ 365.25)))
      • = 32.34178612.

Usually this is all to find the weighted average to find a date of birth for a character, but because they age like humans, but this is not the case here - which is why I found a weighted average age rather than DoB. But with this weighted average age needs a date averaged with the same weights to assign the point of this age to.
So, we take the dates the middle of the films in question were set and find the weighted average with the same values.

  • The middle of Thor is June 1, 2010.
  • The middle of The Avengers is May 4, 2012.
  • The middle of Thor: The Dark World is November 13, 2013.
  • The middle of Avengers: Age of Ultron is May 4, 2015.
  • The middle of Thor: Ragnarok is roughly September 6, 2017.
  • The middle of Avengers: Infinity War is roughly May 10, 2018 - Loki's one scene is May 9, 2018.

The average date of Chris' films is:
([June 1, 2010] × (1 ÷ (9707.5 ÷ 365.25)) + [May 4, 2012] × (1 ÷ (10,182.5 ÷ 365.25)) + [November 13, 2013] × (1 ÷ (10,670.5 ÷ 365.25)) + [May 4, 2015] × (1 ÷ (11,230 ÷ 365.25)) + [September 6, 2017] × (1 ÷ (12,074 ÷ 365.25)) + [May 10, 2018] × (1 ÷ (12,305 ÷ 365.25))) ÷ ((1 ÷ (9707.5 ÷ 365.25)) + (1 ÷ (10,182.5 ÷ 365.25)) + (1 ÷ (10,670.5 ÷ 365.25)) + (1 ÷ (11,230 ÷ 365.25)) + (1 ÷ (12,074 ÷ 365.25)) + (1 ÷ (12,305 ÷ 365.25)))
= June 4.78359738, 2014 (2014.42543451).

The average date of Tom's films is:
([June 1, 2010] × (1 ÷ (10,620.5 ÷ 365.25)) + [May 4, 2012] × (1 ÷ (11,095.5 ÷ 365.25)) + [November 13, 2013] × (1 ÷ (11,583.5 ÷ 365.25)) + [September 6, 2017] × (1 ÷ (12,987 ÷ 365.25)) + [May 9, 2018] × (1 ÷ (13,218 ÷ 365.25))) ÷ ((1 ÷ (10,620.5 ÷ 365.25)) + (1 ÷ (11,095.5 ÷ 365.25)) + (1 ÷ (11,583.5 ÷ 365.25)) + (1 ÷ (12,987 ÷ 365.25)) + (1 ÷ (13,218 ÷ 365.25)))
= April 8.85656546, 2014 (2014.26947004).

You can't divide their years in age by their human years (actors' ages) because of the x years before their ageing slowed down - it is not just direct relationship. But you CAN look at the years left before life expectancy (the 71.4 human ≈ 5071.4 Asgardian), because it's a point where we know what is roughly equal.
To get what you multiply their Asgardian years by to get the human years, you need to find the other point we can know to be roughly equal: the two characters' averaged age in human years equalling their actual age, Asgardian years, at their averaged date. And then the coefficient can be found between these two points.
So: [years between human averaged age of character and the human life expectancy] ÷ [years between Asgardian age (actual no. of years alive) of character and the Asgardian life expectancy]
Therefore: ([average human lifespan in May 2012] - [character's average human age in the films]) ÷ ([character's date of birth + [Asgardian lifespan, which is 5000 + [average human lifespan in May 2012]]] - [average date of character's films])
And because we're using a weighted average of both Thor and Loki, with a weight of 2:1, this is the formula: ((([average human lifespan in May 2012] - [Thor's average human age in the films]) ÷ ([Thor's date of birth + [5000 + [average human lifespan in May 2012]]] - [average date of Thor's films])) × 2 + (([average human lifespan in May 2012] - [Loki's average human age in the films]) ÷ ([Loki's date of birth + [5000 + [average human lifespan in May 2012]]) - [average date of Loki's films])) × 1) ÷ 3
Which is: ((([71.4] - [29.97238115]) ÷ ([964.59972678 + [5000 + [71.4]]] - [2014.42543451])) × 2 + (([71] - [32.34178612]) ÷ ([965.51369863 + [5000 + [71.4]]) - [2014.26947004])) × 1) ÷ 3 = 0.01007122.
y = 0.01007095, or one 99.29549844th.

x, the Age at Which Ageing Slows Down[]

Now, to find x:
Remember: [age in human years] ≈ x + ([age in Asgardian years] - x) × y
Therefore, for Thor:

  • [29.97238115] ≈ x + ([2014.42543451 - 964.59972678] - x) × 0.01007095
  • 29.97238115 ≈ x + 1049.82570773 × 0.01007095 - x × 0.01007095
  • 29.97238115 ≈ x × 1 + 10.57274221 - x × 0.01007095
  • 29.97238115 ≈ x × (1 - 0.01007095) + 10.57274221
  • 19.39963894 ≈ 0.98992905x
  • 19.59699934 ≈ x

For Loki:

  • [32.34178612] ≈ x + ([2014.26947004 - 965.51369863] - x) × 0.01007095
  • 32.34178612 ≈ x + 1048.75577141 × 0.01007095 - x × 0.01007095
  • 32.34178612 ≈ x × 1 + 10.56196694 - x × 0.01007095
  • 32.34178612 ≈ x × (1 - 0.01007095) + 10.56196694
  • 21.77981918 ≈ 0.98992905x
  • 22.00139412 ≈ x

Using the same (1 ÷ age) weights, as well as the 2:1 weight for Thor to Loki, to find the final value of x:
(19.59699934 × ((1 ÷ 29.97238115) × 2) + 22.00139412 × ((1 ÷ 32.34178612) × 1)) ÷ (((1 ÷ 29.97238115) × 2) + ((1 ÷ 32.34178612) × 1)) = 20.35834011.
x = 20.35834011.

So, Asgardians age normally to the age of 20.35834011 then age at 0.01007095 speed.
Age in human lifespan-based years = (([Age in actual years] - 20.35834011) × 0.01007095) + 20.35834011
Age in actual years = (([Age in human lifespan-based years] - 20.35834011) ÷ 0.01007095) + 20.35834011


Finally, I'd like to place the scene with Loki and Thor as children. This isn't to do with Asgardian ageing really, as it is during their human-speed ageing, but it felt appropriate to still have it here.
Dakota Goyo, who plays young Thor, was born on August 22, 1999.
Ted Allpress, who plays young Loki, was:

  • 9 on May 21, 2009, meaning he was born between May 22, 1999 and May 21, 2000.
  • Born in 1999, meaning he was born between January 1, 1999 and December 31, 1999.
  • Likely still 13 on June 18, 2013, suggesting he was born between June 19, 1999 and June 18, 2000.
  • So, Ted was born between June 19, 1999 and December 31, 1999. This means he was born around September 24.5, 1999.

The middle of filming for Thor was March 9.5, 2010. Therefore:

  • Dakota was around 3852.5 days old. This would place the scene around August 7, 964 A.D. + 3852.5 days = February 23.5, 975 A.D..
  • Ted was around 3819 days old. This would place the scene around July 7, 965 A.D. + 3819 days = December 21, 975 A.D..

([February 23.5, 975 A.D.] × (1 ÷ (3852.5 ÷ 365.25)) + [December 21, 975 A.D.] × (1 ÷ (3916.5 ÷ 365.25))) ÷ ((1 ÷ (3852.5 ÷ 365.25)) + (1 ÷ (3916.5 ÷ 365.25))) = July 23, 975 A.D.

Working Out Other Asgardians[]

This means you can now work back and find the dates of birth for other Asgardians.

The year - 1.1 is - 2 and then 0.9 through that year. Except there's no year 0 in the B.C./A.D. system, so it's actually a year ahead. So add 2 to the number before the decimal and then take 1 - the decimal for the amount through the year, which you can then convert into a date.

Helpful decimal dates for this are:

  • - 2986.12739726 for the Thor: The Dark World flashbacks.
  • 964.59972678 for Thor's birth.
  • 965.51369863 for Loki's birth.
  • 975.55753425 for the young Thor and Loki scene.
  • 2010.41506849 for Thor.
  • 2012.33835616 for The Avengers.
  • 2013.86712329 for Thor: The Dark World.
  • 2015.33835616 for Avengers: Age of Ultron.
  • 2017.68082192 for Thor: Ragnarok.
  • 2018.35479452 for Avengers: Infinity War.


Tony Curran was born on December 13, 1969.
The middle of the Thor: The Dark World shoot was October 27.5, 2012. Therefore, in the middle of the filming for Thor: The Dark World, Tony Curran was 15,659.5 days old.
15,659.5 ÷ 365.25 = 42.87337440.

The Thor: The Dark World flashbacks are roughly (November 15,) 2988 B.C.
(November 15,) 2988 B.C. (- 2986.12739726).

Age in actual years = (([Age in human lifespan-based years] - 20.35834011) ÷ 0.01007095) + 20.35834011
So, (([42.87337440] - 20.35834011) ÷ 0.01007095) + 20.35834011 = 2255.99989230.
Therefore 2255.99989230 on - 2986.12739726. - 2986.12739726 - 2255.99989230 = - 5242.12728956.
- 5242.12728956 means (1 - 0.12728956) through year 5242 + 2 B.C..
0.87271044 through 5244 B.C..
Although the months system didn't exist that far back, this would give a birthday of roughly November 15, 5244 B.C..

Bor was born around late 5244 B.C. (November 15th by modern dating systems).
This makes him:

  • 1763.74832397, or 37.91593347 in human years, when Odin was born (from calculations below).
  • 2255.99989230, or 42.87337440 in human years, in the Thor: The Dark World flashbacks.


Anthony Hopkins was born on December 31, 1937.
The middle of the Thor shoot was March 9.5, 2010. Therefore, in the middle of the filming for Thor, Anthony Hopkins was 26,366.5 days old.
The middle of the Thor: The Dark World shoot was October 27.5, 2012. Therefore, in the middle of the filming for Thor: The Dark World, Anthony Hopkins was 27,694.5 days old.
The middle of the Thor: Ragnarok shoot was August 31, 2016. Therefore, in the middle of filming for Thor: Ragnarok, Anthony Hopkins was 28,733 days old.
3 ÷ ((1 ÷ (26,366.5 ÷ 365.25)) + (1 ÷ (27,694.5 ÷ 365.25)) + (1 ÷ (28,733 ÷ 365.25))) = 75.46560526.

The middle of Thor is June 1, 2010.
The middle of Thor: The Dark World is November 13, 2013.
Odin's Thor: Ragnarok scenes are all his age on September 5, 2017.
([June 1, 2010] × (1 ÷ (26,366.5 ÷ 365.25)) + [November 13, 2013] × (1 ÷ (27,694.5 ÷ 365.25)) + [September 5, 2017] × (1 ÷ (28,733 ÷ 365.25))) ÷ ((1 ÷ (26,366.5 ÷ 365.25)) + (1 ÷ (27,694.5 ÷ 365.25)) + (1 ÷ (28,733 ÷ 365.25))) = November 18.69834088, 2013 (2013.88273518).

Age in actual years = (([Age in human lifespan-based years] - 20.35834011) ÷ 0.01007095) + 20.35834011
So, (([75.46560526] - 20.35834011) ÷ 0.01007095) + 20.35834011 = 5492.26170077.
Therefore 5492.26170077 on 2013.88273518. 2013.88273518 - 5492.26170077 = - 3478.37896559.
- 3478.37896559 means (1 - 0.37896559) through year 3478 + 2 B.C..
0.62103441 through 3480 B.C..
Although the months system didn't exist that far back, this would give a birthday of roughly August 15, 3480 B.C..

Odin was born around mid-3480 B.C. (August 15th by modern dating systems).
This makes him:

  • 492.25156833, or 25.11075322 in human years, during the Thor: The Dark World flashbacks.
  • 2800.60425299, or 48.35805768 in human years, when Odin was born (from calculations below).
  • 4442.97869237, or 64.89832855 in human years, when Thor was born.
  • 4443.89266422, or 64.90753311 in human years, when Loki was born.
  • 4453.93649984, or 65.00868408 in human years, in the second Thor flashback.
  • 5488.79403408, or 75.43068256 in human years, in Thor.
  • 5490.71732175, or 75.45005190 in human years, in The Avengers.
  • 5492.24608888, or 75.46544803 in human years, in Thor: The Dark World.
  • 5496.05704778, or 75.50382801 in human years, at his death.


To be completed.

Elliot Randolph[]

To be completed.


To be completed.


Cate Blanchett was born on May 14, 1969.
The middle of the Thor: Ragnarok shoot was August 31, 2016. Therefore, in the middle of filming for Thor: Ragnarok, Cate Blanchett was 17,276 days old.
17,276 ÷ 365.25 = 47.29911020.

The middle of Thor: Ragnarok is roughly September 6, 2017.
September 6, 2017 (2017.68082192).

Age in actual years = (([Age in human lifespan-based years] - 20.35834011) ÷ 0.01007095) + 20.35834011
So, (([47.29911020] - 20.35834011) ÷ 0.01007095) + 20.35834011 = 2695.45553452.
Therefore 2695.45553452 on 2017.68082192. 2017.68082192 - 2695.45553452 = - 677.77471260.
- 677.77471260 means (1 - 0.77471260) through year 677 + 2 B.C.
0.22528740 through 679 B.C.
Although the months system didn't exist that far back, this would give a birthday of roughly March 24, 679 B.C.

Hela was born around early 679 B.C. (March 24th by modern dating systems).
This makes her:

  • 1642.37443938, or 36.69358314 in human years, when Thor was born.
  • 1643.28841123, or 36.70278771 in human years, when Loki was born.
  • 2695.45553452, or 47.29911020 in human years, in Thor: Ragnarok.


With Bor, Odin, and Hela's dates of birth, we can estimate Buri's.
Bor had Odin, his first born, at around - 3478.37896559 - (- 5242.12728956) = 1763.74832397 years old.
Odin had Hela, his first born, at around - 677.77471260 - (- 3478.37896559) = 2800.60425299 years old.
The average of these, considering it's more likely closer to Bor than Odin, is (1763.74832397 × 2 + 2800.60425299) ÷ 3 = 2109.36696698 years for the approximate age Buri could have had Bor. With Bor born around - 5242.12728956, this would make Buri's date of birth approximately - 5242.12728956 - 2109.36696698 = - 7351.49425654.
- 7351.49425654 means (1 - 0.49425654) through year 7351 + 2 B.C.
0.50574346 through 7353 B.C.
Although the months system didn't exist that far back, this would give a birthday of roughly July 4, 7353 B.C.

Buri was born around mid-7353 B.C. (July 4th by modern dating systems).
This makes him 2109.36696698, or 41.39664154 in human years, when Bor was born.


To be completed.


To be completed.


To be completed.


To be completed.


As established above, 964.59972678.
This is August 7, 964 A.D.

Thor was born around August 7, 964 A.D.
This makes him:

  • 0.91397185 when Loki was born.
  • 10.95780747 in the second Thor flashback.
  • 1045.81534171, or 30.68566630 in human years, in Thor.
  • 1047.73862938, or 30.70503563 in human years, in The Avengers.
  • 1049.26739651, or 30.72043177 in human years, in Thor: The Dark World.
  • 1050.73862938, or 30.73524848 in human years, in Avengers: Age of Ultron.
  • 1053.08109514, or 30.75883934 in human years, in Thor: Ragnarok.
  • 1053.75506774, or 30.76562688 in human years, in Avengers: Infinity War.

(([1052.83835616] - 20.35834011) × 0.01007095) + 20.35834011


As established above, 965.51369863.
This is July 7, 965 A.D.

Thor was born around July 7, 965 A.D.
This makes him:

  • 10.04383562 in the second Thor flashback.
  • 1044.90136986, or 30.67646174 in human years, in Thor.
  • 1046.82465753, or 30.69583107 in human years, in The Avengers.
  • 1048.35342466, or 30.71122721 in human years, in Thor: The Dark World.
  • 1052.16712329, or 30.74963478 in human years, in Thor: Ragnarok.
  • 1052.83835616, or 30.75639473 in human years, at his death.


To be completed.


To be completed.

Asgardian Ageing Calculations (2024)
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