C'ville Social Co-ed Volleyball Rules - Sand, Indoor & Grass (2024)

  • Indoor Co-ed 4 vs 4 Rules
  • Sand Rules
  • Indoor Co-ed 6 vs 6 Rules
  • Indoor Women’s 6 vs 6 Rules
  • Grass Rules


C’ville Social will follow the rules as per the Official United States Volleyball (USAV) rulebook except as amended as follows:


  • Each team must consist of a minimum of 4 players and a maximum of 10 players.
  • Players must be 18 years of age or older.
  • There must be a minimum of 3 players on the court.
  • Each team must have at least 1 females on the court at all times, with a max of 4 females.
  • Each team can have a max of 3 males on the court at all times.
  • If a team has fewer than these minimums, the match will be forfeited.

The playing court is a rectangle shape measuring 60′ x 30′


C’ville Social provides the following equipment: nets, boundary and attack lines, and score keeping equipment for each match. Teams must bring their own volleyball.

  • Teams will play 3 sets to 21 or will play for 50 minutes, whichever comes first.
  • If there is time left over, teams may continue to play for fun. If time runs out, the match will end with the current score. (winning by two)
  • Every regular season match will consist of 3 games, regardless of who won the first two. Every game counts during the regular season. Total games win-loss records will be used to determine regular season standings. Match play (best 2 out 3 games) will be used in the postseason tournaments only with the 3rd game to 15 points.
  • Each 3 game match will have a 50 minute time limit including warm-ups. If a match starts late, that time is not recoverable at the end of the match.
  • Teams should arrive at the playing site at least 10 minutes prior to their scheduled match time.
  • C’ville Social will use rally point scoring.
  • Matches will consist of 3 games to 21 points. Winner must win by 2 points.
  • If the time limit of 50 minutes invoked in any of these scenarios, the team ahead at the expiration of time will be declared the winner of that game. The League Representative and the Referee, at the direction of the League Representative, have the discretion to override the time limit and allow a game to conclude.
  • In the event of an emergency or some other unforeseen problem with the time limits, the referee and/or the tournament director may impose either of the following options: A 3 game match will consist of 2 games of 21 points OR 2 games of 18 points, with the same 2 point cap tie breaker rule as above, with the third game winner being the first team to reach 15 points.
  • In the event of an emergency or some other extreme circ*mstances, the referee and/or the tournament director do have the authority to extend match play time.
  • The referees appointed by C’ville Social will be the official timekeepers and are responsible to see that the matches start and end on time. A 2 minute warning will be announced verbally by the game official or tournament director prior to the expiration of time.
  • Breaks between games during a match will not exceed 3 minutes.

Before the match, the 1st referee carries out a coin toss to decide upon the first service and the sides of the court in the first set. There is another coin toss before the third set.

  • The serving (rotational) order of positions on the court at service shall be alternated between male and female players.
  • Contact of the ball during blocking shall not constitute playing the ball. There is no requirement for a male player to contact the ball, regardless of the number of hits by a team.
  • The volleyball is “in” if at any moment of the balls contact with the floor, some part of the ball touches the court, including boundary lines.
  • The volleyball is “out” when the ball contacts the floor completely outside the boundary lines, if it touches the walls or surrounding netting, if it touches the antenna, or anything outside of the antenna.
  • Teams may only hit the volleyball a maximum of three times (in addition to blocking) for returning the ball.
  • A player may break the plane on a spike and a block, as long as they do not interfere with the opponent’s attempt of a returning shot.
  • The volleyball must be hit, not caught and thrown.
  • The volleyball may touch the net as it goes over.
  • No receiving player may block or attack a serve above the plane of the net.
  • A volleyball driven into the net may be recovered within the limits of the three hits, except on the service.
  • Players must rotate clockwise through each rotation.
  • Substitutions must be made gender for gender.
  • Each team will have two, 30 second timeouts per set.
  • After each set, teams will switch sides.
  • The Libero is optional. Each team may designate one specialized defensive player (Libero) per set. The libero must wear a distinctly different color shirt.
  • Ghost Rule: The team with fewer than 4 players will be playing with a ghost rule. This means that when it comes time for the missing player(s) to serve that team will lose the service, and a point will be awarded to the opposing team.
  • The volleyball hits outside of the boundaries.
  • A player contacts any part of the net between the antennas while in the act of playing the ball.
  • A team hits the ball four times.
  • A player hitting the ball two times consecutively (does not apply to a block to a hit by the same player).
  • A player touches the ball or an opponent in the opponent’s space before or during the opponents hit.
  • A carry, lift or throw.
  • An illegal rotation occurs.
  • During a game, there are two ways in which a player may be substituted onto the court – player for player positional substitutions OR continuous rotation. Only one of these methods may be used by a team in a given game. The Captains/Coaches must declare which substitution method they would like to use before each game, and continue it throughout the entire game.
  • Positional Substitution.
    • Substitutes may enter the game in the position of a teammate in the starting lineup. Each re-entry must be for the same player or position in the rotation. More than one substitute may enter the game at a time. The player or players subbing in must stand in the substitution area between the 10 foot line and the net. An unlimited number of substitutions are allowed. Captains/Coaches are responsible for tracking their own substitutions by name (on a pad or clipboard).
  • Continuous Rotation.
    • Continuous rotations will be allowed. Once a continuous rotation has been declared, the team is committed to the continuous rotation for the entire game. NO substitutions will be allowed, except for an injury (the exceptional substitution). The point of entry and exit must stay the same throughout the game. If a player is not involved in the continuous rotation and will be sitting out the entire game, the captain/coach must let the referee and opposing captain/coach know in advance.
  • If a player is injured and there is only one substitute available, that sub may enter the game for the injured player, regardless of where he/she subbed in before (the exceptional substitution).
  • An illegal substitution, whether intentional or not, will result in a loss of rally for the offending team with a point awarded to the opposing team. If the offending team is serving, the opponent also receives the ball. The team must also make the correction in rotation or position immediately.
  • The server must always wait for the referee to signal for serve, prior to the serve. If a serve is executed before the signal to serve, the referee will signal a re-serve. The server is allowed 8 seconds to serve the ball once the official has signaled for the serve.
  • Servers must always be positioned behind the end line prior to contacting the ball. The entire width of the court is available to the server. A foot on the line at the time the ball is contacted is a foot fault violation and will result in loss of serve and a point for the opposing team.
  • A team serving out of rotation – whether intentional or not – will result in the loss of the rally with the opposing team receiving one point and the serve.
  • The lines on the court are considered part of the playing area. If any portion of the ball falls on any portion of the line, that ball is IN.
  • When in the down position, all basketball backboards, rims, and anchoring equipment attaching them to the ceiling are out-of-bounds if closer than 6′ to the court . If the backboards are raised into the up position, they become part of the ceiling and balls touching them are playable.
  • During a serve, a ball hitting the overhead gym divider, ductwork, or ceiling/rafters is out-of-bounds. A ball that contacts the walls of the gym is out-of-bounds. A ball that goes in the bleachers is out-of-bounds. The rest of the gym is considered playable. A ball is out if it hits the antenna or if it crosses the net outside of the antenna.
  • If during a volley, the ball hits the gym divider, ductwork, or ceiling/rafters, and comes back to the team that hit it, they may continue to play it, as long as they are still within their 3 hit maximum. If during a volley, the ball hits the gym divider, ductwork, or ceiling/rafters, and goes over to the other team, it is a dead ball and a point is awarded to the opposing team.
  • Teams will play 3 sets to 21 points, unless time runs out.
  • Teams must have a 2 points advantage to win, with a cap of 21 points (teams may win by a 1 point advantage when 25 points is achieved).
  • Teams will switch sides at 11 points during the 3rd set (regular season).
  • All matches will be rally scoring (points will be awarded to either the serving or receiving team).
  • Playoff matches will be played best two out of three, third set will go to 15 points. Teams will switch sides at 8 points.
  • Co-ed 4s – If a team cannot court at least 2 players with a minimum of 1 Female, they automatically forfeit.
  • If a team cannot court a legal team, the following apply:
    • 10 minutes after the match start time, 1st set is a forfeit
    • 15 minutes after the match start time, 1st & 2nd set is a forfeit
    • 20 minutes after the match start time, all 3 sets are forfeited
  • Teams forfeiting two matches of play in one season are eligible to be removed from the league with no refund.
  • Teams that forfeit their third match of play will automatically be removed from the league with no refund. Teams are encouraged to contact C’ville Social s office to inform us you will be forfeiting 24 hours in advance.
  1. Wins / Losses
  2. Head-to-Head
  3. Game Differential
  4. Coin Flip
  • Each team is entitled to a maximum of 3 hits to return the ball to their opponents.
  • A block is defined as a deflection of the ball coming from the opponent by a player close to the net with some part of the body above the net. Only front row players may block; back-row players may not block. A block or touch of the ball at the net does NOT count as one of a team’s three hits.
  • The first hit of the ball after a block may be executed by any player, including the player who made the block, and is considered the first of the three hits.
  • A player may not contact the ball twice in succession, except for the first hit, when it is part of one continuous action.
  • A ball may NOT be caught, thrown, held, or lifted.
  • A player may NOT touch the net while making a play on the ball or immediately thereafter. If a brush of the net with the hair or ponytail is incidental contact and does not affect the outcome of the play, it is not a violation.
  • If a defensive player is standing at the net and the opponent sends the ball into the net forcing the net to contact the defensive player, the contact does NOT constitute the defensive player being in the net.
  • A ball driven into the net may be recovered within the limits of the 3 team hits, so long as the ball contact with the net is within the antennae.
  • A ball hitting the net and going over the net is legal and in play, even on the serve.
  • A player may not block a serve. A player may not attack a serve if the ball is entirely above the height of the net and in front of the 10′ line.
  • A ball may touch any part of the body. The ball is still in play if it rebounds off a player’s foot.
  • A back row player may attack the ball at any height provided the back row hitter’s feet are behind the 10′ line at take-off. A back row player may attack the ball in front of the 10′ line provided that at contact, the ball is not entirely above the top of the net.
  • C’ville Social allows the option to use the libero.
  • Every player, captain, coach, and spectator agrees to abide by the C’ville Social Code of Conduct.
  • Participants agree to act respectful and courteously to opposing teams and officials and to never approach an official in a confrontational manner. Respect the integrity and judgment of match officials and C’ville Social staff.
  • Do not taunt or bait opponents and refrain from using foul or abusive language. Be responsible for your actions and maintain self-control.
  • In the event of unsporting conduct by a captain/coach or player, the USAV sanctioning procedures will be followed. The following is a simplified explanation:
    • 1st incident – Referee or League representative will issue a verbal warning.
    • 2nd incident – Referee or League representative will issue a yellow card to the offending player. A yellow card is a symbol that the player (and by extension, the team) has reached the sanctioning level. A team may only received one yellow card per match. Any subsequent violations by any team member will be sanctioned with the a red card.
    • 3rd incident – Referee or League representative will issue a red card that will result in in a loss of rally and the opponent being awarded a point.
  • The referee or League representative reserves the right to go directly to a yellow or red card without any warning, depending on the severity of the infraction.
  • There are no additional penalties or suspensions beyond the match that the incident occurred in. If the captain/coach, player, or spectator is ejected, they may not return back to the facility for the rest of the day/night. If a captain/coach, player, or spectator is ejected from more than one match in a season, further disciplinary action (i.e. suspension) may be taken.
  • Understand, appreciate and abide by the rules of the game.
  • C’ville Social reserves the right to suspend any player at any time for unsportsmanlike conduct, violation of any rules, for failure to pay appropriate dues or for being disruptive, without any refund. Any team wishing to suspend any member for just reasons, must do so on their own, and provide C’ville Social a written reason as to why. Again, no refunds will be issued. At the discretion of C’ville Social, any member suspended may not be allowed to participate in any future C’ville Social leagues or events indefinitely.
  • Every player must complete the Player Registration Form prior to the first scheduled match of the season. Any team that has not submitted all of their player waivers by that time will have its scheduled matches declared a forfeit until all waiver forms are received. If a player fails to submit their online player waiver & release waiver form, all liability and legal issues will be the responsibility of the team captain. C’ville Social will not be responsible for players that do not submit an online player waiver & release form.
  • Players may be listed only on one team’s roster per season throughout that league night. For a player to be considered “playoff eligible” (eligible to participate in the playoffs), he/she must be listed on a team’s roster and must have played in a minimum of two regular season matches for that particular team.



Co-ed 6s – Each team must consist of a minimum of 6 players and a maximum of 12 players, 18 years of age or older. 6 players, 3 males and 3 females must compete on each side. There is a maximum of 3 males on either side at any given time. A team may play with a minimum of 4 players, but must play a minimum of two females. If a team has fewer than these minimums, the game will be forfeited.

Co-ed 4s – Each team must consist of a minimum of 4 players and a maximum of 8 players, 18 years of age or older. 4 players, 2 males and 2 females must compete on each side. There is a maximum of 2 males on either side at any given time. A team may play with a minimum of 3 players, but must play a minimum of 1 female. If a team has fewer than these minimums, the game will be forfeited.


The playing court is a rectangle shape measuring 60′ x 30′ and free of any obstructions.


C’ville Social provides the following equipment:nets, boundary lines, and scorekeeping equipment for each game.Teams must bring their own volleyballs.


Games are self-reffed. Team captains, or a team representative will do rock paper scissors to determine who serves first, and team captains will also be responsible for starting and ending the game on time.


Rock, Paper, Scissors, will be played between the two captains to determine serve or side (best 2 out of 3 shoots). The losing captain will receive the remaining option.


  • Teams will play 3 sets to 21, or 45 minutes, whichever comes first. Teams must win by 2, with a cap of 25 points, at which point it becomes win by 1. If there is time left over, teams may continue to play for fun.
    • Teams will switch sides at 11 points during the 3rd game.
    • All games will be rally scoring (points will be awarded to either the serving or receiving team).
  • Co-ed 6s – When the ball is hit more than once on by a team, a female player must make at least one of the touches. Contact of the ball during blocking does not count. There is no requirement of a male player hitting the ball regardless of number of hits by a team.
  • Co-ed 4s – There is no gender hit rule.
  • The volleyball is “in” and the point will be awarded to the proper team, when it contacts the ground of the playing court including the boundary lines.
  • The volleyball is “out” and the point will be awarded to the proper team, when it contacts the ground completely outside the boundary line or touches any object outside the court.
  • Teams may only hit the volleyball a maximum of three times (in addition to blocking) for returning the ball.-A player may break the plane on a spike and a block, as long as they do not interfere with the opponent’s attempt of a returning shot.
  • The volleyball may hit off any part of the body, which is counted as a hit.
  • The volleyball must be hit, not caught and thrown.
  • The volleyball may touch the net as it goes over, including the service.
  • No receiving player may block a serve or attack a serve above the plane of the net.
  • A volleyball driven into the net may be recovered within the limits of the three hits, except on the service.
  • Players must rotate clockwise through each rotation.
  • Substitution will be made in between points and to the service position.
  • Each team will have one, 30 seconds, timeout per game.
  • After each game, teams will switch sides.
  • The Libero is not allowed.
  • There is no “Ghost Rule”.
  • The volleyball hits outside of the boundaries
  • A player has contact with the net.
  • A team hits the volleyball more than 3 times before it goes over the net or makes contact with an opponent.
  • A player hitting the ball two times consecutively (does not apply to a block to a hit by the same player).
  • A player touches the ball or an opponent in the opponent’s space before or during the opponents hit.
  • A carry, lift or throw.
  • Not using a female on one of the three hits, unless the volleyball goes over on first hit (not applicable for co-ed 4s).
  • An illegal rotation occurs.
  • Co-ed 6s – If a team cannot court at least 4 players with a minimum of 2 Females, they automatically forfeit.
  • Co-ed 4s – If a team cannot court at least 3 players with a minimum of 1 Females, they automatically forfeit.
  • If a team cannot court a team 10 minutes into the match start time, they automatically forfeit.
  • Teams forfeiting two matches of play in one season are eligible to be removed from the league with no refund.
  • Teams that forfeit their third match of play will automatically be removed from the league with no refund. Teams are encouraged to contact C’ville Social s office to inform us you will be forfeiting 24 hours in advance, by emailing forfeit@cvillesocial.com
  1. Head to head results.
  2. The least amount of games lost.
  3. Least number of forfeits.

Every player must complete the Player Registration Form prior to the first scheduled game of the season. Any team that has not submitted all of their player waivers by that time will have its scheduled games declared a “forfeit” until all waiver forms are received. If a player fails to submit their online player waiver & release waiver form, all liability and legal issues will be the responsibility of the team captain. Cville Social will not be responsible for players that do not submit an online player waiver & release form.

Players may be listed only on one team’s roster per season throughout that league night. For a player to be considered “playoff eligible” (eligible to participate in the playoffs), he/she must be listed on a team’s roster and must have played in a minimum of two regular season games for that particular team.

  1. Understand, appreciate and abide by the rules of the game.
  2. Respect the integrity and judgment of game officials and C’ville Social staff.
  3. Respect your opponent and congratulate them in a courteous manner following each match whether in victory or defeat.
  4. Be responsible for your actions and maintain self-control.
  5. Do not taunt or bait opponents and refrain from using foul or abusive language.

C’ville Social reserves the right to suspend any player at any time for unsportsmanlike conduct, violation of any rules, for failure to pay appropriate dues or for being disruptive, without any refund. Any team wishing to suspend any member for just reasons, must do so on their own, and provide C’ville Social a written reason as to why. Again, no refunds will be issued. At the discretion of C’ville Social, any member suspended may not in the future be allowed to participate in any further C’ville Social events.


C’ville Social will follow the rules as per the Official United States Volleyball (USAV) rulebook except as amended as follows:


  • Each team must consist of a minimum of 6 players and a maximum of 12 players.
  • Players must be 18 years of age or older.
  • There must be a minimum of 5 players on the court.
  • Each team must have at least 2 females on the court at all times, with a max of 6 females.
  • Each team can have a max of 3 males on the court at all times.
  • If a team has fewer than these minimums, the match will be forfeited.

The playing court is a rectangle shape measuring 60′ x 30′


C’Ville Social provides the following equipment: nets, boundary and attack lines, and score keeping equipment for each match. Teams must bring their own volleyball.


There will be a certified referee managing match play, start time and end time.

  • Teams will play 3 sets to 21 or will play for 50 minutes, whichever comes first.
  • If there is time left over, teams may continue to play for fun. If time runs out, the match will end with the current score. (winning by two)
  • Every regular season match will consist of 3 games, regardless of who won the first two. Every game counts during the regular season. Total games win-loss records will be used to determine regular season standings. Match play (best 2 out 3 games) will be used in the postseason tournaments only with the 3rd game to 15 points.
  • Each 3 game match will have a 50 minute time limit including warm-ups. If a match starts late, that time is not recoverable at the end of the match.
  • Teams should arrive at the playing site at least 10 minutes prior to their scheduled match time.
  • C’ville Social will use rally point scoring.
  • Matches will consist of 3 games to 21 points. Winner must win by 2 points.
  • If the time limit of 50 minutes invoked in any of these scenarios, the team ahead at the expiration of time will be declared the winner of that game. The League Representative and the Referee, at the direction of the League Representative, have the discretion to override the time limit and allow a game to conclude.
  • In the event of an emergency or some other unforeseen problem with the time limits, the referee and/or the tournament director may impose either of the following options: A 3 game match will consist of 2 games of 21 points OR 2 games of 18 points, with the same 2 point cap tie breaker rule as above, with the third game winner being the first team to reach 15 points.
  • In the event of an emergency or some other extreme circ*mstances, the referee and/or the tournament director do have the authority to extend match play time.
  • The referees appointed by C’ville Social will be the official timekeepers and are responsible to see that the matches start and end on time. A 2 minute warning will be announced verbally by the game official or tournament director prior to the expiration of time.
  • Breaks between games during a match will not exceed 3 minutes.

Before the match, the 1st referee carries out a coin toss to decide upon the first service and the sides of the court in the first set. There is another coin toss before the third set.

  • The serving (rotational) order of positions on the court at service shall be alternated between male and female players.
  • When the ball is played more than once by a team, a female player must make at least one of the contacts. Contact of the ball during blocking shall not constitute playing the ball. There is no requirement for a male player to contact the ball, regardless of the number of hits by a team.
  • The volleyball is “in” if at any moment of the balls contact with the floor, some part of the ball touches the court, including boundary lines.
  • The volleyball is “out” when the ball contacts the floor completely outside the boundary lines, if it touches the walls or surrounding netting, if it touches the antenna, or anything outside of the antenna.
  • Teams may only hit the volleyball a maximum of three times (in addition to blocking) for returning the ball.
  • A player may break the plane on a spike and a block, as long as they do not interfere with the opponent’s attempt of a returning shot.
  • The volleyball must be hit, not caught and thrown.
  • The volleyball may touch the net as it goes over.
  • No receiving player may block or attack a serve above the plane of the net.
  • A volleyball driven into the net may be recovered within the limits of the three hits, except on the service.
  • Players must rotate clockwise through each rotation.
  • Substitutions must be made gender for gender.
  • Each team will have two, 30 second timeouts per set.
  • After each set, teams will switch sides.
  • The Libero is optional. Each team may designate one specialized defensive player (Libero) per set. The libero must wear a distinctly different color shirt.
  • “Ghost Rule”: The team with fewer than 6 players will be playing with a ghost rule. This means that when it comes time for the missing player(s) to serve that team will lose the service, and a point will be awarded to the opposing team.
  • The volleyball hits outside of the boundaries.
  • A player contacts any part of the net between the antennas while in the act of playing the ball.
  • A team hits the ball four times.
  • A player hitting the ball two times consecutively (does not apply to a block to a hit by the same player).
  • A player touches the ball or an opponent in the opponent’s space before or during the opponents hit.
  • A carry, lift or throw.
  • Not using a female on one of the three hits, unless the volleyball goes over on first hit.
  • An illegal rotation occurs.
  • During a game, there are two ways in which a player may be substituted onto the court – player for player positional substitutions OR continuous rotation. Only one of these methods may be used by a team in a given game. The Captains/Coaches must declare which substitution method they would like to use before each game, and continue it throughout the entire game.
  • Positional Substitution.
    • Substitutes may enter the game in the position of a teammate in the starting lineup. Each re-entry must be for the same player or position in the rotation. More than one substitute may enter the game at a time. The player or players subbing in must stand in the substitution area between the 10 foot line and the net. An unlimited number of substitutions are allowed. Captains/Coaches are responsible for tracking their own substitutions by name (on a pad or clipboard).
  • Continuous Rotation.
    • Continuous rotations will be allowed. Once a continuous rotation has been declared, the team is committed to the continuous rotation for the entire game. NO substitutions will be allowed, except for an injury (the exceptional substitution). The point of entry and exit must stay the same throughout the game. If a player is not involved in the continuous rotation and will be sitting out the entire game, the captain/coach must let the referee and opposing captain/coach know in advance.
  • If a player is injured and there is only one substitute available, that sub may enter the game for the injured player, regardless of where he/she subbed in before (the exceptional substitution).
  • An illegal substitution, whether intentional or not, will result in a loss of rally for the offending team with a point awarded to the opposing team. If the offending team is serving, the opponent also receives the ball. The team must also make the correction in rotation or position immediately.
  • The server must always wait for the referee to signal for serve, prior to the serve. If a serve is executed before the signal to serve, the referee will signal a re-serve. The server is allowed 8 seconds to serve the ball once the official has signaled for the serve.
  • Servers must always be positioned behind the end line prior to contacting the ball. The entire width of the court is available to the server. A foot on the line at the time the ball is contacted is a foot fault violation and will result in loss of serve and a point for the opposing team.
  • A team serving out of rotation – whether intentional or not – will result in the loss of the rally with the opposing team receiving one point and the serve.
  • The lines on the court are considered part of the playing area. If any portion of the ball falls on any portion of the line, that ball is IN.
  • When in the down position, all basketball backboards, rims, and anchoring equipment attaching them to the ceiling are out-of-bounds if closer than 6′ to the court . If the backboards are raised into the up position, they become part of the ceiling and balls touching them are playable.
  • During a serve, a ball hitting the overhead gym divider, ductwork, or ceiling/rafters is out-of-bounds. A ball that contacts the walls of the gym is out-of-bounds. A ball that goes in the bleachers is out-of-bounds. The rest of the gym is considered playable. A ball is out if it hits the antenna or if it crosses the net outside of the antenna.
  • If during a volley, the ball hits the gym divider, ductwork, or ceiling/rafters, and comes back to the team that hit it, they may continue to play it, as long as they are still within their 3 hit maximum. If during a volley, the ball hits the gym divider, ductwork, or ceiling/rafters, and goes over to the other team, it is a dead ball and a point is awarded to the opposing team.
  • Teams will play 3 sets to 21 points, unless time runs out.
  • Teams must have a 2 points advantage to win, with a cap of 21 points (teams may win by a 1 point advantage when 25 points is achieved).
  • Teams will switch sides at 11 points during the 3rd set (regular season).
  • All matches will be rally scoring (points will be awarded to either the serving or receiving team).
  • Playoff matches will be played best two out of three, third set will go to 15 points. Teams will switch sides at 8 points.
  • Co-ed 6s – If a team cannot court at least 5 players with a minimum of 2 Females, they automatically forfeit.
  • If a team cannot court a legal team, the following apply:
    • 10 minutes after the match start time, 1st set is a forfeit
    • 15 minutes after the match start time, 1st & 2nd set is a forfeit
    • 20 minutes after the match start time, all 3 sets are forfeited
  • Teams forfeiting two matches of play in one season are eligible to be removed from the league with no refund.
  • Teams that forfeit their third match of play will automatically be removed from the league with no refund. Teams are encouraged to contact C’ville Social s office to inform us you will be forfeiting 24 hours in advance.
  1. Wins / Losses
  2. Head-to-Head
  3. Game Differential
  4. Coin Flip
  • Each team is entitled to a maximum of 3 hits to return the ball to their opponents.
  • A block is defined as a deflection of the ball coming from the opponent by a player close to the net with some part of the body above the net. Only front row players may block; back-row players may not block. A block or touch of the ball at the net does NOT count as one of a team’s three hits.
  • The first hit of the ball after a block may be executed by any player, including the player who made the block, and is considered the first of the three hits.
  • A player may not contact the ball twice in succession, except for the first hit, when it is part of one continuous action.
  • A ball may NOT be caught, thrown, held, or lifted.
  • A player may NOT touch the net while making a play on the ball or immediately thereafter. If a brush of the net with the hair or ponytail is incidental contact and does not affect the outcome of the play, it is not a violation.
  • If a defensive player is standing at the net and the opponent sends the ball into the net forcing the net to contact the defensive player, the contact does NOT constitute the defensive player being in the net.
  • A ball driven into the net may be recovered within the limits of the 3 team hits, so long as the ball contact with the net is within the antennae.
  • A ball hitting the net and going over the net is legal and in play, even on the serve.
  • A player may not block a serve. A player may not attack a serve if the ball is entirely above the height of the net and in front of the 10′ line.
  • A ball may touch any part of the body. The ball is still in play if it rebounds off a player’s foot.
  • A back row player may attack the ball at any height provided the back row hitter’s feet are behind the 10′ line at take-off. A back row player may attack the ball in front of the 10′ line provided that at contact, the ball is not entirely above the top of the net.
  • C’ville Social allows the option to use the libero.
  • Every player, captain, coach, and spectator agrees to abide by the C’ville Social Code of Conduct.
  • Participants agree to act respectful and courteously to opposing teams and officials and to never approach an official in a confrontational manner. Respect the integrity and judgment of match officials and C’ville Social staff.
  • Do not taunt or bait opponents and refrain from using foul or abusive language. Be responsible for your actions and maintain self-control.
  • In the event of unsporting conduct by a captain/coach or player, the USAV sanctioning procedures will be followed. The following is a simplified explanation:
    • 1st incident-Referee or League representative will issue a verbal warning.
    • 2nd incident-Referee or League representative will issue a yellow card to the offending player. A yellow card is a symbol that the player (and by extension, the team) has reached the sanctioning level. A team may only received one yellow card per match. Any subsequent violations by any team member will be sanctioned with the a red card.
    • 3rd incident-Referee or League representative will issue a red card that will result in in a loss of rally and the opponent being awarded a point.
  • The referee or League representative reserves the right to go directly to a yellow or red card without any warning, depending on the severity of the infraction.
  • There are no additional penalties or suspensions beyond the match that the incident occurred in. If the captain/coach, player, or spectator is ejected, they may not return back to the facility for the rest of the day/night. If a captain/coach, player, or spectator is ejected from more than one match in a season, further disciplinary action (i.e. suspension) may be taken.
  • Understand, appreciate and abide by the rules of the game.
  • C’ville Social reserves the right to suspend any player at any time for unsportsmanlike conduct, violation of any rules, for failure to pay appropriate dues or for being disruptive, without any refund. Any team wishing to suspend any member for just reasons, must do so on their own, and provide C’ville Social a written reason as to why. Again, no refunds will be issued. At the discretion of C’Ville Social, any member suspended may not be allowed to participate in any future C’ville Social leagues or events indefinitely.
  • Every player must complete the Player Registration Form prior to the first scheduled match of the season. Any team that has not submitted all of their player waivers by that time will have its scheduled matches declared a forfeit until all waiver forms are received. If a player fails to submit their online player waiver & release waiver form, all liability and legal issues will be the responsibility of the team captain. C’ville Social will not be responsible for players that do not submit an online player waiver & release form.
  • Players may be listed only on one team’s roster per season throughout that league night. For a player to be considered “playoff eligible” (eligible to participate in the playoffs), he/she must be listed on a team’s roster and must have played in a minimum of two regular season matches for that particular team.



Each team must consist of a minimum of 6 players and a maximum of 12 players, 18 years of age or older. A team may play with a minimum of 4 players, if a team has fewer than these minimums, the game will be forfeited.


The playing court is a rectangle shape measuring 60″ x 30″ and free of any obstructions.


C’ville Social provides the following equipment: nets, boundary and attack lines, and score keeping equipment for each game. Teams must bring their own volleyballs.


There will be a certified referee managing game play, start time and end time.


Rock, Paper, Scissors, will be played between the two captains to determine serve or side. The losing captain will receive the remaining option.


Each match will last 60 minutes. Teams will play best of 3 games within that time allotment. If there is time left over, teams may continue to play for fun. If time runs out, games will end with the current score. Stoppage of play will be determined by the referee, at the end of the point.

  • The volleyball is “in” and the point will be awarded to the proper team, when it contacts the ground of the playing court including the boundary lines.
  • The volleyball is “out” and the point will be awarded to the proper team, when it contacts the ground completely outside the boundary line or touches any object outside the court.
  • Teams may only hit the volleyball a maximum of three times (in addition to blocking) for returning the ball.
  • A player may break the plane on a spike and a block, as long as they do not interfere with the opponent’s attempt of a returning shot.
  • The volleyball must be hit, not caught and thrown.
  • The volleyball may touch the net as it goes over.
  • No receiving player may block a serve or attack a serve above the plane of the net.
  • A volleyball driven into the net may be recovered within the limits of the three hits, except on the service.
  • Players must rotate clockwise through each rotation.
  • Substitution will be made in between points and to the service position.
  • Each team will have one 30 second timeout per game.
  • After each game, teams will switch sides.
  • The Libero is optional. Each team may designate one specialized defensive player (Libero) per set applies.
  • A team may play with fewer than six players, with the “ghost” player remaining in the middle back. The other players will rotate around the ghost, similar to a libero, and will not lose a point or service.

?The volleyball hits outside of the boundaries.
?A player has contact with the net.
?A team hits the volleyball four hits.
?A player hitting the ball two times consecutively (does not apply to a block to a hit by the same player).
?A player touches the ball or an opponent in the opponent?s space before or during the opponents hit.
?A carry, lift or throw.
?An illegal rotation occurs.


?Teams will play each match best of 3 games. Each game will be played to 25 points.
?Teams must have a 2 points advantage to win, with a cap of 29 points (teams may win by a 1 point advantage when 29 points is achieved).
?Teams will switch sides at 13 points during the 3rd game.
?All games will be rally scoring (points will be awarded to either the serving or receiving team).


?If a team cannot court at least 4 players, they automatically forfeit.
?If a team cannot court a team 20 minutes into the match start time, they automatically forfeit.
?Teams forfeiting two matches of play in one season are eligible to be removed from the league with no refund.
?Teams that forfeit their third match of play will automatically be removed from the league with no refund. Teams are encouraged to contact C’Ville Social s office to inform us you will be forfeiting 24 hours in advance to avoid the $100 forfeit fee.


1.Wins / Losses
3.Game Differential
4.Coin Flip


Every player must complete the Player Registration Form prior to the first scheduled game of the season. Any team that has not submitted all of their player waivers by that time will have its scheduled games declared a “forfeit” until all waiver forms are received. If a player fails to submit their online player waiver & release waiver form, all liability and legal issues will be the responsibility of the team captain. Fairfax Athletics will not be responsible for players that do not submit an online player waiver & release form.

Players may be listed only on one team?s roster per season throughout that league night. For a player to be considered “playoff eligible” (eligible to participate in the playoffs), he/she must be listed on a team?s roster and must have played in a minimum of two regular season games for that particular team.


1.Understand, appreciate and abide by the rules of the game.
2.Respect the integrity and judgment of game officials and C’Ville Social staff.
3.Respect your opponent and congratulate them in a courteous manner following each match whether in victory or defeat.
4.Be responsible for your actions and maintain self-control.
5.Do not taunt or bait opponents and refrain from using foul or abusive language.

C’Ville Social reserves the right to suspend any player at any time for unsportsmanlike conduct, violation of any rules, for failure to pay appropriate dues or for being disruptive, without any refund. Any team wishing to suspend any member for just reasons, must do so on their own, and provide C’Ville Social a written reason as to why. Again, no refunds will be issued. At the discretion of C’Ville Social, any member suspended may not in the future be allowed to participate in any further C’Ville Social events.



Co-ed 6s-Each team must consist of a minimum of 6 players and a maximum of 14 players, 18 years of age or older. 6 players, 3 males and 3 females must compete on each side. There is a maximum of 3 males on either side at any given time. A team may play with a minimum of 4 players, but must play a minimum of two females. If a team has fewer than these minimums, the game will be forfeited.

Co-ed 4s-Each team must consist of a minimum of 4 players and a maximum of 12 players, 18 years of age or older. 4 players, 2 males and 2 females must compete on each side. There is a maximum of 2 males on either side at any given time. A team may play with a minimum of 3 players, but must play a minimum of 1 female. If a team has fewer than these minimums, the game will be forfeited.


The playing court is a rectangle shape measuring 60? x 30? and free of any obstructions.


C’Ville Social provides the following equipment: nets, boundary lines, and score keeping equipment for each game. Teams must bring their own volleyballs.


There will be a certified referee managing game play, start time and end time.


?Rock, Paper, Scissors, will be played between the two captains to determine serve or side (best 2 out of 3 shoots). The losing captain will receive the remaining option.
?Co-ed 6s – 6 players, 3 males and 3 females must compete on each side. There will be a maximum of 3 males on either side at any given time. A team may play with a minimum of 4 players, but must play a minimum of two females.
?Co-ed 4s – 4 players, 2 males and 2 females must compete on each side. There is a maximum of 2 males on either side at any given time. A team may play with a minimum of 3 players, but must play a minimum of 1 female.


Each match will last 60 minutes. Teams will play best 2 out of 3 games within that time allotment. If there is time left over, teams may continue to play for fun. If time runs out, games will end with the current score. Stoppage of play will be determined by the referee, at the end of the point.


?Co-ed 6s – A woman must hit the ball before it is returned over the net, unless the volleyball goes over on the first hit. A gender fault will occur (side out) if this transpires.
?Co-ed 4s-There is no gender hit rule.
?The volleyball is “in” and the point will be awarded to the proper team, when it contacts the ground of the playing court including the boundary lines.
?The volleyball is “out” and the point will be awarded to the proper team, when it contacts the ground completely outside the boundary line or touches any object outside the court.
?Teams may only hit the volleyball a maximum of three times (in addition to blocking) for returning the ball.
?A player may break the plane on a spike and a block, as long as they do not interfere with the opponent?s attempt of a returning shot.
?The volleyball may hit off any part of the body, which is counted as a hit.
?The volleyball must be hit, not caught and thrown.
?The volleyball may touch the net as it goes over, except on the serve.
?No receiving player may block a serve or attack a serve above the plane of the net.
?A volleyball driven into the net may be recovered within the limits of the three hits, except on the serve.
?Players must rotate clockwise through each rotation.
?Substitution will be made in between points and to the serve position.
?Each team will have one, 30 second, timeout per game.
?After each game, teams will switch sides.
?The Libero is not allowed.
?There is no “Ghost Rule”.


?The volleyball hits outside of the boundaries.
?A player has contact with the net.
?A team hits the volleyball four hits.
?A player hitting the ball two times consecutively (does not apply to a block to a hit by the same player).
?A player touches the ball or an opponent in the opponent?s space before or during the opponents hit.
?A carry, lift or throw.
?Not using a female on one of the three hits, unless the volleyball goes over on first hit (not applicable for co-ed 4s).
?An illegal rotation occurs.


?Teams will play each match best 2 out of 3 games. Each game will be played to 21 points.
?Teams must have a 2 points advantage to win, with a cap of 25 points (teams may win by a 1 point advantage when 25 points is achieved).
?Teams will switch sides at 11 points during the 3rd game.
?All games will be rally scoring (points will be awarded to either the serving or receiving team).


?Co-ed 6s – If a team cannot court at least 4 players with a minimum of 2 Females, they automatically forfeit.
?Co-ed 4s – If a team cannot court at least 3 players with a minimum of 1 Females, they automatically forfeit.
?If a team cannot court a team 10 minutes into the match start time, they automatically forfeit.
?Teams forfeiting two matches of play in one season are eligible to be removed from the league with no refund.
?Teams that forfeit their third match of play will automatically be removed from the league with no refund. Teams are encouraged to contact C’Ville Social s office to inform us you will be forfeiting 24 hours in advance.


1.Head to head results.
2.The least amount of games lost.
3.Least number of forfeits.
4.Rock, Paper, Scissors, best 2 out of 3 shoots.


Every player must complete the Player Registration Form prior to the first scheduled game of the season. Any team that has not submitted all of their player waivers by that time will have its scheduled games declared a “forfeit” until all waiver forms are received. If a player fails to submit their online player waiver & release waiver form, all liability and legal issues will be the responsibility of the team captain. Fairfax Athletics will not be responsible for players that do not submit an online player waiver & release form.

Players may be listed only on one team?s roster per season throughout that league night. For a player to be considered “playoff eligible” (eligible to participate in the playoffs), he/she must be listed on a team?s roster and must have played in a minimum of two regular season games for that particular team.


?Understand, appreciate and abide by the rules of the game.
?Respect the integrity and judgment of game officials and C’Ville Social staff.
?Respect your opponent and congratulate them in a courteous manner following each match whether in victory or defeat.
?Be responsible for your actions and maintain self-control.
?Do not taunt or bait opponents and refrain from using foul or abusive language.

C’Ville Social reserves the right to suspend any player at any time for unsportsmanlike conduct, violation of any rules, for failure to pay appropriate dues or for being disruptive, without any refund. Any team wishing to suspend any member for just reasons, must do so on their own, and provide C’Ville Social a written reason as to why. Again, no refunds will be issued. At the discretion of C’Ville Social, any member suspended may not in the future be allowed to participate in any further C’Ville Social events.

C'ville Social Co-ed Volleyball Rules - Sand, Indoor & Grass (2024)


Can you play indoor and beach volleyball? ›

You can absolutely play both beach and indoor volleyball. It may be tough to balance both just because the seasons usually intercept in the spring and early summer months.

What are coed volleyball rules? ›

Co-Ed ball may be hit directly across by either male or female team members but if there is more than one hit, a female must touch the ball before it goes over. 2. Co-Ed Inter-Change is allowed. Back row male may block but not attack.

What is the difference between sand volleyball and indoor volleyball? ›

Sure, they're both round and they're filled with air, but indoor and beach volleyballs are different by design. Indoor balls are heavier, allowing them to move faster and harder. Beach volleyballs are softer, lighter, and marginally bigger.

Can volleyball games be played on sand? ›

As opposed to the hardcourt in indoor volleyball, beach volleyball is a sport played between two teams on a sand court. The match starts with a coin toss to decide which team serves first.

Can volleyball be played both indoors and outdoors? ›

Volleyball is played on a court between two teams divided by a net. Though teams may have up to a dozen or more players, only six of them are on the court at one time. While there are many versions of volleyball, there are two main types: Indoor and outdoor. Both can be played competitively or for fun.

What is not allowed in beach volleyball? ›

Ball must be contacted with two hands at the same time (no double contact). Ball must not be caught or thrown. The ball can rebound in any direction. A set ball can only legally cross the net if the setter's shoulders are perpendicular to the net at the point of contact (forward or backward).

What is reverse coed in sand volleyball? ›

Reverse coed volleyball is a fun variation where male and female players compete on the same team in 4 vs. 4 competition played on a women's height net, where the male players may only attack from behind the 3m line. This format of play is typically seen in recreational and local leagues and tournaments.

What is reverse coed beach volleyball? ›

Doubles play is open to players of all gender identities and expressions. For reverse coed doubles, a team must have a minimum of 1 player who identifies as a woman (“female player”) and one player as a man (male player). For men's doubles, a team must only have 2 players who identify as men (“male players”).

Can boys and girls play on the same volleyball team? ›

Can a female/girl play on a men's/boy's team (or vice-versa)? According to Article X, Section B. 3. of the USA Volleyball Operating Code, Men's Divisions are comprised of teams consisting of males only and Women's Divisions are comprised of teams consisting of females only.

Why is beach volleyball harder than indoor volleyball? ›

Beach volleyball is typically played on sand, which introduces a whole new set of challenges compared to the hard court surface of indoor volleyball. Sand requires players to exert more energy with each movement due to its unstable nature, making it more physically demanding.

What is volleyball in the sand called? ›

Over the years, the titles beach volleyball and sand volleyball have been used interchangeably, which has made many in the industry question what the sport should be called. Beach volleyball has a long history, dating back to 1920 when the first permanent beach volleyball nets appeared in Santa Monica, California.

Will beach volleyball help with indoor volleyball? ›

Building Endurance and Stamina

Playing in the sand requires more energy than playing on a hard court. This can build endurance and stamina, which are beneficial for indoor volleyball players, especially during long rallies and matches.

Is beach volleyball harder than indoor? ›

Gameplay Differences: Movement, Serving, and More

Indoor volleyball is known for its quick, precise movements and more controlled passing and hitting, while beach volleyball often requires more improvisation and athleticism due to the larger playing area and sand surface.

Did indoor volleyball and beach volleyball start at the same time? ›

Beach volleyball is a variant of indoor volleyball, which was invented in 1895 by William G. Morgan. Beach volleyball most likely originated in 1915 on Waikiki Beach in Hawaii, at the Outrigger Canoe Club.

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.