Football Jockstraps (2024)

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Football Jockstraps (1)

Jockstraps are a piece of equipment commonly used as protection in the game of football. While this item is not always required, they are worn by many football players. Football jockstraps come in a few different variations depending on personal preference.

Table of Contents

  • Benefits of Football Jockstraps
  • Things To Consider
  • What are you looking for in a jockstrap?
  • Types
  • Brands
  • FAQ

Jockstraps are a type of undergarment worn by football players to protect their groin region from injury. This undergarment comes in a few different variations, but its main use is to hold a hard plastic cup over the groin. The groin area is one of the most sensitive and fragile areas on the body, and using protection can be very helpful in football.

Football jockstraps are similar to those worn in other contact sports such as hockey or lacrosse. Some types are simply worn to hold the cup, but other variations can provide compression benefits such as muscle recovery or increased blood flow. Many jockstraps are made with extra padding as well. Some types of jockstraps can even be worn instead of underwear or compression shorts as the base layer for a football player.

Things To Consider

When looking for a football jockstrap, you'll want to consider the following:

  • What size jockstrap do you need?
  • How much do you want to spend on a jockstrap?
  • What type of jockstrap is most comfortable for you?

What are you looking for in a jockstrap?

  • Comfort
  • One-piece design
  • Maximum protection
  • Provides compression
  • Breathability


The different types of football jockstraps include supporters and compression shorts.


Supporters are the most traditional form of jockstraps. This type of jockstrap has an elastic waistband with one or two elastic bands to wrap around the thighs. It will also have a pocket for the cup to slide into and can sometimes even have some additional padding for the hips.


  • Very light and unobstructing
  • Can offer some extra protection on the hips
  • Can be used with other compression shorts or underwear


  • Uncomfortable design to some
  • Does not provide compression benefits

Compression Shorts with Cup

Football Jockstraps (2)

Compression shorts with a cup slot are the more commonly used type of jockstrap today. This type of jockstrap is the same as a pair of compression shorts but allows for a cup to be inserted. Many players prefer this type of jockstrap because it is more comfortable and provides compression.


  • Combines cup protection and compression
  • Generally more comfortable
  • More padding options than supporters


  • May be priced higher than supporters
  • Less breathability


The most popular brands that produce football jockstraps include Shock Doctor, McDavid, and Golberg.

Shock Doctor

Shock Doctor is a brand that makes protective equipment and gear for many different sports. They make both supporters and compression shorts with cups. Their supporter will come with a cup included, while the compression shorts do not. However, Shock Doctor does sell individual cups.


McDavid is a brand that is affiliated with Shock Doctor. They also make various protection and recovery items for many sports. McDavid mainly makes supporters which can be used for all different sports. This brand makes two supporters, one with padding over the hips and one without. Both supporters do not include cups.


Golberg specializes in making athletic supporters as well as various non-sports related items. Their supporters come in many different colors and will usually be sold in packs. Most Golbergsupporters are cheaper than other brands and come in a few different styles.


Are jockstraps required to play football?

While many youth football leagues may require the use of jockstraps, most professional and collegiate leagues do not. While they are not always required, many football players still use them for safety.

What sizes do jockstraps come in?

Each type of jockstrap will usually come in both youth and adult sizes. Within these categories, sizes will typically range from small up to 2XL. The sizes available vary from brand to brand, and it is best to look at a company’s size chart to find the best fit.

How much do football jockstraps cost?

Football jockstraps will cost anywhere from $10 to upwards of $30. Generally, compression shorts with cups will cost slightly more than supporters as they provide additional benefits. Brands such as Shock Doctor and McDavid also will make some more expensive options as they are recognized brands that use high quality-materials.

Football Jockstraps (2024)
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