Detroit Become Human: Last Chance, Connor Walkthrough 100% (2024)

by PowerPyx 76 Comments

Last Chance, Connoris the29thchapter in Detroit Become Human. This walkthrough will guide you through all thechoices of theLast Chance, Connorlevel for 100% completion.

Triggers automatically after completingtheFreedom MarchChapter.

Flowchart Overview:

Here’s a quick overview of the flowchart for “Last Chance, Connor” (98% complete, missing one node for 100%):
Thanks for BromptonCcktail, Superraid,QuiQueWELO for sending me the flowcharts.


  • Look at Magic Stone: In Amanda’s garden, on the left side of where you start is a glowing stone. Interact with it.
  • Visit Graves:In the back of Amanda’s garden, on theright side of where you start is the graveyard.Connor must have died for the gravestones to be there (see Connor Death Run)! Look at them.
  • Talk to Amanda: Unmissable.

Checkpoint: In the Police Station

  • FowlerandHankArgue: Unmissable.
  • Know Jericho’s Location: Connor decided to SHOOT the Chloe in ‘Meet Kamski‘ and then asked Kamski about Jericho. This results in Kamski giving Connor the location to Jericho. Beware, this path ends the ‘Last Chance, Connor’ chapter early. It will skip all the other choices of this chapter. To get the other choices you must replay from ‘Meet Kamski‘ and either spare the Chloe or don’t pick the Jericho dialogue with Kamski.
    • Talk To Hank: Result of the above choice.
    • Connor Left For Jericho (Ending): Result of the above choice.
  • Jericho’s Location Unknown: Connor didn’t shoot the Chloe in‘Meet Kamski‘ — or: he shot her but didn’t pick Jericho dialogue with Kamski. This is so he must find the location to Jericho by himself via the evidence archive.
    • Insufficient Evidence (Ending): You don’t have any deviant’s body to interrogateso that it is impossible to get the location to Jericho –> the deviant in ‘The Interrogation‘ survived, saved Hankin ‘The Nest‘ (Rupert escaped), let the Tracis escape in ‘The Eden Club‘, Simon survived in ‘The Stratford Tower‘ (or if he was left behind on roof Connor didn’t find him in ‘Public Enemy‘), Connor did not reach his heart in time and died in ‘Public Enemy‘ (thus the kitchen deviant escaped).
      • Connor Series was Decommissioned #1 (Ending): Result of the above choice / insufficient evidence. Connor will now be destroyed by CyberLife and is removed from future chapters, his story ends here.
    • Sufficient Evidence: You have at least one deviant’s body to interrogate so you can get the location to Jericho from them –> the deviant in ‘The Interrogation‘ died,chased after Rupert at end of ‘The Nest‘,killed the Tracis in ‘The Eden Club‘, Simondied in ‘The Stratford Tower‘ (or if he was left behind on roof Connorfoundhim in ‘Public Enemy‘), or Connorcaught the kitchen deviantin ‘Public Enemy‘.
      • [CROSS CHAPTER] Hank Resigns and Leaves: If your relationship with Hank is hostile (very low reputation), he will resign. This leads to Hank killing himself in ‘Night of the Soul’. You must have built up a negative reputation with him over the course of the game.
        –> Perkins Arrives: Unmissable, result of above choice.
      • Hank Goes to His Desk:If your relationship with Hank isfriendly (very high reputation), he will not resign and stick around to help Connor. This leads to Hank not killing himself in ‘Night of the Soul’ and then he can still show up in ‘Battle for Detroit’. You must have built up apositive reputation with him over the course of the game. This path is needed for the trophy to stay friends with Hank and also for the best ending to make everyone survive.
        –> Talk to Hank: A follow-up to above choice.
        –> Perkins Arrives: Unmissable, result of above choice (also happens if Hank resigned).
        • Out of time: Simply stand around for 6 minutes to let the timer run out.
          • Connor Series was Decommissioned #1 (Ending): If you let time run out or have insufficient evidence you get this ending.
        • Hank Wants to Help: Available if Connor and Hank are friends. Talk to Hank at his desk.
          –> Hank Punches Perkins: Result of above choice.
        • Hank is Gone: Happens when Hank is hostile (low reputation). He quits police force and leaves.
          –> Free thePrisoner: If Hank has left you must go to the prison cell and open it. Then the prisoner runs out which distracts the FBI guy and buys Connor some time.
        • Hank Won’t Help: For this you must have a tense or neutral (but not hostile!) relationship with Hank. If Hank is hostile he quits the police and commits suicide later. If your relationship is just neutral or tense (slightly negative) he simply refuses to help Connor. If you are friends with Hank it won’t work as it results in “Hank Wants to Help”(*Credit toKevin Powell & ben for this one).
          • Hank Leaves: Result of above choice.
            –> Free the Prisoner:If Hank has left you must go to the prison cell and open it. Then the prisoner runs out which distracts the FBI guy and buys Connor some time.

Checkpoint: Create a Diversion

  • Take Key: Automatically picked up from Hank’s desk.
  • Rush to Basem*nt: Go through the door on the left side at the end of the office area (left of prison cells).
  • GavinYells: On your way to the evidence locker, Gavin will try to talk to Connor.
    • Ignore Gavin: ChooseLEAVE.
      • Gavin Is Suspicious: Result of the above choice.
    • Dismiss Gavin: Choose ANSWER > IRONIC.
      • Gavin Is Suspicious:Result of the above choice.
    • Answer Calmly: Choose ANSWER > CALM.
      • Gavin is Convinced:Result of the above choice.
  • Go Down to Basem*nt: Unmissable after talking to Gavin.

Checkpoint: In the Evidence Room

  • Guess Hank’s Password: His password is f*ckINGPASSWORD.
  • Unlock Evidence: Result of entering the correct password.
    • [CROSS CHAPTER: DIED IN PREVIOUS SCENES] + Body ofCarlos’ Android: If Carlos died in Chapter ‘The Interrogation’ he will be available here.
    • [CROSS CHAPTER: GOT INFORMATION IN ‘PUBLIC ENEMY’] + Jericho Tablet: Simon was wounded and left behind (alive) on the rooftop in ‘The Stratford Tower’, Connor then found and probed him in ‘Public Enemy’.
    • Carlos’ Android Memory: You had to get Carlos’ memories in ‘The Interrogation’by being friendly to him and convincing him to give you the memories (don’t probe him). Then this evidence is available.
    • Daniel’s body: Daniel’s body will always be here. He’s the deviant from the very first chapter (who held the little girl hostage on balcony).
      • Reactivate Daniel: Interact with Daniel’s body, hanging on the left side.
      • Talk to Daniel: Result of the above.
      • No Information: Result of the above. No matter what you do, he won’t give you any info.
    • [CROSS CHAPTER: FOUND IN ‘THE NEST’] + Rupert’s Body:At the end of ‘The Nest’ you chased after Rupert instead of saving Hank. As a result, Rupert will have killed himself when you caught up to him so now his body is available as evidence. If you chose to save Hank instead, then Rupert’s body will not be here.
      • Reactivate Rupert: Interact with Rupert’s body.
      • Get Decryption Key: Result of the above.
      • Analyze Diary:If you have Rupert’s diary as evidence and got the decryption key from Rupert’s body you can interact with it now (from his apartment with the birds).
    • [CROSS CHAPTER: FOUND IN ‘THE NEST’] + Rupert’s Diary: You found the diary in the apartment in ‘The Nest’ (room with the birds, behind a wall poster). Then it’s available as evidence.
      • Analyze Diary: If you haveRupert’sdiary as evidence and got the decryption key from Rupert’s body you can interact with it now.
    • [CROSS CHAPTER: FOUND IN ‘PARTNERS’] + Carlos’ Android’s Statue: You found the statue in the bathroom of ‘Partners’ (inside the murder house). Then this evidence is available.
      • Break Statue:You can only break the statue if you got the tip from the deviant in ‘The Interrogation’ saying that “The truth is inside”, requires him to trust you (Credit toChollaSprings)
      • Retrieve Map: Result of breaking the statue, you will find a map inside it.
      • Link Map to Other Evidence:You can link the map to the Jericho Tablet (examine Tablet).
      • Unable to Link Map to other Evidence:Break the statue and wait for time to run out (*Credit to Zin_ZZZ for the tip).
    • [CROSS CHAPTER: KILLED IN ‘EDEN CLUB’] + Body of Blue-HairedTraci:You shot the Tracis in ‘The Eden Club’ (won fight, then chose the Shoot option). Now their bodies are available as evidence.
      • Reactivate Blue-Haired Traci: Interact with the blue-haired traci hanging in evidence locker.
      • Talk to Traci: Result of the above.
      • Remove Accomplice’s Head: You must walk over to the brown-haired Traci and rip her head off.
      • Trick Traci: With the ripped-off head, walk back over to the blue-haired Traci. Hold the head in front of her head and she’ll think it’s her girlfriend.
      • Download Jericho Key: Result of the above, tricked her to get the location to Jericho.
    • [CROSS CHAPTER: KILLED IN ‘EDEN CLUB’] + Body ofBrown-haired Traci: You shot the Tracis in ‘The Eden Club’ (won fight, then chose the Shoot option). Now their bodies are available as evidence.
      • Remove Accomplice’s Head / Trick Traci: See steps above for “Reactivate Blue-Haired Traci”.
    • Markus’ Broadcast: You saw Markus’ broadcast in ‘Public Enemy’ with Connor (I think this clue is always available even if you did not pick it up).
      • Impersonate Markus: You will need the body of either Simon (died in ‘The Stratford Tower’) or the deviant from ‘Public Enemy’. Talk to either one of them. Then watch Markus’ broadcast recording (little tablet in middle of evidence locker). Emulate his voice using this tablet. Then talk to Simon/Deviant again and they will think you are Markus and give up Jericho’s location.
      • Trick the Deviant: Result of the above.
      • Download Jericho Key: Result of the above.
    • [CROSS CHAPTER: KILLED IN ‘PUBLIC ENEMY’] + Simon’s Body: Simon was killed in ‘The Stratford Tower’ or left behind on the rooftop and then Connor found him on the roof in ‘Public Enemy’. This results in Simon being dead and his body is now available as evidence.
      • Reactivate Simon: Talk to Simon.
      • Interrogate Simon: See “Impersonate Markus” task above. Must use the Tablet with Markus’ speech to emulate his voice and then talk to Simon again so he thinks you’re Markus and gives the location to Jericho.
    • [CROSS CHAPTER: KILLED IN ‘PUBLIC ENEMY’] + Stratford Android’s Body: Connor interrogated the deviant in the kitchen of ‘Public Enemy’, then repaired his heart in time and managed to catch up to the deviant, resulting in its death. Now it hangs here as evidence.
      • Reactivate Deviant: Result of the above.
      • Interrogate Deviant:See “Impersonate Markus” task above. Must use the Tablet with Markus’ speech to emulate his voice and then talk toDeviant again so he thinks you’re Markus and gives the location to Jericho.
  • Out of Time: After reaching the Evidence room, stand still until time runs out.
    • Connor Series was Decommissioned #2 (Ending): Result of the above. Do note that this is different from the first ‘Connor Series was Decommissioned’ (that was upstairs before going to evidence locker. The one in evidence locker counts as different flowchart node).
  • [CROSS CHAPTER IMPACT] + Locate Jericho: You tricked one of the androids to give you the location to Jericho.
    • Leave The Basem*nt: Quickly find the location of Jericho from what’s available in evidence locker and leave.
      • Connor Eluded Perkins (Ending): Result of the above choice. You have to be quick with getting the location of Jericho from evidence locker. In my run Hank was hostile and left. I let out the prisoner to create a diversion. When Gavin stopped me I chose the “Calm” approach to convince him. Then in evidence locker I entered correct password first try and tricked the Tracis. Then Connor left without being stopped by anyone. I think the crucial point is to talk to Gavin and pick the “Calm” option. This leads to convincing him of your intentions so nobody is suspicious of you.
    • Gavin Returns: Gavin comes to the evidence archive.
      • Fight Gavin: Result of the above.
        • Lose Fight: Don’t press any buttons during fight with Gavin.
          • Gavin Destroyed Connor (Ending): Gavin shoots Connor in the head. No worries though, Connor will be rebooted and is still playable in the next chapter.
        • Win Fight: Successfully press (most of) the button sequences to defeat Gavin.
          • Connor Incapacitated Gavin (Ending): Connor won the fight and leaves the vault.


  • Connor Left For Jericho: Connor got the location to Jericho from Kamski in ‘Meet Kamski’. Then he will leave straight for Jericho and skips the rest of this chapter.
  • Insufficient Evidence:You don’t have any deviant’s body to interrogateso that it is impossible to get the location to Jericho –> the deviant in ‘The Interrogation‘ survived, saved Hankin ‘The Nest‘ (Rupert escaped), let the Tracis escape in ‘The Eden Club‘, Simon survived in ‘The Stratford Tower‘ (or if he was left behind on roof Connor didn’t find him in ‘Public Enemy‘), Connor did not reach his heart in time and died in ‘Public Enemy‘ (thus the kitchen deviant escaped).
  • Connor Series was Decommissioned #1: Connor has either insufficient evidence or lets time run out in the police station upstairs (not downstairs in vault).
  • Connor Series was Decommissioned#2: Connor lets time run out in the evidence locker (downstairs area). Do note this is different from the first decommission ending. For the first you have to let time run out upstairs. For this one you must time run out downstairs inside the evidence archive! They count as different flowchart nodes.
  • Connor Eluded Perkins:Result of the above choice. You have to be quick with getting the location of Jericho from evidence locker. In my run Hank was hostile and left. I let out the prisoner to create a diversion. When Gavin stopped me I chose the “Calm” approach to convince him. Then in evidence locker I entered correct password first try and tricked the Tracis. Then Connor left without being stopped by anyone. I think the crucial point is to talk to Gavin and pick the “Calm” option. This leads to convincing him of your intentions so nobody is suspicious of you.
  • Gavin Destroyed Connor:Connor found the location to Jericho himself via evidence archive. On the way out Connor loses the fight against Gavin. Then Gavin shoots Connor in the head. No worries though, Connor will be rebooted and is still playable in the next chapter.
  • Connor Incapacitated Gavin:Connor found the location to Jericho himself via evidence archive. On the way out Connor won the fight against Gavin and leaves the vault.

A special thanks to BromptonCcktail,Superraid, QuiQueWELO for sending in flowcharts and to ChollaSprings, ranfan7, Zin_ZZZfor sending in tips about this chapter.

All done! This concludes theLast Chance, ConnorChapter.

Up Next:Crossroads

For more Walkthroughs, check out the completeDetroit Become Human Walkthrough.

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Detroit Become Human: Last Chance, Connor Walkthrough 100% (2024)


How to get 100% in DBH? ›

To get 100% completion on a chapter, you'll need to replay it a few times and make alternate decisions than your previous playthrough. You can use the Chapter Select in the main menu to replay any chapter you've already finished at least once.

How to get the best ending for Connor? ›

Connor's Best Ending
  1. Bond with Hank. There's no greater father-son relationship than a drunken cop and his android sidekick. ...
  2. Find Jericho. While it may seem like a bad idea for the cop android to know about the hideout's location, worry not. ...
  3. Sympathize with deviants. ...
  4. When the time comes, choose to become deviant.
Mar 18, 2024

What is Hank's password? ›

Now for Hank's password, choose f*ckINGPASSWORD to gain access to all the evidence you've collected throughout the game.

What evidence does Connor need to find Jericho? ›

If Connor connected to Simon in Public Enemy and obtained his memory of Jericho, it is possible to use the memory to narrow the search with the map, thus successfully locating Jericho. Daniel and Traci can only be reactivated if Carlos' Android died in previous scenes.

What is rA9 in DBH? ›

rA9 is the last 2 letters and last number of every android's programming. The code was a subroutine implemented in the first android to make it humanlike, as deviant androids are, and was intended to be removed.

Should Connor take the gun? ›

You can choose to either take the gun or leave it. Taking it unlocks a new action when negotiating with the deviant. Still in the kitchen, turn off the stove to learn that family was about to have dinner when the incident happened.

Should Kara play dead run or surrender? ›

NOTE: Choosing any other options here other than PLAY DEAD and DON'T MOVE will cause both Alice and Kara to get killed. If that happens, you won't be able to get the Good Ending of the game. After another cutscene plays and shows Kara and Alice escaping, you'll then regain control of Marcus.

Should I save Hank or sacrifice him? ›

Then, you have a big decision: Save Hank or Sacrifice Hank. Choose Save Hank for the best ending, then Interpose. Connor rushes the Connor unit, and you must successfully input the QTEs in a fight of Connor versus Connor. After the fight, Hank asks the Connor some questions.

Should Connor spare Chloe? ›

He'll say a few things before pulling out a gun and having Chloe kneel down. Kamski will give Connor a choice to shoot Chloe or Spare her life. However, if he shoots Chloe, he'll give Hank and Connor the location of Jericho, but Hank's trust will dramatically fall. Make the choice not to shoot Chloe.

How old is Hank DBH? ›

Official Game Description

Hank Anderson is a 53 year old police officer.

Should Connor go deviant? ›

Sure you can make Connor happy by making him a Deviant and letting Markus forgive him (spare him/don't shoot at him) at the Chapter 'Night of the Soul'. BUT!, if you do that, Connor infiltrates the Cyberlife tower and release thousand of androids free, scaring the humans and the public opinion.

Why does Hank not like androids? ›

He hates androids because they allow people to skip out on their jobs. Because a skilled doctor was high on Red Ice at the time Cole needed surgery to survive their car accident, an android had to perform the task; it failed. This is why he treats androids with such disregard (though not as much as his rival, Gavin).

Can you catch Kara as Connor? ›

Hit all of the prompts you see as Connor chases Kara down. Control will again switch to Kara, with you having to hit more button prompts as they avoid obstacles in their way. Eventually, Connor grabs Kara and she will have to struggle to get away from him.

What happens if Connor joins Jericho? ›

If Connor joins Jericho, he'll go to Cyberlife to recruit more androids to join the ranks.

Should I keep or refuse the detonator? ›

When you recommend dialogue, your reputation with North goes down, but it helps lead to the good ending. Eventually, North offers Markus a detonator, which you can either keep or refuse. As is the usual, keep leads to the bad ending and refuse leads to the good ending.

How long does it take to 100 DBH? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, Detroit: Become Human is about 12 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 31½ Hours to obtain 100% completion.

What happens if you kiss North in Detroit: Become Human? ›

Battle for Detroit Chapter

Select “kiss North” which will sway public opinion towards the supportive end of the scale. This will cause the SWAT team to stand down.

What is the hardest ending in Detroit: Become Human? ›

Detroit Become Human HARDEST Ending - Be Connor On Jericho Instead of Markus + No Hank at CyberLife. Detroit Become Human Hardest Ending where you control Connor on Jericho instead of Markus and also Hank is already dead so Hank does not show up at Cyberlife...

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.