Football Missed Field Goal (2024)

Last updated: Feb 09, 2023

Football Missed Field Goal (1)

A missed field goal in football happens when the kicker kicks the ball and it does not go through the goalposts.Missed field goals result in a change of possession, giving the ball to the opposing team. No points are awarded for missed field goals.

On a missed field goal, the ball is placed at:

  1. The 20-yard line, if the missed field goal was kicked from within the 20-yard line.
  2. At the spot of the kick, if the missed field goal was kicked from at or beyond the 20-yard line.

Table of Contents

  • 20-Yard LineRule
  • Missed Field Goal Spot
  • Missed Field Goal Downs
  • Missed Extra Point
  • FAQ

20-Yard LineRule

Football Missed Field Goal (2)

According to the NFL rulebook Section 4, Article 2 (a), if the missed field goal happens within the opposing team's 20-yard line, the opponent will start their offensive drive with the ball on the 20-yard line.Since field goals are rarely missed within 20 yards, this rule is rarely applied.

Missed Field Goal Spot

Football Missed Field Goal (3)

If the missed field goal happens on or outside of the opposing team's 20-yard line, the opponent is given the ball at the spot of the kick.This makes long distance field goals of 50+ yards risky, as a missed field goal will give the opponent a good field position when they gain possession.

Missed Field Goal Downs

A missed field goal, no matter what down it was attempted on, will result in a turnover.The opposing team gets the ball along with a new set of four downs. The first down line is placed ten yards away from the scrimmage line.

Missed Extra Point

After the offense scores a touchdown, the team that has just scored often opts to try for an “extra point,” which is a short field attempt worth an additional point if scored. If the kicker misses the extra point, there is no further penalty aside from not being given the point.The team that attempted the extra point proceeds to kick off to the opposing team as usual.


What happens if you miss a field goal on third down?

If you miss a field goal on third down, the ball is turned over to the defense.Thus, no matter what down a field goal is attempted on, a miss will result in the ball being turned over.

What happens if you miss a field goal?

If a team misses a field goal, the ball will be turned over to the opposing team.The ball will be placed in one of two places depending on where the field goal was attempted from. If the field goal was attempted from within the 20-yard line, the defense would receive the ball on the 20-yard line. If a field goal is unsuccessful from outside the 20-yard line, the ball will be placed at the spot of the kick.

Football Missed Field Goal (2024)
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