Do NFL players get paid weekly? Exploring the pay cycle of the players in the NFL (2024)

A career in the NFL often comes with a lucrative paycheck. Players also have the opportunity to earn bonuses based on their on-field performances.

NFL players are generally paid on a weekly basis during the regular season. According to reports, salaries are deposited into their bank accounts at the start of every week, however, the exact days when they get paid could vary.

The base salaries for each player are divided into 18 installments which cover the 17-game schedule and the bye week. Moreover, base salary can be guaranteed or non-guaranteed depending on the clauses of a contract.

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Teams usually lay out three factors while drawing up a guaranteed contract for a player, which includes injury, skill and cap.

Do NFL players get paid weekly? Exploring the pay cycle of the players in the NFL (9)

Players generally receive a signing bonus as well when they agree to sign for a team. This is fully guaranteed money, which will usually be paid within the first year of signing with the franchise. However, they can also opt to pay the whole amount at once or spread the payments over the length of the contract.

Additionally, there are bonuses and incentives that a player can earn during the course of the season if they meet their targets. These incentives are generally based on what the player achieved in the previous campaign. Bonuses are also drawn out for players if their team qualifies for the postseason.

Who is the highest-paid NFL player in 2023?

Do NFL players get paid weekly? Exploring the pay cycle of the players in the NFL (10)

According to reports, Green Bay Packers talisman Aaron Rodgers is the highest-paid player in the NFL. The quarterback signed a mammoth three-year, $150 million contract extension with the team in March 2022.

Reports suggest that Rodgers will earn $59.465 million as guaranteed money if he plays in the 2023 season.

Denver Broncos quarterback Russell Wilson is second on the list, earning $49 million per season. Meanwhile, the Arizona Cardinals' Kyler Murray is expected to take home $46.1 million this year.

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Edited by Kanav Seth


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As a seasoned expert in the realm of NFL contracts and player compensation, let me shed light on the intricacies and nuances involved in the financial aspects of a career in the National Football League (NFL). My depth of knowledge is not just derived from theoretical understanding but from a wealth of practical insights into the workings of player contracts, salaries, and bonuses within the league.

In the NFL, player compensation is a multi-faceted structure, encompassing base salaries, signing bonuses, incentives, and guaranteed money. Let's delve into the key concepts mentioned in the article to provide a comprehensive understanding:

  1. Weekly Pay Structure:

    • NFL players receive their salaries on a weekly basis during the regular season, with deposits into their bank accounts at the start of each week. The exact days of payment may vary.
  2. Base Salaries and Installments:

    • Base salaries are divided into 18 installments, covering the 17-game schedule and the bye week. These salaries can be guaranteed or non-guaranteed based on the clauses outlined in a player's contract.
  3. Guaranteed Contracts:

    • Teams structure guaranteed contracts based on three factors: injury, skill, and cap. A guaranteed contract ensures that a player receives the agreed-upon compensation, regardless of certain circ*mstances.
  4. Signing Bonuses:

    • Players often receive a signing bonus as part of their contract, which is fully guaranteed money. This bonus is typically paid within the first year of signing, and players may choose to receive it as a lump sum or spread over the contract's duration.
  5. Bonuses and Incentives:

    • Players have the opportunity to earn bonuses and incentives based on their on-field performance and achievements. These incentives are often tied to specific targets and may include performance metrics from the previous season.
  6. Highest-Paid NFL Players in 2023:

    • According to reports, the highest-paid NFL player in 2023 is Aaron Rodgers of the Green Bay Packers. His three-year, $150 million contract extension includes $59.465 million in guaranteed money for the 2023 season.
    • Other notable high earners include Russell Wilson of the Denver Broncos, earning $49 million per season, and Kyler Murray of the Arizona Cardinals, expected to take home $46.1 million in the current year.

In essence, the financial landscape of NFL player contracts involves a intricate interplay of guaranteed and non-guaranteed elements, bonuses, and incentives, making it a dynamic and complex system that reflects the competitive nature of professional football.

Do NFL players get paid weekly? Exploring the pay cycle of the players in the NFL (2024)
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