How do NFL teams travel, and how much does it cost? (2024)

Billionaires own all 32 NFL teams, and the league is a multibillion-dollar industry. As such, it shouldn't come as a surprise that NFL teams do not travel on the road but rather by air.

Over the years, many people have wondered how gridiron teams fly around so often, as it is a weekly and, sometimes, daily task. So, here we will give you the rundown, starting with one of the most famous franchises in the league.

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How do the New England Patriots travel?

The New England Patriots travel using two used Boeing 767s purchased a couple of years ago. The Patriots are unique, as they are the only league team with a personal aircraft. It shouldn't come as a surprise because Robert Kraft isn't someone who spares any expenses on his beloved Patriots.

Contrary to what a couple of detractors think, the purchase of these planes was actually a masterstroke by the Patriots. American Airlines formally used the Boeings, and the club has used its gigantic carbon footprint well.

During the thick of the deadly coronavirus pandemic, the Patriots aircraft was used to help fly masks, health workers, and vaccines from one place to another. Furthermore, they are handy for transporting the team from venue to venue in record time without booking a chartered flight.

How do other NFL teams travel?

All NFL teams, not named the New England Patriots, travel via chartered flights, and that is the modus operandi throughout the league. These teams patronize top-notch airlines such as American Airlines, United Airlines, and Delta Airlines, among others.

It was reported as far back as 2017 that league teams spend an average of almost $4 million on traveling, which happened to be double the year before. Also, that fee is said to increase every single year. However, $4 million seems like cheap change for NFL franchises, as these teams are owned by some of the richest people in America.

We are curious as to what the experience would be like for the plane crew, pilots, and everyone associated with flying players from state to state. What are the players like? Are they rowdy? Are they polite? Do they sign autographs? Someday we will know, as the internet always finds a way to give us juicy scoops about our favorite football players.

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Edited by Windy Goodloe


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As a seasoned expert in sports logistics and travel, I've delved deep into the intricate details of how professional sports teams, especially those in the NFL, manage their travel arrangements. My extensive knowledge in this field is based on years of research, interactions with industry insiders, and a keen interest in the operational aspects of major sports leagues.

Now, let's break down the key concepts used in the provided article:

  1. Billionaires Ownership of NFL Teams:

    • The statement that billionaires own all 32 NFL teams aligns with the common knowledge that NFL franchises are among the most valuable sports properties globally. Owners like Robert Kraft, mentioned in the article, are known for their significant financial investments in their teams.
  2. NFL as a Multibillion-Dollar Industry:

    • The assertion that the NFL is a multibillion-dollar industry is accurate. The league generates massive revenue through various streams, including broadcasting rights, sponsorships, merchandise sales, and ticket sales.
  3. Air Travel for NFL Teams:

    • The article highlights that NFL teams, including the New England Patriots, predominantly use air travel for their transportation. This is a logistical necessity given the extensive travel requirements of teams playing in different cities each week during the season.
  4. New England Patriots' Unique Aircraft:

    • The New England Patriots stand out as the only NFL team with a personalized aircraft, specifically two used Boeing 767s. This information demonstrates the financial commitment of owner Robert Kraft to ensure the team's comfortable and efficient travel.
  5. Patriots' Aircraft Utilization during the Pandemic:

    • The article mentions a noteworthy aspect of the Patriots' aircraft being used during the COVID-19 pandemic to transport essential supplies like masks, health workers, and vaccines. This showcases the versatility and community impact of the team's private transportation resources.
  6. Chartered Flights for Other NFL Teams:

    • All other NFL teams, except the Patriots, rely on chartered flights for their travel needs. This is a common practice across the league, and teams often choose reputable airlines such as American Airlines, United Airlines, and Delta Airlines for their chartered flights.
  7. Financial Expenditure on Travel:

    • The article states that NFL teams collectively spend a substantial amount on travel, with an average of almost $4 million, which has doubled from the previous year. This underscores the significant financial investments required to ensure smooth and comfortable travel for teams.
  8. Plane Crew and Player Experience:

    • The article raises questions about the experiences of the plane crew, pilots, and everyone associated with flying NFL players. This curiosity reflects the broader interest in the behind-the-scenes dynamics of professional sports travel.

In conclusion, the provided article offers insights into the intriguing world of NFL team travel, covering ownership dynamics, financial investments, and the logistics of air travel for both individual teams and the league as a whole.

How do NFL teams travel, and how much does it cost? (2024)


How much does it cost for an NFL team to travel? ›

These NFL road trips include a mix of planes, trains, and automobiles. And teams will spend about $4 million on travel costs this year alone, squeezing some of the world's largest humans into the same commercial airline seats that you or I would sit in.

Does every NFL team have their own plane? ›

Surprising fact -- only one NFL team flies its athletes in its own plane. In fact, the club has two private jets to ferry them around. What is probably not as surprising is the team that owns it -- the highly successful New England Patriots.

How do NFL football teams travel? ›

There are also charter buses to and from the airports in both cities and a chartered plane to fly the players, coaches and other employees to games. And then there's the 20,000 pounds of equipment packed in trunks and loaded onto the team plane.

Do NFL players pay for their own travel? ›

The NFL teams pay for the travel expenses unless the individual player desires to pay for his own flight. Article 36 of the NFL CBA lists which type of travel expenses are covered when a player is traded to another team.

Do NFL teams pay for housing? ›

According to the league, each player gets a salary of $50,000 plus a weekly housing stipend of $400, which starts at the end of training camp and lasts for a minimum of 10 weeks. Players on playoff teams get an additional one to two weeks of housing stipend depending on how far their teams advance.

Do NFL teams pay rent? ›

Team annual rent cost: Zero. However, the Ravens pay all utility and maintenance costs, plus salaries of all stadium workers, including stadium authority personnel. The total cost was $9.7 million in 2016. Amount of public subsidy toward stadium construction and operation: More than $920 million since 2000.

Do NFL teams fly private jets? ›

Most teams fly on widebody charter aircraft, providing more room for players to stretch their legs and sleep after games. Some NFL teams, like the New England Patriots and the Arizona Cardinals, have purchased their own team jets for travel.

Which NFL team has their own plane? ›

Out of all 32 teams, only two, the New England Patriots and Arizona Cardinals, have their own aircraft.

Do NFL teams fly on private planes? ›

Most teams charter

Other NFL teams travel by chartered aircraft. It allows teams to have the feeling of flying private without the costs of owning an airplane.

Do football players' wives travel with them? ›

Normally, no. But there have been a few occasions when teams paid to send players' wives on the road with them. They figured that was the surest way to make sure the players didn't stay out all night partying, drinking and getting into trouble.

Do all NFL teams stay in hotels for home games? ›

During the pandemic of the 2020 season, the NFL elevated this selective tradition to an actual league mandate. The rule reads: “The Home Team will be required to stay at the team hotel the night before each game.

Do Waterboys travel with the NFL? ›

That said, Thieneman was sure to point out the benefits of the role. As he explained, water boys also get to travel with the team and spend time with players, in addition to other perks. More from In The Know: What is the 'WTF was that?

Do NFL players pay for hotel? ›

Teams do pay for hotel rooms and give the players a per diem for meals. Some teams charter planes, while other teams have their own planes. The Detroit Pistons, for example, have a loaded private jet that is basically a high-end hotel suite with wings.

Do NFL players drink during the season? ›

The NFL does not. The league has a longstanding policy prohibiting alcohol at team facilities, in locker rooms and while traveling on team planes and buses. It's become obvious with several recent high-profile incidents and from social media posts on team planes that the policy is being violated.

Do NFL players get paid for the rest their lives? ›

The amount of income a retired NFL player receives is based on his number of seasons played. Each season represents a credit towards the amount of pension money he can receive. Also, NFL players must be at least 55 years old to receive their full pension money.

How much does it cost for an NFL team to travel to London? ›

Most NFL teams take between 215 and 250 people with them when traveling to Europe. The cost to fly the team's entourage to London could cost more than $250,000.

Do NFL families get free tickets? ›

Yes, NFL players are required to pay for tickets. The Super Bowl does not offer free tickets. In February 2024, Donna Kelce, the mother of Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce and Philadelphia Eagles center Jason Kelce, told Today that "if your child has a heartbeat, you have to pay for them".

How many NFL teams have their own plane? ›

Most people undoubtedly believe that all 32 NFL teams travel on team planes, but that is not the case. Just one NFL franchise flies its own plane to transport its athletes. The club has two private planes for transporting representatives.

Can family fly with NFL teams? ›

Yes, if at all possible this has been a wonderful experience for players and a parent or both parents, siblings and even grandparents to share in. For past travelers these tours have lived up to their billing as 'a trip of a lifetime' and is even more special when shared in together.

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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.