Can you get a cost-of-living raise? Here's how to ask | Money Under 30 (2024)

With inflation soaring, we’re all battling record-high grocery bills, inflated student loan interest rates, and unsustainable rent increases.

All these factors inevitably affect our budgets, so it’s a fair question to pose if a cost-of-living raise would be a reasonable ask of your boss.

After all, if you don’t ask, you don’t get… right?

What is a cost-of-living raise?

A cost-of-living raise, sometimes called a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA), is an increase in salary, meant to help employees cover increased living expenses. The cost of living has increased faster than wages for the past decade, and there’s no sign of it slowing down anytime soon. To keep up with the rising cost of daily life, workers need more money in their pockets.

Some companies incorporate COLAs into their employees’ yearly raises or compensation plans. But others only offer COLAs based on merit for their best employees — something that isn’t too cool.

That’s because a cost-of-living raise should be different from a merit-based raise, which is based on an individual’s job performance. A cost-of-living raise should be given to all employees to keep up with the rising cost of living so that their purchasing power is not diminished.

But unfortunately, cost-of-living raises are not mandatorybenefits of employment. That’s why many employees decide to negotiate these pay increases into their contracts.

How is cost of living calculated?

Cost of living is the amount of money needed to sustain a certain level of life. It includes items such as food, shelter, transportation, and healthcare.

To calculate the cost of living, economists look at the prices of goods and services that people typically purchase. This lumped basket of goods and services is known as the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which is used to measure changes in the cost of living over time.

The CPI is calculated by taking the average prices of a fixed basket of goods and services and comparing it to the prices of the same basket in a different period.

The CPI is used to:

  • Measure inflation
  • Adjust Social Security payments
  • Adjust income tax brackets
  • Adjust government benefits
  • Adjust salaries and wages
  • Make cost-of-living comparisons between cities

The CPI is not perfect, but it’s the best measure we have of inflation. The CPI does not include investment costs, such as stocks and real estate. It also doesn’t break down the differences in cost of living for specific groups of people, such as the elderly or low-income.

Cost of Living Index vs. Consumer Price Index

A Cost of Living Index (CLI) and the Consumer Price Index (CPI) are two ways to measure how much things cost.

The CPI measures the overall change in prices of goods, while a CLI measures how much the cost of living varies across regions (cities, states, etc.).While the CPI is government-reported, there is no official cost of living index created by the U.S. government.

Reasons you could be eligible for a cost-of-living raise

There are generally two main reasons that play into getting a cost-of-living raise:

  1. The cost of living has gone up. This applies to all of us, no matter where you live. Inflation is high right now, and across the country, the cost of living continues to increase faster than average wages. Plus, it’s impacted by many factors, like the costs of housing, food, transportation, and healthcare.
  2. You’re relocating to a new city. Cost of living is not the same in every city. You’re going to pay much more to live in New York City than, say, rural Iowa. Plus, cost of living also varies within cities. Living in downtown Manhattan is much more expensive than living in Albany, New York. If you’re moving to a more expensive city or neighborhood due to job requirements, you should definitely ask for a cost-of-living raise from your employer.

Keep in mind that the cost of living is not static. It can change over time, so it’s important to stay up to date on the cost of living in your city or region.

Reasons you might not be eligible for a cost-of-living raise

Your own personal cost of living can vary with your lifestyle. Someone who lives in a luxury apartment in New York City and dines out at expensive restaurants will have a much higher cost of living than a person who lives in a small town in Iowa and cooks all their meals at home.

While you can ask for a cost-of-living raise based on your location, you shouldn’t ask for one simply because you like fine dining. COLAs are based on averages, so if your COLA increase doesn’t match your preferred lifestyle, but it does match the average for your area, you might have to tone it down on the fancy nights out — or seek out a higher paying job or merit-based increase.

Can you really get a COLA of 8%?!

The Social Security Administration’s Cost of Living Adjustment has had an insane jump since the pandemic: from 1.3% in 2020 to 5.9% in 2021, and to 8.7% in 2022! The SSA COLA hasn’t seen such a big spike since the early ’80s.

Although an 8% cost-of-living raise probably isn’t a realistic option for most, it’s definitely worth asking your employer what youcan get given these wild times.

For years, the average cost of living pay increase in a healthy economy has been around 2-3%.However, it’s become very clear that the cost of living isn’t going anywhere but up, and some employers are responding to this with raises of 4%likely for many employees in 2023.

By taking the time to research the market, you will be able to demonstrate your understanding of it to your manager and present the case for an increase that is appropriate for the current economic conditions.

How to request a cost-of-living raise

Employees have the right to ask for a pay raise, and employers have the right to accept or decline your request. Asking for a cost-of-living raise at the right time and in the right way is essential to receiving the increase in wages you have requested.

Follow these steps to make the most convincing argument for your cost-of-living raise:

1. Do your research and know your numbers

When you sit down with a supervisor to request a cost-of-living raise, you should come with sufficient evidence that justifies your need for this pay increase. Providing statistics about the rise in living costs from the CPI and the national average salaries will support your request.

Before you meet with your boss, find out if cost-of-living raises are common at your company and whether other employees have received them in the past. You should also look up salary information for similar positions on job boards for a general sense of the going salary within your labor market, for your level of experience within your field, and how that information stacks up against the cost of inflation. Is the going rate for your position a suitable wage in the current state of the economy? Don’t forget to factor in the average cost of living in your state as well.

I recommend starting your research by visiting the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics website or reviewing the general salary information of your employer on sites like Glassdoor.

Before your meeting, you should also decide on the amount you would like to request. Laying out the exact details of your request, including the salary you make now and the raise you would like to receive, can help your case.

2. Consider if what you already have is better than most

Is there any “invisible” money included in your salary that you may not have accounted for? This could include perks like:

  • Wellness incentives for getting annual health checkups
  • Employee discounts for choosing a preferred partnered cellphone carrier or internet provider
  • Matched stock options, HSAs, and pensions offered by your employer
  • Travel benefits
  • Longevity pay

Many people forget about the smaller non-monetary incentives that give some employers a competitive edge over most, and that may compensate for a COLA.

3. Check your timing

Timing is everything. If your company is going through layoffs or just announced cost-cutting measures like a hiring freeze, it’s probably not the best time to ask for more money.

If your company isn’t in financial struggles, you’ll want to frame your ask around these times:

  • During a weekly or bi-weekly check-in with your boss (if this falls on a Monday, consider scheduling a separate meeting for this topic since Mondays can be hectic days)
  • Well before your annual review
  • Before or at the beginning of Q4, which is typically also when performance review season starts
  • After you’ve had a few wins under your belt and have demonstrated your value

4. Think outside the box and be creative

A cost-of-living wage may not necessarily come in the form of a monetary pay increase. Could you ask for other things that would still offer value and increase your quality of life, without it affecting your employer’s bottom line?

Some possibilities could be:

  • The ability to work remotely
  • Flexible work hours that extend beyond the confines of a traditional 9-5 schedule
  • Health and fitness benefits, like gym membership access, or remuneration for healthcare professionals such as nutritionists, dieticians, therapists, and personal trainers
  • More personal time off

5. Be prepared to cut ties if necessary

In some situations, you may need to be willing to walk away. If you’ve done your homework, established your value, and shown the company that you’re worth the investment, you may need to begin looking for a new opportunity that pays better than the one you have now.

Even though the economy is slow to bounce back to its pre-pandemic days, the employment market is surprisingly strong. CNBC reportsthatworkers who switched jobs this year saw, on average, a 10% pay increase once inflation was accounted for.

6. Follow up on your request

After you meet with your supervisor, write a thank-you note or email that also lays out the details of your discussion. Presenting your request in writing will help your supervisor remember the exact numbers you discussed and serve as physical evidence of your conversation.

After you get your cost-of-living raise…

You’ve gotten your cost of living raise. Congrats!

Now you need to watch out for lifestyle creep. Lifestyle creep occurs when your earnings go up, and so you spend more money: maybe you buy a nicer car or start taking more expensive holidays. It’s also known as “status creep” or “salary creep.”

Remember, a cost-of-living raise is meant to bring you on par with the cost of current living conditions in your area: rent, food, utilities, etc. You don’t want to blow your new raise on non-essentials, instead of major goals like saving your first $100K.

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If you didn’t get your cost-of-living raise…

Remember, COLAs aren’t mandated by law, so your employer isn’t legally required to give you one.

If you’ve decided you still want to stay with the company, you may want to seek out other ways to get more merit-based compensation. Examine other opportunities for raises, such as a bonus for heading up projects that others have not taken on. You could also use those projects as a way to make yourself more competitive in networking and increase your chances of being selected for new, better-paying positions.

Or, you could take on a side hustle to help make up for that missing cash. In uncertain economic times, it’s important to not place all your eggs in one basket. Instead, diversify your income sources. From offering your home as an Airbnb to selling handmade arts and crafts on Etsy, there are endless opportunities to make some extra cash with very little start-up costs. This will ensure you are always in control of how much you’re expected to make.

The bottom line

Cost-of-living raises are more and more critical, with inflation driving our daily expenses well above average wages. So don’t be afraid to ask for one. If you’ve done your research, know your worth, and have a plan for whatever the outcome may be, you’re more likely to see the income you deserve.

Can you get a cost-of-living raise? Here's how to ask | Money Under 30 (2024)


Can you ask for a raise due to cost-of-living? ›

If you've committed at least one year to your company and feel entitled to a raise, schedule some time with your boss. Be transparent and respect their time—ask to schedule a one-on-one meeting to discuss a cost-of-living adjustment to your pay. Allow your employer time to prepare.

How do I ask for a 30% salary increase? ›

How do you ask for a raise?
  1. Choose the right time to ask. It's not uncommon to want a raise. ...
  2. Research salary trends. At this stage, you may be wondering how much of a raise you should request. ...
  3. Set a meeting. ...
  4. Prepare what to say. ...
  5. Be ready for questions. ...
  6. Thank your manager.
Feb 1, 2024

Is it okay to ask for a 20% raise? ›

How much should you ask for? The average pay raise is 3%. A good pay raise ranges from 4.5% to 5%, and anything more than that is considered exceptional. Depending on the reasons you cite for a pay raise and the length of time that has passed since your last raise, you could request a raise in the 10% to 20% range.

How do you justify a cost-of-living raise? ›

You should also research to determine what the consumer price index calculations and national cost of living adjustment rates are. Having this information will prepare you to justify your request for a cost of living increase when you meet with your employer.

Can you ask for a raise due to inflation? ›

It's important to do your homework before asking for a pay raise based on inflation. Remember that a pay raise based on inflation means asking for an amount that will cover your basic expenses, not for an extravagant increase in your salary.

What is an appropriate amount to ask for when asking for a raise? ›

Aim for a 5% to 10% raise for a standard increase. If you're underpaid or have extra duties, 10% to 20% could be fair. Back it up with research on sites like Glassdoor and highlight your achievements. Pick the right time to ask, like after a big project win.

Can I refuse to take on more work without a raise? ›

This can be trickier than it has any right to be. As a matter of general principle, yes, you should be able to say that you don't want to take on additional responsibilities unless you're paid appropriately for them, particularly when those responsibilities are clearly part of a higher-level, higher-paid job.

How do you humbly ask for a salary increase? ›

List measurable benefits you have brought to the company; include specific numbers and data. Look into any additional education or certifications you could complete to help increase your value as an employee. Write out how your responsibilities, hours, and role may have increased and expanded during your employment.

What should you not say when asking for a raise? ›

What not to say when asking for a raise
  1. I haven't had a raise in [amount of] years, so it's time for a raise.
  2. I know that [coworker] is making more than me, so I need a raise.
  3. I've been here for [amount of] years, so I need a raise.
  4. Other companies have reached out offering me more money.
Jan 25, 2024

Is a 20% raise unrealistic? ›

Typically, it's appropriate to ask for a raise of 10-20% more than what you're currently making. You can also use various online websites that take into account your job title, geographic location and experience level when determining a reasonable raise.

Is a $1 raise good? ›

While $1 may not seem like much, it can add up to a lot over time. If you can get a raise larger than $1, you'll see your lifetime earnings go up even more. That's why a promotion or raise can make a difference in your finances.

How much of a raise do I need to keep up with inflation? ›

The obvious solution is to ask for a pay raise of 6.5% or so to at least stay even with inflation, but that's not always the best strategy, experts say. Your first order of business should be to research pay rates not only for your specific industry and job, but also average pay raises across all industries.

Do most employers give a cost of living raise? ›

There is no legal requirement for employers to provide cost-of-living adjustments. However, employees who are part of a union may have COLA pay as a part of their contract. For most employers, however, cost-of-living adjustments are entirely discretionary.

What is a cost of living raise usually? ›

A cost of living raise makes up for inflation. When the cost of living goes up by a certain percentage, you increase employee wages by the same percentage. For example, if the cost of living increases by 2% this year, you will increase employee wages by 2%.

What is a cost of living raise called? ›

Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA)

How do you ask for a raise legally? ›

Prepare your case and determine what value you bring ahead of time. Rehearse your raise request and get feedback from others before the actual meeting. Schedule a meeting to request a raise at a good time to boost your chance of approval. In the meeting, show confidence, use data, and be specific.

How much of a raise do I need to keep up with inflation 2024? ›

The vast majority of senior finance leaders (71 percent) plan to give raises of at least 4 percent in 2024, according to a new survey of chief financial officers (CFOs) by Gartner. In most areas, those raises would outpace inflation, which recently has hovered just above 3 percent, according to government figures.

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