How Good Is 6 Handicap In Golf? - Golf Educate (2024)

Many golfers dream of reaching a single-digit handicap, but mostly this is where it remains. It’s difficult to achieve a handicap near what golfers might desire, a scratch one. Regardless of this overwhelming desire, though, just how good is a 6 handicap?

A 6 handicap in golf is a pretty good handicap as the lower your handicap, the better golfer you are. With a 6 handicap, a player will get at least 12 pars on 18 holes. Such a golfer is in a two-thirds position to become a scratch golfer, which is every amateur’s dream.

A golfer’s handicap is a player’s performance on an 18 hole golf course. A handicap is given to all ages and sexes, and this comes in good stead when different age groups or sexes play together.

A 6 handicap is of particular significance from where it is on a scale and quite close to a scratch handicap. (a zero handicap meaning the player will score par on most courses).

How Good Is 6 Handicap In Golf? - Golf Educate (1)

For a golfers’ handicap, the best eight from a recent twenty scores on an 18 hole golf course are taken. Each hole comes with a par value which determines the number of strokes a golfer can play. The actual shots and the par value of holes determine the score. In the end, your score will define your handicap.

If it’s a 6, what does that mean?

Working On Getting A Good Golfing Handicap

One of the first questions you might be asked when you join a new club is: What’s your handicap? The importance is as a handicap grades a golfer in a specific way.

Knowing a player’s handicap gives insights into a player’s golfing. Yet, a handicap does not stop different ages or sexes from playing in the same foursome. It sets a level playing field.

The best way to improve your handicap is to focus and concentrate on the game. Just like in most life situations, a golfer’s handicap will depend on the player’s level of attentiveness to what’s happening on the course. Such attention means knowing where you stand from the tee to the hole, which clubs to use, and what hazards to avoid.

On an 18 holes course, this can be a challenge. But succeeding at golf is about strategy. You’ll often find yourself in a certain spot, and from there, you’ll have to think of a way out that’ll bring you closest to the hole. You might even have to navigate a course on a windy day. Golf is about problem-solving and even bettering your handicap.

I personally know players who have low handicaps on their ‘own course’ where they have played for years and know every blade of grass and gust of wind. Take them to a different course and they can fail to adapt.

Other players avoid hilly courses or courses with lots of water hazards as they feel it doesn’t suit ‘their game,’ but I believe these players are backing away from the challenge. After all, golf is a mental game.

Golf ranks amongst the longest playing sports in the world. The game’s popularity is associated with its almost legendary status. For over 500 years, golf has been played. Some of the most attractive aspects of playing golf are: being outdoors and the game’s intergenerational character. Age is not a handicap.

Arguably, the most egalitarian decision regarding golf has been to (in a proverbial sense) level the playing field. With a handicap, a twelve-year-old can play with an 80-year-old in a twosome and still be fair competition. Also, the accepted world standard for handicaps means you can play on any course worldwide with the handicap you have.

How Good Is 6 Handicap In Golf? - Golf Educate (2)

What’s The Significance Of A Six Handicap?

Of course, to have a handicap of 6 is much desired. Such a handicap is closest to being a scratch player, another coveted golfing rank. In most golfing circles, a 6 handicap is every golfer’s dream. It’s seen as good as it means a player will get at least 12 pars on 18 holes. Such a golfer is in a two-thirds position to become a scratch golfer.

Once you’ve broken into the single-digit arena in golf, you can work towards getting your handicap down. The best about golf (or any other sport) is that there’s always room for improvement. But there’s always that off moment. How often haven’t you heard a golfer exclaim: I’m shooting under par!

There’s often tension on how to either maintain or mostly how to improve on your golf. Each round is a challenge for many golfers as this affects their handicap. As golf can be seen as a metaphor for life, the game is often equated with the player’s ability to live, run their businesses, et cetera, and deal with pressures and challenges.

Golf, as said before, is about a good strategy. And mostly, this can be about how we get out of the rough or a bunker.

How Good Is 6 Handicap In Golf? - Golf Educate (3)

Getting To A 6 Handicap Takes Diligence & Practice

The same adage, practice makes perfect, regulates golf. Getting to a 6 handicap takes diligence and plenty of practice. Considering how good a 6 handicap is, one must consider ‘good’ in this context.

Regarding a 6 handicap, one needs to look at where this handicap falls on the larger scale of golfers’ handicaps.

The United States Golfing Association (USGA) takes the average handicap one that falls closest to 15. This average handicap is for people who play regularly and this group of golfers makes up almost a quarter of all players.

If a golfer has a 6 handicap, which is used against the average handicap of 15, the 6 handicap player will average one shot for each hole better than golfers with the 15 handicaps. To have a handicap is an advantage, as seen above. Handicaps take into account the course rating too.

A golfer averages about six shots higher than the course rating with a six-handicap. On average, this will mean that a 6 handicapper, playing on a course that’s rated at 70, will score 76. Compared to the average recreational score of club golfers that sit at above 80, a 6 handicap is good.

In essence, the lower your handicap is, the better a golfer you are. And, if you have a handicap of 6, hold your breath; you’re in the top 10% league made up of amateur club golfers.

Amazingly, if you can get your handicap down to three, you will be in the top three percent of almost 67 million golfers worldwide.

With a 6 handicap, a golfer can start becoming a tournament professional. The handicaps of pros have a plus calculation which ranges from +4 to +6. A pro thus hits up 12 shots better on a round of golf than a 6 handicapper.

What’s Tiger Woods’ Attitude On Golf

The skill, focus, and concentration of golfer Tiger Woods are impressive. On a personal level, it’s remarkable that the world’s top golfer still sees himself ready to improve his golf. Though much of his handicap is speculation, and he doesn’t need one, he still maintains that he sees himself always as even becoming a better golfer.

Suppose we look at Tiger Woods’ handicap index history with a speculative +6.7 handicap for a quarter of a century between 1996 to 2020. It’s enough to prompt a 6 handicapper not to be complacent. Some of the ways players have improved their handicaps have been to be conservative at the most difficult holes and play away from trouble spots.

Mostly, it’s not the 1000 balls that you hit at the golfing range that’ll lower your handicap, but rather when you putt, chip, and play a game of golf. It’s thought that if you’ve four hours to practice, use the first three hours to fine-tune your technical skills. Then, get onto the course and play a few holes.

Final Thoughts

To have a handicap of 6 is good, but better still is to know that achieving this handicap means you can get it lower. This handicap is not far off from what some golfers would most want. A six handicap is closer to being a scratch player on a performance scale.

On one level, a 6 handicap is good. And on another, a 6 handicap is right there on the cusp of breaking through to handicaps that many golfers worldwide aspire to.

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How Good Is 6 Handicap In Golf? - Golf Educate (2024)
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