Calculating the costs of outfitting an NHL player — it's expensive (2024)


Vegas Golden Knights equipment manager details his job, eager to start with expansionfranchise

Calculating the costs of outfitting an NHL player — it's expensive (1)

L.E. Baskow

Chris Davidson-Adams, the head equipment manager for the Vegas Golden Knights, is shown in the pro shop at the Las Vegas Ice Center on Friday, May 19,2017.

By Jesse Granger

Saturday, May 27, 2017 | 2 a.m.

On an average day NHL equipment manager Chris Davidson-Adams gets to the rink at 6 a.m. and won’t leave until 6 p.m. On game days, he arrives an hour earlier and sometimes doesn’t get home until midnight.

Davidson-Adams sharpens every skate and maintains every hockey stick, helmet and pad you see on the ice.

He has worked more than 1,000 games over 21 seasons, including stints with the Dallas Stars and San Jose Sharks, and now manages the purchasing of all player equipment for the expansion Vegas Golden Knights.

He’s eager to continue his labor of love with the new franchise.

“Our spouses are the most important people in this line of work,” Davidson-Adams said. “My wife (Kelly) is the most understanding person in the world. I think it was actually voted on and she won.”

Of all the equipment he deals with, it’s hockey sticks that are arguably the most important. Players are always coming to Davidson-Adams for small tweaks and customizations to their sticks, fine-tuning them for maximum performance.

An average NHL hockey stick costs $185, and players go through 60 to 125 sticks a year, he said. That’s as much as $23,125 in hockey sticks for one player.

“You used to have a piece of wood that would have to react the way players wanted it to, but now the stick is made of carbon fiber and graphite,” Davidson-Adams said. “They react exactly how the players need them to because they’re so customizable whether it be the curve, the flex in the shaft, the kick point or so many other things that engineers have worked on to perfect the hockey stick and make it perform like a racecar.”

Skates, which cost $700 per pair, are equally customizable.

“Your skates and your stick are the most important part of your equipment,” Davidson-Adams said. “These guys have to have full control because this is what wins championships — skates and sticks. If you can’t skate and you can’t shoot, you can’t do much.”

He sharpens every player’s skates each game day. Some prefer them sharpened before morning skate, some after. The boot part of the skate has come a long way since players carved up the ice in leather boots with blades.

“More and more coaches are demanding that players block shots and the last thing that I want as an equipment manager is for a player to feel uncomfortable doing those things,” Davidson-Adams said. “We want these players to go out there and put their body on the line and not feel like they’re going to get hurt.”

All of the pads on an NHL player add up to about $1,200, and with replacements it costs a team about $21,000 per year to outfit a skater. Goalies are even pricier, with teams paying $36,000 per season to keep them suited up.

Still, the equipment isn’t foolproof and injuries still happen. It’s Davidson-Adams’ job to make sure those instances are as rare as possible.

“Just like anything, accidents do happen and pucks find their way into spaces where there’s no padding,” Davidson-Adams said. “You can only protect a person so much before you wrap them in all bubble wrap.”

Calculating the costs of outfitting an NHL player — it's expensive (2024)


How much does it cost to outfit an NHL player? ›

Amateur and recreational leagues typically enforce the wearing of some mandatory pieces of equipment while professional players have more freedom of choice. A full set of NHL hockey gear costs approximately $3,000 U.S., with goalie equipment costing up to about $10,000.

How much does a full set of Ice hockey gear cost? ›

To purchase all your gear and pay tuition for a beginner player will cost you between $2,000-2500, about half of which is equipment and half of which is paying for ice time. What is this? For an intermediate player, you are looking at about $6000-7000 depending on the costs of your local travel hockey organization.

How are NHL fines calculated? ›

How much money does a Player forfeit when fined? Players may be fined up to 50% of one day's average salary without exceeding $10,000 for the first fine and $15,000 for any subsequent fines within a 12 month calendar period.

Who pays for NHL players gear? ›

Their current team pays for the sticks. Even if certain players are sponsored by a brand, the team still has to buy the sticks from the brand. Some teams pay $300,000 a season to provide sticks for their players. Sticks are an expensive piece of equipment, yet they seem to break all the time.

What is the average cost per wear? ›

Cost per wear is equal to the cost of the item divided by the number of times you wear it. Doing this calculation helps me take inventory of my closet in terms of what was a smart purchase and what wasn't. As a result, it helps me make better purchases and avoid overspending.

How much does it cost to customize an NHL jersey? ›

Prices range from $79.99-$119.99 for full customization including name bar, back numbers, sleeve numbers, and fully sewn on the jersey! Prices vary due to the year of the jersey, style, team, etc. Your jersey must be an official jersey, and not a knock-off jersey as we cannot customize any counterfeit NHL jerseys.

How much do NHL goalie pads cost? ›

Goalie Pads: $800-$2,000

On the high end, a brand new, custom set of goalie pads can cost as much as $2,000. Keep in mind, that each manufacturer makes reduced-price versions of each model of gear they release.

How long does it take a hockey player to get dressed? ›

Allow players 15 - 30 minutes to dress before they are ready for the ice. Please be early, dressing young players can be VERY stressfull and we are here to have FUN.

How much does a set of hockey jerseys cost? ›

Jerseys start at approximately $15 for basic practice jerseys with heat pressed numbers and can go up over $100 for game jerseys with embroidered logo, sewn-on numbers, names and so on.

Who is the most fined player in NHL history? ›

The Top 10 most penalized players in NHL history
  • Tie Domi (3,515)
  • Marty McSorley (3,381) ...
  • Bob Probert (3,300) ...
  • Rob Ray (3,207) ...
  • Craig Berube (3,149) Years active: 1987-2004.
  • Tim Hunter (3,146) Years active: 1982-1997.
  • Chris Nilan (3,043) Years active: 1980-1992. ...
  • Rick Tocchet (2,970) Years active: 1985-2002. ...
Jan 28, 2022

What is Rule 56 in hockey? ›

Rule 56 of the NHL Rule Book states: If a player penalized as an instigator of an altercation is wearing a face shield, he shall be assessed an additional Unsportsmanlike Conduct penalty.

How much do NHL players get fined? ›

Players can be fined up to 50% of one day's salary, up to a maximum of $10,000.00 for their first offense, and $15,000.00 for any subsequent offenses (player had been fined in the 12 months prior to this fine).
Incident Number1Player Fine2Coach Fine2
6 more rows

Do NHL players get their own hotel room? ›

The collective-bargaining agreement now rules that only players on three-year, entry-level contracts have roommates. After that, every player gets his own room on the road. Poulin doesn't think that's a good thing.

Do NHL players get new equipment every game? ›

Article content. It's not uncommon for NHL players to use a new stick every game and their teams pay for them — an average of about $200 per stick, which is about $100 less than they cost in a sports store. The regular season is 82 games — not including practices — so the stick bill for NHL teams can get very expensive ...

Do NHL players pay for tickets? ›

Contrary to what fans might think, NHL players do not get an unlimited amount of free tickets to games. As per the rules in the collective-bargaining agreement, a player gets two free tickets to home games and must buy from the 50 allotted (100 during the playoffs) to each team for road games.

How do you calculate cost per wear of clothing? ›

Cost Per Wear (CPW) - the price divided by the number of times you expect to wear it - is usually referenced as a guilty joke, but given that the average high street buy is only worn seven times, a little analysis is useful in helping us buy less and buy better.

How do I calculate my clothing cost? ›

According to Dunn, you should spend 5% of your monthly income on clothing. To find the exact dollar amount you should be spending per month, multiply your take-home pay by 0.05. For example, if your monthly take-home pay is $3000, you should spend around $150 per month on clothing.

How much does it cost to put a name and number on a hockey jersey? ›

Team hockey jerseys can cost anywhere between $25-$150 per jersey depending upon the jersey style and personalization involved. Screen-printing has long been the most common option for decorating hockey jerseys. It is when logos, numbers and/or player names (“artwork”) are “screen printed” on the jerseys.

How much is it to get a jersey framed? ›

Now, how much does it cost to frame a jersey? Believe it or not, our Classic Framed Jersey is only $259! And if you're looking for something a bit fancier, the Executive Framed Jersey is only $425!

Why can't you tuck your jersey in NHL? ›

Some reporters suggested that enforcing uniform rules was the National Hockey League's attempt to reduce freak accidents where a player's body was cut by skate blade while others said the league was laying down rules for eventually selling advertising space that would display prominently on the entire jersey.

Who pays for NHL goalie equipment? ›

Regardless of the level you are playing, professional teams are responsible for the cost of all equipment. Although I have the option of wearing any equipment company that has paid league fees (NHL, AHL, ECHL, etc all have this requirement), I've worn primarily Bauer since I was 15 years old.

Do hockey teams have their own planes? ›

Charter jets are a common staple of NHL team travel. Every team uses a service.

Why don t NHL goalies wear warrior? ›

The short answer is, Warrior doesn't pay the National Hockey League. 2013 was the last time an NHL goalie wore branded Warrior goalie equipment in a game. Since that time, plenty of pros have tested the equipment during their summertime training, but none have worn it in an actual game.

Do hockey players undress between periods? ›

Of all professional athletes, it's hockey players who change their clothes most, dressing and undressing about 10 times a day.

How many hours of sleep do NHL players get? ›

Some players need only seven hours while others need eight or nine plus a pregame name. When you find that sweet spot, that perfect amount of sleep you need to recover from a long day and rest for the next, making sure you can get that amount each and every night is something athletes emphasize.

Who is the fastest person to get dressed? ›

Magician Sylvia Lim can get dressed in 1.875 seconds, and she has four Guinness World Records to prove it.

What NHL team has the nicest jerseys? ›

Toronto Maple Leafs

There haven't been many better jerseys in NHL history than the Maple Leafs. The logo, even with the occasional tweak, is timeless.

How many players does an NHL team dress for a game? ›

NHL teams are only allowed to dress a maximum of 20 players – 18 skaters and two goaltenders – for any given game, but those 20 must come from the 23-player active roster. Both the 23-player active roster and 20-player game roster can change day-to-day and game-to-game.

How much is Wayne Gretzky jersey worth? ›

Wayne Gretzky's final game-worn Edmonton Oilers jersey was sold for a record $1.452 million on Sunday night.

Who is the toughest NHL enforcer ever? ›

A Boston Bruins legend, Terry O'Reilly was one of the most famous enforcers in NHL history. After being drafted fourteenth overall in the 1971 draft, the enforcer didn't take long to earn the nickname “Bloody O'Reilly” with five consecutive seasons where he amassed over 200 penalty minutes.

Who was the most feared fighter in NHL history? ›

Bob Probert was the most feared and respected fighter in an era full of tough guys like the NHL had never seen before.

Who owns the hardest shot record in NHL history? ›

Zdeno Chara holds the record at 108.8 mph.

What is Rule 42 in the NHL? ›

Rule 42 of the NHL rulebook dictates that charging "shall mean the actions of a player or goalkeeper who, as a result of distance traveled, shall violently check an opponent in any manner.

What is Rule 48 in the NHL? ›

Rule 48 formally appeared in the NHL rulebook for the 2010-11 season. Illegal checks to the head were now defined: "A lateral or blindside hit to an opponent where the head is targeted and/or the principal point of contact is not permitted."

What is Rule 46 in hockey? ›

Rule 46 regulates fighting in hockey

According to Rule 46, “A fight shall be deemed to have occurred when at least one player punches or attempts to punch an opponent repeatedly or when two players wrestle in such a manner as to make it difficult for the Linesmen to intervene and separate the combatants.”

Do fired NHL coaches still get paid? ›

An NHL coach's salary ranges from about $1 million to $5 million with an average in the $2.5 to $3.0 million USD. A coach's salary is guaranteed and if they get fired they will still get paid out the entirety of the contract.

Do suspended NHL players get paid? ›

When an NHL player is suspended for an on or off-ice infraction, such as an illegal hit to the head, he won't be paid for the number of games or days he's suspended for. Players can also be fined by the league up to 50 per cent of a day's salary up to a maximum of $15,000.

Do hockey players get charged for fighting? ›

Fighting In Hockey

The rules and consequences of participating in a fight are highly technical and can result in serious penalties, fines, and suspensions. Despite that, fighting in hockey is allowed. However, any players that participate in a fight will be assessed at least a five-minute major penalty for fighting.

Do NHL players get free tickets for family? ›

Virtanen, who averages between six and 15 personal visitors per game, simply tells friends to text his dad if they want tickets, though the NHL's collective bargaining agreement only gives two complimentary seats per player on the home team.

Do hockey players eat after a game? ›

Successful professional hockey players eat, drink, sleep and train with purpose. In the arena of sports nutrition, significant attention is given to pre-game meals when instead, the arguably most vital meal may be after the game.

Do NHL players pay taxes? ›

Taxes. Professional athletes are generally placed in the highest tax brackets due to how much they make, and they are subject to even more taxes than many of us.

Do NHL players get new gloves every period? ›

Mark Stone uses three pairs of gloves per period and rotates them every timeout,” Davidson-Adams said. “So his gloves don't end up being that sweaty. We dry them after every TV timeout, and he goes to a fresh pair, so his gloves aren't naturally that sweaty.

Do players get to keep the Stanley Cup? ›

NHL champions only get to keep the Stanley Cup—arguably the most iconic trophy in all of sports— for one year. As a perk, each individual player on the team has the privilege of spending one day with the Cup, a symbol of all that player's hard work and dedication to his sport.

How many pairs of gloves do NHL players use? ›

And it is not as if today's hockey gloves, with synthetic leather palms that feel almost like suede, do not become slick and smelly. Most players say they go through only three or four pairs a year.

Do NHL players get free meals? ›

The number fluctuates each season based on the U.S. Department of Labor's Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U). This season, the NHL's per diem is $110, the daily meal allowance granted to each player accompanying his club while away from its home city. They are paid $55 on game days.

Do NHL players get paid weekly? ›

Teams withhold the specified amount of a player's cumulative salary and bonuses in each pay period (players are paid on a bi-weekly basis, which equates to 12 paychecks a season), that is calculated by multiplying a player's earnings by the applicable escrow percentage for that period.

Do NHL players get meal money? ›

NHL per diem for this season is $103. If a meal is provided it's cut in half to $51.50 and a meal on the plane wouldn't count according to the CBA so players get the whole amount. Players, staff, broadcasters are given cash prior to the trip so a week long road trip would be $721 in cash assuming no meals.

How many NHL players dress per game? ›

NHL teams are only allowed to dress a maximum of 20 players – 18 skaters and two goaltenders – for any given game, but those 20 must come from the 23-player active roster.

How much do NHL players skates cost? ›

How much do hockey skates cost? Ice hockey skates for senior-level players run from $130 for rec league skates to $1120 for top-of-the-line models for elite players. Entry-level youth skates start at $50 and go up to $230 for a high-end pair.

Can you wear 69 in the NHL? ›

Fun fact: Desjardins and forward Melvin Angelstad (two games with the Washington Capitals in 2003-04) are the only players in NHL history to wear No. 69.

How much do NHL agents charge? ›

In general, agent fees are about 3-5% of a player's salary. They aren't taken directly from the paycheck, but the player pays the agent out of their take-home cash, thus diminishing how much they are actually putting in their bank accounts.

Do NHL players have to share hotel rooms? ›

The collective-bargaining agreement now rules that only players on three-year, entry-level contracts have roommates. After that, every player gets his own room on the road. Poulin doesn't think that's a good thing.

Do most NHL players wear girdles or pants? ›

Finally, many hockey players prefer pants because they are more traditional. Hockey pants were around long before girdles became popular and for that reason alone, many players stick with them. But the popularity of girdles is growing, and more and more professional hockey and elite players are making the switch.

Who has the biggest skate size in the NHL? ›

Callan Foote's size 16 skate.

Who pays for hockey sticks in the NHL? ›

No they don't.. my son played pro hockey for 14 years and I'm glad he or I never had to pay for his own sticks. He would go through at least 2 sticks a game.. one game he broke 5 sticks. Sticks are ordered by the dozen with a lot of guys having their own blade pattern.

Who wore 00 in the NHL? ›

The number 00 has only been worn twice in NHL history. Martin Biron wore 00 for the 1996 season with the Buffalo Sabres, but only appeared in three games and had an 0-2 record. The only other time the number appeared on an NHL surface was by goaltender John Davidson in his 1977-78 campaign with the New York Rangers.

Why is 99 retired in NHL? ›

Wayne Gretzky's No. 99 is retired throughout the NHL not only because he is considered the greatest player in League history, but because the number and his name are synonymous. Though there is no debate over who the best player to wear that number is, there are 98 other numbers with more than one worthy candidate.

What numbers can't you wear in NHL? ›

Athletes in every team sport have a number on their jersey to identify them.In the NHL, players are given numbers between 1 and 98. Anything less than 1 (0, fractions, decimals) are not permitted and anything over two digits is not permitted. Additionally, 99 was retired by the league to honor "The Great One."

How much does a waterboy make in the NHL? ›

Average Salary: $53,000

Job Description: Pouring water into sweaty dudes' mouths and holding their gross towels.

Do hockey players get paid weekly? ›

Teams withhold the specified amount of a player's cumulative salary and bonuses in each pay period (players are paid on a bi-weekly basis, which equates to 12 paychecks a season), that is calculated by multiplying a player's earnings by the applicable escrow percentage for that period.

How much does a NHL equipment manager make? ›

Hockey Equipment Manager Salary
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$104,000$8,666
75th Percentile$79,000$6,583
25th Percentile$38,500$3,208

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.