Can Two Plural Words Be Used in a Sentence? (2024)

Plurals are one of the trickier concepts in the English language to grasp because there are so many irregularities. While plurals may look daunting, they are vital, and knowing how and when to use them is an essential part of learning English.

You can use two plurals in a sentence and more if necessary. When using more than two plurals in a sentence, you just need to make sure that you follow the rules, using plurals in agreement with nouns, verbs, and adjectives.

Before we jump into how and when to use two plural words in a sentence, let’s quickly examine what exactly a plural is and review how we form plurals. Then we can look at how plurals work with other parts of speech, including nouns, verbs, and adjectives.

What Makes a Word Plural?

A plural word is a word indicating a quantity of more than one. A plural word can represent more than one person, animal, place, food, or even idea.

Parts of speech such as nouns can have both a singular form and a plural form. The singular form concerns itself with one, while the plural form deals with more than one (source).


  • Singular: Apple
  • Plural: Apples

In order to make a noun plural, you add an “s” or an “es.” However, there are irregular and regular plurals in the English language. While there are sometimes patterns, irregular plurals usually have to be memorized.


  • Regular: Dog/Dogs
  • Irregular: Goose/Geese

Let’s quickly look at the table, which briefly summarizes how to make a word into a plural. You may be familiar with the rules already, so you can just quickly review them below (source).

Regular nounsAdd an -sCat — Cats
Apple — Apples
Noun ends in ‑s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, or -zAdd an -esChurch — Churches
Fish — Fishes
Bus — Buses
Fox — Foxes
Nouns ending in -s or -zSometimes you must double the -s or -z and then add e-esGas — Gasses
Noun ending in ‑f or ‑feChange -f or -fe to a -ve and then add an -sWife — Wives
Knife — Knives
Wolf —Wolves
Exceptions: roof, chief, chef
Noun ends in -y and the letter before is a consonantChange -y to -iesCity — Cities
Penny — Pennies
Noun ends in -y and the letter before is a vowelJust add an -sBoy — Boys
Day — Days
Noun ends in -oAdd an -esPotato — Potatoes
*halo, photo, piano
Noun ends in -usReplace -us with -iCactus — Cacti
Nouns which don’t changeSome nouns remain the same, whether singular or pluralSheep — Sheep
Deer — Deer
Irregular nounsDon’t follow a pattern and need to be memorizedchildchildren
woman — women person — people mouse — mice
Can Two Plural Words Be Used in a Sentence? (1)

Plurals and Nouns

Nouns are the most frequently pluralized parts of speech in the English language. This is because nouns are the largest word class in the whole English language.

A noun is a word that alludes to a person, place, thing, or event. Most importantly, nouns can be in both singular form and plural form.

How to Identify a Regular Plural Noun

You can identify a regular noun by remembering the two basic rules. When making a plural from a singular noun, the basic rule is to add an -s. However, if the noun ends with ‑s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, or -z, you add ‑es to make it plural.


  • Dog — Dogs
  • Bus — Buses

Regular Nouns in Sentences

When dealing with regular nouns, you can easily find two plural nouns in a sentence, especially if you are making a list, like this:

  • I am going to buy apples, pears, oranges, and blueberries.

Plurals and Pronouns

You can have two plurals in a sentence when you have a plural form of a personal pronoun.

Pronouns are a type of noun. In fact, they are a subcategory used in place of nouns. Pronouns can break down into smaller categories but, for now, let’s just focus on personal pronouns.

Let’s take a look at the pronouns below. We can divide them into three categories, namely, first-person, second-person, and third-person pronouns.

First-person pronouns: talking about oneself.

  • Singular: I or me
  • Plural: we or us

Second-person pronouns: talking to the listener or reader.

  • Singular: you
  • Plural: you

Third-person pronouns: talking to someone or something else.

  • Singular: he, him, she, her; it
  • Plural: they; them

Let’s look at the following examples:

  • We learned about the Egyptians today at school.
  • You must all read more books.
  • They baked muffins today.

Each of these sentences contains both a plural pronoun and a plural subject.

Plurals and Possessives

Another instance where you are likely to find two plurals in a sentence occurs when possession is on a plural noun. If the plural noun ends in -s, then we use an apostrophe to show possession.


  • The twins’ bedrooms are very untidy.

However, if the plural noun ends in any other letter, apart from an -s, we use an apostrophe and an -s.


  • The children’s toys are littering the floor.

You may like to explore a little more about possessives and how they differ from plurals.

Noun Adjuncts

A noun adjunct is when you use two plural nouns next to one another. The rule here is that the first noun stays singular while the second noun becomes plural. This is because the first noun is modifying the second noun.


  • Look at all those tree houses.
  • Can you please pass the soup spoons?

Compound Nouns

Plurals and compound nouns can be quite a tricky concept to get right. In fact, native English speakers often get these wrong.

A compound noun refers to two nouns used together to form one single noun.

Examples of compound nouns include:

  • father-in-law
  • passerby
  • bus stop

From the above examples, you can see that compound nouns don’t always use hyphens and sometimes appear as one word or two separate words.

The rule with plurals and compound nouns is that the primary nouns always get the plural. Where this becomes tricky is that the primary noun is not always first.

Let’s take another look at our examples in plural form this time.

  • father-in-law becomes fathers-in-law

There are many fathers, not many laws.

  • passerby becomes passersby

There are many passers, not many bys.

  • bus stop becomes bus stops

There are many stops, not many buses

Fun Grammar Fact

Sometimes plural nouns act as singular nouns, such as mathematics and news (source).

Can Two Plural Words Be Used in a Sentence? (2)

Plurals and Verbs

It’s important to remember that plural verbs, unlike nouns, do not end in the letter -s.


  • Singular: Sue bakes cakes.
  • Plural: Sue and Ben bake cakes.

In the plural form on the verb, we drop the “s” from the singular form.

Verb Agreement

You can use two plurals in a single sentence if there is verb agreement between them. Verb agreement simply means that the subject in a sentence and the verb in a sentence must be in agreement in quantity.

Let’s look at two examples:

  1. The duck is swimming in the pond.

In this sentence, the subject is the duck, and the verb is swimming.

  1. The ducks are playing in the pond.

In this sentence, the subject is the ducks, and the verb phrase is are playing.

In these two examples, you can see that the singular of a plural subject must be in agreement with the verb.

When Can’t You Use Two Plurals in a Sentence?

There are two cases where you can’t use two plurals in a sentence: when they are uncountable nouns or adjectives.

If They are Uncountable Nouns

Uncountable nouns are precisely what they say there are — uncountable. They are nouns that cannot be counted, such as water, sugar, hair, or music (source).

Sentences that use uncountable nouns do not take plurals.

For example, you cannot have a sentence:

  • We drank waters.

In this sentence, there is only one correct plural, we.

You can, however, say:

  • We drank bottles of water.

If It’s an Adjective

An adjective is a word used to describe a noun or a pronoun. The rule in English is that adjectives do not get a plural.

However, sometimes adjectives can be used as nouns, and then they are able to take the plural form. Some examples are famous, old, and rich.

  • My grandparents live in a home for the old.
  • Hospitals care for the sick.
  • This restaurant caters to the rich and famous.

Final Thoughts

Plurals are a vital part of the English language, so it’s essential to learn when and how to use them correctly.

Plurals always act differently around other parts of speech, so make sure that you familiarize yourself with how they behave in the presence of nouns, verbs, and adjectives.

If you ever find yourself frustrated, just remember that there would only ever be just one slice of cake without plurals, which would be just sad.

Can Two Plural Words Be Used in a Sentence? (2024)


Can Two Plural Words Be Used in a Sentence? ›

Can a sentence have two plurals? It absolutely can. Plurality is tied to the noun, not the sentence, thus as long as you have the nouns, you can fit any number of plurals in a single sentence.

What is an example of a double plural word? ›

A double plural is the plural form of a noun with an additional plural ending (usually -s) attached; for example, candelabras (singular, candelabrum; plural, candelabra) or sixpences (singular, penny; plural, pence).

What is the rule for plural sentence? ›

The main rule to follow is to add the letter -s to the end of the noun. However, nouns that end in -s, -sh, -ss, -z, -x, -ch, and sometimes -o need to have an -es added at the end to make them plural. Another rule to follow is for nouns that end in -y; change the y to an i and then add -es.

How do you put plural in a sentence? ›

1 To make regular nouns plural, add –s to the end. 2 If the singular noun ends in –s, –ss, –sh, –ch, –x, or –z, you usually add -es to the end to make it plural. 3 In some cases, singular nouns ending in –s or –z require that you double the –s or –z prior to adding the –es for pluralization.

Can I use two plurals in a sentence? ›

Can a sentence have two plurals? It absolutely can. Plurality is tied to the noun, not the sentence, thus as long as you have the nouns, you can fit any number of plurals in a single sentence.

How do you use both in a plural sentence? ›

In both cases, we are supposed to use a plural verb with the term 'both. ' Both brands are good enough to worth the price. Both films are exciting.

Can we use two s in one sentence? ›

If you're asking if you can use it's and mother's in the same sentence, then the answer is yes. For one, it's is a contraction of it is, not a possessive as mother's is. And even if it were, you can use two possessives in the same sentence, but double possessives are frowned upon.

How do you know if a sentence is plural? ›

Singular nouns use singular verbs and plural nouns use plural verbs. You can see this difference in these sentences: My dog (singular noun) is (singular verb) big and hairy. In my opinion, cats (plural noun) are (plural verb) the cutest pets in the world.

What is the rule 3 in plural? ›

RULE 3: Use plural nouns immediately after adjectives such as a few, many, most, and some, and after pronouns such as these and those: × Most student like computers. ✓ Most students like computers. × These tree provide no shade.

What are the two types of plural? ›

Plural nouns can be separated into either regular or irregular plurals. Regular plural nouns occur when an -S is added onto the singular form. Irregular plural nouns are divided into different categories depending on the ending letters of the singular form.

What is the rule 2 in grammar? ›

Rule #2: General Rule for Plural Subject and Plural Verb

Singular subject + singular verb (V+ Object (We, they) + eat + every day. Example: Girls study in school. The plural subject 'Girls' follows the plural verb 'study'. Even the plural pronouns follow the same cases.

What is the double plural of fish? ›

Fish can refer to multiple fish, especially when they are all the same species of fish. Fishes, however, usually refers to multiple species of fish, especially in scientific contexts.

Is deer a double plural? ›

This word is an irregular plural noun The noun deer is both the singular and the plural They saw one deer or They saw two million deer Deer is the preferred plural form of deer, although deers (rarely used) is also an accepted plural.

What are 10 examples of plural nouns? ›

Plural Noun Examples
  • Plural noun of child – children.
  • Plural noun of fox – foxes.
  • Plural noun of loaf – loaves.
  • Plural noun of ship – ships.
  • Plural noun of school – schools.
  • Plural noun of door – doors.
  • Plural noun of sister-in-law – sisters-in-law.
  • Plural form of baby – babies.

Is double a plural word? ›

You use double before a singular noun to refer to two things of the same type that occur together, or that are connected in some way.

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