Dragon Ball: 7 Anime characters stronger than Ultra Instinct Goku in their base form (2024)

Goku gets new forms as the Dragon Ball series progresses. His Ultra Instinct form seems to be his strongest upgrade yet. When Ultra Instinct was first revealed in Dragon Ball Super, it was incredibly over-powered.

With it, Goku can separate his mind from his body, so his body can move independently of his consciousness. This allows him to automatically dodge any attack aimed towards him. Ultra Instinct is used by all the strongest fighters in the Dragon Ball series.

Despite how powerful Ultra Instinct seems, it is not the greatest power in anime. There are still countless anime characters who could win against Goku in a fight without breaking a sweat.

Here is a list, in no particular order, of seven anime characters who would have no problem winning against Ultra Instinct Goku in their base form.

Note: This article is subjective and reflects the author’s opinions

7 anime characters that can take down Dragon Ball's Ultra Instinct Goku without powering up

1) Granolah

Dragon Ball: 7 Anime characters stronger than Ultra Instinct Goku in their base form (1)

Granolah is one of the newest characters introduced in the Dragon Ball Super manga, and a former antagonist. He remains the sole survivor of the Cerealian race after the Saiyans annihilated them. After he made a wish to Toronbo, he became the strongest mortal in Dragon Ball's Universe 7.

The Heeters sent him to Earth in order to fight and kill Goku and Vegeta. As they fought, it quickly became apparent to the Saiyans that he completely outmatched them.

Each of Granolah's attacks effortlessly countered Goku's Ultra Instinct form. The same happened to Vegeta as well. Ultra Ego was not nearly enough to be a threat to the new Dragon Ball villain.

2) Anos Voldigoad

Dragon Ball: 7 Anime characters stronger than Ultra Instinct Goku in their base form (2)

Anos Voldigoad is the main character in the series Misfit of Demon King Academy. With his abilities as the Demon King of Tyranny, he would not even need a fraction of his power to defeat Ultra Instint Goku. In fact, it is debatable whether he can take on the entire Dragon Ball multiverse by himself and win, including Grand Zeno and the Angels.

With the slash of Venuzdonoa, Anos can erase the reason behind something, regardless of the target's durability. If Goku is met with an attack from this sword, he will be erased instantly.

He can also destroy anything in his path with his various pairs of Eyes of Destruction. His base form is way too powerful and will absolutely destroy Ultra Instinct Goku.

3) Lord Beerus

Lord Beerus is the God of Destruction of Universe 7 and the strongest GoD. He is being trained by Whis to master Ultra Instinct. He currently has an imperfect version of Autonomous Ultra Instinct, and is also proficient in Ultra Ego. Beerus can use either of these abilities to defeat Goku in a purely martial arts battle.

However, Beerus can also use the Energy of Destruction, or Hakai. Goku has resisted a Hakai attack before in the Resurrection 'F' movie, but he has never faced one like Beerus'.

Beerus would simply overwhelm Goku's resistance to destruction and erase his physical body and soul, preventing him from coming back to life.

4) Featherine Augustus Aurora

Dragon Ball: 7 Anime characters stronger than Ultra Instinct Goku in their base form (3)

Featherine Augustus Aurora is Tohya Hachijo's witch form in the Umineko series. Since she has the rank of Creator, she can create whatever she wants and manipulate the laws of reality. She can even rewrite events involving her in the present time.

To defeat Goku, Featherine would just write him out of existence. The witch could make it as if Goku never existed through a task as simple as writing.

However, she has a weakness. The object floating around her head is a memory device, and if Goku were to damage it, she would mostly have a completely different personality. This is Goku's only way of surviving a fight with the Creator Witch.

5) Deus Ex Machina

Dragon Ball: 7 Anime characters stronger than Ultra Instinct Goku in their base form (4)

Deus ex machina is the most powerful character in Future Diary. He is known as the ruler of Time and Space. His control over these domains allows him to create the Future Diaries.

Due to his ability to warp reality, he can defeat Ultra Instinct Goku as easily as Featherine. If he so chooses, he will be able to simply rewrite existence and make sure to not include Goku. This would completely erase Goku and leave no trace of the Saiyan ever existing.

Ultra Instinct cannot protect him from this type of power and is completely useless in this situation.

6) Whis

Dragon Ball: 7 Anime characters stronger than Ultra Instinct Goku in their base form (5)

Since Whis is part of the Angel race, he is automatically one of the strongest characters in the Dragon Ball series. He is in a constant state of perfected Ultra Instinct, so few characters can lay a finger on him.

During his training sessions with Whis, Goku attacks with all of his might, but can never close the insurmountable gap between him and Whis.

However, since the Angels may not engage mortals in combat, Whis will have to try to drain Goku's stamina. This is possible for an Angel like Whis, but it will take an immensely long time.

7) Madoka Kaname

Dragon Ball: 7 Anime characters stronger than Ultra Instinct Goku in their base form (6)

Madoka Kaname is a magical girl from the popular anime Madoka Magica. Despite her young appearance, she is incredibly powerful. At the beginning of the show, she has a timid nature, but as the series progresses, she grows and matures.

Through her experiences and battles, her shy personality morphs into one of confidence and courage.

Madoka has various abilities that help her protect the ones she loves, but she only needs one of them to defeat Ultra Instinct Goku.

Void Manipulation gave her the ability to make an entire multiverse cease to exist just by writing it out of existence. She can also erase incredibly powerful beings on a conceptual level without difficulty.

Ultra Instinct Goku would cower in the sight of power like Madoka's.

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Edited by Saman


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Dragon Ball: 7 Anime characters stronger than Ultra Instinct Goku in their base form (2024)


Who is stronger than Goku Ultra Instinct? ›

So yeah, Gohan Beast is easily crushing Ultra Instinct Goku. He's multiple tiers ahead in power and has evidence for being stronger than even Black Freeza.

How much stronger is ultra instinct than base form? ›

Ultra Instinct Sign is a 300,000,000 times multiplier from base form, 60 times stronger than SSJ Blue. Then we get to Perfected Ultra Instinct, far stronger than Ultra Instinct Sign and stronger than Full Power Jiren. He effortlessly blocks and dodges Jiren, and pummels him during the fight.

Which anime character can beat Goku ultra instinct? ›

One character who has a proven track record of defeating Ultra Instinct Goku is Frieza. In one of the manga's more recent arcs, Frieza was shown having achieved a brand new Frieza Black transformation, making him several times more powerful than his previous Golden Frieza form.

What is Goku's base form in ultra instinct? ›

In order for Goku to achieve Ultra Instinct (Sign or Completed), he has to enter his limit-breaking form, which is indeed in his base form (unlike for Vegeta, who entered his limit-breaking form in SSB). Whenever Goku uses UI~Sign or CUI, the power he's accessing is significantly more latent than any of the SSJ forms.

Could Goku beat Saitama? ›

Even if Goku was able to use his highest form of power, Saitama's one-punch certainty means a fight wouldn't last for long. If we are to take Saitama's power and accuracy at face value, it almost doesn't matter who his opponent is — he would win outright.

Can Goku beat Death Note? ›

No, the death note cannot kill goku. By the rules, it is stated that the death note can only kill humans. Goku is a saiyan, not a human.

Is SSJ5 stronger than true ultra instinct? ›

Although SSJ5 was never Canon what was said about it made it way more powerful than Ultra Instinct. At least True Ultra Instinct which was what we saw in DBS. We didn't saw Mastered Ultra Instinct but rather True Ultra Instinct being achieved.

Would Kaioken work with ultra instinct? ›

Goku's Ultra Instinct form can be made even stronger by using the Kaio-ken technique. Goku has previously used the Kaio-ken to boost his god-like powers during the Dragon Ball Super anime.

Is Super Saiyan 100 more powerful than Ultra Instinct? ›

Ultra Instinct is FAR more powerful than Super Saiyan.

Can Goku beat Itachi Uchiha? ›

Itachi would probably lose to Goku in strict hand-to-hand combat, although he could hold his own for a while, but Itachi's true strength lies in his non-physical capabilities.

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A few overpowered abilities won't protect Gojo. The only attack Gojo might defeat Goku with is the Infinite Void, and since Goku doesn't have a counter like the shadow clone or illus…

Who can defeat anos? ›

Angewomon is the living embodiment of Anos' greatest weakness. Being one of the holy Digimon, she has a few powerful holy abilities in her arsenal, as well as the ability to digivolve one more time if necessary.

Can Vegeta unlock Ultra Instinct? ›

Vegeta and Whis both have basically indicated that Ultra Instinct isn't Vegeta's style and isn't suited for him. It wouldn't take a major "heart" change, but it would take a significant change in the way Vegeta approaches combat. It's possible ? Yes, it's going to happen most likely no.

Can Goku ever beat Beerus? ›

If Bulma forces Beerus to have diarrhea, he will be too preoccupied to destroy Earth, making her the only one who can defeat him. While Dragon Ball's Goku has unlocked god-like powers of his own, he still doesn't stand a chance against Lord Beerus, the God of Destruction if the two were to ever fight again.

What is Goku's 3 form? ›

Goku transforms into Super Saiyan 3 form after having battled Beerus as Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan 2 but none of them were causing an effect. Even though his power and speed were increased by a huge amount in this form, it was not enough to even match with Beerus' skills.

Can Goku surpass ultra instinct? ›

Summary. Goku's latest power-up in Dragon Ball Super surpasses Ultra Instinct and takes the form of a giant Goku-shaped aura avatar. The Granolah arc's antagonist, Gas, has a power that allows him to materialize physical limbs and weapons, shedding light on Goku's newfound form.

Can ultra instinct Goku beat? ›

Can Goku be defeated in Ultra Instinct form? He is much stronger and faster than the sayan, and he is a normal angel no more powerful than the others. Grand Priest and Zeno are much stronger than Whis, so they can easily beat Goku by simple logic.

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