FIFA Penalties tutorial - (2024)

FIFA Penalties tutorial - (1)

Our FIFA penalties tutorial will help you score more penalties in FIFA 21 and previous versions. It is essential that you know your players head turns in the direction you are aiming a penalty. This gives your opponent a clue as to where the ball will go. Therefore you have to practice changing your aim at the last second to have a better chance of scoring. Of course top players will know you are likely to change direction so then to be very good you need to practice scoring in the far corners.

Penalty taking top tip

Penalty power

Finesse penalties in FIFA

Easy way to save penalties in FIFA

Penalty saving tutorial video from Pro Harry

Timed finish penalties

Penalty taking top tip

The cirlce of error gets bigger the more you move the cursor to shoot. This means if you move it left and right or up and down more it grows bigger and bigger. When your player takes the penalty they will not be as accurate. So to minimise movement try to keep your taker and aim central for as long as possible before aiming where you want to shoot. Then take the shot with a smaller circle to score more.

How much power for scoring penalties in FIFA

Quite straight forward the more power you add the less likely the keeper is to stop it if gets a hand to it. However their is a danger of the ball flying over the bar or wide. We would only recommend using 3/4 power max. If the penalty taker is extremely good such as Ronaldo. They can hit lower powerful shots above 3/4 and still have good chance of scoring. Use finesse button to slow the power a little and give better accuracy.

Finesse penalties in FIFA

As mentioned above using finesse shot for penalties will slow the ball down. It will also curve the ball into the corners away from the keeper. With enough pace this will beat most keepers. If your opponent stays middle adding finesse to a central shot can curl it next to the keeper to score.

Easy way to save penalties in FIFA

Unfortunately this is where EA have made a very big mistake. You can see when you take a penalty that the players head turns in that direction. Therefore making it obvious which way you are going to kick the ball. This is brilliant for saving penalties against people or the AI because you can guess which side the ball is going to go. However they might have been on this page and know to practice the last second switch. Though it is much harder to score when suddenly changing direction. Top players practice lots and know how to time last second aiming. Also as in the video from Pro Harry below move your keeper slightly one way then dive the other way.

FIFA Penalty saving tutorial video

One of the best FIFA 21 penalty tutorials by Pro player Harry Hesketh. In Pro tournaments he has won almost every penalty shoot out. Learn how by watching his video.

Timed finish penalties in FIFA

Just like when shooting in FIFA you can use timed finishing when taking penalties. Check out our Timed finishing tutorial after for more detail. If you time it right the circle will turn green giving you more chance of scoring. We would suggest practicing the last second switch more however for more chance of scoring.

FIFA penalty tips:

  • 1. Move stick less for smaller circle or error on shot
  • 2. Get used to the sensitivity of the left stick
  • 3. Make note of timing in your head how long to move stick for
  • 4. Use medium power and finesse for more accuracy
  • 5. Try pressing shoot again if can to get timed finishing
  • 6. Remember finesse helps direct ball back towards goal
  • 7. Saving penalties should be easier following advice above
FIFA Penalties tutorial - (2024)
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