hom*o sapiens is #9. Who were the eight other human species? (2024)

This article was first published by Big Think in April 2022. It was updated in August 2023.

We like to think humans are special. Certainly, our species has some impressive accomplishments compared to those of our closest living relatives, the chimpanzees and bonobos. Yes, these species fight, communicate, and use tools. But none developed a formal language, traveled space, altered the course of a planet’s climate, painted the Mona Lisa, composed FürElise, conceived of the Internet, or invented Velcro.

It seems odd that our closest living relatives have such little ambition. (Though arguably, they have more peace — well, except for the Gombe Chimpanzee War.) Have you ever wondered why there is not another species like us?

One line of reasoning suggests that we would not be so unique had we not killed off some of our relatives.

The eight other human species

Around 6 million years ago, a branch of apes evolved to become the first species of the genus hom*o. These early humans ditched the long arms of apes for stronger legs. While they could no longer swing around on trees, they could stand upright, walk, and colonize new ecosystems, away from the forest. The brains of early humans grew until we were using complex tools to hunt large animals, build fires, and construct shelters.

By the time hom*o sapiens arrived on the scene some 300,000 years ago, we were the ninth hom*o species, joining habilis, erectus, rudolfensis, heidelbergensis, floresiensis, neanderthalensis, naledi, and luzonensis. Many of these species lived for much longer periods of time than we have, yet we get all the attention. It is time for a family reunion.

hom*o sapiens is #9. Who were the eight other human species? (1)

The human family tree, as depicted in 2015 following the discovery of hom*o naledi. (Credit: S.V. Medaris / UW-Madison)

H. habilis: the handyman (2.4 million – 1.4 million years ago)

In 1960, a team of researchers uncovered fossilized remains of an early human in Tanzania. These fossils had braincases slightly larger than those of apes. Suspecting that these specimens were responsible for the thousands of stone tools found near the site, scientists dubbed the species “handy man” — hom*o habilis. Thought to have evolved nearly 2.4 million years ago, H. habilis is widely considered to be the first member of the genus hom*o that evolved from apes.

H. Habilis was small, clocking in around 70 pounds and standing somewhere between 3.5 feet and 4.5 feet tall. We also know that H. habilis made complex tools, including stones used to butcher animals. H. Habilis lived as the only member of our genus for nearly a million years.

H. erectus: the enduring hiker (1.89 million to 110,000 years ago)

As the name implies, hom*o erectus is the first known hom*o species that stood fully upright. H. erectus featured other, modern human proportions distinct from those of apes: shorter arms relative to the torso, and long legs adapted for walking and running, rather than climbing trees.

H. erectus is the first human with a significantly larger braincase than that of apes. They also had smaller teeth. The latter adaptation probably helped H. erectus eat meat and quickly digestible protein. This would fuel the increased nutritional requirements that came with taller bodies and larger brains.

In fact, scientists found campfires and hearths near the remains of H. erectus, suggesting they were the first humans to dabble with cooking — a uniquely human activity that gave us access to easily digestible food, allowing our brains and bodies to grow.

H. erectus was a very successful species. They walked the Earth for a period lasting nearly nine times as long as our current reign.

H. rudolfensis: the stranger (1.9 million to 1.8 million years ago)

We know little about hom*o rudolfensis, a hominid discovered near Kenya’s Lake Rudolf (now known as Lake Turkana). H. rudolfensis had a considerably greater braincase than hom*o habilis — a good indicator that the species was human. However, some scientists argue it may be better placed with the genus Australopithecus, a close relative of hom*o, because of its smaller size and similarities in the pelvis and shoulder.

H. heidelbergensis: the hunter (700,000 to 200,000 years ago)

Around 700,000 years ago, hom*o heidelbergensis (sometimes referred to as hom*o rhodesiensis) arrived on the scene in Europe and eastern Africa. Scientists think that these smaller, wider humans were the first to live in cold places.

The remains of animals like horses, elephants, hippopotamuses, and rhinoceroses, were found together with H. heidelbergensis. That proximity suggests that this group of humans was the first to hunt larger animals with spears. To stay warm, these humans also learned how to control fire, and they built simple shelters out of wood and rock.

Most scientists agree that the African branch of H. heidelbergensis gave rise to our own species, hom*o sapiens.

H. floresiensis: the Hobbit (100,000 to 50,000 years ago)

hom*o floresiensis is known only from remains found in 2003 on the Island of Flores, Indonesia. Along with the remains of H. floresiensis were some stone tools, dwarf elephants and komodo dragons — a discovery that paints quite a scene of the island life of these small humans.

The isolation of H. floresiensis likely contributed to its small brains and stature (estimated at approximately 3 feet, 6 inches from a female specimen). In fact, its size conforms to the ecological principle of insular dwarfism, which predicts that animals reduce their body size when their population’s range is limited to a small island environment. H. floresiensis made stone tools and hunted diminutive elephants, whose own small size stands as another example of insular dwarfism. How H. floresiensis arrived at its namesake island is still unknown — the nearest island is separated from Flores by 6 miles of rough seas.

H. neanderthalensis: The Neanderthal thinkers (400,000 – 40,000 years ago)

Say hello to our closest relatives — the Neanderthals.

Neanderthals were shorter and stockier than us but had brains that were as big, or even bigger, than our own. Neanderthals lived a tough life. We find bones riddled with fractures, suggesting they did not always succeed when they hunted large animals. They also lived in seriously cold environments in Europe and in southeastern and central Asia. To cope, they made fires and lived in sophisticated shelters. They also made clothing, using complex tools such as sewing needles crafted from bone.

Scientists have found dozens of fully articulated Neanderthal skeletons across many sites, which suggests that the Neanderthals buried their dead and marked their graves. This indicates that Neanderthals conducted the kind of symbolic acts associated with the cognitive processes that lead to language.

Their burials also helped modern humans: With so many intact specimens, scientists have successfully extracted Neanderthal DNA. Using that resource, researchers found that at one point, humans and Neanderthals mated.

H. naledi: the enigmatic newcomer (335,000 to 236,000 years ago)

hom*o naledi were small hominids that lived in South Africa. We do not know much about H. naledi, because they were only discovered in late 2015. In a single expedition, scientists excavated an astounding 1,550 specimens from at least 15 individuals. These specimens show us that H. naledi were small (around 4 feet, 9 inches). While the excavation unearthed a treasure trove of human fossils, the researchers found no tools or other animals alongside H. naledi, so their lifestyle remains a mystery.

H. luzonensis: a polemic finding (at least 67,000 years ago)

In 2019, researchers visited a small cave on an island in northern Indonesia. Inspired by the discovery of H. floresiensis, the scientists wondered whether other islands also had human dwellers. The researchers struck gold — kind of. Though they found human remains, they only unearthed seven teeth, three foot bones, two finger bones, and a fragment of a thighbone. Still, due to its geographic isolation and small size, the scientists felt confident in declaring that this species was unknown to science. They named it luzonensis after Luzon, the island on which it was found.

Some researchers question the finding, arguing that there were not enough remains to rule out that H. luzonensis is a variant of the well-known island-dweller H. floresiensis. The discovery reinvigorated questions of how exactly these humans reached the islands.

Wise guys finish last

Not all these extinct humans coexisted with our H. sapiens ancestors. Most of them probably went extinct due to intense changes in climate.

hom*o sapiens is #9. Who were the eight other human species? (2)

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However, scientists suspect we were hardly friendly with species such as H. neanderthalis that did live alongside us. After humans moved into Europe, Neanderthal numbers began to dwindle. Since we all know what humans are capable of — great acts of mercy, but also of war and violence — we do not really need to guess at what happened. We competed for space and food, and we outmatched our closest relatives. The fact that they held on for so long suggests the tides could have turned easily against us.

Neanderthals left their mark in our DNA

Our enemies were also, evidently, our lovers. Scientists extracted some DNA from Neanderthal specimens and demonstrated that H. sapiens and H. neanderthalis mated; in fact, the genomes of modern humans include 1% to 8% Neanderthal DNA.

The Neanderthals are not alone in leaving their mark on our genetic blueprint — some of us might share DNA from archaic humans discovered in the Denisovan Cave in Siberia’s Altai mountains. Though we do not have enough remains to describe species in the Denisovan group, scientists managed to collect DNA from a juvenile female finger bone. Most scientists suggest that the Denisovans suffered the same fate as Neanderthals: They were outcompeted by our ancestors, but only after sharing ancient beds.


Human Evolution

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Human Evolution

hom*o sapiens is #9. Who were the eight other human species? (2024)


hom*o sapiens is #9. Who were the eight other human species? ›

Apart from our species, the gallery features eight other kinds of human: hom*o habilis, hom*o rudolfensis, hom*o erectus

hom*o erectus
The extinct ancient human hom*o erectus is a species of firsts. It was the first of our relatives to have human-like body proportions, with shorter arms and longer legs relative to its torso. It was also the first known hominin to migrate out of Africa, and possibly the first to cook food.
https://www.nhm.ac.uk › hom*o-erectus-our-ancient-ancestor
, hom*o antecessor, hom*o heidelbergensis, hom*o floresiensis
hom*o floresiensis
hom*o floresiensis evolved from a group of hominins who somehow crossed the sea to the Indonesian island of Flores perhaps more than a million years ago. Shrinking in size may have been a useful adaptation to island life where resources were limited, as a smaller body and brain reduces energetic demands.
https://www.nhm.ac.uk › discover › hom*o-floresiensis-hobbit
(nicknamed 'the hobbit'), hom*o neanderthalensis (the Neanderthals) and the recently discovered hom*o naledi.

Were there 9 species of humans? ›

At least nine hominin species once roamed the Earth, so what became of our vanished ancestors? Just 300,000 years ago – a blink in evolutionary time – at least nine species of humans wandered the planet. Today, only our own, hom*o sapiens, remains.

Where did 8 we all hom*o sapiens come from? ›

The species that you and all other living human beings on this planet belong to is hom*o sapiens. During a time of dramatic climate change 300,000 years ago, hom*o sapiens evolved in Africa.

How many species of sapiens were there? ›

We hom*o sapiens didn't used to be alone. Long ago, there was a lot more human diversity; hom*o sapiens lived alongside an estimated eight now-extinct species of human about 300,000 years ago. As recently as 15,000 years ago, we were sharing caves with another human species known as the Denisovans.

What were the other human species called? ›

By the time hom*o sapiens arrived on the scene some 300,000 years ago, we were the ninth hom*o species, joining habilis, erectus, rudolfensis, heidelbergensis, floresiensis, neanderthalensis, naledi, and luzonensis. Many of these species lived for much longer periods of time than we have, yet we get all the attention.

What happened to the 9 species of humans? ›

But there's no obvious environmental catastrophe – volcanic eruptions, climate change, asteroid impact – driving it. Instead, the extinctions' timing suggests they were caused by the spread of a new species, evolving 260,000-350,000 years ago in Southern Africa: hom*o sapiens.

How many species are there other than humans? ›

Estimates range from 3 million to 100 million or even more. Taxonomists--biologists who specialize in identifying and classifying life on the planet--have named approximately 1.7 million species so far.

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One of the earliest known humans is hom*o habilis, or “handy man,” who lived about 2.4 million to 1.4 million years ago in Eastern and Southern Africa.

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hom*o erectus characteristics

erectus is the oldest known species to have a human-like body, with relatively elongated legs and shorter arms in comparison to its torso. It had an upright posture. By studying the remains of the very complete skeleton known as Turkana Boy, scientists have concluded that H.

Could there be another species of humans? ›

There were once nine human species, now it's just us. But could new human species evolve? For that to happen, we'd need isolated populations subject to distinct selective pressures. Distance no longer isolates us, but reproductive isolation could theoretically be achieved by selective mating.

How many species still exist? ›

One of the most widely cited figures comes from Camilo Mora and colleagues; they estimated that there are around 8.7 million species on Earth today.

Will there be a mass extinction in 2050? ›

The results are bleak: the supercomputer says 10 percent of all plant and animal species will disappear by 2050, and 27 percent of vertebrate diversity will vanish by 2100. Yeah, that's over a quarter of our animals gone in about 75 years.

How many humans have ever lived? ›

With this context and timeframe in mind, the demographers estimate that 109 billion people have lived and died over the course of 192,000 years. If we add the number of people alive today, we get 117 billion humans that have ever lived.

Did humans come from Africa? ›

Paleoanthropologists and geneticists have found evidence pointing to Africa as the origin of our species. The oldest fossils that may belong to modern humans, dating back as far as 300,000 years, have been unearthed there. So were the oldest stone tools used by our ancestors. Human DNA also points to Africa.

Why did early humans go extinct? ›

Li says that the changing climate might have wiped out human ancestors and forced new human species to emerge. Eventually, these might have evolved into the last common ancestor of modern humans and our extinct relatives, the Denisovans and Neanderthals.

What was before Neanderthal? ›

hom*o heidelbergensis, a species that existed from 200,000 to 700,000 years ago, is a popular candidate. It appears that the African family tree of this species leads to hom*o sapiens while a European branch leads to hom*o neanderthalensis and the Denisovans.

How many species have ever existed? ›

Up to 4 billion species of plants and animals are estimated to have lived at some tlme m the geologic past (2), most of these in the last 600 million years (Phanerozoic time). Yet there are only a few million species living today. Thus, extinction of species has been almost as common as origination.

What did humans look like 1,000,000 years ago? ›

One million years ago, our ancestors were hom*o erectus, basically looking like us, but more robust, with smaller brains, no chins, and projecting brow ridges.

How many times have humans almost been extinct? ›

But according to an August 2023 study, our ancestors may have come close to extinction some 900,000 to 800,000 years ago. During this period, our human ancestors lost 98.7 percent of their population, according to the study published in Science.

What was the last human species to go extinct? ›

neanderthalensis, the last human species to go extinct.

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