Catfish Fun Facts (2024)

Catfish Fun Facts

The internet is full of fabulous facts about everything from current events to the historybasket weaving and catfish fun facts. As we research for our daily content on food trucks, food carts and street food, we stumble upon some items of knowledge that we just did not know.

We have decided when these fun facts pop up, that we would share them with our readers in our section titled “Did You Know?”

Fortoday’sDid You Know we will look atCatfish fun facts.

Catfish Fun Facts: Catfishare a diverse group ofray-finnedfish. Named for their prominentbarbs, which resemble a cat’swhiskers, catfish range in size and behavior from the heaviest and longest, theMekong giant catfishfrom Southeast Asia and the second longest, thewels catfishof Eurasia, todetritivores(species that eat dead material on the bottom), and even to a tinyparasiticspecies commonly called thecandiru,Vandellia cirrhosa.

  • Catfish are raised in fresh water ponds only about four to six feet deep.
  • Farm raised catfish are taught to eat feed pellets that float on top of the water. Wild catfish are bottom feeders.
  • One catfish can lay up to 4,000 eggs a year per pound of body weight.
  • The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds.
  • Young catfish are called “sac fry” because they still live off of the food supplied by the yolk sacs.
  • When catfish reach 4 inches long they are called “fingerlings” (the size of an index finger).
  • Catfish are harvested in nets when they weigh about one to one and a half pounds.
  • About 95% of the nation’s farm-raised catfish is raised in Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama, and Louisiana.
  • Catfish is now the 5thmost popular fish in America.
  • Catfish is available all year round.
  • The largest confirmed record in the U.S. was a blue catfish weighing 150 pounds in 1879.

Key Dates

  • June 25th is National Catfish Day.
  • August is National Catfish month.

Catfish Fun Facts We Missed

Let us know if we missed any catfish fun facts in the comment section or our food truck forum. We always love to add to these lists. If we can verify that the facts is just that, a fact, we will give the reader credit in the article.

Reference:Wikipedia:Fun Factsabout Catfish.

Find all of theNational Food Holidaysto spice up your food truck menu specials throughout the year.

By Richard Myrick|2020-06-25T08:12:06-04:00Jun 25, 2020|Food Facts|

About the Author: Richard Myrick

Catfish Fun Facts (2)

Richard Myrick is an architect by degree (Lawrence Technological University, Southfield, Michigan) who began his career in real estate development and architectural planning. In September of 2010 he created Mobile Cuisine Magazine to fill an information void he found when he began researching how to start a mobile hotdog cart in Chicago. Richard found that there was no central repository of mobile street food information anywhere on the internet, and with that, the idea for MCM was born. Richard also wrote the "Running a Food Truck for Dummies" available in bookstores everywhere and Amazon. You can reach out to Richard by email at: [emailprotected].

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Catfish Fun Facts (2024)


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Fun Facts
  • Catfish have taste receptors all over their bodies.
  • The world record weight for a channel catfish was a 58-pound (26.3 kilograms) fish caught in South Carolina in 1964.

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Online Catfishing Statistics
  • Men are more likely to be catfishing predators and are also more likely to be a victim of catfishing. ...
  • Catfishing scams involve every age group, from 18 to 70+, with every group targeted. ...
  • The Nigerian Prince scam is still significant, costing victims over $700K annually.
May 1, 2023

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Catfish are known for their whiskers, or barbels, which help them taste and smell. Most catfish are toothless omnivores and range in size from around 10 feet long to the size of a toothpick. Catfish are found mainly in freshwater and are on every continent except Antarctica.

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Predators. Larger fish may prey upon adults and young. Young are eaten by fish-eating birds in the Bay watershed, such as bald eagles and osprey.

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Best Catfish Baits
  • #1. Nightcrawler. First on the list is the ubiquitous nightcrawler, favored food for all fish species. ...
  • #2. Gizzard Shad. ...
  • #3. White Suckers. ...
  • #4. Skipjack Herring. ...
  • #5. Stinkbait. ...
  • #7. Bluegills. ...
  • #8. Punchbait. ...
  • #9. Chicken Livers.

How do catfish sleep? ›

It's pretty easy to tell when fish are sleeping: they lie motionless, often at the bottom or near the surface of the water. They are slow to respond to things going on around them, or may not respond at all (see some sleeping catfish here). If you watch their gills, you'll notice they're breathing very slowly.

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Legally speaking, catfishing can be considered a form of online deception or identity theft and may be punishable by law depending on the severity of the case.

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Though catfishing is deceptive and cruel, there are no specific laws against catfishing between adults. Still, catfishing can quickly become a crime if the catfish: Uses copyrighted or trademarked material. Commits identity theft.

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The life expectancy of a channel catfish is around 14 years old but they can exceed this number. In captivity the channel catfish is generally harvested after 2 years.

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Once the young (also known as "fry"—seriously, no joke) hatch, they need constant care and supervision—and a steady supply of algae so that they can grow and mature.

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What is a catfish? A catfish is someone who sets up a fake online profile to trick people who are looking for love, usually to get money out of them.

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Catfish is under mandatory federal inspection performed by USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS). The FSIS inspector must have knowledge about that particular species. The “Inspected and Passed by USDA” seal ensures the catfish is wholesome and free from disease.

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Some species of catfish are able to breathe through their skin, which is why most species of catfish are lacking scales and have smooth, mucus covered skin. Catfish are one of a few fish that have an organ called the Weberian apparatus that they use to communicate with each other underwater.

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Most adult wels catfish are about 1.3–1.6 m (4 ft 3 in – 5 ft 3 in) long; fish longer than 2 m (6 ft 7 in) are a rarity. At 1.5 m (4 ft 11 in) they can weigh 15–20 kg (33–44 lb) and at 2.2 m (7 ft 3 in) they can weigh 65 kg (143 lb).

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What Do Flathead Catfish Eat? Flatheads are voracious meateaters that will seek out live prey. They'll typically target perch and other small panfish, but they can also swallow fish like bowfin that are nearly as large as they are. They'll even attack and eat some non-fish species like frogs, mice, and even ducklings.

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The Mekong giant catfish has one of the fastest growth rates of any fish in the world. It can reach up to 440 pounds in only six years. They can live up to 60 years. Highly migratory, the species requires large stretches of river and very specific environmental conditions for its seasonal journey to spawn and breed.

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Most catfish have a cylindrical body with a flattened ventral to allow for benthic feeding (Bruton, 1996). Catfish are so-named because of their whisker-like barbels, which are located on the nose, each side of the mouth, and on the chin. Most catfish possess leading spines in their dorsal and pectoral fins.

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The life expectancy of a channel catfish is around 14 years old but they can exceed this number. In captivity the channel catfish is generally harvested after 2 years.

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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.