Cash Flow and Financial Planning - ppt video online download (2024)

Presentation on theme: "Cash Flow and Financial Planning"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cash Flow and Financial Planning
Chapter 3 Cash Flow and Financial Planning

2 Learning Goals Understand tax depreciation procedures and the effect of depreciation on the firm’s cash flows. Discuss the firm’s statement of cash flows, operating cash flow, and free cash flow. Understand the financial planning process, including long-term (strategic) financial plans and short-term (operating) plans. Discuss the cash-planning process and the preparation, evaluation, and use of the cash budget.

3 Learning Goals (cont.) Explain the simplified procedures used to prepare and evaluate the pro forma income statement and the pro forma balance sheet. Evaluate the simplified approaches to pro forma financial statement preparation and the common uses of pro forma statements.

4 Analyzing the Firm’s Cash Flows
Cash flow (as opposed to accounting “profits”) is the primary focus of the financial manager. An important factor affecting cash flow is depreciation. From an accounting perspective, cash flow is summarized in a firm’s statement of cash flows. From a financial perspective, firms often focus on both operating cash flow, which is used in managerial decision-making, and free cash flow, which is closely monitored by participants in the capital market.

5 Depreciation Depreciation is the systematic charging of a portion of the costs of fixed assets against annual revenues over time. Depreciation for tax purposes is determined by using the modified accelerated cost recovery system (MACRS). On the other hand, a variety of other depreciation methods are often used for reporting purposes.

6 Depreciation: Depreciation & Cash Flow
Financial managers are much more concerned with cash flows rather than profits. To adjust the income statement to show cash flows from operations, all non-cash charges should be added back to net profit after taxes. By lowering taxable income, depreciation and other non-cash expenses create a tax shield and enhance cash flow.

7 Depreciation: Depreciable Value & Depreciable Life
Under the basic MACRS procedures, the depreciable value of an asset is its full cost, including outlays for installation. No adjustment is required for expected salvage value. For tax purposes, the depreciable life of an asset is determined by its MACRS recovery predetermined period. MACRS property classes and rates are shown in Table 3.1 and Table 3.2 on the following slides.

8 Depreciation Table 3.1 First Four Property Classes under MACRS

9 Table 3.2 Rounded Depreciation Percentages by Recovery Year Using MACRS for First Four Property Classes

10 Depreciation: An Example
Baker Corporation acquired, for an installed cost of $40,000, a machine having a recovery period of 5 years. Using the applicable MACRS rates, the depreciation expense each year is as follows:

11 Developing the Statement of Cash Flows
The statement of cash flows summarizes the firm’s cash flow over a given period of time. The statement of cash flows is divided into three sections: Operating flows Investment flows Financing flows The nature of these flows is shown in Figure 3.1 on the following slide.

12 Figure 3.1 Cash Flows

13 Developing the Statement of Cash Flows: Classifying Inflows and Outflows of Cash
The statement of cash flows essentially summarizes the inflows and outflows of cash during a given period. Table 3.3 Inflows and Outflows of Cash

14 Table 3.4 Baker Corporation Income Statement ($000) for the Year Ended December 31, 2009

15 Table 3.5 Baker Corporation Balance Sheets ($000) (cont.)

16 Table 3.5 Baker Corporation Balance Sheets ($000)

17 Table 3.6 Baker Corporation Statement of Cash Flows ($000) for the Year Ended December 31, 2009

18 Interpreting Statement of Cash Flows
The statement of cash flows ties the balance sheet at the beginning of the period with the balance sheet at the end of the period after considering the performance of the firm during the period through the income statement. The net increase (or decrease) in cash and marketable securities should be equivalent to the difference between the cash and marketable securities on the balance sheet at the beginning of the year and the end of the year.

19 Operating Cash Flow A firm’s Operating Cash Flow (OCF) is the cash flow a firm generates from normal operations—from the production and sale of its goods and services. OCF may be calculated as follows: NOPAT = EBIT x (1 – T) OCF = NOPAT + Depreciation OCF = [EBIT x (1 – T)] + Depreciation

20 Operating Cash Flow (cont.)
Substituting for Baker Corporation, we get: Thus, we can conclude that Baker’s operations are generating positive operating cash flows. OCF = [$370 x ( ) + $100 = $322

21 Free Cash Flow Free Cash Flow (FCF) is the amount of cash flow available to debt and equity holders after meeting all operating needs and paying for its net fixed asset investments (NFAI) and net current asset investments (NCAI). Where: FCF = OCF – NFAI - NCAI NFAI = Change in net fixed assets + Depreciation NCAI = Change in CA – Change in A/P and Accruals

22 NCAI = [($2,000 - $1,900) + ($800 - $700)] = $0
Free Cash Flow (cont.) Using Baker Corporation we get: This FCF can be used to pay its creditors and equity holders. NFAI = [($1,200 - $1,000) + $100] = $300 NCAI = [($2,000 - $1,900) + ($800 - $700)] = $0 FCF = $322 – $300 - $0 = $22

23 The Financial Planning Process
Financial planning involves guiding, coordinating, and controlling the firm’s actions to achieve its objectives. Two key aspects of financial planning are cash planning and profit planning. Cash planning involves the preparation of the firm’s cash budget. Profit planning involves the preparation of both cash budgets and pro forma financial statements.

24 The Financial Planning Process: Long-Term (Strategic) Financial Plans
Long-term strategic financial plans lay out a company’s planned financial actions and the anticipated impact of those actions over periods ranging from 2 to 10 years. Firms that are exposed to a high degree of operating uncertainty tend to use shorter plans. These plans are one component of a company’s integrated strategic plan (along with production and marketing plans) that guide a company toward achievement of its goals.

25 The Financial Planning Process: Long-Term (Strategic) Financial Plans (cont.)
Long-term financial plans consider a number of financial activities including: Proposed fixed asset investments Research and development activities Marketing and product development Capital structure Sources of financing These plans are generally supported by a series of annual budgets and profit plans.

26 The Financial Planning Process: Short-Term (Operating) Financial Plans
Short-term (operating) financial plans specify short-term financial actions and the anticipated impact of those actions and typically cover a one to two year operating period. Key inputs include the sales forecast and other operating and financial data. Key outputs include operating budgets, the cash budget, and pro forma financial statements. This process is described graphically on the following slide.

27 Figure 3.2 Short-Term Financial Planning

28 The Financial Planning Process: Short-Term (Operating) Financial Plans (cont.)
As indicated in the previous exhibit, short-term financial planning begins with a sales forecast. From this sales forecast, production plans are developed that consider lead times and raw material requirements. From the production plans, direct labor, factory overhead, and operating expense estimates are developed. From this information, the pro forma income statement and cash budget are prepared—ultimately leading to the development of the pro forma balance sheet.

29 Cash Planning: Cash Budgets
The cash budget or cash forecast is a statement of the firm’s planned inflows and outflows of cash. It is used to estimate short-term cash requirements with particular attention to anticipated cash surpluses and shortfalls. Surpluses must be invested and deficits must be funded. The cash budget is a useful tool for determining the timing of cash inflows and outflows during a given period. Typically, monthly budgets are developed covering a 1-year time period.

30 Cash Planning: Cash Budgets (cont.)
The cash budget begins with a sales forecast, which is simply a prediction of the sales activity during a given period. A prerequisite to the sales forecast is a forecast for the economy, the industry, the company and other external and internal factors that might influence company sales. The sales forecast is then used as a basis for estimating the monthly cash inflows that will result from projected sales—and outflows related to production, overhead and other expenses.

31 Cash Planning: Cash Budgets (cont.)
Table 3.7 The General Format of the Cash Budget

32 Cash Planning: Cash Budgets An Example: Coulson Industries
Coulson Industries, a defense contractor, is developing a cash budget for October, November, and December. Halley’s sales in August and September were $100,000 and $200,000 respectively. Sales of $400,000, $300,000 and $200,000 have been forecast for October, November, and December. Historically, 20% of the firm’s sales have been for cash, 50% have been collected after 1 month, and the remaining 30% after 2 months. In December, Coulson will receive a $30,000 dividend from stock in a subsidiary.

33 Cash Planning: Cash Budgets An Example: Coulson Industries (cont.)
Based on this information, we are able to develop the following schedule of cash receipts for Coulson Industries. Table 3.8 A Schedule of Projected Cash Receipts for Coulson Industries ($000)

34 Cash Planning: Cash Budgets An Example: Coulson Industries (cont.)
Coulson Company has also gathered the relevant information for the development of a cash disbursem*nt schedule. Purchases will represent 70% of sales—10% will be paid immediately in cash, 70% is paid the month following the purchase, and the remaining 20% is paid two months following the purchase. The firm will also expend cash on rent, wages and salaries, taxes, capital assets, interest, dividends, and a portion of the principal on its loans. The resulting disbursem*nt schedule thus follows.

35 Table 3.9 A Schedule of Projected Cash Disbursem*nts for Coulson Industries ($000)

36 Cash Planning: Cash Budgets An Example: Coulson Industries (cont.)
The Cash Budget for Coulson Industries can be derived by combining the receipts budget with the disbursem*nts budget. At the end of September, Coulson’s cash balance was $50,000, notes payable was $0, and marketable securities balance was $0. Coulson also wishes to maintain a minimum cash balance of $25,000. As a result, it will have excess cash in October, and a deficit of cash in November and December. The resulting cash budget follows.

37 Table 3.10 A Cash Budget for Coulson Industries ($000)

38 Evaluating the Cash Budget
Cash budgets indicate the extent to which cash shortages or surpluses are expected in the months covered by the forecast. The excess cash of $22,000 in October should be invested in marketable securities. The deficits in November and December need to be financed.

39 Coping with Uncertainty in the Cash Budget
One way to cope with cash budgeting uncertainty is to prepare several cash budgets based on several forecasted scenarios (e.g., pessimistic, most likely, optimistic). From this range of cash flows, the financial manager can determine the amount of financing necessary to cover the most adverse situation. This method will also provide a sense of the riskiness of alternatives. An example of this sort of “sensitivity analysis” for Coulson Industries is shown on the following slide.

40 Coping with Uncertainty in the Cash Budget (cont.)
Table A Scenario Analysis of Coulson Industries’ Cash Budget ($000)

41 Profit Planning: Pro Forma Statements
Pro forma financial statements are projected, or forecast, financial statements – income statements and balance sheets. The inputs required to develop pro forma statements using the most common approaches include: Financial statements from the preceding year The sales forecast for the coming year Key assumptions about a number of factors The development of pro forma financial statements will be demonstrated using the financial statements for Vectra Manufacturing.

42 Profit Planning: Pro Forma Financial Statements
Table Vectra Manufacturing’s Income Statement for the Year Ended December 31, 2009

43 Profit Planning: Pro Forma Financial Statements (cont.)
Table Vectra Manufacturing’s Balance Sheet, December 31, 2009

44 Profit Planning: Pro Forma Financial Statements (cont.)
Step 1: Start with a Sales Forecast The first and key input for developing pro forma financial statements is the sales forecast for Vectra Manufacturing. Table Sales Forecast for Vectra Manufacturing

45 Profit Planning: Pro Forma Financial Statements (cont.)
Step 1: Start with a Sales Forecast (cont.) The previous sales forecast is based on an increase in price from $20 to $25 per unit for Model X and from $40 to $50 per unit for Model Y. These increases are required to cover anticipated increases in various costs, including labor, materials, & overhead.

46 Profit Planning: Pro Forma Financial Statements (cont.)
Step 2: Preparing the Pro Forma Income Statement A simple method for developing a pro forma income statement is the “percent-of-sales” method. This method starts with the sales forecast and then expresses the cost of goods sold, operating expenses, and other accounts as a percentage of projected sales. Using the Vectra example, the easiest way to do this is to recast the historical income statement as a percentage of sales.

47 Profit Planning: Pro Forma Financial Statements (cont.)
Step 2: Preparing the Pro Forma Income Statement (cont.) Using these percentages and the sales forecast we developed, the entire income statement can be projected. The results are shown on the following slide. It is important to note that this method implicitly assumes that all costs are variable and that all increase or decrease in proportion to sales. This will understate profits when sales are increasing and overstate them when sales are decreasing.

48 Profit Planning: Pro Forma Financial Statements (cont.)
Table A Pro Forma Income Statement, Using the Percent-of-Sales Method, for Vectra Manufacturing for the Year Ended December 31, 2010

49 Profit Planning: Pro Forma Financial Statements (cont.)
Step 2: Preparing the Pro Forma Income Statement (cont.) Clearly, some of the firm’s expenses will increase with the level of sales while others will not. As a result, the strict application of the percent-of-sales method is a bit naïve. The best way to generate a more realistic pro forma income statement is to segment the firm’s expenses into fixed and variable components. This may be demonstrated as follows.

50 Profit Planning: Pro Forma Financial Statements (cont.)

51 Profit Planning: Pro Forma Financial Statements (cont.)
Step 3: Preparing the Pro Forma Balance Sheet Probably the best approach to use in developing the pro forma balance sheet is the judgmental approach. Under this simple method, the values of some balance sheet accounts are estimated and the company’s external financing requirement is used as the balancing account. To apply this method to Vectra Manufacturing, a number of simplifying assumptions must be made.

52 Profit Planning: Pro Forma Financial Statements (cont.)
Step 3: Preparing the Pro Forma Balance Sheet (cont.) A minimum cash balance of $6,000 is desired. Marketable securities will remain at their current level of $4,000. Accounts receivable will be approximately $16,875 which represents 45 days of sales on average [(45/365) x $135,000]. Ending inventory will remain at about $16, % ($4,000) represents raw materials and 75% ($12,000) is finished goods. A new machine costing $20,000 will be purchased. Total depreciation will be $8,000. Adding $20,000 to existing net fixed assets of $51,000 and subtracting the $8,000 depreciation yields a net fixed assets figure of $63,000.

53 Profit Planning: Pro Forma Financial Statements (cont.)
Step 3: Preparing the Pro Forma Balance Sheet (cont.) Purchases will be $40,500 which represents 30% of annual sales (30% x $135,000). Vectra takes about 73 days to pay on its accounts payable. As a result, accounts payable will equal $8,100 [(73/365) x $40,500]. Taxes payable will be $455 which represents one-fourth of the 1998 tax liability. Notes payable will remain unchanged at $8,300. There will be no change in other current liabilities, long-term debt, and common stock. Retained earnings will change in accordance with the pro forma income statement.

54 Profit Planning: Pro Forma Financial Statements (cont.)
Table A Pro Forma Balance Sheet, Using the Judgmental Approach, for Vectra Manufacturing (December 31, 2010)

55 Evaluation of Pro Forma Statements: Weaknesses of Simplified Approaches
The major weaknesses of the approaches to pro forma statement development outlined above lie in two assumptions: That the firm’s past financial performance will be replicated in the future That certain accounts can be forced to take on desired values For these reasons, it is imperative to first develop a forecast of the overall economy and make adjustments to accommodate other facts or events.

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Cash Flow and Financial Planning -  ppt video online download (2024)


What is cash flow statement answers? ›

Answer: A Cash Flow Statement is a statement showing inflows and outflows of cash and cash equivalents from operating, investing and financing activities of a company during a particular period. It explains the reasons of receipts and payments in cash and change in cash balances during an accounting year in a company.

What is the cash flow planning in financial planning? ›

Cash flow planning refers to the process of creating a detailed budget and holistic financial plan to manage income, expenses, and savings. It involves analyzing cash inflows and outflows, identifying areas of overspending, and creating a plan to improve financial stability.

What is the section 7 financial plan? ›

Section 7: Financial Plan

Describe the financial projections of the company, by including the projected income statement, projected cash flow statement, and the balance sheet projection.

What is the easiest way to calculate cash flow? ›

To calculate operating cash flow, add your net income and non-cash expenses, then subtract the change in working capital. These can all be found in a cash-flow statement.

How to do cash flow step by step? ›

Four Steps to Prepare a Cash Flow Statement
  1. Start with the Opening Balance. ...
  2. Calculate the Cash Coming in (Sources of Cash) ...
  3. Determine the Cash Going Out (Uses of Cash) ...
  4. Subtract Uses of Cash (Step 3) from your Cash Balance (sum of Steps 1 and 2)

What is cash flow pdf? ›

Page 1. Welcome to a brief discussion of cash flow. Cash flow refers to a summary or a plan of cash income and expenses. You can choose whether it focuses on the business only or is a combined personal and business statement or budget.

Is cash flow statement easy? ›

The cash flow statement is believed to be the most intuitive of all the financial statements because it follows the cash made by the business in three main ways: through operations, investment, and financing. The sum of these three segments is called net cash flow.

What is the best explanation of cash flow? ›

Cash flow is a measure of how much cash a business brought in or spent in total over a period of time. Cash flow is typically broken down into cash flow from operating activities, investing activities, and financing activities on the statement of cash flows, a common financial statement.

What is the goal of cash flow planning? ›

Individuals and families should create a cash flow plan to ensure that they can properly support their spending needs on a regular basis, in addition to creating an emergency fund. Those who don't have an effective cash flow plan in place risk going into debt to cover their living expenses.

What is the difference between budgeting and cash flow planning? ›

One of the main difference between a budget and estimates in a cash flow forecast is the time period they cover. A budget covers a year or longer and focuses on income and expenses, while a cash flow forecast (generally) covers a shorter period and focuses on the timing of cash inflows and outflows.

How to manage personal cash flow? ›

Simple Tips for Personal Managing Cash Flow:
  1. – Crunch the numbers. First, take a close look at one of your paychecks or your annual W-2 wage statement. ...
  2. – Track your personal cash flow. ...
  3. – Reduce your expenses. ...
  4. – Don't forget about inflation and emergencies. ...
  5. – Deal with your debt. ...
  6. – Plan ahead.
Mar 19, 2024

What are the 5 key areas of financial planning? ›

In this blog, we explore the five key components of a financial plan and how they work together.
  • Investments. Investments are a vital part of a well-rounded financial plan. ...
  • Insurance. Protecting your assets—including yourself—is as important as growing your finances. ...
  • Retirement Strategy. ...
  • Trust and Estate Planning. ...
  • Taxes.
Feb 9, 2024

What is the first step in financial planning? ›

1. Assess your financial situation and typical expenses. An important first step is to take stock of your current financial situation. Even if you're not where you'd like to be, be honest with yourself about the income you're currently generating, savings you've accumulated and your general spending habits.

What are the 4 stages of the financial planning model? ›

Financial Planning for Individuals & Families

For individuals and families, we focus on asset/liability matching, tax-efficiency, and cost-effective planning throughout the four key phases of financial management: accumulation, distribution, preservation, and legacy. Plan to budget, determine investments, set goals.

What is the formula for cash on cash flow? ›

The formula for calculating the cash-on-cash return involves taking the annual pre-tax cash flow and dividing it by the initial cash investment (i.e., the equity contribution).

How to calculate total cash flow? ›

Your formula would look like: Total Sales Revenue – Total Operating Expenses = Total Operating Cash Flow. You would not add debt service expense on last year's purchases, for example, because this was not a result of this year's operations. If you were not operating, you would still have this expense.

How to solve cash flow issues in business? ›

13 Tips to Solve Cash Flow Problems
  1. Use a Monthly Business Budget.
  2. Access a Line of Credit.
  3. Invoice Promptly to Reduce Days Sales Outstanding.
  4. Stretch Out Payables.
  5. Reduce Expenses.
  6. Raise Prices.
  7. Upsell and Cross-sell.
  8. Accept Credit Cards.
Oct 1, 2020

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