CORE CRIMINAL LAW SUBJECTS: Crimes: Article 77 (2024)

CORE CRIMINAL LAW SUBJECTS: Crimes: Article 77 - Principals

2020 (October Term)

United States v. Simpson, 81 M.J. 33 (appellant could properly plead guilty to distributing an indecent visual recording under Article 120c(a)(3), UCMJ, as an aider and abettor of the person who distributed the recording to appellant).

(a principal under an aiding and abetting theory is independently guilty of an offense even though he or she is not the actual perpetrator and did not personally commit all of the acts necessary for the offense).

2012 (September Term)

United States v. Bennitt, 72 M.J. 266 (aiding and abetting the wrongful use of drugs is a viable offense under the UCMJ, as there is no evidence that Congress intended Article 112a, UCMJ, to preempt the entire universe of possible charges involving drugs, and nothing in the plain language or history of Article 77, UCMJ, 10USC §877, excludes wrongful use of a controlled substance as an object of aiding and abetting).

2011 (September Term)

United States v. Vela, 71 M.J. 283 (Article 77, UCMJ, imposes liability as a principal on one who (1) assists, encourages, advises, counsels, or commands another in the commission of the offense, and (2) shares in the criminal purpose of design).

(the elements of aiding and abetting are: (1) the specific intent to facilitate the crime by another, (2) guilty knowledge on the part of the accused, (3) that an offense was being committed by someone, and (4) that the accused assisted or participated in the commission of the offense).

(Article 77, UCMJ, has generally been interpreted to require an affirmative step on the part of the accused; the accused must in some sort associate himself with the venture, in that he participate in it as in something that he wishes to bring about, and that he seek by his action to make it succeed).

(while mere presence is not enough to impose liability as an aider or abettor, in some circ*mstances, inaction may make one liable as a party, where there is a duty to act; if a person has a duty to interfere in the commission of an offense, but does not interfere, that person is a party to the crime if such noninterference is intended to and does operate as an aid or encouragement to the actual perpetrator).

(evidence was legally sufficient to establish that appellant had the requisite specific intent and knowledge for aiding and abetting the wrongful placing of a weapon on the body of a dead Iraqi national in violation of Article 134, UCMJ, even though his team leader actually placed the weapon with the body, where rational court members could have concluded from the evidence that both soldiers intended to kill the victim and stage the scene to make it appear that he was a combatant carrying an AK-47; appellant completed his part by taking the affirmative act of shooting the victim in the head; his team leader completed his part by staging the weapon on the body; appellant participated in the offense by setting the stage for the offense and later participating in the cover-up of the incident; although the murder of the victim and the placement of the weapon were charged in a discrete manner, the members were free to review all the evidence in determining whether appellant was guilty of the offenses; based on the evidence as a whole, rational court members could have concluded beyond a reasonable doubt that appellant had the specific intent to facilitate his team leader’s act of placing the weapon with the body, and that he actively participated in his team leader’s staging of the scene by ensuring the death of the victim).

2008 (Transition)

United States v. Mitchell, 66 M.J. 176 (Article 77, UCMJ, provides that a person is liable as a principal if a person aids and abets the commission of the offense; to aid and abet, the accused must in some sort associate himself with the venture, participate in it as in something that he wishes to bring about, and seek by his action to make it succeed; aiding and abetting requires proof of the following: (1) the specific intent to facilitate the commission of a crime by another; (2) guilty knowledge on the part of the accused; (3) that an offense was being committed by someone; and (4) that the accused assisted or participated in the commission of the offense;intent may be inferred from the circ*mstances of the particular case).

(the intent element ofindecent assault may besatisfied, in the case of an accomplice, by proof that the accompliceshared inthe perpetrator’s criminal purpose and intended to facilitate theintent of theperpetrator with respect to the commission of the offense; when anaccusedpleads guilty to aiding and abetting an indecent assault, the accusedmustadmit to sharing in the perpetrator’s criminal intent to gratify thelust orsexual desires of the perpetrator; the accused’s admissions mustobjectivelysupport a military judge’s finding that:(1) the accused possessed the specific intent to facilitate thecommission of the indecent assault; (2) the accused had a guiltyknowledge; (3)the indecent assault was being committed by someone; and (4) theaccusedassisted or participated in the commission of the indecent assault).

(in this case, appellant’spleas of guilty tocommitting an indecent assault, by aiding and abetting a fellow Marineto havesexual intercourse with the victim was provident, despite appellant’sobjectionthat the plea inquiry did not demonstrate that he acted with thespecificintent to gratify his own lust or sexual desire; appellant admittedthat heacted with the specific intent to gratify the perpetrator’s lust orsexualdesires; in addition, appellant admitted that he intended to facilitatetheperpetrator’s commission of the indecent assault, knew that theperpetrator hadindecently assaulted the victim, and encouraged the perpetrator’scommission ofthe indecent assault; the military judge was not required to elicitfacts fromappellant demonstrating that he intended to gratify his own lust orsexualdesires).

(a person can be convicted as a principal byaiding and abetting absent proof that the person possessed the intentrequiredof the actual perpetrator of the offense).


United Statesv. Simmons,63 M.J. 89 (to be guilty as a principal under an aiding and abettingtheory, aperson must: (1) assist, encourage, advise, instigate, counsel,command, orprocure another to commit, or assist, encourage, advise, counsel, orcommandanother in the commission of the offense; and (2) share in the criminalpurposeof design; in some circ*mstances, inaction may make one liable as aparty,where there is a duty to act; if a person has a duty to interfere inthecommission of an offense, but does not interfere, that person is aparty to thecrime if such a noninterference is intended to and does operate as anaid orencouragement to the actual perpetrator; however, mere presence at thescene ofa crime does not make one a principal).

(establishment of a duty tointervene, without more, doesnot per sesatisfy the requirement of a shared criminal purpose under Article 77,UCMJ; failureto act in accordance with a legal duty can reflect criminal intent;however,this is a fact-specific inquiry).

(Article 77, UCMJ, isconjunctive; it requires a finding ofencouragement, for example, a result plus an intent).

UnitedStates v. Gosselin, 62 M.J. 349 (although anaccused may not be the primaryactor in an offense, he may be held liable as a principal to the crimeif heaids, abets, counsels, commands, or procures its commission).

(the elements ofaiding and abetting anoffense under Article 77, UCMJ, are: (1)the specific intent to facilitate the commission of a crime by another;(2)guilty knowledge on the part of the accused; (3) that an offense wasbeingcommitted by someone; and (4) that the accused assisted or participatedin thecommission of the offense).

(for an accusedto be a principal underArticle 77, UCMJ, and thus to be guilty of the offense committed by theperpetrator, he must (1) assist, encourage, advise, instigate, counsel,command, or procure another to commit, or assist, encourage, advise,counsel,or command another in the commission of the offense; and (2) share inthecriminal purpose of design; Article 77 has been generally interpretedtorequire an affirmative step on the part of the accused; mere inactivepresenceat the scene of a crime does not establish guilt; the law requiresconcert ofpurpose or the aiding or encouraging of the perpetrator of the offenseand aconscious sharing of his criminal intent).

(in somecirc*mstances, inaction may make oneliable as a party, where there is a duty to act; if a person has a dutytointerfere in the commission of an offense, but does not interfere, thatpersonis a party to the crime if such a noninterference is intended to anddoesoperate as an aid or encouragement to the actual perpetrator).

(to establishliability for aiding andabetting a crime, it is not sufficient to demonstrate mere presence atthescene of the crime; where an accused did not take any affirmativeaction toassist in the commission of an offense, failure to take affirmativemeasurestoprevent the commission of the offense does not in any wayestablishguilt as a principal).


UnitedStates v. Browning, 54 MJ 1 (a co-conspirator maybe heldcriminally responsible under theory of vicarious liability pursuant toArticle77, UCMJ, even though the Article does not specifically deal withvicariousliability of co-conspirator and even if not specifically alleged in thepleadings).


UnitedStates v. Thompson, 50 MJ 57 (court’s case law hasgenerallyinterpreted Article 77, principals, to require an affirmative step onthe partof the accused).

(evidence supports conviction for rape as a principal whereappellant:(1) participated in getting victim helplessly intoxicated, (2) knewanother wasgoing to have intercourse with the victim, (3) did nothing to dissuadeintercourse when appellant was looked to for approval, and (4) providedacondom; collectively, this evidence was legally sufficient to concludethatappellant encouraged and assisted the rape).

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CORE CRIMINAL LAW SUBJECTS: Crimes: Article 77 (2024)


What is Article 77 of the UCMJ? ›

(the elements of aiding and abetting an offense under Article 77, UCMJ, are: (1) the specific intent to facilitate the commission of a crime by another; (2) guilty knowledge on the part of the accused; (3) that an offense was being committed by someone; and (4) that the accused assisted or participated in the ...

What is the Article 77 of the Army? ›

Article 77 Turns Military Esprit de Corps And Camaraderie Into A Liability. In many cases where a service member is identified as a principal and charged as if they had committed the crime, the poor decision resulted from you trying not to be a Blue Falcon yourself.

What is failure to show UCMJ? ›

Under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), any member of the armed forces can be punished for failure to report for duty if prosecutors can show that he or she, without authority: Failed to go to his or her appointed place of duty at the time prescribed; Went from his or her appointed place of duty; or.

What is the punishment for dereliction of duty? ›

Punishment can include sanctions up to and including the death penalty (in times of war). Outside of wartime, the maximum punishment allowed is a dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 1 year (10 years for service members receiving special pay under 37 USC 310).

What are the articles 77 through 134 of the UCMJ? ›

UCMJ Articles 77-134 are called the “punitive articles”. These articles lay out specific offenses which can result in punishment by court-martial. Some of these offenses include stealing property, unlawful entry, wearing unauthorized insignia, disorderly conduct, etc.

What is Article 77 134 of the UCMJ? ›

Articles 77 through 134 of the UCMJ are known as the punitive articles. These are specific offenses that, if violated, can result in punishment by court-martial.

What is Article 111 military? ›

A service member is subject to this article if he was operating or physically controlling a vehicle, aircraft or vessel in (a) a reckless or wanton manner (b) a drunken state (c) an impaired state caused by the consumption of a controlled substance. If found guilty, he will be punished as a courts-martial may direct.

Are army civilians subject to UCMJ? ›

The UCMJ is federal law, enacted by Congress which applies to all active duty members as well as activated National Guard and Reserve members and military academy students. Some civilians serving in support of the military during wartime are also subject to the UCMJ.

What is military Article 85? ›

Understanding Article 85 (Desertion) of the UCMJ

Desertion is completed when the service member leaves their unit, organization, or place of duty without authority and intends to remain away permanently. Changing their mind and returning promptly is not a defense.

Can you get UCMJ for lying? ›

The article states that any person subject to the UCMJ who makes a false official statement under oath, or in writing, or verbally, with the intent to deceive a person in authority or to obtain some personal gain, can be punished as a court-martial may direct.

What article of the UCMJ is lying? ›

Teffeau, 58 MJ 62 (Article 107, UCMJ, punishes any person subject to the UCMJ, who, with intent to deceive, makes a false official statement knowing it to be false; a statement is "official" if that statement is "made in the line of duty;" the definition of "official" does not mean that the President intended to limit ...

What is disrespect under UCMJ? ›

Disrespect is defined as any behavior that “undermines the respect of authority of a commissioned officer superior to the accused.” Examples of this include: Abusive Epithets: Language that is insulting, degrading, derogatory, sexist, taunting, or mocking is an example.

Can a cop be charged with dereliction of duty? ›

(a) No law enforcement officer shall negligently do any of the following: (1) Fail to serve a lawful warrant without delay; (2) Fail to prevent or halt the commission of an offense or to apprehend an offender, when it is in the law enforcement officer's power to do so alone or with available assistance.

What is negligent of his duties? ›

If someone continuously neglects work and fails to give justification for the same. Not taking due care to deliver duties and spending time carelessly during work hours. Failing to own the responsibility and blaming others for any misconduct.

What happens if you get an Article 92? ›

Article 92 Maximum Punishment is as follows: (1) Violation or failure to obey lawful general order or regulation. Dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 2 years. (2) Violation of failure to obey other lawful order.

What is a Article 78 military? ›

Accessory after the fact. Any person subject to this chapter who, knowing that an offense punishable by this chapter has been committed, receives, comforts, or assists the offender in order to hinder or prevent his apprehension, trial, or punishment shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.

What is Article 71 of the UCMJ? ›

Pursuant to Article 71, UCMJ, the punitive discharge will be executed after final judgment.” The CA's action, to the extent that it ordered the BCD executed, is a legal nullity.

What is Article 75 UCMJ? ›

(Article 75(a), UCMJ, provides that all rights, privileges, and property affected by an executed part of a court-martial sentence which has been set aside or disapproved shall be restored unless a new trial or rehearing is ordered and such executed part is included in a sentence imposed upon the new trial or rehearing) ...

What is Article 27 UCMJ? ›

Wiechmann, 67 M.J. 456 (under Article 27(a)(1), UCMJ, the secretaries of the military departments prescribe regulations governing the detail of military counsel; although the accused does not have the right to more than one detailed counsel, the person authorized by regulations prescribed under Article 27 to detail ...

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.