Expanded presumptive disability benefits for Vietnam Veterans - VA News (2024)

Vietnam Veterans may be eligible for expanded VA disability compensation under the PACT Act, a law passed in 2022 which increases access to VA benefits and health care for Veterans exposed to toxic substances during their military service.

If you are a Vietnam Veteran who served in any of the locations below, you may qualify for disability compensation due to certain medical conditions. VA considers these “presumptive locations”—meaning that if you served in any of these places during the specified time periods, you do not have to prove that you were exposed to toxins, such as Agent Orange. VA automatically assumes you were.

Qualifying presumptive locations and dates include:

* represents new locations added under the PACT Act

  • Republic of Vietnam or on a vessel operating not more than 12 nautical miles seaward from the demarcation line of the waters of Vietnam and Cambodia between Jan. 9, 1962, and May 7, 1975
  • Korean demilitarized zone (DMZ) between Sept. 1, 1967, and Aug. 31, 1971
  • Air Force or Air Force Reserve Veterans who regularly and repeatedly operated, maintained or served aboard a C-123 aircraft known to have been used for spraying herbicides.
  • *Any U.S. or Royal Thai military base in Thailand from Jan. 9, 1962, through June 30, 1976
  • *Laos from Dec. 1, 1965, through Sept. 30, 1969
  • *Cambodia at Mimot or Krek, Kampong Cham Province from April 16, 1969, through April 30, 1969
  • *Guam or American Samoa, or in the territorial waters off Guam or American Samoa from Jan. 9, 1962, through July 31, 1980
  • *Johnston Atoll or on a ship that called at Johnston Atoll from Jan. 1, 1972, through Sept. 30, 1977

If you were exposed to Agent Orange—or have a presumption of exposure—and experience any of the below medical conditions, you may be eligible for VA disability compensation. VA considers these to be “presumptive conditions”—meaning that you do not have to prove that the condition was caused by your military service if you served in one of the locations and time periods listed above.

Qualifying presumptive conditions include:

* represents new conditions added under the PACT Act

  • AL amyloidosis
  • B-cell leukemia
  • Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
  • Chloracne (or other acne-form disease consistent with chloracne)
  • Early-onset peripheral neuropathy
  • Multiple myeloma
  • Type 2 diabetes mellitus
  • Hodgkin’s disease
  • Ischemic heart disease (including but not limited to, coronary artery disease and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease)
  • Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Parkinsonism
  • Porphyria cutanea tarda
  • Prostate cancer
  • Respiratory cancers
  • Soft-tissue sarcoma (not including osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, Kaposi’s sarcoma or mesothelioma)
  • Bladder cancer
  • Hypothyroidism
  • *High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • *Monoclonal gammopathy of underdetermined significance (MGUS)

Learn more

You can learn more about PACT Act benefits for Vietnam Veterans and how to file a claim for disability compensation by visiting VA’s PACT Act website or calling 1-800-698-2411.

Visit VA’s Vietnam Veterans website at benefits.va.gov/PERSONA/veteran-vietnam.asp to learn more about how VA supports Vietnam Veterans.

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CompensationVietnam Veterans

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  1. Edward DobbersteinApril 15, 2023 at 23:57

    The results of my application for HTN coverage under the PACT Act were just like so many others. Approved at zero percent.
    The explanation states:
    “A higher evaluation of 10 percent is not warranted for hypertensive vascular disease unless the evidence shows:
    1A history of diastolic pressure predominantly 100 or more and there is a requirement for continuous medication for control: or
    2Diastolic pressure predominantly 100 or more: or,
    3Systolic pressure predominantly 160 or more. “
    Of course my blood pressure readings were below these limits because I am under continuous medication to keep my BP under control. Without the medication I would probably qualify. I asked before I went for testing if I should go off the meds and they said “no”. Therefore the three days of readings I was told to bring with me and the reading at the testing facility were all within limits.
    I have been on “ continuous medication for control” as required by all my doctors since 2006.
    So what it amounts to is, the VA will only give me my 10% for HTN if I have HBP and am not taking any medication to control it.
    This whole testing system is flawed and needs to be challenged.

  2. Harold SmithApril 13, 2023 at 16:47

    I filed a supplement in Aug from when I was denied several years ago for high blood pressure and was approved for 10%, but was denied no increase in benefits and no back pay. So the Pact act was a waste of time for me and some fellow Vietnam Veterans I know.

  3. Phillip BennieApril 13, 2023 at 12:38

    Great Service!

  4. Rodney StiegApril 3, 2023 at 18:26

    Ya sure, I filed a legitimate claim for both hypothyroidism and hypertension. Both were accepted and approved, but at 0%. Did get approved for diabetes years ago but at 20%, I see some others got approved at 100%. I take 3 different drugs for diabetes, and it is barely controlled. These claims of compensation for service related disability are hogwash. This is disgusting.

  5. horace wynnApril 3, 2023 at 10:58

    Have called the number. Much confusion of we Vietnam vets Agent Orange registry veterans will need to resubmit to be included new PACT program or are our registry listings brought forward. Answer on phone was just submit claims. This is sill resubmit claims already settles for new program??? We could use clarification and quidance and the folks answer phone just haven’t any answer besides submit claims. Takes u years on claims now what happens when we all resubmit??

  6. Alexander Yaron, Jr.April 2, 2023 at 14:12

    Since I am 100% service connected for PTSD, does this new law add to that since I also have and have had some of the physical conditions listed above. Thanks.

  7. Lonny LambApril 2, 2023 at 12:59

    I’ve had High blood pressure (hypertension) since my 30s. During the 60s I spent a total of one year in Guam, Tahkli AFB Thailand and Utapao AFB Thailand. I applied under the PACT act and received a 0% compensatable rating. Which means there are no benefits. Why list hypertension as a Qualifying presumptive conditions you get no benefits for applying. A total waist of my time!

  8. DonaldApril 2, 2023 at 06:53

    Thank you!

  9. Steve HansenApril 1, 2023 at 15:41

    How come thyroid cancer is not considered in these diseases

  10. Booker T LakesMarch 31, 2023 at 23:17

    Why does it take so in long to get an answer from the board when you have a number of the presumptive conditions. Are they waiting on me to die. I joined in 1972, but was not sent to Vietnam. I had contact at Fort Ord. I have 8 of the presumptive conditions. I have 3 Honorable Discharges.

  11. Eugene (Gene) BurkhammerMarch 31, 2023 at 16:48

    I am a Vietnam veteran and was in a 101st Airborne unit which worked with agent orange daily. I have a 60% SCD due to a leg injury from an attack at our base camp in Phu Bai (in 1969). I am grateful to be receiving that & did not think about asking for anything further until I was diagnosed with A Fib & have been on HBP meds & blood thinners the past 5 years. I heard that heart issues, including a fib, has been found to be connected to agent orange exposure. What makes me consider that possibility is that my parents died in their 90s with no heart issues. I believe this strong consideration to my Vietnam experience might very well be connected to my heart issues, which have caused my latter years to be compromised & limited.

  12. Mary Dellegar RNMarch 31, 2023 at 16:29

    Please add to list acoustic neuroma (brain tumor) and low B/P Hypotension with syncopy. The VA system is not prepared in clinic , to give IV fluids or 02, much less Defibrillate yes, that’s the right word. Unable to DX or treat rare diseases and refused to treat blood in urine until culture 48hr. Went to local ER ,admitted septic next day.
    Refused to listen to wife (R N).
    Falling 5 X a day …..Parkinson ….go home. Private MD DX acoustic neuroma with MRI. Once again dismissed
    RN wife with Nero rehabilitation work x 5yrs. The Drs not all bad; but most don’t want to be bothered. Movement disorder MD esp just handed out same old pills. Had to beg 6 mo for U Step walker, power lift, wheel chair, and during Covid locked down NOLA hospital and all Clinics refused to see Veteran. No PT, no M D, lost catheter orders for 60 days ,no home health; had to beg for routine labs, Finally new MD refused to refill antibiotic and died for $1.00 refill. DX by private MD best in 5 states with Parkinson and listed by social sucurity Dept as 100% disabled. He had to prove with 5 diff MD over 3 days that he was disabled. He was in bad shape with Hypotension and VA E R had to give bolus liter IV, antibiotic and respiratory treatment over 2.5 hrs before stable enough to make hr. Long trip home with RN wife!
    There has to be a better way to treat documented Vets to system for medical and compensation.
    He was refused Van for occupied wheelchair, did not get VA reports? And short of VA staff in that department

  13. Roy CristMarch 31, 2023 at 11:52

    I am currently rated 100% disabled, A Vietnam Vet.

    I have been told that the PACT act cannot offer me any further benefits,

    Is that true or not?

    • PETER SAMOLINApril 1, 2023 at 10:36


  14. Emory HamptonMarch 31, 2023 at 11:26

    Even though hypertension is now presumptive, they still use the old standards for qualifying. Even if you have a cardiologist diagnosis of hypertension with complications such as an aortic aneurysm

    • PETER SAMOLINApril 1, 2023 at 10:41


  15. Douglas HumphreyMarch 30, 2023 at 23:48

    After 50 years I don’t know what to say. My wife claims that I’m not the man she married after coming home from Vietnam.. Like many of you I also don’t like ” THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE” I guess I shouldn’t wear my veterans hat, I don’t know why Jane Fonda wasn’t treated as a traitor, or why President Jimmy Carter allowing draft dodgers to come back home when those cowards ran for Canada, and allowing those with less then an honorable discharge to have their discharges upgrade. Lastly being lied to by our government about telling us service members who saved lifes were brought home, soldiers our service dogs left for food to the Vietnamese. I have learned the lies will never stop and the fingers won’t point to the guilty. I was in Hue and Phu Bai 71 and 72

  16. danny hiltonMarch 30, 2023 at 15:58

    I am looking for that schedule that shows how much disability you qualify for based on how many times you have to get up at night and how many times you change adult diapers

    • John MartinApril 3, 2023 at 18:06

      Look up 38 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) on google.

  17. Bill HibbettMarch 30, 2023 at 15:01

    The Pact Act has caused a huge surge in applications so it won’t be quick, but it is worth it to reapply. Since the exposure to Agent Orange is presumptive as long as your DD214 shows you served in RVN you qualify, but what % of compensation really depends on additional complications.
    No matter how long it takes to get processed the award will be retroactive to the date you applied.
    I applied online a few years ago, didn’t use an advocate and a few months later got a call to schedule an exam. I have Diabetes with several complications. It took another few months for the appointment but after that it was 3weeks for a rating approval of 100% retroactive to the date of application. My first check was $32,000.00.
    There was a note in the award notification stating that the date of application was used because they had no medical evidence of an earlier diagnosis. I sent private medical records showing I had been diagnosed many years earlier. The VA granted me an additional year and received another check of $32,000.00. On top of my %4,200.00 monthly check. I believe if I just had diabetes without the complications the award would have only been 20% or less.
    I have 2 friends who have re applied since the pact Act was signed. They were denied in the past. One of them receives $500.00 per month because he worked with the latrine burn pits, the other is currently awaiting evaluation on his Agent orange exposure complications.

  18. dave vandenlangenbergMarch 30, 2023 at 14:40

    the va is just waiting for us to die off. know people from bagdad and there getting 100% and ahuge pay check per month, they seem fine to me water skiing. was on clean up detail in da nag, all i got was a f u

    • PETER SAMOLINApril 1, 2023 at 10:44


  19. Ken BloomMarch 30, 2023 at 14:03

    The Pact Act is a step in the right direction. But don’t get your hopes up. I developed Hypothyroidism about 1997. I applied for a rating and got ZERO%. We have requested further evaluation but was again turned down. I have a number of the symptoms associated with the condition but keep getting refused for other than the zero % rating. I will continue to fight for this rating and hope we came get to help all of the veterans that have developed this condition.

    To get more help, try your county veterans service people instead of the VFW. They have been very good working with me in gathering information and submitting it. It’s just the bureaucracy that doesn’t want us to have what we deserve for defending our country at slave wages.

    • Rolando B. SimsuangcoMarch 31, 2023 at 22:26

      Mr. Ken Bloom, If I may ask..had VA accepted and awarded you compensation for your HYPOTHYROIDISM? I have it (still) since Oct. 1999..started with Levothyroxin 75mcg and increased to 150mcg taken daily with an empty stomach…preferably before breakfast. It was adopted by VA as a disease attributed to Agent Orange. I claimed for it Aug ’22 and haven’t got any response on it. I am keeping my fingers crossed…my hope is not lessened….

  20. Steven K JonesMarch 30, 2023 at 13:46

    Why on earth are Vietnam vets not covered for exposure to burn pits? I was exposed daily, the entire time I was stationed in Vietnam, and I now have COPD (recognized as a presumptive disease from exposure to burn pits). Apparently, the VA doesn’t recognize that burn pits in Vietman had the same toxic affects as burn pits in Iraq or Afghanistan. Makes no sense to me. Burn pits were toxic no matter where they were located. Duh. BTW – I tried filing under the PACT act but was denied because I was in the wriong country. Vietnam doesn’t count.

    • PETER SAMOLINApril 1, 2023 at 10:47


  21. Samuel G CovelliMarch 30, 2023 at 12:15

    I Have Parkinsonism, Hypertension, and a number of Neuropathic issues and the claim I filed through the VFW denied all my claims. The pact act is a farce and so is the VFW. I am concerned that the PACT act is no more than SMOKE and MIRRORS. I have ZERO confidence in the VA.

    • PETER SAMOLINApril 1, 2023 at 10:49


  22. McDowell, GregMarch 30, 2023 at 11:22

    Vietnam and Desert Storm combat veteran here; good people in the VA facilities but the system is pure government bureaucracy. They are just waiting for the clock to run out on us; it’s no mystery why the suicide rate is so high for the veterans that are shrugged off.

  23. HenryMarch 30, 2023 at 10:11

    I am currently at 100% disability due to exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam. The VA has me at 60% due to prostate cancer and 40 % unemployable. I now have hypertension and a weak heart functioning about 40 to 45 percent output according to my Doctor at last visit. Should I apply for extended benefits based on my current condition or let it rest?

    • GEORGE OBRIENApril 5, 2023 at 00:54

      You should file other claims. If you pass of a condition NOT on your file your spouse will not get everything that she should. Look up spouses benefits. WORTH reading it.

  24. JohnMarch 30, 2023 at 09:03

    Does respiratory disease include pulmonary fibrosis ?

    • EJA KielMarch 31, 2023 at 10:47

      Per Merriam-Webster Dictionary: pul·​mo·​nary ˈpu̇l-mə-ˌner-ē ˈpəl-
      1a : of, relating to, affecting, or occurring in the lungs
      pulmonary tissue
      pulmonary edema
      b : carried on by the lungs
      pulmonary respiration
      res·​pi·​ra·​tion ˌre-spə-ˈrā-shən
      1a: the movement of air or dissolved gases into and out of the lungs
      b: a single complete act of breathing
      … the patient was cyanotic and unconscious with labored respirations at 40/min.
      —Dorwyn W. Croom
      : the physical and chemical processes (such as breathing and diffusion) by which an organism supplies its cells and tissues with the oxygen needed for metabolism and relieves them of the carbon dioxide formed in energy-producing reactions
      respiratory ˈre-sp(ə-)rə-ˌtȯr-ē

      So yes

  25. Larry LewisMarch 30, 2023 at 08:35

    The government will just let us all die They Don’t Care About Us

  26. Edward L ClockMarch 30, 2023 at 08:34

    I served during the Vietnam war. I took my AIT training at Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Maryland. Today I suffer from at least three conditions related to Agent Orange exposure. I was called by a social worker after visiting my VA provider and had my annual physical and she told me that Agent Orange was test sprayed at that post and today it’s listed as a “superfund” site. I filed a claim for disability but was denied because I could not prove how I was exposed.
    Today I am working with the EPA in Maryland to research toxin levels while I was there. My only other option is to try the “Buddy System” so, if you served at Aberdeen proving grounds/Edgewood, and you had conditions, and filed a claim I would like to hear from you. my name is Ed Clock. Maybe, like when we served, we can now still help one another today. Thanks

    • Greg BilliardApril 3, 2023 at 19:49

      I was at Edgewood Arsenal in 1970. I took Vietnam orientation for 2-3 weeks at Aberdeen PV. Daily we were in the swamps look for fake trip wires and bamboo pits. APG had trenches that the used to destroy by fire WW II chemical weapons, also had multiple testing done there to evaluate AO Effectiveness at the APG swamps etc. look up Dr Delirium special re troop testing of chemical agents. APG and Edgewood Arsenal will be the next Camp lejune. Let’s force them to be presumptive before we all die. Let’s get the media the info to inform the public.

  27. Terry DinningMarch 30, 2023 at 08:17

    I now have asthma and want to file a claim

  28. Wayne WilkinsonMarch 30, 2023 at 08:12

    I was exposed to Agent Orange in 69-70 at Dong Ha .
    What is Website?

    • RaymondMarch 30, 2023 at 10:51

      I also was stationed at Dong ha in the DMZ 69/70 I had prostate cancer that spread to my bladder ,my bladder has been removed and I now Pee through A re routed section of my small intestines Through the side of my abdomen Into a bag that has to be changed every 2 days

      • danny hiltonMarch 30, 2023 at 16:24

        I served in Viet Nam at Dong HA combat base up by the DMZ. My sergeant got pissed at me and assigned me to the burn pit for one week burning sh*t. Some clowns poured to much fuel into the drums and it exploded knocking me down and burning my hair & mustache. I was knocked down & out for about 5-10 minutes.

        A couple years ago I had bad pains in the side of my stomach. The surgeon at OSU said my Gallbladder was tore up and she removed it. She ask me how it got that way?? I had no answer. A year latter the VA announce they are paying for burn pit injuries. Do you think I should file a claim ???

    • PETER SAMOLINApril 1, 2023 at 10:53


  29. Ray M AblesMarch 30, 2023 at 07:31

    Q-How are the PACT Act disabilities (all) included in my disability rating of 100%? Do I have to apply for each as they are approved, etc?

  30. DarylMarch 30, 2023 at 07:25

    Don’t bother leaving a comment, if ity’s negative it awaits moderation, then disappears.

    [Editor: Sorry, we’re only active during the duty day.]

  31. DarylMarch 30, 2023 at 07:23

    It’s a joke to get benefits, I have low level lung capacity, had 7 skin cancer surgeries , high blood pressure for over 20 years and all they do is deny or test more. The Vietnam bebefits are extremely hard to get, you would think they get bonus’s for denials. Served in Vietnam 67-68 , stored agent orange, got sprayed every couple weeks. It’s a shame, don’t ask me to go again……..

    • Bill HibbettMarch 30, 2023 at 14:27

      I served in RVN and have diabetes. I had no problem getting benefits. It required an exam, within a month I was granted 100% disability from the the multiple complications the diabetes caused. It is presumptive that the diabetes was caused by agent orange so there was nothing to prove except that I have the disease and was in RVN

      • danny hiltonMarch 30, 2023 at 16:32

        Bill I am glad you got your benefits with no trouble. But I know veterans who had to go through hell to get their benefits. They even had a representative on TV and he said if you wanted to be promoted you better turn Viet Nam vets down when they apply for benefits.

    • PETER SAMOLINApril 1, 2023 at 10:56


  32. Daryl Edward DinklaMarch 30, 2023 at 07:10

    It’s a fcking joke trying to get benefits from agent orange or Vietnam service, hypertension or high blood pressure.

    • Rod LorenzApril 1, 2023 at 10:14

      Nailed it!

    • PETER SAMOLINApril 1, 2023 at 11:00


      • Rod LorenzApril 5, 2023 at 22:45

        Unfortunately, submitting a claim & getting the results we all want are not going to happen with hypertension!! “Pie in the sky” keep dreaming.

  33. Virgil D. LoftisMarch 30, 2023 at 07:08

    What about pulmonary arterial hypertension is that high blood pressure in the lung arteries

    • Patrick conlonApril 1, 2023 at 17:16

      Saw a beautiful sunrise this morning!!
      Wonderful to be alive,

  34. Charles FosheeMarch 30, 2023 at 06:09

    Will it take 3-5 years for a determination, then another 3-5 years for appeal?

    • Bill HibbettMarch 30, 2023 at 14:29

      I served in RVN and have diabetes. I had no problem getting benefits. It required an exam, within a month I was granted 100% disability from the the multiple complications the diabetes caused. It is presumptive that the diabetes was caused by agent orange so there was nothing to prove except that I have the disease and was in RVN

  35. Maria-Theresa UlianielloMarch 29, 2023 at 23:55

    What about those of us that served at fort McClellan and had exposure there? Are we going to be the forgotten ones it seems like that.

    • Bobby OwensMarch 30, 2023 at 16:44

      What about veterans who served at American bases where agent orange was tested prior to use in Vietnam. I understand only one veteran was approved who was stationed at Ft Gordon?

    • John MartinMarch 30, 2023 at 19:52

      Maria-I have lived on and off Ft. McClellan since 1964. All as a dependent-never stationed there-but live about 15 minutes from it now. My Brother-In-Law was a LTC in the Chemical Corp there in the 70’s-80’s. It was used there as a training agent. There was also 2 or three other agents used/ named by color (Blue/Green ?). He developed prostate cancer after retiring. He was able to prove exposure to Agent Orange and was awarded S/C for it. As you know, it is not automatic at McClellan. It took him close to a year to get his packet together. His packet was a good +/- 3 inches thick. It is up to you to prove it. Good Luck.

  36. Charles M StinesMarch 29, 2023 at 23:36

    I was ‘granted’ service connected for hypertension, but at a 0% rate of compensation or disability rating due to the fact my lower number was not over 100 when I was tested in August of 2022. Even though in my old medical records I had readings of 104 and higher… be prepared to argue with these folks as it’s not an automatic increase any where..

    • CHARLES BENEDICTMarch 30, 2023 at 16:06

      Mr. Sines, I too have received word back from the VA regrading my claim for hypertension. It states that I have been assigned a noncompensible evaluation due to no compensable symptoms. If I was not being treated with medicine to control my hypertension my blood pressure would exceed the minimum requirements for compensation. As stated in my letter, in order to have at least a 10% rating for hypertension, you must show evidence of a history of Diastolic (lower number) pressure predominantly 100 or more, OR Systolic (top number) pressure predominantly 160 or more. One or both of these conditions must require continuous medication for control.
      I too have 20 years of evidence that my BP has been at or above the minimum many times, but not when tested by the VA. I do not have an answer to our dilemma, but if many others like us can present our case for review, maybe a change can be made. I suggest that you file a request seeking a review of their decision. Maybe if enough denials are reviewed, the conditions necessary for compensation will be changed to reflect a positive outcome for those like yourself, and me.

    • Bill StewartMarch 30, 2023 at 22:23

      Mr.Sines/Mr Benedict – same general thing for me. Yes hypertension, but 0% due to my numbers not matching the very narrow parameters. Went on medication, then had a second added since my numbers weren’t doing that well. Numbers got better and were not bad enough to met the criteria when I was tested. Shame on me for having doctors that cared about my health. Have a current disability for CAD and have had a heart attack, died on the table twice. If my doctors let me reach the numbers the VA wants to see I would most likely not be here. I do plan to appeal the decision to a higher level but was told to expect a quick denial based on the same numbers used in the first place. Was told maybe a political solution might be a better alternative. The Pact Act is the SCAM Act for me.

  37. FRANKLIN JACKSON JR.March 29, 2023 at 23:01


  38. James Larry EstesMarch 29, 2023 at 23:00

    I have constant excruciating pain! I have arthritis, neuropathy,spinal stenosis and bad joints! But in addition to these my hands hurt so bad I can barely stand to run water over them to wash! I’m sore to touch arms,shoulders,hips and I get headaches my teeth even hurt! Also my neck and back are really bad! The V.A. Is extremely GOOD TO ME but that being said NO ONE WILL LISTEN TO ME! I NEED HELP THIS IS NOT LIVING! Plus I also have PTSD AND COPD! (never smoked) VIETNAM COMBAT INFANTRY VETERAN!

    • Jim HoodMarch 30, 2023 at 12:59

      James I too served in Vietnam in 68-69. I have a number of medical conditions that were identified as service related. You deserve them too. Don’t give up or lose heart, look for an advocate to help represent you. There are experts who can aide you. I did not need one but I know one and he lives In California. I assure such a person lives near you too. Pray and don’t give up!

  39. Neal R BoyerMarch 29, 2023 at 22:28

    More of a question than a comment, do the new toxins include exposure to JP5 leakage in the drinking and water for showers on an aircraft carrier?

  40. DannyMarch 29, 2023 at 22:20

    What about backpay For agent orange exposure

    • Bill HibbettMarch 30, 2023 at 15:05

      Normally compensation is retroactive to the date you filed a claim.

  41. Joseph F ThorntonMarch 29, 2023 at 22:16

    How about those who worked with the CIA (C entral Intell. Agency during the viet nam war whom was wonded in the wor working on the helecopters that for years have denied having combat helecopters for decades and all of a suddon it shows on the news. I for one was supposed to receive many medals including the Silver Star and multible Purple hearts along with others. I also lost a friend in the other helecopter when it was shot down. This is our military for you. I have sent the President of the United States a list of my medals that were never issued.

  42. Rod LorenzMarch 29, 2023 at 22:05

    Article fails to mention that your blood pressure must be 160 over 100 or so to qualify for disability.

    All looks good on paper but actual facts are much different. I’ve done all the paperwork & qualified for 0% , but have high blood pressure.


  43. StuartMarch 29, 2023 at 21:51

    Has there been a connection proven between agent Orange and Neuroendocrine tumors?

  44. Mike SnyderMarch 29, 2023 at 21:23

    No one has been able to suitably answer why those who served around burn pits in the Middle Eastern wars have presumptives for COPD, but not we who were around burn pits in SEA during the Vietnam War.


  45. DALE E PRUITTMarch 29, 2023 at 21:01


  46. Robert C HoffmanMarch 29, 2023 at 20:34

    Yes, I qualify, and I got 0 percent.

  47. Greg AdkissonMarch 29, 2023 at 20:07

    what about compensation for our children that have birth defects?

    • CHARLES BENEDICTMarch 30, 2023 at 16:14

      Greg, check out the compensation awarded to children of veterans that were exposed to Agent Orange. My nephew has received compensation for 25 years due to being born with Spinal Bifida.

  48. Thomas Earl BreedloveMarch 29, 2023 at 20:03

    Does neuropathy have to be separate or is it just a part of diabetes?

    • CHARLES BENEDICTMarch 30, 2023 at 16:18

      Neuropathy due to diabetes is compensated separately from diabetes. It may carry a higher rating, depending on the severity. It must be a secondary condition to diabetes to be rated under the Agent Orange ratings.

  49. Albert TrujilloMarch 29, 2023 at 19:53

    Thanks for the recognition, I’m grateful for the citizens that protested to end the war, you saved a lot of lives, Semper Fi.

  50. Terry MummeryMarch 29, 2023 at 19:16

    I’ve been trying to get an examination from the VA since the PACT act was approved. Calls and secure messaging have fallen on deaf ears. I served at Da Nang AFB from December 23, 1970 through December 17, 1971. Our shop was used to store barrels and barrels of Agent Orange . Exposure to this toxin was inevitable and daily. I believe I’ve made every effort to be evaluated for exposure ; yet, to VA has ignored all of my requests. This is shameful

    • George SargentMarch 30, 2023 at 09:52

      Terry, I was also in DaNang AFB, I left on Dec 14th 1970 a week before you arrived. I had Bladder cancer and also lost my left kidney. O percent for the bladder cancer and VA claims that kidney cancer was not connected to Agent Orange. My doctor believes that it more likely than not there is a connection. My last letter from C&P stated Deferred for future development for my kidney issue. Never, Never give up. Thanks George

    • Bill HibbettMarch 30, 2023 at 14:37

      I applied online, didn’t use an advocate. Took a while to get an appointment but when I did I was told that the fact I had served in RVN and had diabetes was enough to qualify. Exposure to Agent Orange was assumed . The complications from diabetes increased the % of compensation. The award was retroactive to the date I applied.

  51. Louise MitchellMarch 29, 2023 at 18:36

    My Husband was in the VietNam War and was exposed to Agent Orange on the Ground. He is now Suffering From Peripheral neuropathy in his Feet. He Suffers from numbness and Sharp Pain. Along with Tingling. The VA will not Acknowledge it. Only Cover Early Onset. That is So Unfair. He lived with this and now it’s getting to where he stubs his feet and trips.

    • Terry MontgomeryMarch 31, 2023 at 00:30

      I agree Louise and I suffer from the same thing, also PTSD, HBP, Hypertension, Parkinsonism, Tinnitus,
      Agent Orange exposure, Spinal Stenosis, I get injections at the base of my skull for headaches and the list goes on.
      I have given up all hope on the VA HealthCare system it is as impersonal as it can possibly get and “sucks”. It seems like it would be SO much cheaper if the Federal Govt. would just pay our Medicare deductible/dental and prescription coverage it would save the taxpayers BILLIONS each YEAR! and close up these USELESS VA Centers and VA Hospitals that pay for outside Contract Doctor’s anyway.
      You know I could write a book about my experiences with the VA, my disabilities, my primary care providers I’ve had in the VA, my combat experiences in VietNam, my 3 purple hearts, bronze star BUT
      my BIGGEST challenge EVER has been with the VA Health Care, it’s Providers and what it’s Providers DON’T provide.
      I hope to NEVER hear the phrase from them again “Thank you for your service” it’s the BIGGEST lie that has ever been spoken.
      Whew…I got some of it out anyway, good luck to you and your husband, I hope you have better luck than I.

  52. PhilipMarch 29, 2023 at 16:17

    Respiratory disease, does that include Lung Cancer?

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.