Drills To Increase Vertical Jump To Become More Explosive (2024)

Being explosive is an important quality for athletes to possess, particularly for those who want to increase vertical jump. This is because explosiveness is what allows athletes to generate the power and force necessary to propel themselves off the ground and into the air. Increasing your vertical jump can be beneficial for a variety of sports, as it can help you perform better in activities that require jumping or leaping, such as basketball, volleyball, and track and field events.

There are several ways to increase vertical jump, including strength training exercises, plyometric drills, and practicing proper jumping technique. By focusing on increasing your explosiveness, you can improve your performance in any sport. See more information on Vertical Jump Training.

You can do these exercises with VertIMax using your own body weight with the patented consistent resistance. Other equipment can also be used like kettlebells, squat racks, free-weights, etc.

Read on to increase your vertical jump with the following:

1. Explosive Plyometric Drills

2. Proper Technique

3. Basic Strength Training

Drills To Increase Vertical Jump To Become More Explosive (1)

Explosive Plyometric Drills To Increase Vertical Jump

Plyometric training, also known as jump training, is a type of exercise that focuses on explosive movements and power. It involves quick, powerful movements that use the stretch-shortening cycle to generate force. By maximizing muscle contractions and strengthening the fast-twitch muscle fibers you convert strength into speed. When an athlete increases their tendon strength, they not only become more explosive, but this helps reduce injuries as well.

Below are 8 great drills to increase vertical jump to be more explosive.

1. Lateral Skater Jumps

When playing sports an athlete is constantly moving side-to-side. Lateral skater jump drills will help improve sports performance for those athletes that frequently change direction, cut, and pivot. Intent is critical here and the athlete needs to give effort with minimal ground contact.

Drills To Increase Vertical Jump To Become More Explosive (2)

2. Single Leg Bounds

Single leg bounds help athletes increase leg strength, power, explosive coordination and sprint speed. Make sure the athlete aims for maximum power and minimum ground contact time on each repetition.

Drills To Increase Vertical Jump To Become More Explosive (3)

3. Squat Jumps

The squat jump is actually used quite a bit to measure lower-body power. As well as improve explosive hip extension which is the foundation of athletic movement.

Drills To Increase Vertical Jump To Become More Explosive (4)

4. Tuck Jumps

A more advanced exercise than the squat jump is the tuck jump. When the knees are tucked during the movement the athlete increases abdominal and hip flexor activity which can help develop motor mechanics that are used during an athletes sport.

Drills To Increase Vertical Jump To Become More Explosive (5)

5. Depth Jumps

Depth jumps are another great jump training drill to improve reactive strength as well as one of the best jump exercises to increase an athlete's vertical jump.

Drills To Increase Vertical Jump To Become More Explosive (6)

6. Split Squat Jumps

This jumping movement is a movement that involves the ankles, knees, and hip flexing to produce triple extension. This jump training drill will help the athlete support themselves on one leg explosively.

Drills To Increase Vertical Jump To Become More Explosive (7)

7. Broad Jumps

The standing long jump (broad jump) is the test used in the NFL combine. It’s used to test for explosive leg power. One key to the broad jump is maintaining your balance at the end of each jump.

Drills To Increase Vertical Jump To Become More Explosive (8)

8. Rotational Box Jump

This drill will help with landing coordination as well as develop explosive leg power.

Jump training drills and plyometrics require limited no equipment and can be done just about anywhere. Adding the VertiMax resistance increase load production and explosiveness. These drills can easily be implemented into any training regiment. If you want to find more drills check out the VertiMax App which includes drills for every sport.

Drills To Increase Vertical Jump To Become More Explosive (9)

Proper Jumping Technique & Form

To maximize your vertical jump, it's important to practice proper jumping technique.Some tips for improving your jumping technique include:

  1. Start With A Strong Base

    Make sure you have a solid foundation by planting your feet shoulder-width apart and keeping your knees bent.

  2. Swing Your Arms

    Swinging your arms can help generate momentum and assist in the upward movement of your jump.

  3. Use Your Hips

    Your hips should be the main source of power for your jump. As you jump, push your hips forward and up to help generate more height.

  4. Keep Feet Together In The Jump

    Jumping with your feet together can help you jump higher because it allows you to use all of your lower body muscles to generate force.

  5. Land Softly

    When landing, try to absorb the impact by bending your knees and landing softly on the balls of your feet.

Basic Strength Training Exercises To Increase Vertical Jump

Strength training exercise involves using resistance to increase muscle strength and size. It can be done using resistance bands, weights, such as barbells and dumbbells, or using bodyweight exercises. Strength training can help increase your vertical jump by improving the strength and power of your lower body muscles, which are important for jumping.

It's important to focus on compound exercises that involve multiple muscle groups, as these will provide the most benefit for increasing your vertical jump. It's also important to progressively increase the weight or difficulty of the exercises as you get stronger.

Strength training exercises can be performed using VertiMaxSome examples of strength training exercises that can help increase your vertical jump include:

  1. Squats

    Squats are a great exercise for improving lower body strength and power, which can help you jump higher. You can perform squats with your own bodyweight. To progress, you can do squats with VertiMax and/or other equipment like a barbell, squat rack, kettlebells.
  2. Lunges

    Lunges are another effective exercise for building lower body strength. You can do forward, reverse, or lateral lunges to target different muscle groups. Again you can use a VertiMax in addition to barbells, squat racks, free weights or kettlebells.
  3. Leg Press

    The leg press machine is a good option for targeting the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, which are all important muscles for jumping.
  4. Calf Raises

    Strong calf muscles can also help improve your vertical jump, as they help you push off the ground with more force. You can do calf raises with a barbell or just your bodyweight.
  5. Step-Ups

    Step-ups are another exercise that can help improve lower body strength and power. You can use a bench or a step for this exercise. You can add VertiMax resistance for more progression options.

Drills To Increase Vertical Jump To Become More Explosive (10)

If you want to find more jump training drills check out the VertiMax App which includes drills for every sport. To learn more about how VertiMax equipment can increase your vertical jump to become more explosive check out the link below.

Drills To Increase Vertical Jump To Become More Explosive (2024)


Drills To Increase Vertical Jump To Become More Explosive? ›

The secret to jumping high is found in physics. Increasing your vertical jump comes down to one simple concept: Increase your overall power-to-body weight ratio. If you can do this, your vertical jump will scientifically have to increase.

What is the secret to increasing vertical jump? ›

The secret to jumping high is found in physics. Increasing your vertical jump comes down to one simple concept: Increase your overall power-to-body weight ratio. If you can do this, your vertical jump will scientifically have to increase.

How to add 6 inches to your vertical? ›

Strength exercises are slow, controlled movements. The best strength exercises for increasing the vertical jump are squats, lunges and step ups. These are the best because they are compound movements, which work the knee joint and the hip joint at the same time.

What are jumping drills done to improve power? ›

Plyometrics are exercises that involve a jumping or explosive movement. For example, skipping, bounding, jumping rope, hopping, lunges, jump squats, and clap push-ups are all examples of plyometric exercises.

How do you train explosively? ›

Standard explosive exercises use large muscle movements such as squats, power cleans, weighted or unweighted vertical jumps, heavy ball throws, or even hill sprinting.
Explosive exercises that help build power include:
  1. Plyometrics.
  2. Squats.
  3. Weighted/dynamic step ups.
  4. Overhead walking lunges.
  5. Sprints.
  6. Agility drills.
Sep 27, 2022

How hard is it to get a 40 inch vertical? ›

99% of players will never have a 40-inch vertical, no matter how hard they train. And it's highly unlikely you'll double your vertical jump with those programs in the next 12 weeks.

How much can you realistically increase your vertical jump? ›

If you're intermediate (have trained for 1-2 years), you can realistically increase your vertical jump by around six inches over the next 6 months. For someone who's advanced, (training for more than 2 years), training can get you somewhere around 4 more inches on your vert.

How can I increase my vertical jump in 7 days? ›

Keeping your weight on your heels, push your hips back and flex your knees. As you lower yourself, attempt to place your stomach between your legs. Go down a comfortable distance, then stand back up. To improve your vertical jump, aim for sets of 4-12 reps at 70-85 percent of your maximum.

Can everyone get a 30 inch vertical? ›

The truth is your genetics do dictate your potential to jump. Muscle fiber type and CNS efficiency are just two examples of traits that will ultimately determine how high you can jump, both of which are nearly impossible to see just by looking at someone. Not everyone can have a 30 inch vertical, much less a 40 or 50.

Which type of training improves jumping ability and explosiveness? ›

Plyometric training, also known as jump training, is a type of exercise that focuses on explosive movements and power.

Do box jumps help vertical? ›

Because a box jump is a plyometric movement that provides many benefits. It helps your client build more lower body strength. It increases their explosive power and speed and improves their vertical jump.

Is explosive power genetic? ›

On the other hand, scientists confirm that explosiveness, which is dependent on muscle architecture and fibre composition of the body, is genetically determined. The role played by genetic factors in many features of athletic performance has been discussed in greater depth worldwide.

How many reps for explosive work? ›

The design for improving explosive power calls for the exerciser to complete three to five sets of one or two repetitions of each exercise. Guidelines from the National Strength and Conditioning Association (2008) suggest working at an intensity of 80% to 90% of 1RM with three to five minutes of rest between sets.

How can I add 4 inches to my vertical? ›

How to Add 4 Inches to Your Vertical Jump in Two Weeks
  1. A heavy strength exercise.
  2. A powerful plyometric exercise.
  3. A light and fast strength exercise.
  4. A fast and quick plyometric, or even overspeed plyometric exercise.
Dec 7, 2016

Is it possible to add 5 inches to your vertical? ›

Some of the results have been incredible. I had two athletes put 5 inches on their vertical in 2-3 weeks. After the athletes have the basic ankle rocker down and single leg squats, we move into the following workout. The first exercise is what we call an ankle rocker pop.

Do heavy squats increase vertical? ›

But, does the squat make you jump higher? Yes, building strength in the squat has been shown to increase vertical jump performance by 12.4% after only 8-weeks of squat training. When comparing the squat with other lower body exercises, such as the leg press, the squat is 3.5X more effective in increasing jump results.

What's the average NBA vertical? ›

The average NBA vertical leap is 28" (71 cm). Below is a list of some of the reported top scores by a variety of NBA players. These results have not been confirmed, and are probably a mix of running leaps and some from standing starts. Some of these scores were originally listed on Vertcoach.com.

Does anyone have a 60 inch vertical? ›

The 6-foot-7 athlete stared down a 60-inch platform. Clarke took two steps then leapt five feet into the air to complete the box jump. Even he was shocked he jumped that high.

Has anyone ever had a 50 inch vertical? ›

Volleyball player Leonel Marshall reportedly has a 50" (127 cm) vertical leap from standing.

Does vertical jump increase with age? ›

Vertical jumping power declines with advancing age, which is theoretically explicable by loss of muscle mass and increases in body fat.

Can gaining weight increase vertical? ›

For a 170 pound athlete, a fat gain of 3.4 pounds (2%), could result in a vertical jump height loss of 2 inches, and a 40 yard dash time increase of 0.26 seconds. If you are not familiar with the 40 yard dash, 0.26 seconds is an eternity.

Do calf raises improve vertical? ›

Doing calf raises will definitely improve your vertical jump. However, knowing that your calves counts between 10 to 20% in your vertical, doing hundreds of repetitions of calf raises won't do you any good. As a consequence calf raises should be part of your workout but only secondary.

How can I increase my vertical jump by 2 inches? ›

Increase Your Vertical Jump by 2 Inches
  1. Forward lunge with forearm to opposite instep.
  2. Backward lunge with rotation.
  3. Jackknife/inchworm.
  4. Knee to chest.
  5. Toe touch.
  6. Straight leg march.
  7. Straight leg march with skipping.
  8. Lateral shuffle with countermovement.
Nov 14, 2011

Do ankle weights help vertical? ›

Unfortunately, ankle weights do not help your vertical.

Can shoes increase your vertical? ›

The vast majority of athletic footwear companies focus their research and development efforts on shock absorption and cushioning. While this is clearly important in the manufacture of athletic footwear, it does little to help increase the vertical leap of an athlete.

What sport has the highest vertical? ›

Pole vault is classified as a major jumping event in athletics. But unlike the other jumping events, it requires specialized equipment in order to participate, such as a flexible pole used as an aid to jump over a bar.

What race has the highest vertical jump? ›

The results showed that the values of vertical jump height and maximal power were higher for Afro-Caribbean participants (62.92 ± 6.7 cm and 14.70 ± 1.75 W∙kg-1) than for Caucasian ones (52.92 ± 4.4 cm and 12.75 ± 1.36 W∙kg-1).

How rare is a 50 inch vertical? ›

While it is possible for an individual to achieve a vertical jump of 50 inches, it is quite rare and would likely require a combination of genetic predisposition, extensive training, and a high level of athleticism. Even among professional basketball players, only a small percentage can jump over 50 inches.

How high can an average man jump? ›

What is the average vertical jump height? The average vertical jump height is determined by a number of different factors, including muscle strength and flexibility, as well as overall body fitness. Generally speaking, the average vertical jump for both men and women tends to be around 20-30 inches tall.

How do you train vertical? ›

10 Exercises to Improve Your Vertical Jump
  1. ½ Kneel to Single-Leg Hop. ...
  2. Drop Squats with Posterior Arm Throws. ...
  3. Broad Jump to High Jump. ...
  4. Lateral Bound to Jump. ...
  5. 180º Jumps. ...
  6. Back Leg Elevated Single-Leg Jumps. ...
  7. Tuck Jumps. ...
  8. Mountain Climbers.
Apr 26, 2023

What muscles make you jump higher? ›

Your quads and hamstrings are your primary thrusters. But if you want to jump higher, it's equally important to awaken and strengthen assisting muscles—your calves, the muscles around your hips, and your glutes.

Do high knees help you jump higher? ›

Your knees and ankles are the key to jumping higher, according to a new study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. A vertical jump involves “triple extension”—fully extending the ankles, knees, and hips.

Can jump squats increase vertical jump? ›

Squat jumps are an easy way to increase your vertical jump. Instead of a small dip you'll go all the way into a deep squat, forcing your body to produce loads of force on the way. Get good at these and vertical jumps will feel easy by comparison.

Do jumping jacks help with explosiveness? ›

Having a variety of jumping jacks to do is a great way to increase explosive movements, endurance and coordination.

What are explosive exercises called? ›

Plyometrics are explosive exercises that increase speed, quickness and power. Most exercises include “jumping,” in which the muscles exert maximal effort and force in short bouts or intervals of time.

Is 40 inches a good box jump? ›

Higher boxes are not better!

A great starting point for most athletes is around 18 to 30 inches. Of course the box height will vary somewhat depending on individual jumping ability. Younger athletes might need to drop down to 12-18 inches. While someone with a 36”+ vertical might want to go a bit higher than 30".

How to do box jumps for explosiveness? ›

Step Down From The Box
  1. Set a box on the floor that's roughly knee height. ...
  2. Stand with your feet about hip-width apart. ...
  3. As soon as you feel your body drop into a half-squat position, explode upward, extending your hips and knees and throwing your arms up and forward to jump off the floor.
Nov 23, 2022

Does explosive training increase vertical? ›

Being explosive is an important quality for athletes to possess, particularly for those who want to increase vertical jump. This is because explosiveness is what allows athletes to generate the power and force necessary to propel themselves off the ground and into the air.

Do fast reps increase explosiveness? ›

In contrast, executing repetitions at a fast tempo is associated with increasing max strength, explosive power, and speed. For example, if you're looking to improve your one-rep max in pull ups, dips, squats, or even increase your explosive power in the vertical jump, this approach would be ideal for you.

Do explosive squats help vertical? ›

This is a superb exercise for developing strength, balance, and full body mobility. Jump squats are an explosive squat variation that can be performed for increased power output and vertical jump height.

Is it hard to get a 40 inch vertical? ›

99% of players will never have a 40-inch vertical, no matter how hard they train. And it's highly unlikely you'll double your vertical jump with those programs in the next 12 weeks.

Will dunking everyday increase vertical? ›

Yes, jumping every day will increase your vertical jump, but volume and intensity need to be strategically programed to allow your body to recover.

Does stretching increase your vert? ›

Conclusions: Dynamic stretching is recommended in the warm-up to increase vertical jump performance, while specific static stretching should be pursued in the final phase of the training session being a specific technical work for range of motion.

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.