Fortnite: Pro 100 Code (2024)

This specific code is needed to enter the Pro 100 LTM to complete the 3 new Fortnite Cosmic Summer Quests for XP and other rewards.

Fortnite: Pro 100 Code (1)

Fortnite Season 7 has recently introduced Cosmic Summer Quests. These specific challenges run until July 5, 2021, and can net players XP, colorful cosmetics, and other unique rewards.

The challenges require players to take part in LTM maps. These community-created limited-time modes change up the Battle Royale formula to varying degrees of success. One of the most recent batches of Cosmic Summer Quests includes quests that need to be completed while playing in the Pro 100 map. Players need to input a code to access this mode.

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The Pro 100 code in Fortnite

Fortnite: Pro 100 Code (2)

To enter the FortnitePro 100 code and start earning XP and unique rewards, players need to change to the Creative game mode from the starting screen. Then select Discover, and go to the Island Code tab. A blank box will then appear and the required code needs to be entered here. The Pro 100 Fortnite code is 3424-1388-0947.

Hit launch to enter the LTM and get started with the 3 Pro 100 Cosmic Summer Quests.

What are the Pro 100 Cosmic Summer Quests?

The Pro 100 LTM has 3 challenges for players to complete that will unlock rewards. These rewards are:

  • 70k XP
  • Brain Freeze Backbling (Slimeberry)
  • Beach Blast music
  • Cloud Llama Board (Cloudy Cat Board)
  • Believer Beach Loading Screen (When 2 Cosmic Summer Quests are completed)
  • Icy Pop Wrap (When 6 Cosmic Summer Quests are completed)
  • Lil-Treat emote (when 12 Cosmic Summer Quests are completed)

Some of these challenges are easier to complete than others, but there are a few tips and tricks for completing them easier and quicker. Here are all the Pro 100 Quests and how to complete them.

Spend coins to buy items at the vending machine in Pro 100 (10)

Players will need to spend coins at Fortnite's vending machines 10 times to complete this challenge. It’s best to buy the cheapest weapon on offer in the machines to unlock this quest as soon as possible. Coins can be earned by killing enemy players.

Deal damage to players with a rocket launcher in Pro 100 (1,000)

Fortnite: Pro 100 Code (4)

The Rocket Launcher can be bought at a vending machine for 360 coins. Keep racking up those kills to earn coins, and when players have enough they can buy the Fortnite Rocket Launcher and start hitting players until they deal 1000 total damage.

Revive teammates in Pro 100 (20)

Reviving teammates in Fortnite's Pro 100 mode is the hardest of these three challenges to complete because it is both time-consuming and near impossible to get a revive without the help of a friend.

If playing with a friend, make sure both players purchase the Rocket Launcher so they can take turns knocking themselves out with it. While knocked out, the other player can revive them. It’s best to try and find one of the quieter spots on the map to do this, as enemies might spot players doing this in the open and ruin their chances of a quick revive.

To unlock the extra rewards for completing 6 and 12 Cosmic Summer Quests, players will also have to play Bio's Zone Wars Trio, Freaky Flights, and The Pit LTMs. These events will time-out at the end of July 5, so it’s best to try and complete these challenges as soon as possible.

Fortnite is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

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Fortnite: Pro 100 Code (2024)
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