Homeopathic arnica for prevention of pain and bruising: randomized placebo-controlled trial in hand surgery (2024)

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  • J R Soc Med
  • v.96(2); 2003 Feb
  • PMC539394

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Homeopathic arnica for prevention of pain and bruising: randomizedplacebo-controlled trial in hand surgery (1)

Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine

J R Soc Med. 2003 Feb; 96(2): 60–65.

PMCID: PMC539394

PMID: 12562974

C Stevinson, BSc MSc, V S Devaraj, FRCS FRCS(Plast),1 A Fountain-Barber, MCSP SRP,1 S Hawkins, MCSP SRP,1 and E Ernst, MD PhD

Author information Copyright and License information PMC Disclaimer


Homeopathic arnica is widely believed to control bruising, reduce swellingand promote recovery after local trauma; many patients therefore take itperioperatively. To determine whether this treatment has any effect, weconducted a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial with threeparallel arms. 64 adults undergoing elective surgery for carpal tunnelsyndrome were randomized to take three tablets daily of homeopathic arnica 30Cor 6C or placebo for seven days before surgery and fourteen days aftersurgery. Primary outcome measures were pain (short form McGill PainQuestionnaire) and bruising (colour separation analysis) at four days aftersurgery. Secondary outcome measures were swelling (wrist circumference) anduse of analgesic medication (patient diary).

62 patients could be included in the intention-to-treat analysis. Therewere no group differences on the primary outcome measures of pain(P=0.79) and bruising (P=0.45) at day four. Swelling and useof analgesic medication also did not differ between arnica and placebo groups.Adverse events were reported by 2 patients in the arnica 6C group, 3 in theplacebo group and 4 in the arnica 30C group.

The results of this trial do not suggest that homeopathic arnica has anadvantage over placebo in reducing postoperative pain, bruising and swellingin patients undergoing elective hand surgery.


Homeopathy is based on the law of similars (‘like cures like’)which states that a substance that causes specific symptoms in a healthyperson can be used to treat those symptoms in a sick person. Remedies undergoa process called ‘potentization’ which describes stepwise dilutionfrom the ‘mother tincture’ combined with ‘succession’(vigorous shaking). The underlying assumption is that the more dilute a remedythe greater its potency, even though according to Avogadro's number, withpotencies beyond 12C (12 centesimal dilutions) the chance of a single moleculeremaining in the final solution tends to the infinitesimal.

The alpine plant Arnica montana is recommended by homeopathicpractitioners for treating injuries on account of its alleged ability tocontrol bruising, reduce swelling and promoterecovery1.Homeopathic arnica is popular with patients undergoing surgery, who hope itwill reduce postoperative complications. However, despite favourable anecdotalreports2 there islittle scientific evidence of itsefficacy3. Areduction in the pain associated with routine dental extractions has beenreported in placebo-controlled trials of homeopathicarnica4,5,6,but two double-blind randomized trials demonstrated no effect on pain,swelling or bleeding after surgical removal of impacted wisdomteeth7,8.Other trials have shown no beneficial effects on postoperativehaematomas9 or onrecovery fromhysterectomy10,acute strokeillness11,12or childbirth13.Tentatively positive results were reported from a small study in patients withacute trauma14. Arecent trial of homeopathic arnica administered in conjunction with herbalarnica ointment was reported to show no effect on swelling or grip strengthbut a reduction in pain following carpal tunnel releasesurgery15.

As well as producing inconsistent results, many of these trials havemethodological limitations that make the findings unreliable. A rigorous trialon the subject would therefore be valuable in determining whether homeopathicarnica can aid recovery from surgery. This study was designed as a preliminaryinvestigation of the effect of this preparation on sequelae of hand surgery.If a beneficial effect of arnica (or a positive trend) was demonstrated, alarger trial would then be started.


All patients between the ages of 18 and 70 years undergoing elective handsurgery for carpal tunnel syndrome by one surgeon (VSD) at the Royal Devon& Exeter Hospital or a private plastic surgery clinic were eligible forthe trial. Patients were excluded if they were currently taking homeopathicremedies, reported previous hypersensitivity to homeopathy, were takingaspirin, or were unable to complete the study diary or attend follow-upappointments. Patients were not included in the trial a second time if theysubsequently underwent surgery on their other hand. Patients listed forelective surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome were sent information and wereinvited to meet the investigators to discuss the study; each patient's generalpractitioner was also informed. Patients who wished to participate and who metthe study criteria were allocated the next available study number.

Patients received a medication bottle, identifiable only by study number,containing either high (30C) or low (6C) potency homeopathic arnica tablets orindistinguishable placebo. Tablets were to be taken three times daily forseven days preoperatively and fourteen days postoperatively. Patients wereadvised to refrain from handling the tablets or from eating, drinking, smokingor brushing teeth within 20 minutes of taking the tablets and were asked tosuck the tablets rather than simply swallow them. Homeopathic and placebotablets were supplied by A Nelson & Co Ltd. Medication bottles werelabelled with study numbers derived from a computer-generated randomizationlist in blocks of three by an individual not involved with running the trial.The randomization list was kept in a sealed envelope in a locked drawer untilthe end of the trial. All patients and investigators, including the surgeon,physiotherapists and data analysts, remained blind to treatment allocationuntil after data analysis.

All patients were admitted as day cases and received conventionalpreoperative and postoperative care. The operations were done under localanaesthesia. Afterwards the hand was rested on a palmar plaster splint tomaintain the wrist in slight dorsiflexion, allowing the fingers to be gentlymobilized within the dressing and the hand elevated in a high sling. Oralanalgesic medication, either paracetamol or diclofenac, was routinelyprescribed on the hospital discharge form. All patients were seen by thephysiotherapist at four, nine and fourteen days post-surgery (or the closestpossible day). At day four the splint was removed and digits and wrists weremobilized. A Futura aluminium wrist splint was given to the patients to wearfor a further week. Sutures were removed at day fourteen.

The primary outcome measures were pain and bruising, and the secondarymeasures were swelling and use of analgesic medication. Pain was assessed withthe short-form McGill Pain Questionnaire(SF-MPQ)16completed by the patient at recruitment (to provide a measure of pain fromcarpal tunnel syndrome) and on days four, nine and fourteen post-surgery. TheSF-MPQ includes a visual analogue scale(VAS)17 to indicatethe intensity of pain and a list of fifteen descriptive words (e.g. stabbing,gnawing, shooting). The VAS is sensitive to changes in painintensity18. Thepain descriptors are each rated on a 4-point scale (0=none, 1=mild,2=moderate, 3=severe) yielding a total score ranging from 0 to 45. Patientskept a daily pain diary throughout the trial, including VAS scores; they alsorecorded use of analgesics and any adverse events. To quantify bruising, aphotograph of the patient's wrist at the distal crease was taken by thephysiotherapist on days four, nine and fourteen post-surgery under standardlighting conditions. Scanned images were analysed with Adobe Photoshop 4.0software. For each patient, frames representative of normal skin (thenar zone)and of the bruised areas (operative site) were selected. The distribution ofred and blue pixels within each frame was calculated. This information,displayed as a histogram of the number of pixels (y-axis) against anincreasing scale of colour brightness from 0 to 255 (x-axis), enabledan objective and quantitative comparison of the colour of the bruised areawith the colour of the normal skin. This method was developed for objectivemeasurement of burn scarhypertrophy19 andhas been successfully used to assess healing at skin graft donorsites20. For eachpatient the extent of bruising was also assessed independently by two plasticsurgeons blind to treatment allocation on a 3-point scale (0=none,1=mild—moderate, 2=severe) as a check on the validity of colourseparation analysis in assessing bruising.

To quantify swelling, wrist circumference was measured at the distal wristcrease before anaesthetic infiltration and on days four, nine and fourteenpost-surgery. Three readings were taken of each measurement. Adherence to thestudy medication was assessed by tablet counts at the end of the study.Patients were asked to tick boxes in the study diary as a further record oftablet taking. The success of patient blinding was assessed by a question inthe study diary on the last day of the trial, asking patients to indicatewhich treatment they believed they had received (arnica, placebo, don'tknow).

Data analysis

The null hypothesis was that there would be no differences between thearnica and placebo groups on the primary outcome measures at day four. Asearch of the published work yielded no reliable data from carpal tunnelsurgery on which to base a formal sample sizecalculation21. Inprevious studies of arnica, statistically significant effects on pain havebeen reported with groups of 11-30patients4,6,14,15Because of the preliminary nature of the trial and the number of patientsexpected to be available, a minimum sample size of 60 was consideredfeasible.

Since the data were not normally distributed, it was necessary to employnon-parametric statistical tests. The Kruskal—Wallis test (two-sidedwith 5% significance level) was used to compare the three groups at days four,nine and fourteen for pain (absolute scores), bruising (difference in colourvalues between normal and bruised areas), and swelling (change frompre-surgery values) and at day four only for use of analgesic medication(total number of tablets taken since surgery). Intention-to-treat analyseswere conducted on all randomized patients remaining in the trial at the timeof surgery. Missing data were replaced with the median value of the totalsample. Analyses were performed in SPSS version 9.0 for Windows.

Ethical approval

The study protocol was approved by the Exeter Research Ethics Committee.Approval was also obtained from the Royal Devon and Exeter Healthcare NHSTrust. All participants gave written informed consent.


The flow of patients through the trial is displayed inFigure 1. Of the 64 patientsrecruited to the trial, 62 were included in the analysis. One patient in thearnica 6C group did not undergo the scheduled surgery so was no longereligible for the trial and one patient from the arnica 30C group withdrew fromthe study before undergoing surgery because she believed that the tablets werecausing her to feel ‘unhappy or low’. 8 other patients reportedadverse events—3 in the placebo group (heartburn; sore throat andflu-like symptoms; faintness and headache); 3 in the arnica 30C group (drymouth; headache; feeling ‘throbby’ in head/neck); 2 in the arnica6C group (drowsiness; sore tongue). Adherence was incomplete in all threegroups. As judged by tablet counts at the end of the trial, the number ofpatients who had taken less than 90% of their tablets was 9/20 for the arnica6C group, 7/22 for the placebo group and 6/20 for the arnica 30C group.Self-reported adherence was much higher, with only 2 patients indicating thatthey had taken less than 90% of the tablets. In total there were data missingat one or more timepoints on at least one outcome for 10 patients—3 ofthese were from the arnica 6C group, 5 from the placebo group and 2 from thearnica 30C group. Patient blinding seemed to remain intact throughout thestudy. 7/20 patients in the arnica 6C group, 3/22 in the placebo group and7/20 in the arnica 30C group correctly identified their treatment allocationat the end of the trial. The randomization procedure resulted in similarpatient characteristics in each group for most variables(Table 1). However, the arnica6C group contained more male patients and had lower VAS scores for carpaltunnel syndrome pain than the other two groups.

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Figure 1

Trial flow

Table 1

Patient characteristics

Arnica 6C (n=20)Placebo (n=22)Arnica 30C (n=20)
Age [years]51.0 (30-68)51.0 (33-57)47.5 (30-68)
Left/right wrist8/126/166/14
Wrist circumference [mm]162.0 (140-202)160.0 (140-190)*163.0 (144-190)
Carpal tunnel syndrome pain
SF-MPQ VAS [0-100]3.0 (0-71)20.0 (0-69)*27.5 (0-68)
SF-MPQ descriptors [0-45]2.0(0-18)3.5 (0-24)*6.5 (0-19)

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Values are median (range) unless specified

SF-MPQ=short form McGill Pain Questionnaire; VAS=visual analogue scale;C=centesimal dilution

*data missing from one patient (n=21)

data missing from one patient (n=19)

Results of the primary outcome measures of pain and bruising are presentedin Tables ​Tables22 and​and3.3. Postoperative pain did notdiffer between the groups at day 4 according to VAS scores(χ2=4.81, d.f.=2, P=0.79) or MPQ descriptor scores(χ2=2.48, d.f.=2, P=0.29). Similarly, bruising did notdiffer between the groups at day 4 in terms of blue (χ2=1.61,d.f.=2, P=0.45) or red (χ2=3.89, d.f.=2,P=0.14) channel brightness. The null hypothesis was thereforeaccepted.

Table 2

Postoperative pain

Arnica 6C (n=20)Placebo (n=22)Arnica 30C (n=20)
MPQ-SF VAS score [0-100]
Day 410.5 (0-76)16.0 (0-69)15.0 (0-82)
Day 96.0 (0-31)3.5 (0-35)8.0 (0-49)
Day 140.0 (0-28)2.0 (0-41)8.5 (0-45)
MPQ-SF descriptors [0-45]
Day 42.0 (1-16)3.0 (0-10)5.0 (0-24)
Day 92.0 (0-8)1.0 (0-10)3.0 (0-20)
Day 140.5 (0-7)1.0 (0-6)3.0 (0-13)

Open in a separate window

All values are median (range)

See Table 1 for key toabbreviations

Table 3

Postoperative bruising

Arnica 6C (n=20)Placebo (n=22)Arnica 30C (n=20)
Change in blue channel brightness[0-255]*
Day 426.0 (-40-59)28.5 (-1-75)22.0 (-14-92)
Day 915.5 (-33-61)15.5 (-18-62)11.25 (-30-81)
Day 1411.5 (-21-69)12.0 (-21-61)12.5 (-32-49)
Change in red channel brightness[0-255]*
Day 412.5 (-12-39)12.5 (2-57)20.0 (-8-60)
Day 913.0 (-17-69)13.0 (-7-50)13.5 (-22-52)
Day 1414.5 (-17-50)18.0 (-7-55)17.5 (-16-42)
Clinician rating (none; mild-moderate; severe)[n]
Day 45;12;33;13;65;12;3
Day 93;14;34;13;55;14;1
Day 144;16;06;15;16;13;1

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C=centesimal dilution

*Values are median (range) change from normal skin

Ratings from two clinicians with highest value used if discrepant

There was support from the results of the secondary outcome measures ofswelling and use of analgesic medication, which are presented in Tables​Tables44 and​and55 andFigure 2. Neither swelling(χ2=1.25, d.f.=2, P=0.54) nor number of tablets(χ2=1.63, d.f.=2, P=0.44) differed between the groupsat day four. The only group difference that approached statisticalsignificance was on the MPQ descriptors total score (χ2=6.72,d.f.=2, P=0.04) where the placebo group had lower scores than thearnica 30C group at day nine (U=122.0, P=0.01, Mann—Whitney Utest). Figure 3 displays thedaily pain VAS scores from the study diary.

Table 4

Postoperative swelling

Arnica 6C (n=20)Placebo (n=22)Arnica 30C (n=20)
Change in wrist circumference [mm]
Day 46.0 (-2-12)4.0 (-4-14)5.0 (-2-14)
Day 94.0 (-4-12)4.0 (-6-16)6.0 (0-11)
Day 144.0 (-6-8)4.0 (-4-14)5.0 (-2-10)

Open in a separate window

All values are median (range) change from preoperative measurement

C=centesimal dilution

Table 5

Postoperative use of analgesic medication

Arnica 6C (n=20)Placebo (n=22)Arnica 30C (n=20)
Day 0 (surgery)3.5 (2-8)4.0 (2-10)3.5 (0-10)
Day 12.5 (0-12)6.0 (0-18)6.0 (0-14)
Day 21.1 (0-10)1.5 (0-10)4.0 (0-12)
Day 30.0 (0-8)0.0 (0-6)2.0 (0-12)
Day 40.0 (0-10)0.0 (0-6)0.0 (0-8)
Total10.0 (2-46)14.5 (2-44)16.0 (2-50)

Open in a separate window

All values are median (range) number of tablets

C=centesimal dilution

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Figure 2

Postoperative use of analgesic medication. ▪ Arnica 6C; placebo; □ arnica 30C

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Figure 3

Postoperative pain. ------- Arnica 6C; _______ placebo; (Bold Line) arnica30C


Despite its reputation as a useful intervention for preventing the effectsof anticipated trauma (e.g. surgery) or for treating unexpected trauma (e.g.accidental injury), homeopathic arnica was no better than placebo in reducingpostoperative complications. These results are compatible with the negativefindings from otherstudies7,8,9,10,11,12,13,15.

This trial was designed to be a methodologically rigorous investigation ofthe specific effects of two potencies of homeopathic arnica. Attempts weremade to select outcome measures that were objective and/or adequatelyvalidated. In particular, by employing colour separation analysis it wasintended to assess bruising in a more objective quantitative manner thanprevious studies that have relied only on crude and subjectiveratings9,22.

These results do not support the routine use of homeopathic arnica forpreventing or reducing postoperative complications such as bruising, swellingand pain. However, they do not rule out the possibility that individualpatients could benefit. Homeopathic practitioners identify specific patientcharacteristics (e.g. fear of being touched, denial of illness, difficultysleeping due to a hard bed, anxiousdreams2) that helppredict who will respond to arnica. This trial did not apply traditionalhomeopathic principles in this way. However, in one trial of surgical patientswhere the homeopathic remedy was chosen to match the patient's constitution,arnica was selected in 21 of 24 cases and no differences from placebo weredemonstrated8.

The use of non-parametric tests reduces the likelihood of detectingstatistical differences since they are less powerful than parametric testsparticularly with smaller samples. However, a type II error does not appear toaccount for the results of this trial, where differences between groups are sosmall that they would have no clinical relevance even if statisticallysignificant. Furthermore, there is no clear trend or consistent pattern thatfavours any of the interventions, indicating that measurement and random errorcan explain any perceived differences.

Poor adherence to the trial regimen was seen in over one-third of thesample. However, it seems unlikely that this explains the lack of differencebetween arnica and placebo since homeopathic practitioners often recommendthat a single dose of arnica before and after surgery is sufficient to hastenrecovery2. From thestudy diaries it seems that more tablets were missed in the latter days of thetrial when patients are likely to have fully recovered.

A final point to consider in attempting to explain the lack of differencebetween arnica and placebo groups is the surgical model used in this trial.There was little bruising, pain and swelling in any of the groups, so perhapsthe skill of the surgeon offered little scope for arnica. However, arnica isreputed to be effective in every case of trauma, howeverslight2; some of therigorous trials cited above have tested arnica in bigger operations withoutsignificanteffects7,8,9,10,11,12,13.Conversely, it might also be argued that major tissue injury is too severe tobenefit from the subtle effects of homeopathy; the present choice of surgicalmodel represented a compromise between minor and major trauma.

In view of the ineffectiveness of homeopathic arnica observed in this andother trials, how can we account for its remarkable reputation for healinginjury? The probable explanation is positive selection bias. Some patientsrecover very quickly from surgery. If those taking arnica attribute their goodrecovery to the homeopathic remedy and this apparent association is widelyreported, it is easy to see how the reputation can build. Since theexperiences of patients who recover well without taking arnica and those whor*ceive no benefit from arnica are less likely to be reported, the mythbecomes reinforced.


We thank Joanne Barnes for her assistance in designing this trial, ChrisStone for his help with the colour separation analysis and Theresa Sheldon whocollected data for this trial. Funding was provided by the Dr Susil Kumar andJamila Mitra Charitable Trust (UK); homeopathic and placebo tablets weresupplied by A Nelson & Co Ltd.


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Homeopathic arnica for prevention of pain and bruising: randomized
placebo-controlled trial in hand surgery (2024)
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