Does Space Travel Make People Age More Slowly? - UC Berkeley Public Health (2024)

Scientists have recently observed for the first time that, on an epigenetic level, astronauts age more slowly during long-term simulated space travel than they would have if their feet had been planted on Planet Earth.

Does Space Travel Make People Age More Slowly? - UC Berkeley Public Health (2)

Jamaji Nwanaji-Enwerem

“Many of us assume that being exposed to radiation or other harm in space would be reflected by increased aging. But there’s also been a lot of research that has shown the opposite,” said Jamaji C. Nawanaji-Enwerem, Berkeley Public Health postdoctoral fellow and first author of a study published in Cell Reports in November 2020. The study reviewed data from the six participants of the Mars-500 mission, a simulated space travel and residence experiment launched by the European Space Agency in 2010.

In space, people usually experience environmental stressors like microgravity, cosmic radiation, and social isolation, which can all impact aging. Studies on long-term space travel often measure aging biomarkers such as telomere length and heartbeat rates, not epigenetic aging. To fill in the gap, Nawanaji-Enwerem and his team members took the novel step to look at epigenetic biomarkers such as DNAmPhenoAge, a robust marker of disease risk, and DNAmGrimAGE, a predictor of mortality risk.

The findings show that space mission duration will lead to a slower aging process, which looks like a good thing. “But if the mission goes on for longer, it can actually be a bad thing for you,” said Nawanaji-Enwerem.

Does Space Travel Make People Age More Slowly? - UC Berkeley Public Health (3)

Professor Andres Cardenas

“It also informs future research in terms of what biomarkers of aging are important to measure,” said Andres Cardenas, study co-author and assistant professor of Environmental Health Sciences at Berkeley Public Health.

During the Mars-500 experiment, six astronaut crews stayed in an isolated space and lived as if they were on Mars for 520 days. Cosmic radiation and microgravity were not replicated in the experiment, so the slower aging process found by scientists is caused by social isolation and other relative effects.

Although it’s not clear why space travel would lead to slower epigenetic aging, the findings will be valuable for understanding the health implications for future space travel.

“It’s not if, but when, we’re going to transition to space living,” said Cardenas.

Read the full report in Cell Reports

Does Space Travel Make People Age More Slowly? - UC Berkeley Public Health (2024)


Does Space Travel Make People Age More Slowly? - UC Berkeley Public Health? ›

Time can appear to move faster or slower to us relative to others in a different part of space-time. That means astronauts on the International Space Station get to age just a tiny bit slower than people on Earth.

How does space travel affect human health? ›

Astronauts receive 10x the amount of radiation exposure as we do on Earth. Such high exposure can damage the immune system, causing astronauts to be susceptible to infection while in space. Long-term exposure can damage cells and DNA, leading to cataracts and cancers.

Would you age slower on a different planet? ›

You will age slowest on Mercury, Venus and Jupiter as they are slower than Earth. You will age a couple of minutes faster on Mars as it is less massive and has less gravity than Earth.

What is the most likely negative health effect from space travel? ›

Increased risk of cancer and degenerative diseases, such as heart disease and cataracts, have been observed in human populations exposed to radiation on Earth. Health risks for astronauts from radiation exposure in space are mainly driven by long-term impacts.

Why do we age slower at the speed of light? ›

We do not age slower if we go at the speed of light but the time stops when we go at the speed of light. The reality is a object having a definite mass cannot achieve speed of light because mass is dependent on speed and when the object reaches near the speed of light we need infinite force to keep it accelerating.

How could space travel affect your physical and or mental health? ›

They might experience sleep problems, due to the lack of natural light, as well as anxiety problems or depression. There's more; apart from these kinds of problems, factors such as microgravity, radiation or carbon dioxide may also debilitate their neurobehavioral and performance.

What are the pros and cons of space exploration? ›

5 Space research and its impact on social issues and problems
Positive life changes to humankindNot reducing poverty in underdeveloped countries
Finding essential minerals in spaceSpace travelling costs
Finding other living species in spaceRisk to astronauts
Challenge of adventure
1 more row

Do you biologically age slower in space? ›

Previous research has shown that spending time in space causes bone density loss, immune dysfunction, cardiovascular issues such as stiffening of arteries, and loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength in both humans and rodent models. These changes resemble aging in people age on Earth, but happen more quickly.

How much faster do you age in space than on Earth? ›

Scientists estimate that the heart, blood vessels, bones, and muscle deteriorate about 10 times faster in space than in natural aging.

Do you age slower in high gravity? ›

That means people who live at high altitudes age a tad faster than those plodding through space-time at sea level. "Gravity makes us age slower, in a relative term," Chou said. "Compared to someone not near any massive object, we are aging more slowly by a very tiny amount.

Why shouldn't humans go to space? ›

Radiation exposure is 10 times higher in low orbit than it is on land. As insulating lead is too heavy for spacecraft, astronauts receive toxic doses of radiation every second. The damage to the retina, the thyroid, and the brain, along with the body's most sensitive tissues, is permanent.

What health problems come with being in space? ›

Several consistent medical problems have been encountered by astronauts during space flights. These include vestibular dysfunction, weight loss, increase in height, upward fluid shift, anemia, cardiovascular deconditioning, muscle atrophy, and bone loss.

What are the negative effects of space tourism? ›

Rocket emissions impact Earth's atmosphere, temperatures and the ozone layer at an unprecedented level. A 2022 study found space tourism produces black carbon particles that are almost 500 times more efficient at warming the atmosphere than all surface and airline sources of soot combined.

Why do people age slower in space? ›

Astronauts age slowly because of time-dilation effects. Time appears to move slower near massive objects because the object's gravitational force bends space-time. This phenomenon is called as gravitational time dilation which means time moves slower as the gravity increases.

Do you age slower if you travel at the speed of light? ›

Changes to time and distance

Perhaps one of the most famous effects of special relativity is that for a human moving near the speed of light, time slows down. In this scenario, a person moving at near light speed would age more slowly. This effect is called time dilation.

Do you age if you travel speed light? ›

Re: How would you age at the speed of light

The simple answer is, anything moving through space at c, equal to the speed of light in a vacuum, experiences zero time flow. If you were to travel at the speed of light, you would experience no time.

How does space travel affect the immune system? ›

Space travel weakens immune system by altering gene expression in white blood cells. Evidence is mounting that astronauts are more susceptible to infections while in space.

Is space travel beneficial to humans? ›

Direct and indirect benefits of space exploration

New technologies that can be utilized in other industries and society (such as the development of communications satellites) Improved knowledge of space and the origin of the universe. Cultural benefits.

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