Explained: Why is Shoresy's face not shown in Letterkenny? (2024)

Letterkenny Season 11, the highly awaited brand-new season of the fan favorite Canadian sitcom, finally arrived on Crave on December 25, 2022 and on streaming platform Hulu on December 26, 2022. The long-running sitcom was created by Jared Keeso, who also plays the lead character Wayne.

The sitcom first aired on Crave on February 7, 2016. Over the years, it has garnered a lot of popularity and has amassed its very own fan base. Shoresy is one of Letterkenny's most intriguing and beloved characters. He also has a spin-off series of his own titled Shoresy. The spin-off series made its debut on May 13, 2022, exclusively on Crave.

Explained: Why is Shoresy's face not shown in Letterkenny? (1)

The most interesting fact about the presentation of Shoresy's character in Letterkenny is that his face is obscured in the sitcom, adding a touch of mystery to the character. There have been several theories about why Shoresy's face has never been shown. As it turns out, there is a highly fascinating reason, and it's closely tied to the actor who portrays Shoresy's character in the sitcom.

Jared Keeso plays the titular role of Shoresy in Letterkenny

Explained: Why is Shoresy's face not shown in Letterkenny? (2)

Jared Keeso, who is the creator of Letterkenny, is also one of the writers of the sitcom.

Keeso also plays the lead character Wayne and another pivotal character Shoresy. Shoresy happens to be a regular character in the sitcom. Because of this, it's understandable why the character's face is never revealed to the audience.

Shoresy's character can be seen on both ends of the spectrum, from providing comic relief to being a prominent antagonist. The character's foul-mouthed exclamations have been a vital part of the show. His countless schemes and attempts to sabotage opposing ice hockey teams have also been quite noteworthy.

Although Shoresy is not a central character in the show, he has had a deep impact during all 11 seasons of the sitcom. It's safe to say that the decision to not reveal his identity in the sitcom only helps to add to the titular character's lore. The intentional obfuscation of the character's face also enables the sitcom to make recurring jokes revolving around Shoresy's identity.

More details about the Canadian sitcom Letterkenny Season 11

Explained: Why is Shoresy's face not shown in Letterkenny? (3)

Released on December 25, 2022, the eleventh season of the Canadian sitcom has a total of six episodes. Jared Keeso, Daniel Harroch, Jacob Tierney, and Sara Wren have served as writers for Season 11 of the sitcom, while Jacob Tierney has acted as the director.

Jim Westenbrink has served as the cinematographer of the series, and Kara Haflidson is the producer.

Apart from Jared Keeso, the promising cast for the sitcom includes Nathan Dales as Daryl, K. Trevor Wilson as Squirrelly Dan, Michelle Mylett as Katy, Dylan Playfair as Reilly, Tyler Johnston as Stewart, Andrew Herr as Jonesy, Dan Petronijevic as McMurray, Melanie Scrofano as Mrs. McMurray, Jacob Tierney as Glen, and several others.

Season 11 of Letterkenny is currently streaming on Hulu.

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Edited by Siddharth Satish


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Explained: Why is Shoresy's face not shown in Letterkenny? (2024)
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