How do pilots land airliners safely in the event of a complete power loss? (2024)

If a plane loses all power – including hydraulic–how do pilots control and land safely?

– John A., Valley Forge, Pennsylvania

Some airplanes have manual capability to move the flight controls, allowing planes to be landed with no hydraulic power.

Other airplanes have multiple (three tofour)hydraulic systems, reducing the possibility of a total hydraulic loss to near zero.

Hydraulic pumps are both engine-driven and electrically driven for redundancy. Some airplanes have a ram air turbine that is lowered when electrical power is lost to provide a backup to power a hydraulic pump and limited electrical generator.

As for the loss of the engines, all airplanes can glide to a landing.

Do you see a continued future for the Boeing 747 as a freight carrier?

– Michael Murphy,Yucaipa, California

Yes, the 747 will continue to fly as a freighter for many years to come. It has the ability to accept both large volume and large weights of cargo, which make it a valuable addition to a cargo/freight airline.

In fact, UPS just added a brand new B747-8 to add to itsfleet late last year. I believe it will be in service for 20-plus years.

► RIP, passenger 747s:Delta Air Lines sends its last Boeing 747 to Arizona 'boneyard'

Early retirement:British Airways retires Boeing 747 fleet early due to COVID-19 travel downturn

How do pilots land airliners safely in the event of a complete power loss? (2024)


How do you land a plane without power? ›

Hydraulic pumps are both engine-driven and electrically driven for redundancy. Some airplanes have a ram air turbine that is lowered when electrical power is lost to provide a backup to power a hydraulic pump and limited electrical generator. As for the loss of the engines, all airplanes can glide to a landing.

How do airliners land? ›

Landing is accomplished by slowing down and descending to the runway. This speed reduction is accomplished by reducing thrust and/or inducing a greater amount of drag using flaps, landing gear or speed brakes.

What happens if an airline loses power? ›

A passenger aircraft will glide perfectly well even if all its engines have failed, it won't simply fall out the sky. Infact it can fly for around 60 miles if it loses its engines at a typical cruise altitude of 36,000ft.

How do pilots handle emergencies? ›

During the actual emergency, you are focused on flying the airplane, ensuring the flight path remains safe, following the checklists, reprogramming the Flight Management Computer, advising air traffic controllers, advising the passengers of the revised flight plan, advising the company of the return, briefing the ...

Do pilots manually land the plane? ›

While many airplanes can land by use of automation, the vast majority of landings are still done manually. Pilots are generally better at landing in more dynamic weather conditions than the automated system.

Can a plane land with full fuel? ›

In almost every case, any commercial plane flying is technically able to land even at close to its maximum takeoff weight. It will, however, likely put excess strain on the landing gear and other structures, so it's best avoided unless there's simply no other option.

Can airliners land in autopilot? ›

So-called autoland systems are a part of aircraft autopilots. All large modern jets are equipped with such systems, which can automatically land the aircraft - under supervision from the pilots. This can be used for any landing where the airport is equipped to offer it, and weather conditions allow.

How to land a plane safely? ›

Just before you touch down, you'll need to raise the nose to flare and land on the main wheels first.
Call for help on the radio.
  1. Alternatively, you can take the pilot's headset and press the push-to-talk (PTT) button, which is on the yoke. ...
  2. Attempt to call for assistance on the frequency you are currently on.

Do airliners take off with full power? ›

The captain always makes the final decision whether to use full thrust or derate. Derates improve engine life and reliability. In addition to lowering operating costs, they decrease the likelihood of an engine failure. All jets use some form of derated or reduced-thrust takeoffs.

What does the airline do if someone dies? ›

If the crew determined the passenger died, they will generally leave them be until the plane lands. The flight crew is not authorized to determine the cause of death or perform any complex medical exams, so it's standard for them to leave the body be until they land. Once landed, the passengers deplane as usual.

What happens if a plane loses power over the ocean? ›

Before a certain speed – the so-called decision speed or V1 speed – the takeoff would be aborted and the aircraft would be brought to a stop. If an engine fails after reaching V1 speed, the aircraft will continue its take-off roll and get safely airborne on one engine before returning to the airport.

Can an airplane land with no engine? ›

Fortunately, it rarely happens, but when it does, pilots are trained properly on how to handle a particular aircraft without any engine work. You may remember one of the most famous emergency landings when Captain managed to land his Airbus A320 over the New York's Hudson River.

Do pilots get scared? ›

Pilots are trained to handle all sorts of nerve-racking situations, but that doesn't mean that they don't get scared—especially in these real instances, told by the pilots who experienced them, of serious in-flight fear.

What do pilots say in an emergency landing? ›

Pilots believing themselves to be facing an emergency situation should declare an emergency as soon as possible and cancel it later if the situation allows. The correct method of communicating this information to ATC is by using the prefix “MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY” or “PAN PAN, PAN PAN, PAN PAN” as appropriate.

Can a pilot sleep while flying? ›

The simple answer is yes, pilots do, and are allowed to sleep during flight but there are strict rules controlling this practice. Pilots would only normally sleep on long haul flights, although sleep on short haul flights is permitted to avoid the effects of fatigue.

Do pilots turn off engines when landing? ›

No, no pilot would want to shut off engines before landing unless it was an emergency landing. Its possible the engines went to flight-idle which may be very quiet to somebody listening in the cabin.

Why can't pilots look at the ground? ›

spatial disorientation, the inability of a person to determine his true body position, motion, and altitude relative to the earth or his surroundings. Both airplane pilots and underwater divers encounter the phenomenon.

What is a ghost flight? ›

A ghost flight is a term used when airlines operate a regularly scheduled route with a plane containing less that 10% of the airline's total capacity. These flights are creating a crisis environmentally due to increased carbon emissions.

What happens if you land a plane too fast? ›

Airspeed is another common cause of bounced landings. If you land with too much airspeed, and you force the aircraft down in a flat attitude, your airplane simply isn't ready to stop flying. As you touch down, you'll skip off the runway like a rock on water, and bounce back into the air.

How long can a plane stay in the air without fuel? ›

A: This depends on the size of the plane, its efficiency, and how fast it's flying. A modern Boeing 747 can fly about 15,000 km (9,500 miles) when it's flying at 900 kmh (550 mph). This means it can fly non stop for almost 16 hours!

Can a civilian land an airliner? ›

A talk-down landing may be attempted in the event of the death or incapacitation of an aircraft pilot. It involves a passenger or other unqualified person flying the aircraft to a landing with assistance from radioed instructions either from the ground or a nearby aircraft.

Can a plane land itself without a pilot? ›

Yes, a passenger plane can land by itself using the autopilot, through a system that is often referred to as 'autoland'. The pilots can program the autopilot to carry out the landing automatically whilst the pilots monitor the aircraft's systems.

Can a plane fly with one engine? ›

A twin-engine plane can fly perfectly well on only one engine. In fact, it can even continue the take-off and then safely land with just one engine. An engine failing in flight is not usually a serious problem and the pilots are given extensive training to deal with such a situation.

Is it safer to land a plane on water or land? ›

All in all, when landing in the water, there are a lot of extra variables that pilots must deal with the execute a safe landing. So if you were given a choice of either landing on water or land, try landing on land first. Landing on water is always a last resort. Save this answer.

Can planes land in water safely? ›

Commercial planes use rafts and flotation devices like life preservers. They also come with flares and emergency radios. Airplanes are designed so that a water landing won't cause immediate harm to passengers. Many ditching-related deaths are from drowning, not the impact.

Can a plane land if landing gear fails? ›

A belly landing or gear-up landing occurs when an aircraft lands without its landing gear fully extended and uses its underside, or belly, as its primary landing device.

Do pilots go full throttle on takeoff? ›

Pilots typically push it to full or almost full throttle the second they begin to accelerate for take off. The slow increase you feel is actually not a slow increase in thrust (the force applied to move the plane forward), but the rate at which the heavy plane full of people is accelerating (increasing in speed).

How do airplanes get rid of built up electric charge? ›

Static dischargers, also called static wicks or static discharge wicks, are devices used to remove static electricity from aircraft in flight. They take the form of small sticks pointing backwards from the wings, and are fitted on almost all civilian aircraft.

Do pilots turn off engines? ›

Almost never. There are two exceptions: Training flights, especially for the multi-engine rating, will sometimes actually shut down engines, rather than just idle them.

Do airlines pay for death? ›

International law requires an airline that has sustained a crash in which there were injuries or deaths to pay each family a bare minimum $176,000 in damages; this is stated in the Montreal Convention of 1999.

Do airlines give refunds for death in family? ›

Tickets may be considered for refund in the event of the death of the customer, immediate family, or traveling companion. American requires proof of relationship for immediate family member.

Can you sue an airline if a family member dies? ›

In most cases, yes. However, it's important to explore all the options available to you before you take legal action after your airline accident. It's also important to consider where you will file your lawsuit. Many jurisdictions have different laws governing aviation accidents.

What should I wear on a plane to Hawaii? ›

In generally, we recommend you wear clothes that are comfortable, without looking slouchy like you're going to the gym or about to do yard work. Bring or wear comfortable socks. You lose a lot of heat through your feet. Keep your toes snuggly warm with a good pair of socks.

Why do planes fly over the ocean instead of land? ›

There is less turbulence over water than over land, because the primary cause of turbulence is hot air rising from the ground. Water distributes heat a lot better than soil, making flights over the ocean much smoother.

Can you survive a fall into the ocean from a plane? ›

Odds are extremely low for survival, but physics says it's possible.”

What happens if a plane flies too high? ›

Sudden cabin depressurization: A loss of cabin pressure can occur if a plane flies too high, and if that happens, passengers and crew—including pilots—can lose consciousness.

What is the longest commercial flight? ›

For an explanation of our Advertising Policy, visit this page. Editor's note: This is a recurring post, regularly updated with new information and offers. Singapore Airlines currently operates the longest flight in the world: a whopping 9,527-mile nonstop journey from New York to Singapore.

Can a plane land with fuel in tank? ›

Yes, you can safely land with full fuel. There are many Boeing 767 and Airbus A300, A310, and A330 that no not have fuel dumping capability. They just land overweight in case of an emergency and then do an overweight landing inspection.

What is the scariest part of a flight? ›

  • Boeing research shows that takeoff and landing are statistically more dangerous than any other part of a flight.
  • 49% of all fatal accidents happen during the final descent and landing phases of the average flight, while 14% of all fatal accidents happen during takeoff and initial climb.
Oct 31, 2020

Do pilots ever get scared of turbulence? ›

Those irregular motions in the atmosphere create air currents that can cause passengers on an airplane to experience annoying bumps during a flight, or it can be severe enough to throw an airplane out of control. "(The pilots) aren't scared at all. It's all a part of aviation," United Airlines pilot Rob Biddle said.

How do pilots see at night? ›

Aircrafts don't really have headlights per se; but, There are red and green LEDs outside of the aircraft and on the ground, which help the pilots land at night and make their aircraft visible to another aircrafts in the night sky.

What is the best way to survive plane crash? ›

Here are five tips for survival:
  1. Choose the safest seat. Airlines uphold that all seats are equally safe, but some statistics suggest seats at the back of a plane are marginally safer. ...
  2. Dress for survival. ...
  3. Pay attention to the safety briefing. ...
  4. Prepare for impact. ...
  5. Brush up on your survival skills.
Jun 16, 2022

What is the best position to survive a plane crash? ›

In a 2015 crash simulation, Boeing found that passengers who both wore their seat belts and assumed a brace position (feet flat, head cradled against their knees or the seat in front of them if possible) were likeliest to survive a crash.

Where is the safest place to sit on a plane if it crashes? ›

Seats in the middle of the cabin had a 39% fatality rate, while the front third had 38% and the rear third 32%. When looking at what seats gave you the best chance of surviving, the middle seats in the plane's rear came out the best with a 28% fatality rate.

Is it possible to land a plane without engine? ›

Fortunately, it rarely happens, but when it does, pilots are trained properly on how to handle a particular aircraft without any engine work. You may remember one of the most famous emergency landings when Captain managed to land his Airbus A320 over the New York's Hudson River.

Can you start an aircraft without ground power? ›

As long as the plane has a running APU, it can complete a normal engine start with no ground assistance. The only limitation will be turbine warm up time, which just means you'll need to make sure the engines are started a few minutes before takeoff thrust is applied.

Can planes fly without electricity? ›

While it's not necessary for flight or the aircraft's movement, the electrical system of an airplane is still one of the most critical systems onboard. Electricity is used for safety equipment, many co*ckpit instruments, environmental systems, and entertainment functions.

What happens if a plane engine fails over the ocean? ›

Before a certain speed – the so-called decision speed or V1 speed – the takeoff would be aborted and the aircraft would be brought to a stop. If an engine fails after reaching V1 speed, the aircraft will continue its take-off roll and get safely airborne on one engine before returning to the airport.

What happens to an airplane when the engine suddenly stops during flight? ›

If all of an airplane's engines fail simultaneously, the pilot will perform an emergency landing. As the airplane descends and decelerates, the pilot will begin to search for a safe area to perform an emergency landing. Ideally, the pilot will land on a nearby landing.

Can a plane land if both engines fail? ›

The crew will, in all likelihood, try and restart the engines but will very quickly turn their attention to finding a safe landing location. Most jet aircraft have an auxiliary power unit (APU). The APU allows electrical power to be supplied if both engines fail.

Can you jumpstart an airplane? ›

Here's what the Columbia 400 maintenance manual says on jump-starting: “Never “jump-start” an aircraft that has a “dead” or discharged battery. It takes approximately three hours to recharge a fully discharged battery with the aircraft generating system or external power.”

Can planes start their own engines? ›

As an alternative to the APU, some jet aircraft use a Jet Fuel Starter (JFS), or even direct battery power to initially spin the blades. The JFS is, like the APU, a separate turbine that generates compressor bleed air to start the main engine, directly connected to the engine.

Can a jet engine be restarted in flight? ›

Engine restart

Following a flameout, jet engines can normally be restarted in flight, provided the aircraft is flying within the portion of its flight envelope defined as the engine relight envelope.

Why do planes do not fly over the Pacific? ›

The Pacific Ocean is a massive body of water that will require an extremely large amount of fuel to fly across. Rather than flying directly across the Pacific Ocean, most commercial flights take curved routes because they are actually shorter than shooting straight across a distance.

How long can a plane fly without fuel? ›

While the exact answer varies from jet to jet, most of them can fly at least 60 minutes without refueling. Based on the aircraft's size and weight, a private jet's range may be anywhere from 2,000 nautical miles to 10,000 nautical miles.

Is flying at night or day safer? ›

While it all comes down to your preferences, daytime flying has the upper hand when it comes to visibility. Because of the sunlight, any possible obstructions, such as rocks or mountains, are far easier to spot, making the likelihood of accidents much less and daytime flying the safer option by far.

Do all flights have two pilots? ›

In short, having two pilots is required for safety reasons so that they can relay each other, and one pilot is responsible for flying the plane while the other is tasked with monitoring.

Can pilots land on water? ›

Commercial planes use rafts and flotation devices like life preservers. They also come with flares and emergency radios. Airplanes are designed so that a water landing won't cause immediate harm to passengers. Many ditching-related deaths are from drowning, not the impact.

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.