Christina (S12 Rookie) (2024)


  • 1 Biography
  • 2 Season 9
  • 3 Season 12
  • 4 Confessionals
    • 4.1 Season 9
    • 4.2 Season 10
    • 4.3 Season 12
    • 4.4 Season 13
    • 4.5 Season 14
  • 5 Commentary
    • 5.1 Season 9
    • 5.2 Season 12
    • 5.3 Season 14
  • 6 Office Visits
    • 6.1 Season 9
    • 6.2 Season 12
    • 6.3 Season 14
  • 7 End of Journey
    • 7.1 Season 6
    • 7.2 Season 9
    • 7.3 Season 10
  • 8 Other
    • 8.1 Season 6
    • 8.2 Season 9
    • 8.3 Season 10
    • 8.4 Season 12
    • 8.5 Season 13
    • 8.6 Season 14
  • 9 Misc.


Season 9[]


  • 25-years-old from Texas. She has been dancing since she was 2-years-old. Her background is in ballet, and she loved it. Her parents divorced when she was 15, and everything kind of crumbled, and she just kind of became lost and didn’t want to go to dance. One day, she just quit. She got out of her depression after high school, and dance was her salvation. She now teaches at the same studio that she grew up dancing. She wants to become a DCC because it would validate her choice to have a career in dance.

Season 12[]


  • 28-years-old from Texas and hoping to be a DCC this year. This is her fifth year auditioning. [Flashback to her cut from training camp] It might seem like coming into training camp a second time would be easier, but it’s actually the opposite – it adds a lot more pressure. She has been called into the office this year. She has tried everything she could. She’s shown them different looks, improved on performed, she has taken everything they’ve told her and applied it. She hopes this is her year to make the team. If she’s there when they announce the team, it will be something she’s waited to hear for a long time.


Total: 68

Season 9: 25 (5th most)

Season 10: 3

Season 12: 30 (4th most)

Season 13: 4

Season 14: 6

Season 9[]


  • “This is it. We’re about to get out there, so we’re all trying to get those last-minute touches in.“
  • “Now the judges are deliberating, and I think this is a really hard part of the day. It’s scary, waiting to know if your number’s gonna be on that board.“
  • “I am anxious to see that board. I really, really hope number 16 is on that board. I’m just crossing my fingers.“
  • “They just brought the board out and my number was on there. I’m so excited, I can’t stop smiling.“
  • “I’ve danced for about 20 years now and I, for some reason, cannot pick up this choreography.“
  • Biography
  • “I’m freaking out a little. It’s really hard, fast choreography and we learned it in a very short amount of time.“
  • “There’s a few steps I missed, but I put everything out there and I hope that they saw that today, that I want this so bad.“
  • “Kelli is about to come out and announce the finalists. And I am just crossing my fingers that she calls my name.“


  • “This is the first time we’re seeing the veterans. We have a lot of veterans re-auditioning this year, so it is a little scary.“
  • “This could be the next step in my life. This could change my life today.“
  • [Crossing fingers] “Wish me luck!“


  • “I know training camp is going to be difficult, but it was just scary to hear her say that to us.“
  • “It is nerve-wracking that Kelli and Judy critiqued my kicks. I’m just going to try and learn the choreography and not let the nerves get to me.“
  • “You never know when it’s going to be our last night. It could be tonight. So, we have to completely just perform the choreography that they taught us and show Kelli and Judy that we can learn it.“
  • “I definitely don’t want to put a target on my back, but I just kind of want to let them know that I’m trying and I’m willing to do anything it takes to get this healed so I can kick like a DCC.“
  • “I’m a little bit nervous to fell Judy and Kelli about my hamstring that I pulled, but Melissa told me that I needed to let them know what’s going on. I’m going to really work towards fixing this hamstring, and just getting flexible and kicking myself in the head.“
  • [Before office] “Being called into the office on the second night isn’t what you want to hear. Don’t cry!“
  • [After office] “I’m going to show Kelli and Judy on Monday that I can do the choreography that we learned. I’m going to practice all weekend. I’m going to stretch and just really, really try to improve kicks.“


  • “I am nervous, excited. Because we’re doing their signature kickline. They do it at every single game. And the jumpsplit. So, it feels very real that this is training camp.“


  • “We had our makeovers yesterday, so tonight it’s the very first night that we’re performing with our new hair.“
  • [Modelling] “I’m a little nervous. Definitely out of my element.“
  • [About injury] “It’s frustrating because I want to be able to show them that I can do that kickline. And the only reason I can’t right now is ‘cause I’m injured.“
  • [Before office] “It’s never a good feeling to be called in. But I’m not going to think negatively about this. Maybe they’re just going to try and give me more notes to fix, so, we’ll see.“
  • [After cut] “I’m just thinking back to that first day when all those girls were there. To make it this far, it’s just an honor. It’s the most mentally and physically difficult thing I’ve ever done. But, it was so worth it. This isn’t the end of the world, and I’m sad, but it’s okay.“

Season 10[]


  • Last year, I made it into training camp. I was cut because of an injury. [Flashback] It’s definitely hard getting cut after being so close to the finish line. So, that just made me want it even more.
  • I really want to see my number on that board. I want to make the team this year. I want to go the whole way.
  • [Finalists being announced] I don’t know if they’re going to give me a second chance and bring me into finals. And I just really want to make this team and I’ve been passionate about this for a long time. So, I just hope that they saw that today.

Season 12[]


  • I came back because I have unfinished business to take care of. I have been a TCC before [flashback]. I want to be given another chance. It’s something that I had to just give one more shot, cause I think I really am a good fit for this team.
  • So relieved. I’m excited. I hope they still see something in me, so I’m glad they’re giving me another chance, at least for this round.


  • [To Ramos when says her outfit is pretty special] So, I’m doing this salsa-y number, so I of course had to have a fringe for that.
  • I gave it my all today in my solo and performance on the field, so… I’m gonna cry. I’ve been here before. I’ve been here four other times. So, I just really want a spot in Training Camp this year.
  • This is my fifth-year auditioning, so this is huge. I’m … I can’t even speak.


  • [Veteran workshop] We’re on a bit of a time crunch before tonight’s rehearsal, so I’m just trying to take all of the mental notes that I can from the feedback today, and apply to my dancing tonight in practice.


  • Three years ago, the last time I was in training camp, I pulled my hamstring on my right side, which is my jump split side. You have to do the jump split correctly, because if you land wrong, there goes your hamstring. You could hurt your hip. You could hurt your lower back.
  • We’re all thinking it’s a cut night, but you never know. Training camp is just full of surprises, so you never know.


  • [Keith Green’s] choreography is fast. He’s teaching it fast. It’s very intricate and very detailed, so it’s very hard to pick up.


  • [Before office] You know, to be honest, I’m not really sure what this will be about. We are at the end of training camp and there are still cuts to be made, so that is something that is in the back of my head.
  • [After office] I’m relieved I wasn’t cut. I mean, this is the end of training camp. This is when they’ll make their final decision, so I’m glad they gave me the feedback I needed and I have to go home and apply it, because there’s no time left.
  • [Spin class] I’m actually a cycling instructor, so I teach this probably six to eight times a week. I’m kind of excited today to show off a little bit.


  • This is the end of week seven. This is the farthest I’ve ever made it into training camp. I mean, we have one more week left. They still have cuts to make, so this is it.
  • We were kind of scrambling; we were all confused. We didn’t know what we were supposed to do. So, we were kind of a hot mess out there.


  • The veterans have been away for a week at the Hall of Fame Game, but now they’re back. Tonight, I need to show Kelli and Judy that I have fixed all of the corrections that they wanted me to fix and I’m ready to be a cheerleader.
  • I haven’t practiced all summer on the end, and I was just curve ball tonight on the end, so that was a little, that was a little off tonight.
  • Biography


  • I’ve literally been trying to make this team, so it’s a lot of work, a lot of time, so it’s very nerve-wracking.
  • This isn’t our first field rehearsal. We have been on the field a couple of times this summer, but it’s kind of like you’re dancing for your life at this point. There’s one more cut to make so we have to give it literally everything we have tonight.
  • We look like wet dogs out here. We’re sweating. It’s very tiring. It’s exhausting, but it’s part of the game, so we have to get used to it.
  • [About being called into the office] Tonight obviously feels scary. I mean, we are the end of training camp, and… we’re so emotionally, physically, mentally drained.
  • [Before office] This is my fifth time auditioning and I’ve done everything I can at this point, I feel like.
  • [After office] I have mixed emotions. This has been stressful, but I survived another night, and I’m very, very happy and thankful for that. When Kelli told me that I’d earned her respect that meant so much to me. So…


  • We still don’t even know if we made the team. The worst thing that could happen tonight is they could cut me. I mean, let’s be honest. This is something I’ve been chasing for five years. I mean, this has been a long time coming.
  • [Teary] Tonight’s obviously very stressful, and you know, honestly, I think I’m just really tired. It’s been a long night. But, it’s the end, so we’re just trying to stay strong.
  • I spent almost my entire 20s trying to make this team, and it’s finally here. So, my dream did come true. Absolutely. Finally, finally.
  • I’m really just trying to hold it together, you know? I just can’t believe I’m standing here in this photo as a DCC. I really have been thinking about this for years.
  • I’m feeling confident-ish. I mean, I’m definitely nervous. We’re all trying to remember every critique, every detail that we need to know for tonight.
  • I’m about to cry. I can’t believe that I’m standing here right now. This is crazy.
  • [Final cheerleader confessional of season] I’m so happy that I never gave up. This was all so, so worth it. There was probably eight different times I was almost tearing up, because I was just looking up at the stands and thinking ‘I can’t believe I’m here.’

Season 13[]


  • [About swimsuits] They’re pretty small, I will say that.
  • I can dance all day and learn choreography, but modeling in a swimsuit – are you kidding? You’re half-naked, basically, so this is very out of my comfort zone.
  • Michael [the photographer] is just so great at making me feel comfortable and constantly giving me compliments. Who would’ve known to say the word “prune” while you’re modeling? But, I get it; it worked. I felt a lot more comfortable than I thought I would, and I’m having so much fun… "prune".
  • So now, we go back to Dallas, kind of back to reality, and training camp starts and the real work will begin. We have to go back and get ready to fight as veterans for our spots.

Season 14[]


  • I’m auditioning for my third season, but this is actually my seventh time in finals. The vets have to audition every year. It’s our responsibility to uphold our position. It’s definitely stressful, but you know that’s just part of it, this is a business, and they want to make sure that they have the best people for this team.
  • I’m definitely very, very passionate about being on this team. Sometimes I get in my head on interviews and I don’t have a strong enough answer as I wanted.
  • If they don’t call my number, I mean, it’ll obviously be very devastating. But I did everything I possibly could.


  • [Before office] I was really honestly thrown off when they called my name to be in the office. Definitely very passionate about being on this team. It took a lot to get here. I’ve had two phenomenal years. There’s something about the tension and energy in that room that is so nerve-wracking.
  • [After office] Kelli said that some of the judges weren’t as excited this year during auditions. And you know what, it obviously stung a little, but I absolutely want to be here. So, it’s been a long journey, and I’m just happy to be here and I want to make sure I show that.


  • Outside of DCC, I am trying to launch career as a recruiter for a staffing agency. It’s just really important to me. I’m here every single day 8-to-5 and it is hard work. This is the first time I’ve been on the team and working full-time. So, I’m just trying to find that balance. Actually, I was hired on through Danielle who was a former DCC. So, I love that we’re kind of keeping it in the DCC family and helping each other out.


Season 9[]


  • [Semifinals judging] “I have a check-plus-plus on the kicks. On appearance and figure, I have “looks like a DCC“.” - Kristi Scales/“I had just the opposite. I had a minus on the kicks.“ - Brenda Teele


  • “Let’s go! What are you doing?“ – Kitty Carter
  • “Grind, grind, grind. Show me that… yeah! Why? What is that? Why do I have to bring that out of your armpit?“ – Kitty
  • “She looked like a chicken gone bad at one point with all the feathers.“ – Kitty
  • [Imitating her] “This is like, “I’m a stripper.” Yeah?“– Kitty
  • “Christina can’t do the splits. That’s going to be a problem.“ – Kelli
  • [Finals deliberation] “During the solo, I thought she did well and showed technique, but then she got lost in the group. I thought she looked a little sloppy.“ – Melissa Rycroft/“We’ll see how she falls.“ – Kelli


  • “Christina is tight.“ – Judy/“Tight and low.“ – Kelli
  • “If Christina comes back and hasn’t improved, she’s gonna be pegged the bad kicker.“ – Judy
  • “Your kicks are sloppy.“ – Judy
  • “I think she’s struggling tonight. But I wouldn’t have thought she’d struggle.“ – Judy/“She kind of is.“ – Kelli
  • “She just kind of was scrambling tonight, like she was dancing on a hot furnace.“ – Kelli
  • “I pulled Christina out of rehearsal today just because I know she was struggling a little bit. I want the girls to feel like I’m kind of their safety zone. I want them to feel they can come to me with things they're scared to tell Judy and Kelli.“ – Melissa Rycroft
  • “Christina’s kicks are still tight.“ – Kelli/“Oh my God, she is really in plié. Do you see it?“ – Judy/“Yeah, I do.“ – Kelli
  • “Christina’s doing some odd things. She keeps knocking herself off-balance. It’s weird.“ – Judy
  • [End of episode confessional] “Christina is learned slower than some. I’m concerned about her from a flexibility standpoint. If we’re cutting seven people, she’s at risk.“ – Kelli


  • “Christina uses her floor, but almost too much. Look, she can’t stay in line.“ – Judy
  • “I think you’re dancing too soft. I think you’re a little pastel, but you have a gorgeous smile.“ – Kelli


  • “She looks good up there. She has a good walk.“ – Kelli
  • “We want to protect against injury, but we also have to be able to see them doing the choreography to keep them in training camp.“ – Kelli
  • “Why are we even considering them if they’re always injured? Seriously.“ – Kelli/“I don’t know.“ - Judy

Season 12[]


  • She’s cute, fresh, new haircut. I thought she did well. – Charlotte/ Yeah, she was great today. – J
  • [End of episode confessional] I thought Christina looked really cute and fresh today. I’m hoping for her. I’m pulling for her. – K


  • Christina, I thought, killed it. She was one of my favorites. – Ramos
  • Christina’s kicks are struggling. Is this her weak spot? – K


  • Christina, right? I didn’t want to keep watching you, because you keep having little clunky moments. But then I could not stop watching you. – Cassie Trammell


  • You didn’t flirt with me. Wow me. Pretend I’m some hot little guy up here watching you guys in your uniforms. Perform and make me be like, ‘whoa, I want to see her.’ Yeah? – Melissa Rycroft


  • I’m enjoying Christina. – K
  • You seem pretty strong and confident. What’s your name? [Christina says her name] Yeah, you seem pretty strong and confident. – Denise Dicharry
  • I think we got the best we’re going to get out of her. – K/ I agree. – Kitty Carter/ And I’m not sure her best is our greatest. – K/ The problem with her is she’s selective. – KC/ Is she stronger to you than Brennan? – K/ Um, no. – J/ I think they’re about to same to me. – KC


  • Christina looks tired. – J/ There’s something alarming that she’s so out of breath. – K
  • Christina wasn’t as fun to watch as I was hoping. I really wanted to see an energy come out of her face, and that’s kind of what I see when she dances. She really needs to elevate it. – Melissa Rycroft [about spin class]
  • I really am obsessed with your haircut. – RaeLynn


  • Look at your lines. – J
  • You’re not even when you go across. Like you go four steps, and then you hold up. – J
  • [End of episode confessional] Christina’s going to have to demand attention. She’s gonna have to command the room more. – K


  • Are you seeing Christina’s kicks? – J/ She’s struggling. – K/ Christina was early. – J
  • Your kicks were low that time and your timing’s off. When you’re on the end, and you have to point your foot, you were before everyone else. The kick-line is one place where there can’t be mistakes and there can’t be timing issues. – J
  • I think Christina’s give us her all. – K
  • [Looking at her cameo photos] Her body language doesn’t excite me. – K/ Yeah, I don’t remember her being quite so blah. – J/ Quite so blah. – K… [Looking at her sideline photos] Back to her sideline stuff. She’s cute. – K/ She’s sporty cute. – J/ But there’s no figure. – K… [Photo of jump splits] And she’s tilted over. That landing kind of scares me. Any concerns? – K/ I’m kind of flustered. – J


  • Christina’s still sluggish. – J/ Did you? Christina’s sluggish? – K
  • Christina, she might be a blender for me right now. – Kitty Carter
  • Christina’s early on her arms every time. – J/ Low left. – K/ Right and left. – J/ No, that left leg is just not gonna get there. – K
  • Christina, higher, more pointed left leg on all kicks. – K
  • I feel like Christina knows she’s on a magic carpet ride and I also get the feeling from her expressions that she thinks the carpet’s about to be ripped out from under her. – K
  • Yard lines, Savannah, and yard lines, Christina. You overshot your yard line. – K
  • [Says Taryn’s boring] So is Christina. – K/ She’s just wronging a lot. – J/ You know, when you single them out like that, it helps me when I can compare them to a Lauren. – K


  • Tonight, Kelli and I are really going to be watching Savannah and Christina because we can’t put somebody out on the field with thousands of people watching them on game day if they’re not ready. – J
  • She’s got a little fire in her tonight. – K
  • Christina’s losing steam. – K
  • You’ve been better all night tonight until that last couple eight counts; we lost your energy there. – K
  • [After team is announced] For somebody like Christina, I would say she is living proof that persistence and hard work has paid off for her. – K
  • Christina needs to dance more with her backside. – K
  • See, Christina, from this angle you’re fine. Do the same thing from your backside. Go back in your head to the rehearsal where you were fighting for your life dancing. On your back,you’re your [K slaps her own rear]… use your assets. – K

Season 14[]


  • [Panels] Christina just kind of had a lackluster answer that had no depth to it, and it really was off-putting. That’s concerning. – K
  • [Panels] Brenda’s question about the star... – Charlotte/ Yeah, that’s a softball./ That’s like, “Why do you like to dance?” – Charlotte
  • Christina didn’t do great at her panel interviews, yesterday. Today, her solo routine showed us a stronger Christina. – K
  • [Finals judging] To me, she just looked tense. There was something in there, that energy, just not comfortable as a performer, so it made me uncomfortable to watch./ I’ve done plenty of interviews and podcasts with her. She is excellent. – Kristi


  • Why is Christina this low [ranking] in training camp? – K/ As a veteran. – J/ We both said we’d like to see her stronger in the field. I wonder what is changing there. – K/ She kind of gets lost. – J/ As a veteran, it’s not a safe place to be. I’d want to be [gestures higher]. – K
  • I was surprised that Christina didn’t score as high as I would’ve expected. – K


  • [Giving stickers] I know that she can be stronger because the movement is there. It’s fun to watch her, it’s just, it’s one face the whole time. – Evan Miller/ Everybody I think has said something seems off with Christina. – K/ She has it. Just there’s moments on her face that says she does not have it. – Miller
  • [Giving stickers] I don’t know. There’s something that I can’t really define so solidly about her. Her turns have no zap to them, you know. – Tyce Diorio/ She’s missing the fight, just a little. – Melanie/ And I know she has fight in her or she wouldn’t have tried out five years. – K/ She’s a good dancer, but she could be great. – Diorio
  • [Giving stickers] Now for the fourth one to pass on… I guess it would be Christina. I think there is a bit of magic missing. – Tyce Diorio
  • There weren’t any surprises with who Tyce and Melanie didn’t pick. It’s been the same set of rookies that have had a lot of discussion, and he also put Christina in that group. So, these are not new comments and not surprising comments. – K


  • Who’s on the 50? – K/ Christina. – J/ You’re kidding me. There’s no way that’s Christina on 50… Christina, that was your best routine of the season… where did that come from? – K
  • I think Christina may have just locked her spot. – K


  • Christina has really gotten her spark out. She’s been actually very strong. – K/ Yeah, she looks stunning. – Melissa Rycroft

Office Visits[]

Season 9[]


  • [End of episode, first of four] Kelli says she wanted to talk about Christina’s injury situation in a calm environment, and if she’s in pain. Christina says it doesn’t hurt, she’s just tight. She’s asked about the splits, and says it’s not comfortable, but it doesn’t stop her from doing it. Kelli says she thought something was going wrong, and then the injury was mentioned, and that could explain why she was going into plié, because it hurt. Christina says she felt like that would get it up higher. To be honest, she has always kind of struggled with flexibility. She hasn’t even kicked herself in the head, but she doesn’t feel her kicks have ever been bad – just not great. Judy says her kick technique is wrong. Christina didn’t realize that, and says she’s been practicing it wrong, adding that she’ll willing to do anything. Kelli notes she mentions that in the interview, and they like that about her attitude, but that it’s asking a lot for a short period of time. She adds that Christina has her work cut out for her. Christina states she’s going to go home and practice, and Kelli responds that she should give it her best shot, and they’ll give her their best opportunity and take it from there. [Christina leaves] Judy says she doesn’t think Christina can do it this year, and Kelli agrees.


  • [End of episode, second of two] Kelli says their concerns at auditions were low kicks, no splits, and flexed feet – things about kicking. The good thing is they’ve gotten to know her as a performer and like her. However, training camp is designed to see people improve in areas of weakness, and she hasn’t improved there. She thinks this may be due to the pre-existing injury. But they have to make decisions, and think they should release her from this season’s training camp and encourage her to return next year when she’s healthy. Christina asks if there’s any way they’d reconsider and give her more time? She thinks this is fixable and wishes she could have more time, because she thinks she was made for this team. [Commercial break] Judy says the first performance is six weeks away, and Kelli says the decision is final and tonight will be her last night. Judy says her personality is charming, and thinks she should take it slow with her injury and come back. A crying Christina thanks them. [Christina leaves] Kelli says it’s always the sweet ones.

Season 12[]


  • [Mid episode, 1st of 2 called in] Kelli says that they noticed that she was getting winded during one of their one-minute routines tonight, and that a game is three hours’ worth. They will have close-ups of cheerleaders, and it could be overtime three and a half hours later, and it could be exhausting. It doesn’t add up, because Christina’s a fitness instructor. Christina says she always feels like her stamina is pretty high, because she teaches spin classes. But she thinks she’s thinking and trying to hit the motions, and she’s forgetting to breathe. Judy says watching her tonight, it did not look like she’d be able to make it through a three-hour game. Christina says she’ll fix that and breathe when she dances, because she thinks that’s her issue with that. Judy says, ‘let’s hope,’ and Kelli says ‘breathe.’ [Christina leaves]. Kelli tells Judy, "I don’t breathe" is new.


  • [End of episode, 2nd of 3] Kelli says before the have any kind of conversation, she asks Christina what she would want to tell them. Christina says that she’s working really hard. She’s working so hard, and she just feels like she has for a long time to try to make this team, and she takes it very seriously. And, she’s trying to do everything she can. Every critique they give her she writes down after practice, she’s makes sure she goes through and fixes. Kelli says she doesn’t have a lot of notes about low kicks this year. She asks Judy, who says they were low today. Judy adds that she thinks her memory sometimes, whether it’s stress and everything going around her, she’s showing that. But she has a bright smile. Kelli says she thinks after five years, she’s earned their respect. She’s done everything and more that they’ve asked of her. She would like to see her make this team. She can’t guarantee that she’ll make this team. But she thinks she’s earned a place to be in consideration to make this team. She should be confident in who she is and entertain them.

Season 14[]


  • [Mid episode, second of two] Kelli says she looked at her notes from last season and she wrote “beautiful,” “great smile.” From auditions, judges didn’t know if something was wrong or she was as happy, because she didn’t score too highly at auditions. Kelli asks if something’s going on. [Commercial break] The only thing Christina can think of is that she currently has a 8-to-5 job, which makes her exhausted in combination with this (while admitting it’s not an excuse). Judy says she looks frail. Kelli says that as hard as she worked to make the team, she should be trying to have fun and enjoy the moment, because they think it will improve her performance. So, just lighten up and brighten up, and make sure the audience is aware she’s having fun. Christina says she will, and thanks them for the check-in.

End of Journey[]

Season 6[]


  • Shown at finals but isn't invited into training camp

Season 9[]


  • Cut at the end of week 4 of training camp (3rd of 7 cuts, 40 left afterwards)

Season 10[]


  • Makes finals, but is not invited to training camp


Season 6[]


  • Shown briefly during the kick line portion of finals
  • Shown seated waiting for her name to be called for training camp

Season 9[]


  • She’s shown dancing at preliminaries while Kelli gives a confessional about great performers
  • She’s shown being invited to finals


  • She’s shown performing her solo immediately after Kitty Carter says that if she sees a bad solo, she’s going to call it out
  • She’s shown performing her solo at finals
  • Fifth-to-last shown being invited to training camp


  • She and Mary briefly quiz each other on the Cowboys jerseys in the display cases prior to the opening meeting
  • She is pulled aside from the Verandah club practice by Melissa Rycroft for a brief chat, and tells her that she thinks she pulled her hamstring in auditions, and that Judy noticed low kicks at the first rehearsal. Melissa advises her to tell them about her injury so they don’t just assume it’s a deficiency.
  • At the second rehearsal, when Kelli and Judy asks who’s injured with hamstrings, Christina raises her hand


  • Makeover glamour shot (before and after): Blonde to brunette
  • Before they kick at the end of week 4, she tells Kelli and Judy that she felt a sharp pain when she kicked earlier in the week, and she feels a little strained again. Judy tells her to kick to the side if she’s not going to do the jump split

Season 10[]


  • She’s shown introducing herself to the judges at preliminaries: she’s currently a dance teacher and a bar instructor.
  • She’s shown being invited to finals


  • At panel interviews, she’s shown saying she’s going completely blank, immediately after a Kelli confessional about the pressure having an impact on those who would normally be able to hold a nice conversation.

Season 12[]


  • First one in line for prelims – is #1
  • Shown when Kelli mentions five returning TCC’s in her speech to the candidates


  • Shown being invited to finals


  • Solo performance is shown
  • Shown being invited to training camp


  • Introduces herself at the first meeting: is almost completely deaf in her left ear


  • Makeover glamour shot (no ‘before’ shot)


  • Her cameo photo is shown when Kelli mentions some of the rookies not having a ‘wow’ cameo
  • They fake her being a office visit at the end of the episode in a pre-commercial teaser, but she is not shown being called in


  • The judges scores can be seen on her audition photo: 11 yeses, 3 maybes, 1 no
  • One of five rookies specifically asked to perform by Judy at the final practice


  • Locker room cameo photo briefly shown
  • In Kelli’s pre-game speech, she says how the journey has been five years for some of the rookies (referring to Christina)

Season 13[]


  • Shown performing her solo at finals


  • She gets some modelling advice from Tasha at the swimsuit fitting
  • Amy tells her to say “prune” when she’s trying to make a sexy face on the calendar shoot
  • Shown posing for the calendar shoot


  • On the board, it can be seen that she’s received stickers from 5 of 6 evaluators (everybody but Kitty Carter)

Season 14[]


  • At panels, she’s asked what she’d do if a child asked her what the star on her uniform represents. She says the star represents the Dallas Cowboys, and so many things about the organization (though she stumbles bit during this answer).
  • Highlighted (by name) performing her solo at finals
  • Shown being invited to training camp


  • She’s revealed to be tied for 38th (with two others) based on how the TCC’s were scored at finals, making her the lowest scoring veteran invited to training camp


  • She has a scene/pseudo-biography with her at work, where she talks with former DCC Danielle Marie about balancing work and being a DCC


  • The show highlights that she was an “entertainer” on the CORE test
Season 14 Stickers
Travis Wall, Jennifer Colvin, Charm La'Donna, Denise Dicharry, KaShara Garrett, Evan Miller, Amy, Heather, Maddie, Tess, Melissa RycroftTyce Diorio


  • She has brown hair after her makeover in Season 9, and from Season 12 on, she has blonde hair
Season 12 Rookie Class
Alexandria, Alexis, Christina, Gina, Kalyssa, Keyra, Lauren, Lexie, Miranda, Molly, Rachel, Savannah, Tara

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Christina (S12 Rookie) (2024)
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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.