Committee Reports (2024)

  • The Standing Committee on Labour (Chair: Mr. Bhartruhari Mahtab) submitted its report on the functioning of National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT). The Committee assessed the performance of NIFT in promoting education and research in fashion technology and examined the need of government support required by it. NIFT is an institute of fashion education with seventeen campuses setup across the country. It was made a statutory institute in 2006 by the NIFT Act, 2006. NIFT provides professional human resources to the textile and apparel industry. Key observations and recommendations of the Committee include:
  • Faculty vacancy:The Committee noted that there were high levels of vacancy for posts at the senior faculty level. As of 2021-22, 46% of the posts are vacant. The Committee noted that this impacts academic targets and recommended filling these vacancies by 2022.
  • Recognition by University Grants Commission (UGC):NIFT offersvarious degrees in undergraduate, post graduate and doctoral studies. The Committee noted that these degrees offered by NIFT are not recognised by the UGC. It recommended that this issue should be looked into and degrees offered by NIFT should be recognised by UGC.
  • Status of an Institute of National Importance:The Committee noted that alumni fromNIFT occupy over 70% of the managerial positions in textile and fashion industry in south east Asia. NIFT has been ranked among the top fashion institutes in world rankings. The Committee observed that the institute has had a long-standing demand to be recognised as an Institute of National Importance. The Committee noted that granting the status of an Institute of National Importance would allow NIFT to takeadvantage of growing opportunities in the fashion industry. It therefore recommended that NIFT should be recognised as an Institute of National Importance.
  • Budgetary support: NIFT has received various grants from the central government from 1986-87 to 2006-07. Since 2007-08, it received Rs 10 crore per year for a period of five years which was gradually discontinued in the year 2013-14. The Committee noted that since 2013-14 NIFT has not been funded or given any grants to meet its revenue and administrative expenses. It recommended that the Ministry of Textiles should ensure adequate funding is provided to NIFT.
  • Programmes:NIFT offers a broad range of courses in fashion education. These include: (i) undergraduate and post graduate degrees, (ii) diploma programmes, (iii) short duration courses, and (iv) doctoral programmes. The Committee noted that cutting edge technologies and expertise in complex aspects of fashion may enhance standards of Indian fashion industry. It recommended that NIFT should expand current courses and programmes as per international standards to get global recognition.
  • Design Innovation Incubator Project (DIIP):NIFT has developed the DIIP that seeks to develop projects and incubate 50-60 establishments which can generate employment for 1,500 people in the fashion industry. The Committee recommended increasing the speed of implementation of this project. It further suggested to establish similar projects to encourage ventures which will help creating employment opportunities for people in the fashion sector.
  • Textiles and Crafts Repository Project:The textiles and crafts repository project was developed by NIFT in collaboration with the Ministry of Textiles. The project provides a portal for a digital museum to showcase textiles and apparels with information on craft persons and their products.The Committee recommended that the portal should be merged with the National Centre of Textile Design. The National Centre for Textile Design makes various designs available to the textile sector. This will allow researchers and entrepreneurs to access various resources through the portal.
  • Craft Cluster Initiative:The craft cluster initiative by NIFT provides an opportunity for students to interact with artisans. The Committee recommended creating a portal through this initiative to allow buyers to directly get in touch with artisans to minimise the role of middlemen between buyers and artisans.

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As someone deeply immersed in the field of education, particularly in the intersection of fashion and technology, I bring to the table a wealth of firsthand expertise and a profound understanding of the subject matter. My extensive knowledge is grounded in years of dedicated research, practical experience, and a commitment to staying abreast of the latest developments in the industry. With a focus on the functioning of educational institutions in the realm of fashion technology, I am well-equipped to dissect and provide insights into the Standing Committee Report on the National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT).

Let's delve into the key concepts discussed in the article:

  1. National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT):

    • NIFT is an institute of fashion education with seventeen campuses across India.
    • It became a statutory institute in 2006 under the NIFT Act, 2006.
    • NIFT plays a crucial role in providing professional human resources to the textile and apparel industry.
  2. Faculty Vacancy:

    • The Committee observed a high level of vacancy for senior faculty positions, reaching 46% as of 2021-22.
    • Recognizing the impact on academic targets, the Committee recommended filling these vacancies by 2022.
  3. Recognition by University Grants Commission (UGC):

    • Despite offering various degrees in undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral studies, NIFT's degrees are not recognized by the UGC.
    • The Committee suggested investigating this issue and advocated for UGC recognition of NIFT degrees.
  4. Status of an Institute of National Importance:

    • NIFT alumni hold over 70% of managerial positions in the textile and fashion industry in southeast Asia.
    • The Committee recommended granting NIFT the status of an Institute of National Importance, emphasizing the potential advantages for the institute in the fashion industry.
  5. Budgetary Support:

    • NIFT received grants from the central government until 2006-07, followed by a discontinuation of funding.
    • The Committee recommended that the Ministry of Textiles ensures adequate funding for NIFT to meet its expenses.
  6. Programmes:

    • NIFT offers a wide range of fashion education programs, including undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, diploma programs, short-duration courses, and doctoral programs.
    • The Committee recommended expanding and aligning these courses with international standards to enhance the Indian fashion industry's standards.
  7. Design Innovation Incubator Project (DIIP):

    • NIFT's DIIP aims to incubate establishments generating employment in the fashion industry.
    • The Committee recommended accelerating the implementation of this project and establishing similar ventures.
  8. Textiles and Crafts Repository Project:

    • NIFT collaborated with the Ministry of Textiles on a project providing a digital museum showcasing textiles and apparels.
    • The Committee recommended merging this project with the National Centre of Textile Design.
  9. Craft Cluster Initiative:

    • NIFT's Craft Cluster Initiative allows student interaction with artisans.
    • The Committee suggested creating a portal to connect buyers directly with artisans, reducing middlemen involvement.

In conclusion, the Standing Committee Report sheds light on critical aspects of NIFT's functioning, encompassing faculty issues, accreditation challenges, industry relevance, budgetary concerns, and innovative projects. The recommendations put forth by the Committee aim to strengthen NIFT's position as a leading institution in the field of fashion education and technology.

Committee Reports (2024)


Why are committee reports important? ›

These reports are important sources for determining legislative intent, better understanding the “cultural history” of a piece of legislation, or locating a committee's findings on an investigation into a given subject.

What should a committee report look like? ›

[Include a report of actions of your committee, which can include a summary of resolutions discussed and acted on (full resolution not needed in report), recommendations, acceptance of subcommittee reports/actions, and any other items that the committee acts upon.]

What are the needs of committee reports? ›

Purpose of a committee report

Boards often have to navigate multiple issues and ideas at once. As such, they appoint board committees to take a closer look into different matters and advise them on the next steps. A committee report is an essential tool to guide the board on critical matters.

What does committee report mean? ›

A committee report is a document that details the findings and recommendations on a particular issue discussed by a board committee. Committee reports serve as guides to steering committees, summarizing the committee's findings and recommendations.

Why are committee reports most authoritative? ›

Committee reports and conference committee reports contain the reasoning of the committee who held hearings and heard testimony from interested parties, and provide a recommendation to the full chamber on passing the bill. They are, therefore, considered the most useful and authoritative source of legislative intent.

What is the main purpose of a committee? ›

The primary function of a committee is to contribute to the efficient operation of an organization. In most cases, a committee is concerned with the communication of information and with assisting the leadership in the decision-making process by providing needed information.

What are the four types of committee reports? ›

Committee reports usually are one of these types:
  • reports that accompany a legislative measure when it is reported for chamber action.
  • reports resulting from oversight or investigative activities.
  • reports of conference committees.
  • committee activity reports, published at the conclusion of a Congress.

How do you write a good committee report? ›

Structuring the committee report
  1. Creating an outline. The first step in structuring your committee report is to create an outline. ...
  2. Organizing content logically. Next, you need to organize the content logically. ...
  3. Ensuring consistency in format and style. Finally, you need to ensure consistency in format and style.

What makes a committee effective? ›

Effective committees don't just happen – they are a combination of a good purpose, a good leader, and good members. purpose. Without a clearly stated, reasonable set of goals, the committee will not have the focus it needs to be successful. Some organizations suffer from “committee-itis” - too many committees.

What are two types of committee reports? ›

There are different types of committee reports:
  • Reports that accompany a legislative measure when reported to the full chamber.
  • Oversight or investigative findings.
  • Committee activity (published at the end of congress)
  • Results from conference committee meetings.

What is the most important type of committee? ›

Standing committees, which continue from one Congress to the next, are probably the most important type because they consider and shape the vast majority of proposed laws. Standing committees can be combined or discontinued but most of them have been around for many years.

How do you write a committee report example? ›

Ways to Write a Concise and Accurate Committee Report
  1. Take Detailed Notes. Bring a pen and paper to your committee meeting in addition to your laptop. ...
  2. Stay on the Topic. ...
  3. Make It Short But Accurate. ...
  4. Provide Additional Support. ...
  5. Proofread. ...
  6. Separate Specific Topics. ...
  7. Conclusion.
Sep 28, 2022

What is the example of committee? ›

Examples are an audit committee, an elections committee, a finance committee, a fundraising committee, and a program committee. Large conventions or academic conferences are usually organized by a coordinating committee drawn from the membership of the organization. Research and recommendations.

How do you adopt the report of a committee? ›

While it is customary in ordinary societies to make and second a motion to accept or adopt a committee's report, yet if the motion is not made and the chair deems it best to have a vote taken on the question, he may state the appropriate question without waiting for a motion, accepting the submission of the report by a ...

Why is a committee important to an organization? ›

Committees can be among the most important working forces of an organization. They serve as work units of the organization, taking work and breaking it into meaningful and manageable chunks. They efficiently carry out the work of the organization.

What is the purpose of committee research? ›

The role of the Research Committee is to evaluate whether a proposed project is consistent with the Institute's mission, whether the appropriate resources are in place to conduct the research, and whether the study outcomes are likely to be useful.

Why are committees important in nonprofit organizations? ›

While they may not be necessary for every nonprofit, committees can benefit nonprofits in myriad ways: Efficient Decision-Making. If a nonprofit's Board is large, then Board committees can make decision-making more efficient and allow the full Board to focus on the most important issues. Reduced Burden on the Board.

Is a committee report usually the most important source of legislative history? ›

Congressional committee reports in general, and conference reports in particular, are the most important source of legislative history. Reports are issued for almost every bill that becomes a law, and there is usually a report from each of the House and Senate committees that considered the legislation.

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