Fintech Regulatory Framework in Nigeria: A Complete Guide (2024)

You can say the Nigerian Financial-Technology (“FinTech”) revolution began in 2002; when Interswitch established the first transaction and switching infrastructure in Nigeria. Thereby, paving the way for payment acceptance across the country. Now, two decades later, with more than 217 FinTech companies registered (and more to come in the future), debates circulate the space on the possibilities of the country having too many FinTech companies and of course the financial authorities drew a fintech regulatory framework, as a guide to their operations in Nigeria.

However, wit the country’s 200-Million population (nearly 3X the population of the UK; over 64 million unbanked citizens; and Nigeria being ranked 6th out of 154 countries in terms of cryptocurrency adoption, there still seems to be a significant market for innovative and disruptive FinTechs.

Fintech Regulatory Framework in Nigeria: A Complete Guide (1)

Thus, understanding the Nigerian Regulatory Frameworks that govern the industry is a perfect first step into ensuring your operation complies and abides with all laws and rules of the country.

In this article, you would cover ;

  • Nigeria’s core Fintech Regulatory bodies and their functions
  • Licensing requirements for various FinTech Categories
  • Compliance considerations for intending Startup Founders and Investors; and
  • Strategies for navigating the Regulatory Landscape in Nigeria.

At the end of reading, you would understand the different regulatory frameworks put in place for the operations of fintech companies in nigeria and the basic licenses needed to comply with the regulations.

Laws Regulating FinTechs in Nigeria

  1. Banks and Other Financial Institutions Act (BOFIA) 2020
  2. Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Act 2017
  3. Investment and Securities Act 2007
  4. Money Laundering (Prohibition) Act 2011
  5. Money Lenders Act

Who are the Main Nigerian FinTech Regulators?

The main Nigerian Fintech Regulators include:

  • The Central Bank of Nigeria (“CBN”)
  • Securities and Exchange Commision (“SEC”)
  • National Insurance Commission (“NAICOM”)
  • Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation (“NDIC”)
  • Nigeria Communications Commision (“NCC”)
  • National Office for Technology Acquisition and Promotion (“NOTAP”)

With secondary bodies involving the Corporate Affairs Commision (“CAC”), FinTech Association of Nigeria (“FintechNGR”), Federal Inland Revenue Service (“FIRS” ) ,and the National Information Technology Development Agency (“NITDA”) having considerable implications for FinTech companies operating within the country.

Overview of Key Nigerian Fintech Regulatory Bodies

The Central Bank of Nigeria

The Central Bank of Nigeria is the apex regulatory authority for the country’s financial sector. It is responsible for formulating and implmentg monetary andcredit policies, regulating and supervising financial institutions, and promoting a stable and sound financial system.

CBN’s regulations impact the entire FinTech sector in Nigeria, including digital payments, mobile money and blockchain-based financial services.

As a key regulator, the CBN also issues guidelines covering specific function of its regulated entities, including;

  • Guidelines relating to consumer protection;
  • Anti-money laundering provisions; and
  • Information technology minimum requirements

Securities and Exchange Commission.

SEC oversees the capital market in Nigeria. Governed by the ‘Investments and Securities Act 29 of 2007’, it regulates and supervises capital market operators,including crowdfunding platforms and investment firms that maybe relevant to the FinTech sector.

Basically, SEC’s regulations affect FinTech companies involved in raising capital through securities offerings and crowdfunding.

National Insurance Commission (NAICOM)

As the name implies, NAICOM is responsible for regulating the Insurance industry in Nigeria. Insurance Tech (“Insurtech”) and other FinTech companies offering insurance products and services fall under NAICOM’s oversight.

Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation.

The NDIC provides deposit insurance and guarantees the safety of customers’ funds in banks.

All deposit-taking financial institutions licensed by the CBN (for example: microfinance banks with digital product offerings and commercial banks) are required to insure a percentage of their deposit liabilities with the NDIC.

This deposit insurance system is to protect customers against the loss of their insured deposits.

The NDIC recently established a fintech and innovations unit to collaborate with innovators in the financial services sector to develop and promote technology-driven solutions, geared toward protecting depositors.

The Nigerian Communications Commission

The NCC is empowered by ‘the Nigerian Communications Act, 2003’ to regulate the telecommunications industry in Nigeria.

Therefore all FinTechs m offering services that utilize mobile phones or mobile networks are subject to the Nigerian Communications Commission’s regulations and must obtain operating licenses from the NCC.

National Office for Technology Acquisition and Promotion

NOTAP is a government agency under the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology. Its primary responsibility is to promote, regulate, and facilitate the acquisition, domestication,and uttilization of foreign technology in Nigeria.

NOTAP aims to foster technology transfer, local content development, and innovation in various sectors of the economy, including technology-driven industries.

Core Categories of FinTechs (based on their Services in Nigeria).

There are various groupings and categorizations of FinTechs. For the purpose of this article, they would be grouped into 11 broad categories.

These categories include;

  1. Digital Banks
  2. Crowdfunding
  3. Mobile Money
  4. Crypto-Currency
  5. Personal Finance
  6. Payment Processing
  7. Cross Border and Remittances
  8. Digital Insurance and Pensions
  9. Open Banking and API integration
  10. Digital Lenders and Credit Infrastructure
  11. Securities Trading and Asset Management

1.Cross Border and Remittances

This involves sending money to people in other countries using digital platforms and making it faster and cheaper. These Fintechs facilitate international money transfers and remittances between individuals or businesses across different countries, leveraging digital platforms for faster and more cost-effective transactions. For example; Chipper Cash, Sendwave and SureRemit.

2. Digital Insurance and Pensions

Buying insurance and managing retirement savings online. They utilize technology to innovate insurance processes and offer digital insurance products, while also integrating digital solutions for pension management and retirement planning. Examples include: Curacel, Octamile and CompareIn.

3. Personal Finance

Using digital tools to track your money, make budgets, and plan your finances. Popular examples include: PiggyVest, Cowrywise and Wealth.Ng

4. Securities Trading and Asset Management

Buying and selling stocks and bonds online and managing investments with digital tools. For example: Bamboo, Chaka, and Trove.

5. Crowdfunding

Raising money for projects or causes by getting small contributions from a large number of people online. These FinTechs empower businesses or individuals to raise funds for specific projects or ventures by reaching out to a large number of people through online platforms. Good examples include: Thrive, CoBuilt and HerVest.

6. Crypto-Currency

Using digital money that is secured with special codes and not controlled by any central authority. For example: Binance, Bundle, and Quidax.

7. Digital Lenders and Credit Infrastructure

Getting loans online and using digital systems to check if you can pay back the loan. Offers online lending services to individuals and businesses, often leveraging digital credit infrastructure for assessing creditworthiness. For example: Branch, Payhippo, and Aella.

8. Mobile Money

They provide financial services, including payments, transfers, and banking through mobile devices. They are particularly relevant in regions with limited traditional banking infrastructure. For example: Kudy, TeasyPay, and Bankly.

9. Payment Processing

They make sure that payments between buyers and sellers happen smoothly and securely. They provide digital solutions for processing and facilitating payments between buyers and sellers, ensuring secure and efficient transactions.

10. Digital Banks

Operating entirely online, these companies offer banking services through web or mobile applications without physical branches, focusing on improved customer experiences.

11. Open Banking and API Integration

These FinTechs seek to securely share financial data between banks and third-party developers through APIs. Thereby, fostering collaboration and enabling innovative financial services.

The type of FinTech service a company offers will determine the specific licenses and regulatory requirements it needs to comply with.

Different fintech activities may fall under various regulatory categories, and obtaining the appropriate licenses ensures that your company operates legally and in compliance with the law.

The following are the few Licensing Requirements stated for each category above.

Note: It’s important to know that regulations can change over time, and new licensing requirements or guidelines may be introduced.

It is also important to liaise with an accredited legal professional and seek legal advice to understand the specific licensing requirements and compliance obligations relevant to your business.

Licensing Requirements for FinTechs in Nigeria (Based on their Categories)

Here you would understand the key criteria and compliance requirements for FinTechs based on the categories listed above.

It is important to note that the licensing process may involve fulfilling specific capital requirements, submitting detailed business plans, undergoing background checks, and meeting compliance criteria.

This list is as follows:

Cross Border and Remittances

  1. Payment Service Provider (“PSP”).

This license allows FinTech companies to offer cross-border payment services and fafsxiliate remittances between individuals or businesses.

To obtain the PSP License, FinTech companies must meet certain requirements set by the CBN, which may include:

  • Capital Adequacy: Demonstrating sufficient financial capacity to operate a cross-border payment and remittance service.
  • Infrastructure and Technology: Having a robust and secure technology infrastructure to support cross-border transactions.
  • Compliance Framework: Implementing strong anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) compliance measures.
  • Financial Reporting: Complying with CBN’s reporting requirements and submitting regular financial reports.

Digital Insurance and Pensions

The licensing requirements generally fall under the domain of the National Insurance Commission (NAICOM) and the National Pension Commission (PenCom).

Here’s an overview of the licensing that may be needed for both regulators:

Digital Insurance (Under NAICOM):

1. Registration as an Insurance Company: Fintech companies offering digital insurance services may need to register as an insurance company with the NAICOM. This involves meeting certain capital requirements and complying with the Insurance Act.

2. Specific License for Digital Insurance: The NAICOM may issue specific licenses for digital insurance providers, considering the unique nature of their operations. This could include licenses for digital-only insurers or Insurtech companies.

3. Data Protection and Cybersecurity Compliance: Given the sensitive nature of insurance data, digital insurers must adhere to data protection and cybersecurity standards to safeguard customer information.

Digital Pensions (Under PenCom):

1. Registration as a Pension Fund Administrator (PFA): Fintech companies providing digital pension services may need to register as a Pension Fund Administrator with PenCom. PFAs are responsible for managing pension funds and ensuring compliance with pension regulations.

2. Compliance with Pension Regulations: Digital pension providers must adhere to the ‘Pension Reform Act’ and other regulations set forth by PenCom. This includes proper record-keeping, reporting, and management of pension assets.

3. Data Security and Privacy Compliance: As with digital insurance, digital pension providers must maintain robust data security and privacy measures to protect pension participants’ personal information.

4. Trust License (for Fintechs acting as Trustees): If a fintech company acts as a trustee for pension funds, it may need a Trust License issued by PenCom.

Personal Finance

The specific licenses may vary based on the scope and nature of the personal finance services offered by your fintech company.

Regardless, here are the common Nigerian licenses that may be needed for personal finance fintech:

1. Payment Service Provider (“PSP”) License

Fintech companies offering payment services, such as money transfers, bill payments, and online payments, may need to obtain PSP license from the Central Bank of Nigeria.

2. Mobile Money Operator (MMO) License

If the fintech company intends to offer mobile money services, you may require an MMO license issued by the CBN.

3. Microfinance Banking License

Personal finance fintech platforms providing microfinance services, such as small loans and savings accounts would need to obtain a microfinance banking license from the CBN.

4. Credit Bureau License

Fintech companies offering credit reporting or credit scoring services as part of their personal finance offerings need to obtain a license from the Credit Bureau Regulatory Authority.

5. Asset Management License

FinTech platforms providing asset management services, such as investment advice or portfolio management, would require an asset management license from the Securities and Exchange Commission .

Securities Trading and Asset Management

The primary regulatory body responsible for overseeing securities trading and asset management in Nigeria is the Securities and Exchange Commission. Here are the specific licenses and approvals that may be needed:

1. Capital Market Operator (CMO) License

Fintech companies involved in securities trading, portfolio management, and other capital market activities must obtain a CMO license from the SEC. This license allows them to operate as authorized entities in the Nigerian capital market.

2. Portfolio Management License

Fintech companies engaged in providing asset management services, such as managing investment portfolios on behalf of clients, will require a separate portfolio management license from the SEC.

3. Registration as a Sub-Broker or Broker Dealer

Companies that facilitate the buying and selling of securities on behalf of clients may need to register as sub-brokers or broker-dealers with the SEC.

4. Compliance with Investment and Fund Management Regulations

For fintech companies offering investment and fund management services, compliance with SEC’s regulations on collective investment schemes, mutual funds, and investment fund management is necessary.

5. Minimum Capital Requirements

Fintech companies applying for licenses may need to meet certain minimum capital requirements as specified by the SEC.

6. Disclosure and Reporting Requirements

Securities trading and asset management firms are subject to disclosure and reporting obligations, which include periodic reporting of financial and operational information to the SEC and investors.

7. Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) Compliance

Companies involved in securities trading and asset management must adhere to AML and KYC requirements to prevent money laundering and financial crimes.


In Nigeria, crowdfunding platforms are subject to regulatory oversight, and the licensing requirements may vary based on the type of crowdfunding model employed. Currently, the Securities and Exchange Commission is the regulatory body responsible for crowdfunding activities in the country.

For crowdfunding platforms, two main licensing options may be applicable:

1. Registration as a Crowdfunding Intermediary

If the crowdfunding platform operates as an intermediary connecting issuers (companies seeking funds) with investors, it may be required to register with the SEC as a crowdfunding intermediary. The registration process involves meeting specific criteria set by the SEC and obtaining the necessary approvals.

2. License as a Capital Market Operator

Alternatively, depending on the crowdfunding model and the nature of services provided, the platform may need to apply for a license as a capital market operator. This license allows the platform to engage in various capital market activities, including crowdfunding, subject to regulatory guidelines.

It’s essential for crowdfunding platforms to thoroughly review and understand the regulatory requirements set by the SEC for crowdfunding activities. Compliance with these regulations ensures that the platform operates legally, protects investor interests, and contributes to the development of the crowdfunding ecosystem in Nigeria.


1. Central Bank of NigeriaLicense:

Crypto-currency exchanges and other crypto-related fintech businesses requires a license from the Central Bank of Nigeria to operate legally in the country.

2. Securities and Exchange Commission Registration:

Depending on the nature of the crypto-currency activities, certain crypto tokens or digital assets could be classified as securities, making registration with the SEC necessary.

3. Money Service Business (MSB) License:

If the crypto-currency fintech company engages in activities such as remittances, money transfers, or exchange services, it may require an MSB license from the CBN.

4. Payment Service Provider License:

Crypto-currency businesses involved in facilitating payments or offering payment solutions may need a PSP license from the CBN.

5. Data Protection Compliance:

Crypto-currency fintech companies must comply with data protection regulations to handle customers’ personal and financial information securely.

6. Anti-Money Laundering and Know Your Customer Compliance:

Compliance with AML and KYC regulations is essential for crypto-currency businesses to prevent illicit activities and ensure the identity verification of customers.

7. Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria (FRCN) Registration:

Crypto-currency fintech companies may need to register with the FRCN for financial reporting purposes.

Digital Lenders and Credit Infrastructure

1. Money Lenders License: Fintech companies engaged in lending activities require a money lenders license from the relevant regulatory authority, which is often the state government or local authority.

2. Microfinance Banking License: If the fintech company operates as a microfinance institution and provides financial services to micro-entrepreneurs and low-income individuals, it may need to obtain a microfinance banking license from the Central Bank of Nigeria.

3. Credit Bureau License: Fintech companies involved in credit reporting or operating credit bureaus must obtain a license from the CBN. This license allows them to collect and share credit information on borrowers.

4. Payment Service Provider License: Digital lenders that handle payment transactions on their platform need a PSP license from the CBN to operate as a payment service provider.

5. Data Protection Compliance: Digital lenders and credit infrastructre fintech companies must comply with data protection regulations to ensure the privacy and security of customer information.

6. AML/CFT Compliance: Fintech companies involved in lending and credit activities are subject to anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (“CFT”) regulations.

Mobile Money

1. Mobile Money License (Super Agent):

This license is required for entities that act as super agents, enabling them to provide mobile money services through a network of agents and sub-agents.

2. Mobile Money License (Mobile Money Operators – MMOs):

Entities that directly offer mobile money services to end-users, such as individuals and businesses, require a Mobile Money Operator license.

3. Payment Service Bank License:

In addition to the Mobile Money Operator license, entities can also apply for a PSB license. Payment Service Banks can offer a broader range of financial services beyond mobile money, such as accepting deposits and providing payments and remittances.

4. Super Agent License (for Non-Bank Entities):

Non-bank entities that wish to perform super agent functions on behalf of Mobile Money Operators need to obtain a Super Agent License.

5. Agent Network Provider (“ANP”) License:

Agent Network Providers are entities that provide services to Mobile Money Operators or Payment Service Banks to manage their agent networks. They require an ANP license.

Payment Processing

Currently, the Nigerian licensing requirements for payment processing are subject to the regulations of the Central Bank of Nigeria and the Nigeria Electronic Fraud Forum (“NeFF”).

Payment processors in Nigeria typically require the following licenses and registrations:

1. Payment Service Provider License:

Payment processors must obtain a PSP license from the CBN to operate legally in Nigeria. This license allows them to provide payment processing services, including electronic fund transfers, mobile money operations, and other digital payment services.

2. Payment Terminal Service Provider (“PTSP”) License:

If the payment processor operates payment terminals, such as Point of Sale (“POS”) devices, they need a PTSP license from the CBN. This license allows them to deploy and manage payment terminals for electronic transactions.

3. Switching License:

Payment processors that offer switching services, connecting different payment channels and facilitating seamless transactions, may need a Switching License from the CBN.

4. Payment Solutions Provider Registration:

Payment processors that offer online and mobile payment solutions may need to register with the Nigeria Electronic Fraud Forum as a Payment Solutions Provider.

5. Data Protection Compliance:

Payment processors handling custumer data must comply with the Nigerian Data Protection Regulation (“NDPR”) and ensure adequate data security measures.

6. Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) Compliance:

As financial intermediares, payment processors must adhere to AML and KYC regulations to prevent money laundering and financial crimes.

Digital Banks

Digital banks operating in Nigeria are required to obtain several licenses and approvals to operate legally. The specific licenses and permits needed for digital banks may vary based on the services they offer and the regulatory requirements in place.

Here are some of the key licenses typically required for digital banks in Nigeria:

1. Banking License: Digital banks are required to obtain a banking license from the Central Bank of Nigeria to operate as financial institutions and offer banking services.

2. Payment Service Provider ) License: Digital banks that provide payent services, such as electronic funds transfers, bill payments, and mobile money, may need to obtain a PSP license from the CBN.

3. Mobile Money Operator License: If the digital bank focuses on mobile money services, it will need to apply for an MMO license from the CBN.

4. Switching License: Some digital banks may require a switching license from the CBN to operate a payment switch or processing platform.

5. Data Protection Compliance: Digital banks handling customer data must comply with the Nigeria Data Protection Regulation requirements to protect customers’ personal information.

6. AML/CFT Registration: Digital banks are required to register with the Nigerian Financial Intelligence Unit (NFIU) and comply with Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism regulations.

7. eKYC Registration: For customer onboarding, digital banks may need to register as Electronic Know Your Customer users with the CBN.

Depending on the specific services offered, digital banks may need additional approvals or licenses from relevant regulatory bodies, such as the Securities and Exchange Commission or National Insurance Commission .

Open Banking and API integration

1. Payment Service Provider License:

If your Open Banking platform facilitates payments or funds transfer between different financial institutions or customers, you may need to obtain a PSP license from the Central Bank of Nigeria.

2.Data Protection Compliance: As Open Banking involves the sharing of sensitive financial data, compliance with data protection laws (e.g., Nigeria Data Protection Regulation) is crucial to safeguard customers’ information.

3. Partnerships with Regulated Institutions: To access financial data from banks and other regulated institutions, you may need to form partnerships or obtain permission from these institutions, which may have their own regulatory requirements.

Importance of Compliance in the FinTech Industry

Compliance is of paramount importance in the fintech industry for several compelling reasons:

1. Legal and Regulatory Obligations: Fintech companies are subject to a wide range of laws and regulations, including financial, consumer protection, data privacy, and anti-money laundering (AML) regulations. Compliance ensures that fintech businesses operate within the bounds of the law.

2. Consumer Protection: Compliance measures are designed to protect consumers from fraud, unfair practices, and data breaches. Adhering to regulations builds trust with customers, safeguarding their financial well-being and personal information.

3. Maintaining Reputation and Trust: Compliance fosters credibility and trust among customers, investors, and partners. Your fintech company with a strong track record of compliance is more likely to attract customers and retain their loyalty.

4. Risk Mitigation: Compliance programs help identify and manage potential risks, such as legal, operational, and reputational risks. Addressing risks proactively can prevent costly consequences and disruptions.

5. Access to Funding and Partnerships: Investors and financial institutions often prioritize compliance when considering partnerships or funding opportunities. A fintech startup with robust compliance practices may have better access to capital and partnerships.

6. Avoiding Penalties and Legal Issues: Non-compliance can lead to severe penalties, fines, and legal actions. These repercussions can significantly impact your company’s financial health and reputation.

7. Operational Efficiency: Compliance processes often involve streamlining internal operations, standardizing procedures, and implementing best practices. This enhances efficiency and reduces the likelihod of errors.

8. Global Expansion: Fintech companies eyeing international markets must navigate various regulatory frameworks. A strpng compliance foundation facilitates seamless expansion into new jurisdictions.

9. Adapting to Changing Regulations: The regulatory landscape is dynamic, with regulations evolving over time. A commitment to compliance enables fintech firms to adapt to changes effectively and stay ahead of the curve.

10. Responsible Innovation: Compliance requirements encourage responsible innovation. Fintech companies must strike a balance between innovation and risk management, ensuring that their solutions benefit users without compromising security or ethics.

Therefore, compliance is not only a legal necessity for your Fintech company but also a strategic imperative for your success and growth.

Challenges Faced by FinTech Players in Staying Compliant

Staying compliant in the Nigerian fintech industry can be a challenging task due to various factors.

Here are some of the key challenges faced by fintech players in ensuring compliance:

1. Complex and Evolving Regulations: Fintech companies often operate in a complex regulatory environment with multiple authorities overseeing different aspects of their operations. The evolving nature of regulations in Nigeria adds further complexity, making it challenging to keep up with changes and stay fully compliant.

2. Data Privacy and Security: Fintech companies handle sensitive customer data, and compliance with data privacy regulations is crucial. Maintaining robust data protection measures while meeting regulatory requirements can be challenging.

3. AML and KYC Compliance: Anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) complince are essential for fintech companies. Ensuring proper customer due diligence and transaction monitoring can be complex, especially for peer-to-peer platforms.

4. Interoperability and Standards: Fintech companies often interact with traditional financial institutions and other fintech players. Ensuring interoperability and adherence to industry standards can be challenging, particularly in a diverse and fragmented ecosystem.

5. Resource Constraints: Given the Nigerian eceonoic and socioeconomic situations , startups —in particular, —may face resource constraints in terms of finances, skilled compliance personnel, and dedicated compliance departments. Meeting compliance requirements may strain limited resources.

6. Balancing Innovation and Compliance: Striking a balance between innovation and compliance is crucal. Compliance measures may slow down the introduction of new products and features, potentially hampering a fintech company’s competitive edge.

7 Regulatory Uncertainty: Fintech companies may face uncertainty in interpreting certain regulations, as some aspects of fintech innovation may not be explicitly addressed in existing Nigerian laws. This uncertainty can lead to cautious decision-making and legal risks.

8. Third-Party Risks: Fintech companies often rely on third-party service providers for various functions, such as payment processing or data storage. Ensuring the compliance of these third parties adds another layer of complexity.

Overcoming these challenges requires a proactive approach to compliance. As a Fintech player, you’d should invest in regulatory research, build strong compliance teams, leverage technology for regulatory monitoring, engage with regulators, and adopt a culture of compliance from the early stages of your operations.

Compliance Strategies for Entrepreneurs and Investors in the Fintech Sector

Staying up to date with regulations and ensuring compliance with licenses and other requirements is crucial for both entrepreneurs and investors in the fintech sector.

Here are some strategies to achieve this:

Strategies for Entrepreneurs:

1. Regulatory Research and Expertise: Allocate resources to conduct ongoing regulatory research. Hire compliance experts or consultants who specialize in fintech regulations to keep your team informed about the latest developments.

2. Engage with Regulatory Authorities: Establish open lines of communication with regulatory authorities. Attend industry conferences, workshops, and seminars to gain insights directly from regulators and understand their expectations.

3. Regulatory Monitoring Tools: Utilize technology and regulatory montioring tools to track changes in regulations. These tools can help you stay updated and receive alerts about relevant updates.

;. External Compliance Audits: Periodically conduct external compliance audits to assess your fintech company’s obedienceto regulations. This helps identify gaps and areas for improvement.

5. Partnerships with Regulated Entities: Collaborate with established financial institutions that have experience with compliance and regulatory matters. Partnerships can provide valuable guidance and support in navigating the regulatory landscape.

6. Legal Advice and Counsel: Work closely with legal advisors who specialize in fintech and regulatory matters. Seek their guidance on compliance requirements and potential regulatory risks.

Strategies for Investors:

1. In-House Regulatory Experts: For institutional investors or venture capital firms, having in-house regulatory experts can help assess potential investment opportunities from a compliance standpoint.

2. Due Diligence on Compliance: Before investing in a fintech startup, conduct thorough due diligence on its compliance status. Evaluate the company’s compliance framework, licenses, and regulatory history.

3. Regulatory Landscape Analysis: Regularly analyze the regulatory landscape in the fintech sector. Stay inform about regulatory changes that may impact your investments.

4. Investment in Compliant Startups: Prioritize investments in fintech startups that demonstrate a commitment to compliance and have a strong compliance track record.

5. Risk Assessment: Evaluate the regulatory risks associated with each fintech investment. Consider how changes in regulations could impact the startup’s operations and growth potential.

6. Networking with Regulators: Establish relationships with regulatory authorities in the fintech industry. Networking with regulators can provide valuable insights and help builda collaborative relationship.

By implementing these strategies, both entrepreneurs and investors can navigate the complex regulatory landscape in the fintech sector effectively, ensuring compliance with licenses and other regulations, while mitigating regulatory risks.

It is also essential to be proactive when it comes to Regulstorybbodies and authorities.

Below are a few ways to actively be involved in the regulatory space.

How to Engage Proactively with Regulatory Authorities in FinTech

Engaging proactively with regulatory authorities is essential for fintech companies to foster a positive relationship, gain regulatory clarity, and ensure compliance.

Here are some tips to effectively engage with regulatory authorities:

1. Stay Informed

Keep track of regulatory updates and changes. Regularly monitor official websites, publications, and press releases from the regulatory authorities to stay up to date with the latest developments.

(All regulatory bodies previously stated in this article have been linked to their official pages.)

2. Participate in Industry Events

Attend conferences, workshops, and seminars organized by regulatory authorities. These events provide opportunities to network with regulators, gain insights, and ask questions.

3. Establish Open Communication Channels

Build a relationship with key personnel within the regulatory authority. Establish open and respectful lines of communication to seek guidance, express concerns, and provide feedback.

4. Request Regulatory Guidance

If you are unsure about specific compliance requirements, seek regulatory guidance. Request written clarifications or opinions to ensure a clear understanding of the rules.

5. Engage with Industry Associations

Join fintech or financial industry associations that work closely with regulatory authorities. These associations can provide insights and represent the collective interests of fintech companies. The FinTech Association of Nigeria is a great place to start.

6. Educate Regulatory Authorities

Offer educational sessions or workshops to help regulators understand fintech innovations and their potential benefits. Educating regulators can lead to better-informed decision-making.

Engaging proactively with regulatory authorities is not only a compliance requirement but also an opportunity to build trust and collaboration.

By being proactive, transparent, and respectful in your interactions, you can foster a positive regulatory relationship that benefits both your fintech company and the industry as a whole.

Finally, on the Regulatory Framework for Fintech Companies Operating in Nigeria

The CBN’s approach and all other in the fintech space is aimed at striking a balance between encouraging innovation and safeguarding the stability of the financial system.

As a Fintech founder or Investor operating in Nigeria and understanding and adhering to these laws and regulations would demonstrate your commitment to the responsible FinTech practices and contribute to the overall development and success of the industry in Nigeria.

It is essential to follow all Regulations and acquire the proper Licenses before pushing your product to general market as to avoid any drawbacks.

Lastly, it is is important to consult with a legal professional before making critical decisions to properly ensure you are abiding by all laws and regulations.

Resources for Further reading

SEC crowdfunding rules

Open Banking Framework

Nigeria Cloud Computing Policy

AML/CFT Regulations (Reviewed by CBN)

FinTech Laws and Reguations Summarised as

Fintech Regulatory Framework in Nigeria: A Complete Guide (2)

Abiye Lawson

Abiye Lawson is a FinTech and Personal Finance writer with a passion for empowering the financial standings of Africans through technology. With her love for technology and witty writing style, she aims to simplify complex FinTech concepts, explain possible opportunities in the space and motivate the average citezen to leverage the power of technology for financial stability.Connect on LinkedIn:

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Fintech Regulatory Framework in Nigeria: A Complete Guide (3)

Fintech Regulatory Framework in Nigeria: A Complete Guide (2024)


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Throughout this intricate journey, the 5 D's of fintech—Digitization, Disruption, Democratization, Decentralization, and Data—have stood as steadfast guiding principles.

How many types of fintech are there? ›

The FinTech lending industry has many categories like; Peer-to-peer lending, Mortgages, Cash advances, Credit card builders, Business loans, Cash consolidation, Investment loans, and so on.

What is fintech What are the four key areas of fintech? ›

Financial technology has been used to automate investments, insurance, trading, banking services and risk management. Robo-advisers are a class of automated financial adviser that provide financial advice or investment management online with moderate to very little human intervention.

What is the best framework for fintech? ›

What is the best backend framework for fintech? The best backend framework for fintech often varies based on specific project requirements, but Node. js and Django are frequently chosen for their scalability, security, and ability to handle complex financial transactions efficiently.

What are the regulatory requirements for fintech? ›

One of the main regulatory challenges for fintechs is compliance with KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) regulations. Fintechs are required to comply with these regulations in order to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing.

What is fintech regulatory? ›

Fintech regulations are a set of rules and guidelines that govern the operations of fintech companies, which leverage technology to provide financial services and products.

What are the requirements for setting up a Fintech company in Nigeria? ›

For a Fintech company to fully operate in Nigeria, the company must register with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) as a legal entity in Nigeria. The Central Bank of Nigeria or the relevant regulatory body must license the company after necessary applications are made, and necessary documents tendered.

What regulations apply to Fintech? ›

Financial institutions are generally subject to federal (and some state) privacy and security requirements, including the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (“GLBA”), its implementing Regulation P, and the FTC's Safeguards Rule.

What is the regulatory framework for startups in Nigeria? ›

Accordingly, the recently enacted Startup Act, 2022 (the "Act"), a landmark legislation on the regulation of startups in Nigeria, seeks to create a robust legal framework for key regulatory bodies to provide support to startups in Nigeria.

What is the regulation around Fintech? ›

One of the main regulatory challenges for fintechs is compliance with KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) regulations. Fintechs are required to comply with these regulations in order to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing.

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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.