Best AMD Radeon Settings in 2022 – Ultimate Guide - Enduh Gaming, PC, and Windows comprehensive guides for all that matters around gaming! (2024)

AMD Radeon Software is a fantastic tool that allows us to change our GPU and game settings, fine-tune fan speeds, monitor temperatures, and even overclock/ undervolt / underclock our GPU.

According to AMD, you can get more than 40% more performance out of your existing hardware without spending a dime. It would be a pity not to get any of this available extra performance and leave the settings on default.

Below you can find the Best AMD Radeon settings with explanations and suggestions for each setting so you can tweak them to your needs.

Here is a video I’ve made with the best AMD Radeon Settings if you prefer watching to reading, but I suggest you do both since this post is more up-to-date.

Get Ready

Before optimizing our AMD Radeon settings, ensure you have the latest GPU drivers installed on your computer.

To do that, I recommend uninstalling the current driver using DDU and installing the latest one. If you don’t know how to do that, please follow the instructions below:

What I want you to do is to go ahead and download Display Driver Uninstaller and save it. You can find the download links at the bottom of the page.Best AMD Radeon Settings in 2022 – Ultimate Guide - Enduh Gaming, PC, and Windows comprehensive guides for all that matters around gaming! (1)

The next step is downloading the latest recommended graphics card driver from AMD. Navigate to AMD Official website and download the latest (recommended) driver.

Please do not download the optional driver because sometimes they may not function as expected and cause issues later.

Best AMD Radeon Settings in 2022 – Ultimate Guide - Enduh Gaming, PC, and Windows comprehensive guides for all that matters around gaming! (2)

Now that you have both DDU and the GPU driver saved on your pc; I want you to go ahead and boot into safe mode. To do that, follow the steps below:

Go to the search bar and type System Configuration, and click on it.Best AMD Radeon Settings in 2022 – Ultimate Guide - Enduh Gaming, PC, and Windows comprehensive guides for all that matters around gaming! (3)

Navigate to the Boot tab, and tick the option Safe boot.

Click Apply, OK, and then Restart.Best AMD Radeon Settings in 2022 – Ultimate Guide - Enduh Gaming, PC, and Windows comprehensive guides for all that matters around gaming! (4)

After the restart, you should be in a Safe Mode environment.

Go ahead and look for the Display Driver Uninstaller folder you previously downloaded, extract it, and run the file as administrator.

Best AMD Radeon Settings in 2022 – Ultimate Guide - Enduh Gaming, PC, and Windows comprehensive guides for all that matters around gaming! (5)Best AMD Radeon Settings in 2022 – Ultimate Guide - Enduh Gaming, PC, and Windows comprehensive guides for all that matters around gaming! (6)Best AMD Radeon Settings in 2022 – Ultimate Guide - Enduh Gaming, PC, and Windows comprehensive guides for all that matters around gaming! (7)

Once the program is up and running, go to the top left corner and click on Options, scroll down, and tick the option “Prevent downloads of drivers from “Windows Update”……..”.

You may notice that we already paused Windows updates on a previous step, but we are doing this to ensure nothing goes wrong. So, once you tick that option, click OK and close.Best AMD Radeon Settings in 2022 – Ultimate Guide - Enduh Gaming, PC, and Windows comprehensive guides for all that matters around gaming! (8)Best AMD Radeon Settings in 2022 – Ultimate Guide - Enduh Gaming, PC, and Windows comprehensive guides for all that matters around gaming! (9)

On the right side, click on the option “Select Device Type” and choose GPU, and under that, select the manufacturer of your GPU(NVIDIA, AMD, INTEL).

Press “Clean and do not Restart“.Best AMD Radeon Settings in 2022 – Ultimate Guide - Enduh Gaming, PC, and Windows comprehensive guides for all that matters around gaming! (10)

This process will take a few minutes to do its thing, and it will let you know when everything is done with a pop-up message.

Once you get the message that the uninstallation has been completed, press Yes to exit the program.

Now you want to boot back to normal mode, so you will have to revert to the previously changed setting. To do that, follow the steps below:

Go to the search bar and type System Configuration, and click on it.

Navigate to the Boot tab, and untick the option Safe boot.Best AMD Radeon Settings in 2022 – Ultimate Guide - Enduh Gaming, PC, and Windows comprehensive guides for all that matters around gaming! (11)

Click Apply, OK, and then Restart.

Then, double-click on the AMD Driver and follow the on-screen instructions.Best AMD Radeon Settings in 2022 – Ultimate Guide - Enduh Gaming, PC, and Windows comprehensive guides for all that matters around gaming! (12)Best AMD Radeon Settings in 2022 – Ultimate Guide - Enduh Gaming, PC, and Windows comprehensive guides for all that matters around gaming! (13)

Optimize the Graphics tab of AMD Radeon Software

To navigate to the Gr
tab, click on Gaming – > Games -> Global Graphics. Best AMD Radeon Settings in 2022 – Ultimate Guide - Enduh Gaming, PC, and Windows comprehensive guides for all that matters around gaming! (14)

Now you should be able to see several default profiles by AMD. Click on the eSports profile since it has some of the best settings by default.Best AMD Radeon Settings in 2022 – Ultimate Guide - Enduh Gaming, PC, and Windows comprehensive guides for all that matters around gaming! (15)

Okay, now you can see a list of settings. We will go through them one by one and choose the best.

Radeon Anti-Lag

Reduces input lag by reducing the time passed between your clicks and the output you see on the screen.Best AMD Radeon Settings in 2022 – Ultimate Guide - Enduh Gaming, PC, and Windows comprehensive guides for all that matters around gaming! (16)


Keep it Disabled if you have a decent to high-end PC. Only enable it on the low-end system which struggles to run your favorite games/apps.

Radeon Chill

Dynamically regulates framerate to save power when that’s possible.

Best AMD Radeon Settings in 2022 – Ultimate Guide - Enduh Gaming, PC, and Windows comprehensive guides for all that matters around gaming! (17)


Keep it disabled on any desktop computer. You can enable it on your Laptop if you are playing without a charger.

Radeon Boost

Lowers your resolution dynamically to increase performance.Best AMD Radeon Settings in 2022 – Ultimate Guide - Enduh Gaming, PC, and Windows comprehensive guides for all that matters around gaming! (18)


On medium/High-end PC, keep it disabled since you most probably won’t see any difference.

On the other hand, if you have a really low-end pc or laptop, you can try and Enable it.

Radeon Image Sharpening

Improves visuals for a minimal performance cost( Totally worth it).Best AMD Radeon Settings in 2022 – Ultimate Guide - Enduh Gaming, PC, and Windows comprehensive guides for all that matters around gaming! (19)



Sharpness: This is a personal preference. I like to keep it between 70% and 90%

Radeon Enhanced Sync

Reduces tearing and lag when your game’s fps are higher than your monitor’s refresh rate.Best AMD Radeon Settings in 2022 – Ultimate Guide - Enduh Gaming, PC, and Windows comprehensive guides for all that matters around gaming! (20)


Personally, I use Freesync, so I always keep this disabled since it doesn’t improve tearing or lag in my case. Many users have reported unstable performance when enabling this option and others say it works wonders. The best you can do is test it yourself and see what works best for you!

Wait for Vertical Refresh(V-sync)

Locks your FPS to your monitor’s refresh rate.Best AMD Radeon Settings in 2022 – Ultimate Guide - Enduh Gaming, PC, and Windows comprehensive guides for all that matters around gaming! (21)


Always off.


Improves image quality by reducing jagged edges from texturesBest AMD Radeon Settings in 2022 – Ultimate Guide - Enduh Gaming, PC, and Windows comprehensive guides for all that matters around gaming! (22)


Use application settings

Anti-Aliasing Method

Improves image quality by reducing aliasing at the edge of the textures

Best AMD Radeon Settings in 2022 – Ultimate Guide - Enduh Gaming, PC, and Windows comprehensive guides for all that matters around gaming! (23)


Choose on your own, depending on your needs. I will shortly describe the performance/visuals balance so you can make up your decision depending on your needs and your GPU.

  • Multisampling: Best performance out of the three options, lowest graphics quality
  • Adaptive Multisampling: The middle of these two options in terms of visuals/ performance.
  • Supersampling: Best visuals, but it’s graphically demanding.

Morphological Anti-Aliasing

It’s an Anti-Aliasing technique that can be combined with the three AA modes. It claims to have a similar effect to SSAA but less performance hit.

Best AMD Radeon Settings in 2022 – Ultimate Guide - Enduh Gaming, PC, and Windows comprehensive guides for all that matters around gaming! (24)


Disabled. It’s worth experimenting with different games since its effectiveness varies from game to game.

Anisotropic Filtering

Increases and sharpen
s the quality of textures on surfaces that appear far away or at odd angles.Best AMD Radeon Settings in 2022 – Ultimate Guide - Enduh Gaming, PC, and Windows comprehensive guides for all that matters around gaming! (25)


Personally, on my RX5700xt, I keep this enabled and 16x.

  • Disabled: For the best performance possible ( More FPS )
  • Anisotropic Filtering Level 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x: Depending on your GPU and the games you play, make a few tests, and see which one gives you the best quality/performance balance.

Texture Filtering Quality

Changes texture quality depending on the option chosen. It has the lowest impact on visual quality compared to the rest of the settings.Best AMD Radeon Settings in 2022 – Ultimate Guide - Enduh Gaming, PC, and Windows comprehensive guides for all that matters around gaming! (26)



Surface Format Optimization

Enables the graphic driver to change rendering surface formats. This results in improved performance and GPU usage, but it’s an outdated setting used years ago and unlikely to increase performance in modern games.

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It won’t mess anything up, so you can keep it enabled just in case it helps your performance in any game.

Tessellation Mode

Enhances the details of the objects. It greatly impacts the performance of games that use a high level of tessellation.Best AMD Radeon Settings in 2022 – Ultimate Guide - Enduh Gaming, PC, and Windows comprehensive guides for all that matters around gaming! (28)


  • Override application settings – OFF : Best performance possible (Highest FPS)
  • Use application settings: The best option for Performance / Quality balance
  • x64: Highest visuals quality possible, but has a noticeable impact on GPU ( It depends how much notice it depends on your GPU)

OpenGL Triple Buffering

Not many games/apps use the OpenGL API nowadays, but for those who do(Here is a list), this setting can give you a smoother experience.Best AMD Radeon Settings in 2022 – Ultimate Guide - Enduh Gaming, PC, and Windows comprehensive guides for all that matters around gaming! (29)


Disabled, unless your game/app support it.

Reset Shader Cache

Stores shaders for games locally on your disk to greatly improve loading times. I recommend you perform a reset every 6-12 months since it eats up a lot of space after some time.Best AMD Radeon Settings in 2022 – Ultimate Guide - Enduh Gaming, PC, and Windows comprehensive guides for all that matters around gaming! (30)

These were the best AMD Radeon settings for your graphics tab, but we are not done yet. Now let’s move to the Display tab of AMD Radeon Software.

Let’s optimize the Display tab of AMD Radeon Software.

The display tab is next to the graphics tab, where we previously optimized the settings.

AMD Freesync / AMD Freesync Premium

A technology that synchronizes your monitor’s refresh and graphics card, adapting the monitor’s refresh rate to the GPU.Best AMD Radeon Settings in 2022 – Ultimate Guide - Enduh Gaming, PC, and Windows comprehensive guides for all that matters around gaming! (31)


Enabled. Your monitor and GPU must be free sync compatible for this option to be available. If you have this option, then I highly recommend you enable it.

Virtual Super Resolution

This setting opens resolutions higher than your monitor can ( for example, 2k on a 1080p monitor), then shrinks the resolution down to your monitor size, resulting in a crisper picture.Best AMD Radeon Settings in 2022 – Ultimate Guide - Enduh Gaming, PC, and Windows comprehensive guides for all that matters around gaming! (32)


It depends on your needs, the games you play, and GPU capabilities.

GPU Scaling/Scaling Mode

This setting uses your graphics card to fit the resolution of whatever you are running on your screen.Best AMD Radeon Settings in 2022 – Ultimate Guide - Enduh Gaming, PC, and Windows comprehensive guides for all that matters around gaming! (33)


Test it to see what works best for you.

Color depth/Pixel Format/Custom Colors

I prefer to keep the default ones.


On this tab, you will find 2 settings, Voltage Swing and PreEmphasis. If you are experiencing black screens and flickering, play around with these two settings by changing their values. If you don’t have any of these issues, then I recommend you don’t change these values.

Now we are done with the display tab, and we can move on to the last part of this guide, where I will show you how to fine-tune your GPU, set your fan speeds correctly, and get a bit of a performance boost.

Best GPU fan settings for AMD Radeon

By default, AMD fan settings are badly optimized, making your computer run hot even on minimal load.

To get to the fan settings tab, do the following :

Assuming you are on AMD Software Panel, click on Performance and Tuning. Now you should see Fan Tuning option -> Enabled -> Advanced Control -> Enabled. 3

( Your GPU may not have these options available, but if it does, continue reading)Best AMD Radeon Settings in 2022 – Ultimate Guide - Enduh Gaming, PC, and Windows comprehensive guides for all that matters around gaming! (34)

Now you can adjust the fan speed depending on the temperature of your GPU.

Depending on your usage, you might want to tweak it accordingly. I will show you below three optimized fan settings profiles and what can be used for their pros and cons.

Fan Settings #1 – The gaming fan settings plan / All-around

This plan is a good option for gaming and keeping the temperatures as low as possible while keeping the noise level acceptable. Actually, these are my main settings, and I never had issues.

Best AMD Radeon Settings in 2022 – Ultimate Guide - Enduh Gaming, PC, and Windows comprehensive guides for all that matters around gaming! (35)

Fan Settings #2 – Low Noise, still cool

This plan is suitable if you do not do any GPU-heavy tasks to increase the temperatures dramatically. It’s a good solution if you are surfing the internet, watching movies, reading, playing light games, etc.

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Note that these fan settings plans are based on my RX5700xt. Performance, temperatures, and results may greatly vary from yours, so you may need to adjust these plans according to your results and needs.

Once you have optimized your AMD GPU fan settings, you are ready. Now you have the best AMD Radeon settings configured on your computer! The next step is to debloat Windows 10 and optimize your network settings for the best ping possible to achieve the absolute best experience while using your computer! I really hope I have helped you out with this guide.

Enhance your gaming experience

If, after following this guide, you still can’t optimize ESO or you feel like your PC is underperforming, you can book aPC Optimization appointment with me,and I will be more than happy to help you out and solve all your problems and dramatically improve your pc performance.

Guides to Optimize your PC

Below you can find some posts from me that will help you optimize your PC even more and possibly increase your FPS.

AMD Radeon Settings: Frequently Asked Questions

What are AMD Radeon settings?

AMD Radeon settings allow users to adjust various image quality and detail settings. This alone allows users to balance the game however they like.
Some people might choose the best-looking settings, while others might lower all their settings to get the highest performance.

Is AMD Radeon graphics good for gaming?

Generally speaking, yes, AMD Radeon graphics cards are pretty good for gaming and any task. However, to get the best answer to this question, you will have to consider the specific model of the card, the settings being utilized, and what type of games you are referring to.

How do I maximize my AMD graphics card performance?

To maximize your AMD graphics card performance, you will have to apply the best settings on AMD Radeon software, make sure your fan setup is on point so your card doesn’t overheat as well as apply an overclock/undervolt to your card.

With the above steps, you are guaranteed to get as close to maximum performance as possible.

What is a good AMD GPU temp?

While for most cards, including the latest NVidia cards, the safe temperatures are usually between 70° – 85° under load, some AMD GPUs can safely reach temperatures higher than 100° without even underclocking themselves.

AMD has said that these specific models are made this way, and it’s safe to run them until 115°. This is not completely true since, including my self, many other people have reported issues with their cards crashing constantly.

Does Radeon software increase FPS?

Radeon Software, by default, will not increase your FPS in any way, but it allows you to change different graphics settings and overclock your GPU, which results in higher FPS if done correctly.

Best AMD Radeon Settings in 2022 – Ultimate Guide - Enduh Gaming, PC, and Windows comprehensive guides for all that matters around gaming! (2024)
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