Dutch Alphabet Guide: Learn Every Letter - Busuu (2024)

Introducing the Dutch alphabet, pronunciation tips included

Letter Letter name Pronunciation tips
A ah as in bad or bath
B bay changes from a b sound to a p sound at the end of a word, as in web (web, pronounced “wehp”)
C say makes an s sound before i, e, and y; makes a k sound before consonants and a, o, u
D day changes from a d sound to a t sound at the end of a word woord (word, pronounced “woort”)
E eh as in lesson
F eff as in farmer
G ghay a guttural g/ch in the back of the throat like a Scottish loch
H haa as in hand
I ee as in sit
J yay as in you
K kha as in kite
L ell as in letter
M em as in mug
N en as in note. At the end of a word, ns are often silent or very light. The common suffix -en to make a word plural doesn’t pronounce the n.
O oh as in sock or doctor
P pay as in parrot
Q koo as in quest. Q is only used on borrowed words and is always used together with the letter u.
R ehr as in reason
S ess as in set
T tay as in team
U oo as in food
V vay Most commonly as in veal, but can take an f sound depending on the region and placement in the word.
W way The Dutch w is a cross between an English w and v sound. The top teeth should touch the bottom lip without making a vibration.
X ex as in six. Only used in borrowed words.
Y ei as in hi. Only used in borrowed words.
Z zet as in zebra

Dutch Alphabet Guide: Learn Every Letter - Busuu (1)

Long vowels in Dutch

Like English, Dutch has some tricky vowel combinations. Dutch has several common vowel combinations that turn a short vowel into a long one:

  • A > aa (as in father, but longer). For example: kaas (cheese)
  • E > ee (as in hail). For example: een (a/one)
  • O > oo (as in rose). For example: boot (boat)
  • U > uu (as in poor). For example: muur (wall)
  • I > ie (as in sheep). For example: bier (beer)

It’s important to master the difference in sounds since the words can take on different meanings. Here are a few examples:

  • Man (man) – maan (moon)
  • Les (lesson) – lees (read)
  • Vis (fish) – vies (dirty/disgusting)
  • Zon (sun) – zoon (son)
  • Bom (bomb) – boom (tree)
  • Bos (woods) – boos (angry)

IJ in Dutch

In Dutch, there are three ways to make this common sound: first, with the letter y, second with the vowel combination ei, and third with the digraph ij. What’s a digraph? A digraph is two letters used together that make a unique sound – like “ph” in English.

IJ and ei make the same sound in Dutch. An example is brein (brain) or vijf (five). To pronounce this sound, start by saying the two individual sounds—“eh” and “ee”. Now, blend them together to make ij. You should still be able to hear each distinct sound in shortened form. You’ve got it!

How do you pronounce words in Dutch?

Using the sounds you’ve just learned, can you figure out how to say these common Dutch words?

Heerlijk (delicious)Remember your long vowels and the ij sound? Put it all together to say “hair-leik”

Spreek (speak)This is pronounced “spraik,” as in Ik spreek Engels.

Jaar (year)Remember that the Dutch j sounds like y? You would say this word “yahr” –very close to its English equivalent. In fact, you'll notice many Dutch words are more familiar to English speakers in spoken form than in writing.

Dutch Alphabet Guide: Learn Every Letter - Busuu (2024)
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