Can Dogs Live Together After Fighting? (2024)


The family unit is a bee-hive of activity and emotions where, at times, voices can be raised and the kids fight over a game or opinion. Mom or dad calms the children down, hearing both points of view and in time, they are once again playing happily.

Consider this same scenario with two dogs falling out over a toy or treat. Some pooches that live in the same household never argue while others occasionally disagree. Then there are dogs that are aware of the family hierarchy and may feel slighted by a guardian preferring the other pooch. A fight ensues and the owners may wonder if their dogs can still live together.

Can Dogs Live Together After Fighting? (1)

Signs Your Pooches aren't Getting Along

You're chuckling away to an episode of "The Simpsons" when you hear your two Huskies having a disagreement. Suddenly, it escalates into a full-on fight and you race down the hallway to find Sam and Zion going hard out. Your beloved Sam has his pal on their back and is snarling and snapping while Zion is looking for the exit door. It’s not a pretty sight as they wrestle with teeth exposed, barking and growling.

You call to them but it’s too late - Zion, tired of being belly-up on the floor, bites Sam on his front leg. He lets out a blood-curdling yelp and Zion jumps back on four legs, ready to take on his stablemate. It's dog-eat-dog and it's getting out of hand fast as they dare the other to make a move.

When two dogs in the home get into a monumental scrap, it's not recommended that you get in the middle, as you are probably going to get bitten. Try to stay cool and look for a distraction. If it’s happening outdoors, you could get the hose and spray water over them both. If the fight is inside, grab a towel or coat to throw over one of the dogs. This could give you time to get hold of the other one’s collar - but only if it's safe to do so. Place this guy quickly in another room, giving time for the rage to diffuse.

Dogs are living in a human world and have emotions similar to us. They can feel happy, sad, or angry and in this case, it was Sam’s decision to steal his mate’s favorite toy that started the rumble in the house.

Jealousy can be a factor when a pet-mom or dad looks to favor one pooch over the other. Dogs are like kids, who’ll see the injustice and respond by taking it out on their sibling. Playing the fair pet-parent can have its moments as you unwittingly give one pooch a pat and forget the other dog is watching.

Resource guarding is a classic fight-starter as one pooch thinks it's okay to invade their dog buddy's space and take their chew-bone. It’s a shootout at the OK Corral, as the wronged pup explodes in a frenzy of annoyance, taunting his pal to reach for his paw.

If one of your dogs is a shelter pup, they may have no socialization skills and think everything is up for grabs. Pet Doctor Mom tells us one of the most common reasons dogs fight in the same home is down to “Dominance Status Aggression” - or sibling rivalry.

Dog owners are not always aware that there is a pecking order between dogs living together and if that isn't honored, the dominant pooch could vent their discontent. Being human, our first thought is to help out the dog that might be older or more submissive, causing the Rambo pooch to get testy and put the other dog back in its kennel.

When one dog in the home is neutered and the other still intact, problems can arise if the intact pooch tries to mount the other. Apparently fixed dogs smell like females.

Body Language

Signs dogs are fighting include:<br/>

  • Growling

  • Barking

  • Snapping

  • Biting

  • Stomach Flip

  • Exposed Teeth

Other Signs

Signs dogs in the same house could fight are:<br/>

  • One Is Given More Attention Than The Other

  • Lack Of Socialization

  • Jealousy

  • One Dog Is More Dominant Than The Other

  • Resource Guarding

  • Neutured And Intact Males Living Together

Can Dogs Live Together After Fighting? (2)

The storybook version of wolves fighting for dominance within the pack has been debunked in recent years. Many of us grew up thinking the Alpha male wolf was a tyrannical leader that ruled with no mercy, which arose from a 1947 paper entitled “Expressions Studies on Wolves." The author set a precedent that dogs were like their wolf ancestors and their human owner, the new dictatorial Alpha.

Animal behaviorists in modern times have challenged this concept, saying the wolves studied were captive and this behavior is not synonymous with how the grandfather of dogs, operates in the wild. Dog trainers took on board the Alpha roles and implemented tough training regimes to keep the Shih Tzu or Dachshund from recalling their past life as a dominant, aggressive wolf.

Dog fighting was a favorite form of entertainment with the ancients. During the time of domestication, certain breeds like the Mastiff and Pit-bull were purposely bred to fight. Early Greeks used a giant of a mutt called the Molossus to attack their enemies in war. Today, we might watch a DVD or go to the movies to relax, but many centuries ago, civilized humans enjoyed the sport of bull and bear baiting and bred dogs for this purpose.

Dogs have seen the dark and light of human behavior, and today, walk the walk as police pooches, service dogs, and companions. Illegal dogfights are still a popular pursuit and cause many breeds to be banned as a consequence.

The Science Behind Dogs Fighting

Can Dogs Live Together After Fighting? (3)

When two dogs go to war in your home, the ambiance is altered and the family involved will be concerned about the safety of their kids and the dogs.

Researchers at the Behavior Clinic at the Tufts University Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine in Grafton, MA recruited dogs that had been involved in household hostilities and interviewed the dog owners.

They found the lady dogs were more likely to fight than the boys. In fact, 68% of the conflicts saw two females having a dispute as opposed to 32% of male mutts. Their study also showed 70% of the scraps were caused by new pooches brought into a home where other dogs were already present.

Most pet parents were shocked when their dogs kicked off, with 50% of the woofers needing vet treatment while 10% of the guardians sought medical care. Researchers discovered a higher percentage of dogs fought over their owner giving extra attention to one of their pups. It was also observed that some feuding woofers showed aggression to the humans in the family. The same pups had separation anxiety issues or phobias.

A counselor with Family Life Network states that kids can end up despising each other if mom or dad plays favorites. Our pups are like children, so if you want to avoid toddler tantrums, be kind and caring to all dogs in the home.

Tips for Averting Dog Fights in Your Home

Can Dogs Live Together After Fighting? (4)

Can dogs live together after fighting? The answer is, most of the time, YES. There are times when dogs may be like an incompatible couple and need to divorce, but in general, there are things you can do to help combative pups get along.

One way to avert dog fights in the home comes from Dr Nicholas Dodman, an animal behaviorist who uses a technique called nothing in life is free. This strategy makes a dog have to sit or stay before they eat, get petted, and so on.

He suggests choosing the strongest or older dog to be fed or petted first. Researchers who tested this theory in homes where dogs were fighting said there had been a massive improvement. They suggest this strategy works due to the structure surrounding meal times and affection as dogs realize they will always get their share.

Dr. Dodman believes disciplining fighting dogs is pointless, as the pooch learns nothing from being punished, except how to avoid it. This thinking is backed by child psychologists who see the negative effects it has on kids.

Before you can stop dogs from having a boxing match in your living room, you need to know what triggers them. If it’s a toy one of the dogs has taken a shine too that wasn’t their's, it might be easier to remove it.

Be aware how you give affection to each dog. Check out their body language to see if they are both relaxed or getting edgy. Dogs have a physical dialect that is easy to understand. Read articles that tell you what body posture a dog presents when they are shy, happy, submissive, or aggressive. Your fur-babies will show how they are feeling and this could stop a fight before it begins. Dogs might not be able to talk, but their facial expressions and body movements can speak volumes.

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Safety Tips for Dogs Fighting at Home:

  1. Never get in the middle of a dogfight.
  2. Spray water on your scrapping pooches.
  3. Throw a towel or jacket over one of them.
  4. Separate the dogs after a fight.
  5. Ask a dog trainer for advice.
  6. Read articles about how to stop your dogs fighting.
  7. Never give one dog more attention.
  8. Share your story!
Can Dogs Live Together After Fighting? (2024)


Can Dogs Live Together After Fighting? ›

Can dogs live together after fighting? The answer is, most of the time, YES. There are times when dogs may be like an incompatible couple and need to divorce, but in general, there are things you can do to help combative pups get along.

Can dogs be OK after fighting? ›

They're social animals, so it stands to reason that they tend to cooperate and try to minimize conflict. But what happens when there's a small dust-up or a fight? While they'll sometimes just walk away and leave each other alone, other times, they'll go through a process of reconciliation and make up after the fight.

How long to keep dogs apart after fighting? ›

Some have recommended that the dogs not be anywhere near one another for at least 48 hours following the fight, even if they live in the same household, while others recommend that getting a positive interaction between the two animals as soon as possible is the best course of action -- at the end of the day, however, ...

Do you keep dogs separated after a fight? ›

The dogs are kept separated or closely supervised anytime they are together for the remainder of their lives. Sometimes the potential risk of injury (physical or emotional) is too great to have them live together. Sometimes the triggers are not easy to control so the safest option is to keep the dogs separated.

Will two dogs eventually get along? ›

Dogs are inherently social animals that live well together in groups, but that does not mean that all dogs get along. Most dogs will welcome a new sibling, but it is not always smooth sailing.

How do I get two dogs to get along again? ›

Let your dogs sniff each other and greet each other normally. Give them positive reinforcement through calm verbal affirmations. After letting them play for a while, put both dogs in a “sit” or “stay”, then let them interact again. Finally, take them on walks together, allowing them to sniff each other along the way.

Do dogs hold grudges against other dogs? ›

Grudges with other dogs

To them, that other dog = bad news, even if they don't remember exactly why. Your dog isn't actively “holding a grudge” against that other pooch, but they are responding to the negative association that was formed the first time, and strengthened every time since.

Should I punish my dog for attacking my other dog? ›

Punishment should be avoided. The dog-dog relationship will not be improved if you scold, punish or hold down a dog as punishment; in fact you may make it worse by punishing the dog for signaling and communicating their aggressive intentions.

How do dogs apologize to each other? ›

Dogs use actions called "play bows" to ask other individuals to play and also while they're playing to punctuate play bouts to admit they're wrong and say something like, “Sorry I bit you so hard—this is still play regardless of what I just did.

How do you know if a dog fight is serious? ›

In a real fight, the dogs will target the stomach, throat, and front legs and the victim of the attack will often retaliate by grabbing a hold of the other dog's neck. If your dog is involved in such a fight and receives severe injuries, take him to the vet immediately.

What not to do after a dog fight? ›

How To Break Up a Dog Fight and What To Do After
  1. There are generally 2 types of fights. ...
  2. Don't: Wait until a fight to think about how to break it up. ...
  3. Don't: Panic or yell. ...
  4. Don't: I don't suggest grabbing the back of the collar or reaching in with your hands but I have done it. ...
  5. Don't: Don't hit, punch, or yell.

What not to do when two dogs are fighting? ›

Remember, you should never get in the middle of two fighting dogs and NEVER attempt to grab the collar or head of two fighting dogs. Some experts, however, have discovered that there's a slightly safer way to separate fighting dogs and this is called the "wheelbarrow" method.

How do I stop two dogs from fighting in the same household? ›

Aggression Treatment
  1. Avoiding aggressive situations and triggers.
  2. Starting a “nothing in life is free” program.
  3. Giving preference to one dog.
  4. Desensitization and counter-conditioning.
  5. Medication, such as fluoxetine, to reduce anxiety and aggression.
Apr 27, 2023

What to do after your own dogs fight? ›

Anytime a dog has been in a fight they should see a veterinarian to look for pain/wounds or signs of serious internal injury. If you are unable to see a vet the same day, you can clean small wounds with mild soap to keep it clean until you get vet care.

How long does it take for 2 dogs to bond? ›

It can take up to one month for an old dog and new dog to really settle in and accept each other's position in the pack. If you want a second dog, you need to be ready to commit to this process and not panic.

What is second dog syndrome? ›

In dogdom, there's a turn of phrase called, "Second Dog Syndrome". This describes the process of adding another dog to the home quite well, but not necessarily in a positive light. As humans, we are bound to forget all of the time and effort it takes to raise a puppy right.

Are dogs happier in pairs? ›

Dogs are social animals and usually happier around other dogs, but a second dog will never be a substitute for inattentive, absent or too busy owners.

How do I stop my jealous dogs from fighting? ›

‌To stop your dog's jealous behavior early, you can try the following tips:
  1. Record examples that cause jealousy or aggression in your dog.
  2. Avoid giving too much attention to one pet over another.
  3. Train your dog to feel safe and relaxed in their crate.
  4. Make a separate feeding space for multiple animals.
Sep 9, 2021

How do I get my dog to stop attacking my other dog? ›

How Can I Prevent The Aggression?
  1. Remain Calm and Assertive- No matter how angry you are at your dog for their aggressive behaviour, shouting at them will only worsen their aggression. ...
  2. Block Their View Of The Other Dog- If your dog cannot see the other dog, they are likely to calm down.
Nov 10, 2016

How do you know if dogs don't like each other? ›

Non-reciprocal play. This is when you see one dog trying to engage another dog in play, but the other dog is ignoring that dog by looking away, walking to a different play space or flashing their teeth at the dog. These are all signs that at least one dog doesn't like the other.

Do dogs remember that they fought? ›

People and dogs can become injured when there's a fight. Also, a dog will remember that he's been attacked. It may be very difficult–if not impossible–for them to get along afterwards.

Do dogs apologize to other dogs? ›

When dogs (and other animals) play, they apologize and ask for forgiveness. The importance of context—who's interacting with whom, who else is around, and where something is happening—can't be overstated. Trust and cooperation also are involved in reconciliation.

Why did my dog suddenly start fighting? ›

"Dogs often fight over access to a resource that is perceived to be valuable." Some dogs fight when moving through or contained within a tight space or during rough play. This aggression may be excitement-related or related to frustration or fear.

Should you yell at an attacking dog? ›

Don't give in to fear or anxiety, and don't start yelling or kicking at the dog. An aggressive dog wants you to be stressed out before it attacks, but if you remain calm and in control, it slows them down and throws them off. Also avoid direct eye contact with an aggressive dog.

Why do dogs break up fights? ›

Science Behind Dogs Sensing Fighting

From the way the dog reacts, it shows that the dog can understand what is going on and that their parents are not getting along and are upset. That is often why dogs will run away and hide or try and break up the fight so it does not get any worse.

Will my dog forgive me for hitting him? ›

Will My Dog Forgive Me For Hitting Him? While hitting an animal is never the right thing, most dogs are very forgiving and are good at moving on from a one-off incident. Dogs live in the moment and don't tend to bear grudges. However, some factors may influence whether he can carry on as normal after being hit.

How easily do dogs forgive? ›

Research reveals that dogs have the ability to forgive, similar to humans. But, their forgiveness depends on personality traits and past experiences. Their memory of an event may also affect how they forgive a person. Proper training and positive reinforcement can aid in a dog forgiving quicker.

What are the different levels of dog fighting? ›

Most law enforcement experts divide dogfight activity into three categories: street fighting, hobbyist fighting and professional activity: "Street" fighters engage in dog fights that are informal, street corner, back alley and playground activities.

How do you fix a dog fight? ›

Call or visit your local law enforcement offices and bring them animal fighting reward posters. Even better, present law enforcement with statements from local animal control or shelter workers regarding the signs they see of animal fighting in the community.

What are the 3 strikes and you're out protocol for dogs? ›

As soon as they try or do nip, calmly say “no” and look away. Removing all of this attention from your dog will show them that a nip means no more love or attention. Try a “three-strike you're out” concept – if your dog nips, you say no, and they do it two more times, calmly get up and walk away from the situation.

How do I build my dog's confidence after a fight? ›

Treatment of a Fearful, Anxious, or Traumatized Pet (and How to Build Their Confidence)
  1. Antianxiety medication. ...
  2. Behavior modification. ...
  3. Mental activities. ...
  4. Maintain a consistent routine and provide structure. ...
  5. "Alone" time. ...
  6. Exercise and play therapy.

How do you get two dogs to like each other after a fight? ›

Break the fight up quickly and calmly, redirect the dog's attention, take them for a walk together, and don't worry that it's going to happen again. They may or may not fight again, but if worry over it does not become your obsession, you will not be feeding them negative energy that will lead to another fight.

Why is my dog attacking my other dog for no reason? ›

There are a variety of reasons dogs may show sudden aggression towards each other. Some of the most common causes of conflict between familiar dogs include frustration, illness, and resource guarding. You'll need to clearly identify the root of the problem to restore household harmony.

When two dogs that live together fight? ›

Play fighting is entirely normal, and two dogs living together will likely do it all of the time! You might see them really roughhouse; body slam one another, bite each other, and more. These “fights” can look violent; those who know nothing about dogs might think they're hurting each other.

What are the first signs of stress in a dog? ›

Signs Your Dog is Stressed and How to Relieve It
  • Stress is a commonly used word that describes feelings of strain or pressure. The causes of stress are exceedingly varied. ...
  • Pacing or shaking. ...
  • Whining or barking. ...
  • Yawning, drooling, and licking. ...
  • Changes in eyes and ears. ...
  • Changes in body posture. ...
  • Shedding. ...
  • Panting.

How do you stop two dogs that live together from fighting? ›

Every interaction should be initiated and stopped by the owner, not the dog. Work with each dog individually first, then together once it is safe to do so. By learning to sit or lay down in the presence of a resource, dogs learn to remain calm in a situation that may have previously triggered a fight.

How do you treat your dog after he attacks another dog? ›

What to do if your dog attacks another dog
  1. Stay calm. If you become agitated, this may make your dog feel more worried.
  2. Distract your dog from a distance. ...
  3. Get them back on the lead. ...
  4. If your dog is aggressive towards another dog, you need to take precautions for next time.

How long does it take for two dogs to get along? ›

It can take up to one month for an old dog and new dog to really settle in and accept each other's position in the pack. If you want a second dog, you need to be ready to commit to this process and not panic.

Is it normal for dogs in the same house to fight? ›

Play fighting is entirely normal, and two dogs living together will likely do it all of the time! You might see them really roughhouse; body slam one another, bite each other, and more. These “fights” can look violent; those who know nothing about dogs might think they're hurting each other.

When should you separate fighting dogs? ›

If the situation is escalating rapidly and it's impossible to prevent a fight, focus on breaking up the fight in the safest way possible. According to internationally acclaimed dog behaviorist, the late Dr. Sophia Yin, it's important to avoid actions that may cause the dogs to transfer their aggression towards you.

Do dogs feel bad after attacking another dog? ›

Pay Attention to Your Dog's Behavior

Dogs can be severely traumatized after a dog attack and may exhibit behavioral issues indicating they have lingering effects. If your dog is suffering from emotional trauma, signs may include: an unwillingness to play and interact with other dogs.

Will my dog become aggressive after being attacked? ›

Dog Behavior After Being Attacked

Now, this doesn't always happen to every single dog. Some dogs may perceive the attack as scary and unpleasant, but it will soon be shaken off. The problem arises when the attack is morphed into a life-changing event, and this can happen even to the most solid dogs.

Why is my dog suddenly aggressive towards my other dog? ›

There are a variety of reasons dogs may show sudden aggression towards each other. Some of the most common causes of conflict between familiar dogs include frustration, illness, and resource guarding. You'll need to clearly identify the root of the problem to restore household harmony.

Do brother and sister dogs fight a lot? ›

Siblings often play hard, and fight harder. Because many sibling pups are only socialized with each other, they may develop aggression or fear towards other dogs.

Should I pick my dog up if another dog approaches? ›

Don't Pick Up Your Dog

The action can trigger a dog's prey instincts, much the same way a squirrel running up a tree might do the same thing. If you must pick up your dog, turn your back to the approaching dog to hide the motion and minimize the chances of triggering an aggressive response in the other dog.

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.