Broken Finger Tips - 5 Signs You Have a Broken Finger (2024)

Broken Finger Tips - 5 Signs You Have a Broken Finger (1)

About 38.4 percent of all broken bones are broken fingers. Your finger might be broken, and you don’t even know it. That’s because you can still move around a broken finger.

If your finger is injured, in most cases you will want to seek medical attention as soon as possible. You also want to make sure you do everything you can to prevent infections or making your injury worse.

Keep reading to learn more about the symptoms of a broken finger, and what you should do after a finger injury.

The most accurate way to determine if you have a broken finger is to consult with your doctor. In the meantime, here are five signs your finger might be broken.

1. Immediate Pain

The most tell-tale symptom of a broken finger is immediate pain after the injury.If the pain and swelling prevent movement or use of the fingers, there’s crushed tissue or exposed bone, then you should seek medical attention.

2. There’s Still Some Movement

A fracture will be painful, whereas a broken finger could still have some movement to it, and duller pain. It all depends on fracture stability, as some fractures can be more painful than others.

3. Bruising And Swelling

Usually, after five to ten minutes, there will be bruising and swelling. The swelling can even affect the adjacent fingers too.

4. Stiff Fingers

The finger will also stiffen. You might notice numbness of the fingers either from the trauma of the injury or because swelling compresses the finger’s nerves.

If you have a fingertip fracture, which is called a distal phalanx fracturecan happen from and smashing injuries involving the fingernail.

These symptoms include a bruising or swelling of the finger pad. Usually, there will also be purple-colored blood under the fingernail known assubungualhematoma.

5. Exposed Bone

In some cases, the trauma can be so severe that the bone can becomes exposed through the soft tissues. This is called a compound fracture, and you should seek medical attention immediately.

How Common Are Broken Fingers?

Broken fingers are some of the most common traumatic injuries in an emergency room. This is because fingers are easily injured. The most common finger fractures occur in the bones located in the palm of the hand (metacarpal bones) on the finger bones(phalanxes).

This makes sense since fingers are used for everyday activities. There’s a higher chance that your fingers can get injured compared to other parts of your body. Finger injuries happen a lot during the workplace and sports injuries, as well as during other accidents.

It’s important to understand the anatomy of the fingers and hand to understand the different types of finger injuriesand how to treat them.

The hand is made up of three parts: the wrist, the palm, and fingers.

The Wrist

Your wrist is made up of eight bones. These bones move together to allow a vast range of motion in the wrist.

The Palm

Your palm or mid-hand is made up of metacarpal bones. These bones have muscular attachments. The bridge of your wrist as the individual fingers. These bones are commonly injured during direct trauma like a crush or punching injury.

The Fingers

As we mentioned earlier, these are the most frequently injured part of the hand. Fingers are made up of ligaments that are strong supportive tissue that connects bone to bone.

Fingers are also composed of tendons which attach the tissue from muscle to the bone. There are alsothree phalanxes (bones). There are no muscles in the fingers, as they move by the pull of the forearm muscles on the tendons.

There are three bones in each finger that are named due to their relationship to the palm of the hand. The first bone is the one closest to the palm, and it’s called the proximalphalanx.

Next, there’s the second bone or the middle phalanx, which is on all fingers but the thumb. Lastly, there’s the distal phalanx which is the smallest bone and the farthest from the hand.


Knuckles are joints that are formed by bones of the fingers that can be injured or dislocated due to any trauma on the hand.

The first and biggest knuckle is the junction that is between the fingers and hand called the metacarpophalangeal joint or MCP. This joint’s fracture is called a boxer’s fracture, as it commonly gets injured due to the closed fist activities.

The next knuckle is out towards the fingernail and is called the proximalinterphalangeal joint (PIP). This joint can get dislocated in sporting events when an object or ball directly strikes the finger.

The farthest joint on the finger is called thedistal interphalangeal joint (DIP). Usually, injuries to this joint include a torn tendon (avulsion) injury or fracture.

When Should I See a Doctor?

The treatment of broken fingers depends on what bone is injured and what kind of fracture you’re dealing with. The orthopedic surgeon on an emergency doctor willdeterminehow stable your broken finger is.

Stable Fractures

If the fracture is stable, then the treatment could be as simple as buddy taping or splinting one finger to another. This could last for about four weeks, and maybe two more, and you shouldn’t do any strenuous exercise during recovery.

Unstable Fractures

If your fracture isn’t stable, then the injured finger will need to be immobilized. There are a few different ways you can symbolize a finger.

First is simply with a splint, which can realign the fracture fragments. If this doesn’t help stability, then a surgical procedure might need to happen.

Seek Medical Attention Immediately If

After an injury, if swelling and pain still limit the use of your fingers, or your fingers become numb, then you will want to seek medical attention.

If your injury includes crushed tissue, laceration, exposed bone, you must go to the emergency room or seek medical care immediately.

Some fractures can be subtle and the pain might be bearable. But if you suspect that your finger might be fractured, you should seek medical attention.

How Is A Broken Finger Diagnosed?

The main tool to diagnose broken fingers is with an X-ray. The doctor will need to do an X-ray to see the position of the broken finger bones.

For more complex injuries, the doctor might need to get the advice of an orthopedic whos specializes with bones and joints. Or your doctor might need to consult with a hand surgeon.

What Is The Treatment For A Broken Finger?

Broken fingers should only be treated by a medical professional. However, you can reduce the pain and stabilize your injury on the way to get medical attention.

At-Home Treatment

You will want to first make a splint to immobilize the finger. You can do this by placing a pen or popsicle stick next to the finger, and then wrap something around the stick and finger.

Be sure that you wrap loosely as if your finger is wrapped too tightly, it can cause more swelling and could cut off your circulation. Keep your finger elevated. Before any swelling happens, make sure that you remove any rings or jewelry from the hand that is affected.

You’ll want to then apply ice to the injured finger, as you head to an emergency room. Don’t apply ice directly to the skin, wrap a towel around the ice.

Medical Treatment

Your doctor will assess the stability of your broken finger. Treatment of your broken finger depends on what bone is injured and what type of fracture that you’re dealing with.

If it turns out you have a stable fracture, meaning it won’t get worse or complications won’t happen if you move your finger, then you might just need buddy taping. This is when your finger is splinted to another with tape.

Buddy taping should stay for about four weeks, then two more weeks of not using your finger. If you have an unstable fracture, then your finger will need to be immobilized.

You might need a split after reduction which is when the fractured fragments are re-aligned. If this doesn’t help with stability, then surgery might be needed.

Your surgeon will have different techniques of surgical immobilization. This could range from pinning the fracture with small wires, to a procedure involving screws and plates.

You will likely leave the hospital with some sort of splint that immobilizes you. Keep this clean and elevated, and try not to use your hand for at least one-week post-injury.

If your finger isn’t aligned properly, this could affect the healing of your finger and leave you with a permanent disability.

When Does A Broken Finger Need Surgery?

If your finger needs surgery, then you will leave the hospital with a splint or dressing. It’s important that you don’t disturb the splint. Your splint is what is holding your fractured finger in the right position to encourage healing.

Keep your finger’s dressing clean, elevated and dry to decrease swelling. Any activity can hurt the injury and increase pain. So it’s best that you don’t use your injured hand until you have your follow-up appointment with your hand specialist.


You hand specialist might want to see you about a week after the injury happened for another x-ray. Here they will evaluate the position of your fracture fragments.

It’s important to make this appointment. If your finger isn’t correctly aligned this could affect how your finger heals and leave your hand permanently disabled.

There are some rare cases where after surgery, an infection can happen. You will know you have an infection if you have a fever, swelling, increased redness, and intense pain in the finger.

Other signs of an infection include a pus discharge and a foul smell from the injury. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you will need to immediately seek medical attention.

Complications Of A Broken Finger

After immobilization, reduction, and healing for four to six weeks, there’s a good chance that your broken finger will now be healed. The most common problem after broken finger treatment is joint stiffness.

This is because of scar tissue formation and due to the immobilization period. You might need physical therapy from a hand therapist to help repair your hand’s range of motion.

You might realize that rotation happens when one of your finger bones rotates abnormally while it’s healing. This can lead to decreased ability to use your injured finger, such as when you are trying to grasp something. This can also cause a deformity.

There can also be a complication with some fractures called “nonunion.” This is when two ends of the bone don’t heal properly. This leaves the fractured area unstable.

Another complication could be if the skin is injured or if you need surgery. Sometimes an infection can happen after surgery, especially if you don’t let your finger properly rest and heal.

How Can A Broken Finger Be Prevented?

The best way to prevent your finger from getting fractured or broken is to practice safety, especially during sports and in the workplace. Most fingers get broken from machines while playing sports, or trauma that is self-inflicted like punching something.

Which is why it is so key to always use the right safety equipment when you’re doing any dangerous activity. As for sports, making sure you are wearing the proper safety equipment and practicing proper form is the best way to prevent a finger injury.

Always be sure you’re using the right safety equipment whenever you are participating in an injury that can put the safety of your hand or fingers in jeopardy.

If you get injured, don’t wait. Make sure you evaluate the injury as soon as possible and seek medical attention if needed.

Treat Your Broken Finger Now

Now that you know broken fingers are more common than you think. Try to keep your fingers safe, especially during sports or while operating machinery.

If you suspect thatyour finger is broken or fractured, be sure to treat it immediately, and seek medical attention if needed. Once your finger has been treated, make sure you follow the steps we suggested soyour broken finger doesn’t get an infection or get worse.

For more medical resources and advice, check out our blog.

The specialists at Hand Surgery Specialists of Texas have extensive experience diagnosing and treating broken fingers. They will take the time to identify the source of your symptoms and thoroughly discuss your treatment options. Call (713) 686-7166 to schedule an appointment at one of their many offices in Houston, TX today!

Broken Finger Tips - 5 Signs You Have a Broken Finger (2)

Broken Finger Tips - 5 Signs You Have a Broken Finger (2024)


Broken Finger Tips - 5 Signs You Have a Broken Finger? ›

A common myth is that if you can move your finger, it is not broken. While severe fractures or joint dislocations may prevent movement, for most fractures the finger will still move quite well. Generally, movement will become more difficult once swelling increases.

Would you move your finger if it was broken? ›

A common myth is that if you can move your finger, it is not broken. While severe fractures or joint dislocations may prevent movement, for most fractures the finger will still move quite well. Generally, movement will become more difficult once swelling increases.

How do you know if you have a hairline fracture in your finger? ›

You feel sharp pain when you touch your finger/thumb. Your finger/thumb may look bruised, as a result of blood vessels breaking. You may notice that your finger/thumb looks the wrong shape or at an odd angle. In extreme cases, the broken bone may poke through the skin.

Can a fractured finger heal itself? ›

Broken fingers will almost always heal on their own, but the position may not be optiimal for correct function.

How do you know if a finger injury is serious? ›

Contact your provider if:
  1. Your finger pain is caused by severe injury.
  2. Your finger is deformed.
  3. The problem continues after 1 week of home treatment.
  4. You have numbness or tingling in your fingers.
  5. You have severe pain at rest.
  6. You can't straighten your fingers.
  7. You have redness, swelling, or fever.

Is my finger broken or just sprained? ›

The main difference is that broken fingers involve injuries to your bones, while sprained fingers involve injuries to your soft tissues. Broken fingers need immediate medical treatment. Features of a broken finger may include swelling, stiffness and tenderness, along with the following possible symptoms: Bruising.

Can you break the tip of your finger and still bend it? ›

You may still be able to move your finger even though it's broken. But moving it will usually cause pain. Sometimes the pain will be dull and not too much for you to bear. You should still see a provider even if you can tolerate the pain.

What does a fractured finger tip look like? ›

Symptoms and Signs of Fingertip Fractures

Usually, blood becomes trapped between the nail plate and nail bed (subungual hematoma), causing a bluish black discoloration under all or part of the nail, which may be elevated. Subungual hematoma commonly occurs when the nail bed is lacerated.

How do you treat a fractured fingertip? ›

Some treatment options can include:
  • Dressing (gauze, tape, sterile pad, etc.)
  • Splints or metal pins.
  • Surgery.
  • Amputation.

What not to do with a fractured finger? ›

try not to move the finger or thumb – it may help to tape it to the finger next to it. lift your hand up to reduce swelling. apply an ice pack (or a bag of frozen peas) wrapped in a tea towel for 15 to 20 minutes every 2 to 3 hours to reduce swelling. if there's a cut, cover it with a clean dressing.

When should I be concerned about a broken finger? ›

Call 911 if: The bone has broken through the skin. The finger is bleeding heavily. The finger is numb, white, or blue.

When should you go to the ER for a finger? ›

Wounds that may require emergency medical care include:

Long or deep cuts that need stitches. Cuts over a joint. Cuts that may impair function of a body area such as an eyelid or lip. Cuts that remove all of the layers of the skin like those from slicing off the tip of a finger.

How long does a fingertip injury take to heal? ›

Fingertip injury healing depends on the extent of the injury. Small wounds heal without any treatment in about two to four weeks; However, larger wounds that require surgical treatment can take weeks or months to heal.

What does it mean when the tip of your finger hurts? ›

Possible causes of finger pain include tendon conditions, arthritis, ganglion cysts, and infections. A person should see a doctor for finger pain or symptoms that impact a person's daily activities. They should also seek prompt medical attention if they suspect a fracture, dislocation, or wound infection.

Can you bend your fingers with a broken knuckle? ›

The symptoms associated with a broken knuckle are very similar to those associated with other injuries that you have in your hand. For many people, the first sign of a broken knuckle is pain. The pain is instant, and it is severe. Contrary to what some believe, you might still be able to bend a broken knuckle.

When is it too late to fix a broken finger? ›

Fractures can only be 'set' during the first 5-7 days, so it is important to see a hand surgeon quickly. After that, the fractures alignment is either accepted (most common) or corrected surgically (uncommon).

What does a sprained finger feel like? ›

Sprained Finger Symptoms

Pain in one of your finger joints when you try to move or use it. Stiffness in your finger or having a hard time straightening or bending it. Tenderness in your joint when you touch the area. Swelling in one of your finger joints.

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

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