Hockey Intermission (2024)

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  • Intermissions in Hockey
  • Overtime Intermission in Hockey
  • FAQ

Intermissions in Hockey

An intermission is a brief break of play between periods in hockey.There are between two and four intermissions in a hockey game, depending on whether a game goes into overtime or a shootout.

The first and second intermissions take place in every game. The first intermission is between the first and second periods, and the second intermission is between the second and third periods.

The first two intermissions last fifteen and a half minutes (seventeen for televised games) in the NHL, and time is recorded by the game timekeeper and presented to fans on the scoreboard.

During intermission, players leave the ice through doors in the boards and head to the locker rooms. Intermissions allow players to regroup and make adjustments to their game plan before the next period. During this time, the Zamboni will also come onto the ice to perform necessary maintenance.

Overtime Intermission in Hockey

A third intermission only takes place in games that go into overtime. It happens after the third regulation period and before the first overtime period. The intermission before overtime only lasts one minute in NHL regular season games. In the NHL playoffs, the overtime periods last 20 minutes if no goal is scored, so the ice needs to be resurfaced. This will result in an extra 15-minute intermission in NHL playoff games going to overtime.

The fourth intermission only takes place in games that require a shootout to decide the winner, which happens when the score is still tied at the end of overtime.


How many intermissions are there in a hockey game?

There are two intermissions in a regulation hockey game.The first intermission is between the first and second periods. The second intermission is between the second and third periods. There can be more intermissions if the game goes into overtime and shootouts.

How long are intermissions in hockey?

In the NHL, intermissions between periods last fifteen and a half minutes.For televised games, intermissions will last 17 minutes.The intermission before the start of overtime lasts one minute.

Which team gets the puck after intermission?

A faceoff is used to put the puck back into play after intermission, which means both teams have an equal chance of getting possession of the puck. On a faceoff, the referee drops the puck at center ice on the faceoff spot to start the period.

What happens during hockey intermission?

During intermission, players and coaches go to the locker rooms to strategize for the next period.There is usually some concert or promotion to keep fans entertained during intermissions. This intermission period is also when the Zamboni comes out to do maintenance on the ice. You can also watch analysis and breakdown of the previous period by sports analysts on major television networks during intermissions.

Hockey Intermission (2024)


What do hockey players do during intermission? ›

Every player uses the intermission as an opportunity to rehydrate, either with water or a sports drink. That way, they'll feel refreshed and reenergized for the rest of the game and can continue giving their all out on the ice. Some players will also eat something during their break to help refuel.

Why is hockey intermission 18 minutes? ›

As mentioned earlier, the intermission time is used to resurface the ice for optimal playing conditions. The 18-minutes mostly allows for the Zambonis (usually x2) to clean the ice, followed by the ice cleaning crew to mop away the any puddles and allow the surface to dry.

How many minutes is intermission in hockey? ›

A Typical Professional Hockey Game Length

There are three 20-minute periods in a game with intermissions after the first and second periods. Each intermission lasts 18 minutes during NHL games, but may be shorter in other leagues.

Do hockey players change during intermission? ›

Yes, some NHL players change jerseys between periods. As part of the cooling down process during intermission, players will take skates, jerseys, and pads off to try their best in dry out before having to put everything back on 3 – 4 minutes before the next period starts.

Do hockey players undress between periods? ›

“It's actually pretty cool (to be in an NHL locker room during intermission),” forward Chandler Stephenson said. “Certain guys have their routine and what they do. Some guys get fully undressed. Some guys change their underwear.

Why do hockey players take their gloves off between periods? ›

Some players even rotate through gloves during games, allowing them to keep their hands fresh and dry.

Why are the breaks in hockey so long? ›

Hockey intermissions are used primarily to resurface the ice with what is known as an ice resurfacer or what most people call, it by the famous brand name of Zamboni. It usually lasts about 20 minutes. About 15 minutes to clean the ice and about 4–5 minutes while the top layer of ice re-freezes.

Why are hockey games so late? ›

Short answer: the NHL is a gate driven league. Games are played at times when fans can better access the stadium (i.e. after work hours during the weekday). Most sports cater to business hours anyway, but unlike football, the NHL is extremely sensitive to attendance figures.

Why are there 2 intermissions in hockey? ›

With a first and second intermission, each lasting approximately 15 minutes, fans have an extra opportunity to purchase food and drinks, purchase merchandise or use the washroom.

How long should intermissions be? ›

Intermissions can be anywhere from 10-20 minutes, with 15-minute breaks being by far the most common. To most people, 15 minutes seems like ample time to stretch your legs a bit, have a snack and a drink, stroll to the restroom, and return to your seat.

Why do NHL players not pick up their sticks? ›

Simply, it is illegal to play with a broken stick. If a player is caught using a broken stick it is a 2 minute minor penalty. Therefore, if a player has his stick broken they must immediately drop the stick to the ice and discontinue using it.

How long do intermissions last in plays? ›

An intermission should be 15 to 20 minutes long, but modern theaters tend to opt for 15-minute intermissions as standard. Playwrights and producers will typically include a 15-minute interval in a staged play that runs over 90 minutes.

What do NHL players eat before a game? ›

The most common main course is pasta with meat or fish. In fact, in an article about hockey player diet plans by staff writer Deborah Lew, 15 of the 20 NHL players she surveyed said their pre-game meal consisted of pasta plus protein (chicken, fish, or beef).

Do hockey players sharpen their skates between periods? ›

Each player also has his own preference as to how often his skates are sharpened. Some players may go a couple of games between sharpenings, while others may even request that their skates are sharpened between periods. Occasionally, a player will even change the depth of his hollow depending on ice conditions.

How do hockey players know when to sub? ›

Hockey players know when to change based on a number of factors including the length of their shift, changing as a unit with your line mates, strategic matchups against your opponent, and only changing when it will not cause a scoring chance against.

Why do NHL players not shave? ›

The Stanley Cup playoff beard has been an NHL tradition since the early 1980s, when the shaggy New York Islanders won four straight championships. It represents the players' singular focus, as if even personal hygiene is sacrificed in pursuit of hockey's holy grail.

Why do hockey players only wear one glove? ›

You wear the glove on the left side because this is the hand on the top of your stick and the hand that will touch the ground first.

Do you still bully off in hockey? ›

The previous bully-off method, where two opposite players used their hockey sticks to compete for the ball, is no longer used to start matches. It is only used to re-start a match when time or play has been stopped for an injury or for any other reason when no penalty has been awarded.

What do NHL players sniff on the bench? ›

More recently, athletes have begun to use smelling salts with the belief that their use will keep them more alert. The use of smelling salts is particularly popular among football and hockey players who believe this reflex will counteract the effects of concussion.

Why do hockey players put foil on their hands? ›

When the Hanson Brothers were getting ready for a game in "Slap Shot," they were seen putting foil under their gloves to help them cut their opponents during fights. Puttin' on the foil has become a reference to getting ready to fight.

Why do NHL players tape their socks? ›

Hockey players tape their socks to keep socks and shin guards from moving either side to side or down while playing in a game or practicing. Most players shin guards are held by a strip of Velcro on the front and back of their legs. 2 pieces of Velcro per leg to help keep the guard in place.

Why do hockey players ride bikes after games? ›

Why do players do this? We asked Steve Millard. He said the players ride the bicycles to help remove lactic acid from their systems. Lactic acid is what causes muscles to burn after strenuous exercise.

Why do hockey players tape their sticks? ›

Adding tape improves the contact between the blade and the puck. The taped surface of the blade makes it easier to control the puck and accurately shoot a pass across the expanse of the rink to a speeding teammate.

How much do NHL skates cost? ›

Ice Hockey skates range in price from $100 all the way up to $1000.

Can you waste time in hockey? ›

There are two main ways players can waste time: taking longer than before to put the ball into play, or preventing the opposition from putting the ball into play when they'd like to. We'll look at examples of these in turn.

Is 40 too old to play hockey? ›

If you're someone who is asking if you're too old to start playing hockey, and you can still stand and carry your equipment, the answer is no! No matter what age you begin at, no matter how old you might be, if you've got the drive and determination to put some effort into hockey, you can do it.

Is 7 too old to start hockey? ›

And while many kids start hockey at ages 5-9, older kids can and should join whenever they become interested. In fact, Minnesota Hockey recently launched its first ever Never Too Late Hockey Camp with the goal of introducing more kids ages 9-12 to the game and plans to host it again this coming summer.

Why hockey has 3 periods? ›

The brothers apparently believed the change would allow for more frequent rink cleanings while offering players additional rest and encouraging fans to visit concession stands. By the time the NHL rolled out several years later, the three-period structure was well underway and has remained a staple for over 100 years.

Why does hockey have 3? ›

Hockey is played in three periods to maintain the ice for better play. The longer hockey players skate on the ice, the more the ice quality diminishes. Splitting the game into 3 periods is better than 2 halves because it gives the Zamboni a chance to clean the ice to improve the game.

Why do hockey players spit? ›

The truth is, when you do high-intensity exercise in cold air, saliva and mucus build up making you want to spit more to clear your airways – that's the main reason hockey players are continuously spitting.

Is it rude to leave a play during intermission? ›

There is no law against walking out the door during intermission, but it can be a dilemma. You're at a concert or a play and for whatever reason decide you don't really want to go back for the second half of the performance. If enough people think the same thing, it can mean a lot of empty seats after the break.

How does intermission work? ›

a short interval between the acts of a play or parts of a public performance, usually a period of approximately 10 or 15 minutes, allowing the performers and audience a rest.

How long is second intermission? ›

NHL intermissions are 15 minutes in length occurs after first and second periods, during which the ice is resurfaced.

Why can't NHL players tuck in their jerseys? ›

Some reporters suggested that enforcing uniform rules was the National Hockey League's attempt to reduce freak accidents where a player's body was cut by skate blade while others said the league was laying down rules for eventually selling advertising space that would display prominently on the entire jersey.

Do NHL players use a new stick every game? ›

It's not uncommon for NHL players to use a new stick every game and their teams pay for them — an average of about $200 per stick, which is about $100 less than they cost in a sports store. The regular season is 82 games — not including practices — so the stick bill for NHL teams can get very expensive.

Why do NHL referees not stop fights? ›

The referee will not normally break up a fight unless the linesmen need assistance, or a fight is occurring where a player has gained a significant advantage over the other player, leading to concerns of significant injury.

Why do intermissions exist? ›

In the early days of cinema, intermissions were required simply because movies were printed on multiple reels of film, and a break was needed once the first reel was complete, so the second could be loaded. Intermissions stuck around, though, well after moviehouses solved that problem with multiple projectors.

How long is a hockey game with breaks? ›

An ice hockey game has a total of 60 minutes of playing time in regulation. However, in real time this playing time works out to be 2.5 to 3 hours when you include all of the stops, intermission, and possible overtime.

Do all plays have intermission? ›

But they don't. … I think we've just gotten used to stories taking longer than they need to.” Maybe not for much longer: A study of the 2019-20 U.S. theater season found that of 80 new plays represented in a survey, 62 percent were being presented without intermissions.

Do NHL players nap before games? ›

Home or away, family man or bachelor, every professional hockey player takes a nap before that night's game, almost without exception.

Do NHL players drink coffee before games? ›

Crosby estimated that about 50 percent of NHL players drink coffee before the puck drops. For guys like Bjugstad and Cullen, there is no better way to get up and going. Cullen, who never had a cup before, started up a few years into his career.

Is sugar before a hockey game good? ›

High-sugar foods, including juice or white flour breads, burn off quickly making them poor choices for a pre-game meal. You'll get an energy burst that will then crash when you need it most – during your game.

Do NHL players get their own hotel room? ›

The collective-bargaining agreement now rules that only players on three-year, entry-level contracts have roommates. After that, every player gets his own room on the road. Poulin doesn't think that's a good thing.

Do NHL players use flat bottom V? ›

One of the first NHL teams to be using the flat bottom v skate sharpening method was the St. Louis blues, now over 20 NHL teams are using this method, quite a bold statement for a technique that just took off at the beginning of the year!

Do NHL players skate barefoot? ›

Are skate socks necessary to play hockey? Absolutely not! Many players, including myself, go barefoot in their skates for a variety of reasons. I choose not to wear skate socks because I like my skates to fit as tight as possible.

Can a player refuse to be sub? ›

A soccer player can refuse to be substituted. Soccer rules don't require a player to leave the field simply because their coach decides they want to substitute them.

What is the first unwritten rule in hockey? ›

Don't Touch the Stanley Cup Until You Win It

Perhaps the ultimate unwritten rule in the NHL is that players don't touch the Stanley Cup until they win it. Until then, you can look, but you can't touch.

At what age do scouts start looking at hockey players? ›

At what age do hockey players get scouted? The hockey scouting process can begin as early as 8th grade, which is why the NCAA established new recruiting rules the prohibit Division 1 and 2 college coaches from contacting college hockey recruits until their sophom*ore year of high school.

Where do hockey players go during intermission? ›

During intermission, players leave the ice through doors in the boards and head to the locker rooms. Intermissions allow players to regroup and make adjustments to their game plan before the next period.

What do NHL players do before a game? ›

That's common across the NHL. Players come to the rink on the bus from the hotel, prepare their sticks and make sure their equipment is in order. They get some food and then go through pre-game meetings. For some, their remaining down time is spent kicking the soccer ball around.

How often do NHL players sharpen skates? ›

Some players will sharpen very frequently, such as every 2-3 hours of ice time, while others go for an entire season without sharpening. If you're unsure of where to start, try getting them sharpened after 10 hours of ice time, and then adjust as you feel is necessary.

How long should an intermission be? ›

An intermission should be 15 to 20 minutes long, but modern theaters tend to opt for 15-minute intermissions as standard. Playwrights and producers will typically include a 15-minute interval in a staged play that runs over 90 minutes.

Why is it called intermission? ›

The word intermission has a Latin root, intermissionem, "a breaking off or interruption." Originally, it meant any temporary pause, but by the 1850s it was often used in reference to breaks between acts in theatrical performances.

What comes after Pee Wee in hockey? ›

Atom (Ages 9 – 10): C – B – A – BB – AA. Pee-Wee (Ages 11 – 12): C – B – A – BB – AA – AAA. Bantam (Ages 13 – 14): B – A – BB – AA – AAA. Midget (Ages 15 – 17): B – A – BB – AA – AAA.

Can an NHL player play without a glove? ›

Unlike soccer, hockey rules allow players other than goalies to use their hands on the puck.

What is the best food to eat before a hockey game? ›

An ideal hockey pre-game meal would be high in carbohydrates and protein and low in fats. For example, 6oz chicken breast, 1-2 cups of brown rice, and ½ – 1 cup of green vegetables. How Many Hours Should You Eat Before A Hockey Game? 1-3 hours before your game is the best time to consume your pre-game meal.

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.