Dayton (2024)


Season 12[]


  • 19 years old from Texas. DCC is kind of a second family to her. Her mother, Shelly used to be a DCC. [Scene with her and Shelly, who works for the DCC] Shelly cheered for DCC for 5 seasons. [The two discuss her tryout costume] Everyone’s always asked if she wanted to try out, and she's always said no. But this year, she decided to go for it. Shelly says she just wanted to make sure Dayton was in the right headspace to take on this challenge. [Scene moves to dance studio] Dayton’s dance teacher since she was five, Megan Buckland, used to cheer with her mom. Megan tells her everyone wants her to succeed and she can do this. Dayton says there’s a lot of pressure because people expect her to perform like her mother. Shelly says they are different dancers, both classically trained, but Dayton just took it to a different level. She tried not to be a stage mom. Dayton says her mom is her number one fan. Dayton says her mom left a good legacy, but now it’s her turn, and she wants to be her own person.

Season 13[]


  • So far, training camp has been stressful, due to the pace of learning dances. Her mother says that she needs to improve her memory skills. Dayton says it reduces stress having her mom at rehearsals. She’ll makes certain faces to her. [Shelly is shown telling her to keep her focus on Kelli and Judy, and not her]. Dayton says that after her office visit, she never wants to go back. Shelly knows she has work, but believes that she’s fully capable of it.


Total: 39

Season 12: 10

Season 13: 29 (3rd most)

Season 12[]


  • (Biography)
  • “The one distracting thing was telling myself not to look at my mom, because she was standing over on the side. But I think I made my mom pretty proud.“
  • [With Shelly who says it’s one step closer] “I’m really excited. I think all the stress built up in me just released when I saw my number.“


  • [Anthony Ramos asks her what her mom told her] “She said to be myself and be natural and not to try too hard.“
  • “It was pretty intimidating dancing in front of Kelli, Judy and Charlotte (Jones). Especially because I know them.“
  • [Five names left to call for finals] “My heart is racing.“


  • [Solo performances] “A million things are going through your head when you’re dancing, and you’re trying not to look crazy.“
  • “While I was dancing, my throat was dry. So, I was trying to swallow, and I was like, ''I can’t swallow''! "
  • [One name left to call] “I’m waiting for, like, the biggest moment of my life. That’s making me very nervous.“
  • [Not invited to Training Camp] “I will be back next year with more confidence in myself.“ [Shelly tells her to have complete confidence in herself and tells her she loves her.]

Season 13[]


  • [Makes it to semifinals] "As I walked up to my mom right after, I was like, ''Mom, my number’s not on the board.'' And she kind of looked at me like, ''Are you crazy?'' I was like, ''I’m just kidding''. ”


  • [Semifinals] "The pressure’s definitely on right now. Hopefully, I’ll have (choreography) down-pat in an hour."
  • "I was a little nervous when I first got out there. I’ve been working on showing my personality while I dance, so I was mostly thinking about that."


  • "I’m freaking out because after my solo last year, I want to show the judges that I have confidence in myself, and that I can be a powerful dancer and not just soft."
  • "I’ve worked really hard all year for this moment. This is how far I got last year, and I think that if I nail this, then I’ll be okay."
  • [Five names left] "I’ve worked really hard all year for this moment, so if they don’t call my name, I’ll be extremely disappointed."
  • [Invited to training camp] "When Kelli first called my number, I was like, ''Wait''. ” I’m going to training camp! Now I just have to make it through training camp to earn my boots."


  • "Going into the first rehearsal, I’m feeling a little bit nervous about learning choreography. I’ve always kind of struggled with that."
  • "I feel like I performed it as well as I could, but I think that I definitely need to go home and work on it."
  • [Office visits announced] "Rehearsal was brutal. I think that I could have been more focused and more aware of what I was doing. I didn’t memorize most of the steps, which was a problem."
  • [Before office] "I think my nerves got to me tonight while we were learning the dance. I feel like there’s a lot of pressure on me just because of my mom, so I just want to prove that I can do this on my own."
  • [After office] "They called me in early just to give me a head’s up and I think that was them showing me that you can do this. You just have to put your mind to it. Now I’m really ready to work. I did not come this far to get cut from training camp."


  • "Last night, I was a little disappointed in myself, but going home and working on what I needed to work on really helped me and I’m really excited just to show Kelli and Judy that I can be the Dayton that I was at auditions and not go back into my shell."
  • [Late to makeovers] "I need to be better than I have been with my time scheduling and time management. So, now I know."
  • [Alumni class] "I actually love having my mom around. She’s always there to help. I can go home and ask her what I did wrong, what I need to work on."
  • (Flashback to night before alumni class, with her mom)
  • "Going into tonight’s rehearsal, I think that the feedback that I got from the alumni was really helpful, and hopefully Kelli and Judy see that I’ve been working really hard."
  • "I think I definitely showed more confidence tonight. Hopefully I proved what I needed to."
  • [Before office] "I think that I have shown that I do really want to be on this team. If auditioning one year and not making it and then coming back the next year hasn’t shown (Kelli and Judy) that I want to be on this team, then I don’t know what will."
  • [After office] "Dancing is my whole life. I’ve been dancing since I was two years old. I’m usually not so emotional. [Gets emotional] I’ve always looked up to girls that are on the squad and I’ve always wanted to be like them. I’m going to try and show them that I can work harder and be a great contender for their team."


  • "I assume that (Kelli and Judy) are going to make a cut tonight, so it’s going to be a really hard night, but I’m just going to try my hardest."
  • [Uniform fittings] "I’m very emotionally attached to this uniform just because my mom did wear it. I think it’s very iconic, and it would be amazing to have one of my own."
  • [Jay's Power Squad session] "I’m not a runner. About halfway, I felt like I was going to throw up everywhere, but I got through it."
  • [Mile-run] "Being last is kind of a wake-up call, but I think that I can get there if I keep pushing."
  • "I think something’s coming. This is a very fast-paced training camp, and they’re going to make decisions based on what they see right then and there."


  • "It’s a little scary having Kitty (Carter) in the room, just because she’s very judgmental and not afraid to speak her mind."
  • [Called out for making mistakes in rehearsal] "Still a little shaky on the choreography. I was just kind of watching people in the mirror. It’s a little nerve-wracking getting up there and not being too confident in what you’re about to do. But I guess I have to get over that fear very soon."
  • [Before office] "This’ll be my third time going into Kelli’s office. That just doesn’t sound like a good situation to be in. I’m very nervous to go in there."
  • [After cut] "I don’t think that getting cut is the end of my dream. I just think that it wasn’t my time, so hopefully I’ll get that memorization in check next year and I’ll be wearing that uniform next fall."


Season 12[]


  • “She’s getting a star.” – Anthony Ramos
  • “I gave her a yes.” – Judy
  • “Dayton did a really good job, today. I’ve known her since the day she was born, and she actually has it harder than the other contestants because she’s proving that she deserves a place on this team for Dayton and not because her mother was a DCC.” – Judy
  • “It was a really special moment seeing Shelly’s daughter, Dayton, make it through. And to see proud mama on the sidelines to see her daughter attempt to follow in her footsteps was a really fun moment.“– Anthony
  • [End of episode confessional] “Dayton did well today, I’m proud of her. She’s grown up side by side with my daughter, and I’m not used to seeing Dayton through my director lens, at all. So, I’m really going to have to treat this as fairly and professional as I can.“ – Kelli


  • “Dayton has been really fun to watch during this audition process. She’s a person that we’ve known since she was a little girl, and to see her at the adult stage of her life; it’s really fun.“ – Judy
  • “I’m going to be real honest with y’all, I’m probably going to be quiet on this because we’re very close to her mother, so, just listening.“ – Kelli/ “I graded her up on kicks./ Kicks were great, yeah/ Kicks were good/“I just thought it was boring to watch. She didn’t seem to make me think, “Oh, wow. I want to see you again“.“– Marshall/“And I think she got nervous.“ – Melissa Rycroft/“Well, she’ll have to get noticed next week, if she gets there.“ – Kelli


  • “I was not impressed with Dayton at her interview. I mean, Dayton’s a ''no'' to me tonight.“ – Kelli
  • “Known her her whole life, know her mother. It’s very awkward to say this, but I say it: I did not like her interview.“ – Kelli/“I think the pressure of possibly stepping into your mother’s boots just was crumbling on her.“/“Being a daughter of a DCC can be both a blessing and a curse. And I think she comes in here with a higher level of expectation from this room. She’s a beautiful girl. I think she’s got a lot – a lot of potential.“– Charlotte

Season 13[]


  • “This year, we have two legacy cheerleaders trying out. We have Dayton, who is the daughter of Shelly, and we have Victoria, who is the daughter of Tina. I actually expect more out of a legacy candidate because she’s grown up around this and she knows what’s expected and she has all the insight to be the most prepared person at that audition.“ – Kelli
  • “I would have expected more out of Dayton on these.“ – Kelli
  • [Preliminaries judging] “I thought she came in strong.“ – Charlotte/“Oh yeah, so much more confident and bubbly.“ – Judy
  • “Dayton came back stronger for this round than last year. You could see her technical background and she displayed control in her dance.“ – Kelli


  • [Semifinals judging] “I wrote her a “yes,” but I didn’t think she was as good today as she was yesterday.“ – Neal McCoy/“In the combination, I thought she was lost. But she still has a yes for me, because everything else I liked from her.“ - Gordon Steinecke
  • “I’ve known Dayton since she was a baby, and I’m even closer to her mother, who works on our staff. And I want to pick the best 36 on this team, so it’s a complex situation.“ – Kelli


  • [Panels] “Dayton didn’t talk her way off the squad this year in her interview, so she’s still in the hunt.“ – Kelli
  • [Solo] “This is the first time she’s excited me.“ – Kelli
  • [On-field] “This is where Dayton loses me. I haven’t watched her the whole time.“ – Kelli
  • [Finals judging] “She could replace a veteran today in my opinion.“/“On the field, for me, she just started losing energy.“/“She lost a little strength on the field.“ – Charlotte/“She did and I think I didn’t really watch her, so I didn’t see her matching or beating a veteran.“ – Kelli


  • [Office] “You were a little confused, a little soft in your dance... You will not make this team just because you're somebody's daughter.“ – Kelli


  • “You ended strong. Everything else was real muddy.“ – Kelli
  • [Makeovers] “I’m sitting here with an empty chair because I’m waiting on Dayton, and I’m waiting on Kristin. They’re both late. And being late to anything, but on something like this where we’ve got so many people with scheduled appointments is not a good first impression.“ – Kelli
  • [When the girls finally arrive] (Dayton got pulled over for speeding) “I’m glad (the police officer) said you’ll be okay, but you won’t here. So, now here’s strike one. When you’re late to my stuff, I remember. I have the burden of you being your mother’s daughter, and I love you as a child, and I cut a veteran for being late. Don’t do that to me.“ – Kelli
  • “Dayton could have left her home earlier and been here early, and that would have prevented speeding. They both need to be responsible and they need to be extremely punctual.“ – Kelli
  • “A few memory things. You want to get on top of that as soon as possible.“ – Nicole Hamilton/“I know it’s a hard dance to get through. Don’t let it show [on your face] either.“ – Jacie
  • Malena’s more powerful than Dayton.“ – Kelli
  • “Good projection moments on this routine, so I enjoyed watching that.“ – Nicole Hamilton/“You looked so great.“ – Jacie
  • [Before office] “Dayton was late to her makeover appointment. Now I’m starting to have some overall concerns.“ – Kelli


  • [Uniform fitting] “Now that Dayton has put the uniform on, her figure was one of the best figures in our uniform today. This is going to help her.“ – Kelli
  • “Seeing Dayton in the uniform, I just thought back to holding her in the hospital when Kelli was holding her at the hospital, and we were laughing. I just cannot believe that this day has come.“ – Shelly


  • “Dayton showed up for training camp, didn’t she?“ – Kelli
  • [Show group judging] “She brought it tonight.“ – Melissa Rycroft/“I think this is the most we’ve seen out of her yet. Potential for her, for sure.“ – Judy


  • “Where was Dayton going?“ – Kelli/“Dayton and Malena. I don’t know who’s worse.“ – Judy/“Dayton’s worse on this one.“ – Kelli
  • “Dayton and Malena, y’all are not ready. You could not be put on the football field with that dance, and that’s what’s going to happen on the field; they’re going to surprise you with a song. You have to know them all.“ – Judy/“Dayton, I noticed you watching in the mirror a lot, and you were watching other people to figure out what was coming next.“ – Kelli
  • [Right after Judy gives a confessional about losing patience for girls still making mistakes] “Both of them.“ – Judy
  • [Nick Florez teaching] “This style’s gonna kill them. I mean, Dayton’s lost already.“ – Kitty Carter
  • “When you have the moments that you like, light up and your face is in it, that’s when you’re electric and you’re connected. It’s magical, so work on making all your moments like that, because I see you kind of fall in and out of it.“ – Nick Florez
  • [Roundtable discussion with Nick Florez, Kelli and Judy] “Your combination beat her up.“ – Kitty/“Well, I don’t think she’s supposed to go home today. I think she just needs some work with the squad. She still feels green.“ – Nick/“Yeah, Dayton in the outfit, her figure was beautiful.“ – Kelli/“She would look stunning.“ – Nick
  • “What this board is telling me is Dayton is not in it yet, Victoria’s not in.“ – Kelli
  • [After Dayton’s cut] “Just a situation that’s not easy on anybody. But I think we did the right thing for our team and for Dayton and for the other girls in training camp. I think she can make this team, and I know she is a skilled dancer, and she just simply needs more time... This [cut], in particular was difficult because of the personal relationship I have with both Dayton and her mother, Shelly... Sometimes those decisions are heartbreaking." – Kelli


  • [End of season retrospective] “This particular year, with the two legacies, it’s been difficult and emotional because I know them personally. I believe in both Dayton and Victoria’s potential here, but it’s still heartbreaking.“ – Kelli

Office Visits[]

Season 13[]


  • [End of episode, second of two] Kelli asks how this is for her? Dayton says it’s slightly weird, and she’s just in a new world. Kelli says it’s the world in which she’s been raised. Dayton knew that they taught fast, but it really is going by fast. Kelli says that’s the way it is, and she knows it’s what’s expected. Kelli tells her there’s no reason to hide the fact that she’s a coach’s daughter. She’s been a part of and trained for this her entire life, and nobody deserves this more than she her. However, she won’t make the team just because she’s somebody’s daughter. [Commercial break] She wants her to make the team because Dayton made the team. This is her chance. She has much more dance experience than some of the others, and but she needs more power. She also needs to smile more (Kelli shows her a picture and tells her to contrast herself to Mia Greenhouse in the background). She proved she could do it at finals, but they did not see finals Dayton tonight. Judy says her solo was great with a lot of power, and they want to see that again. Kelli hopes Dayton proves everybody right who believed in her at auditions. Dayton was disappointing in her performance tonight, and knows she could do better. Kelli asks her if she respects her mom more now that she knows what she went through? Dayton does, and says her mom reminds her every day. They laugh, and Kelli says they need to see the big, bold Dayton, which Dayton says they will see. [Dayton leaves] Kelli says she’d be a locker room favorite because she’s cool, but she needs to be fiery and sassy.


  • [End of episode, third of three] Kelli can’t tell whether she’s disinterested or just nonchalant late because she doesn’t care, or late because she’s immature. She doesn’t know who Dayton is as a training camp candidate. She also doesn’t know if this’ll be the year she makes the team. [Commercial break] Kelli tells her that many of the TCC’s will be released, and right now, Dayton is not top 36. Dayton admits that when she was younger, she never thought she’d be in this position, but that this is now something she wants more than anything. She starts crying, and opines that she’s trying to be a perfectionist instead of being a good performer or just being enjoyable to watch. That has always been a struggle for her. Kelli says Dayton has trained her whole life, so she has the technical ability, and she also has the beauty. She doesn’t need to change her personality. She adds that Judy was always quiet and shy. However, Dayton's performance shouldn’t be shy. They need enthusiasm, power, punctuality, and maturity. Be like she was at finals.


  • [End of episode, second of two] Kelli tells her that everybody that has come through this studio thinks she's beautiful, has impressive technical training, and looks beautiful in uniform. She looks like a DCC, and they would love for her to be one, but the girls have learned 11 routines, and it’s getting faster, not slower. The choreography seems to be getting the best of her. Dayton says she’s been working hard and thinks she’s improving. She asks what she can do, as she being crying. [Commercial break] Kelli suggests that she take more classes. However, her memory is too inconsistent, and this is just moving too quickly for her. They don’t think she’s ready for the team this year. [Dayton starts crying] Kelli praises her for getting through the audition process, but it wouldn’t be fair to her or anyone else if she just made the team because of who she is. Dayton says she wouldn’t want to make it just because of her mother or because they know her – she wants to earn it. Kelli says she should be proud of herself – she’s one of the youngest and it’s not an easy challenge.

End of Journey[]

Season 12[]


  • Not invited to training camp.

Season 13[]


  • Cut at the end of week 5 of training camp (3rd of 9 cuts, 42 left afterwards).


Season 12[]


  • Shown when Kelli mentions there being two legacies in her speech to the candidates, leading into her biography.
  • Shown dancing when Melissa Rycroft mentions getting excited by seeing a great dancer.
  • Hugs her mom crying after she makes it through to semi-finals.


  • 3rd to last shown being invited to Finals.


  • At panel interviews she is unable to name a member of President Trump’s cabinet, and then struggles to name a song that represents America. Later, she says she didn’t vote this year.
  • Solo performance is shown.

Season 13[]


  • There’s a scene with Nick Florez, Shelly (her mom) and Dayton chatting before preliminaries.
  • She’s shown on screen when Kelli mentions seeing familiar faces at auditions during her speech to the hopefuls.
  • Shown introducing herself to the udges at preliminaries: 20-years-old from Texas and dancing since she was two.
  • Shown performing after Melissa Rycroft mentions being able to put a uniform immediately on the best dancers at preliminaries.


  • Shown being invited to finals.


  • At panel interviews, she’s asked how she moved from the disappointment to come back this year. Dayton says she ate some Whataburger, went to bed, woke up, and decided that if she wants this, she’s going to go get it. She thinks your biggest failures are your strongest lessons.
  • Shown performing her solo at finals.
  • Third-to-last shown being invited to training camp.


  • She arrives late to rookie makeovers, and explained she got pulled over on the way for going six over the speed limit.

Season 14[]


  • She can be seen posing for a picture with Victoria at the “Meet the Team” event.

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Dayton (2024)
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Name: Jonah Leffler

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.