How long does injured reserve last in the NFL? (2024)

Injuries are frequent in the NFL and can be disastrous for individuals and their teams. The 2022 season is mid-way through and has already seen plenty of season-ending injuries and many players have been placed on injured reserve.

As of now, 263 players are currently on the injured reserve list in the 2022 season. So what does it mean to get put on injured reserve and how long does a player have to stay on IR? The NFL has a long list of rules and sometimes it can get a bit confusing, but there are motives behind such steps.

If a player is placed on the IR list, then it allows the team to bring in a practice squad player to fill the void created on the roster. Players can remain on the IR list for as long as they are injured. There are different designations given to the injured player, such as 'Physically Unable to Perform', 'Reserve/Non-Football Injury' and 'Reserve/Non-Football Illness.'

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Players stay on injured reserve for as long as they need to. A returning player is eligible to return to practice (or the active/inactive list) after four games have been played since he was placed on IR. They then have a four-week window to return to the active roster. If this doesn’t happen, then he must be shut down for the remainder of the NFL season.

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Do players on IR get a Super Bowl Ring?

Yes, even if he is put on the IR list, the player is still eligible to get a Super Bowl ring. The decision to award Super Bowl rings to any player who helped the team win the game rests solely with the team. Inactive players, coaches, trainers, personnel, and staff are included in this.

Do NFL players get paid on injured reserve?

Yes, when they are on the IR list, players are still compensated. The majority of player injuries occur during games or scheduled practices. However, if a player is hurt away from the field or on the sidelines, they may have trouble getting paid by the organization.

Can a player come back from injured reserve?

In the past, teams were not allowed to call back players from the IR list until the end of the season. But in 2012, rules were changed and now the NFL allows them to bring back eight players from the IR list during the season.

Edited by John Maxwell


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I'm well-versed in NFL operations, especially concerning player injuries and the protocols surrounding the injured reserve list. I can provide insights and knowledge about the dynamics and implications of being placed on injured reserve.

When an NFL player sustains a significant injury during the season, they might be placed on the injured reserve (IR) list. This list serves multiple purposes: it allows teams to replace the injured player on the roster, gives the injured player time to recover without occupying a roster spot, and allows them to return to play when deemed fit.

Players on IR remain there for as long as they need to recover. However, the rules stipulate that after spending four games on the IR list, a player becomes eligible to return to practice or the active/inactive list. They then have a four-week window to be activated to the active roster. If this doesn't happen, the player must remain on IR for the rest of the NFL season.

There are different designations for players on the injured reserve list, such as 'Physically Unable to Perform', 'Reserve/Non-Football Injury', and 'Reserve/Non-Football Illness.' Each designation corresponds to the nature and circ*mstances of the injury.

Regarding player compensation, those on the IR list still receive their pay. Most injuries occur during games or scheduled practices, ensuring their eligibility for compensation. However, issues might arise if a player gets injured away from the field or on the sidelines.

As for the coveted Super Bowl ring, players on IR can still be eligible to receive one. The decision to award Super Bowl rings to contributing players, including those on IR, rests with the team. Inactive players, coaches, trainers, personnel, and staff are usually included in this honor.

Moreover, since 2012, NFL rules allow teams to bring back eight players from the IR list during the season, enabling teams to replenish their rosters with recovered players instead of waiting until the end of the season.

Understanding the nuances of IR and player recovery in the NFL involves navigating these rules, designations, and the evolving regulations set by the league to ensure fairness and support for injured players and their teams.

How long does injured reserve last in the NFL? (2024)


How long does injured reserve last in the NFL? ›

Players stay on injured reserve for as long as they need to. A returning player is eligible to return to practice (or the active/inactive list) after four games have been played since he was placed on IR. They then have a four-week window to return to the active roster.

How long is NFL injured reserve? ›


Teams place players on this list when they have a football-related injury and will need to miss at least a few weeks. Players on IR don't count against the active roster. If a player is placed on this list before the regular season begins, he's forced to miss the entire year.

Is IR 4 games or 4 weeks? ›

In 2022, the number of players eligible to return was changed to eight, and players were eligible to return after four games. Teams may also place a player on injured reserve with a minor injury designation, but the team must release the player once he is healthy.

Can you practice when on IR NFL? ›

NFL teams can use the 21-day practice window for players on injured reserve. The window allows players on IR to practice without counting against the active 53-man roster.

Do NFL injured reserves get paid? ›

NFL players who are on IR (injured reserve) will get paid, but how much money they ultimately receive is highly dependent on the details of their individual contracts. Players with fully guaranteed contracts will receive the full compensation they were promised in their contract.

How much is the lowest paid NFL player? ›

The NFL's minimum player salary

The minimum salary rose to $705,000 in 2022. This year, the minimum salary for an NFL player is $750,000. This amount applies exclusively to NFL rookies during their debut season. As they advance, the minimum rises to $870,000 and $940,000 by the third year.

Do NFL Waterboys get paid? ›

The typical salary of an NFL waterboy is between $50,000-$60,000 per year. Some waterboys do not get paid but receive internships for their high school or university. Waterboys are typically paid less during the offseason since there are no practices or games.

How many weeks is a player out on IR? ›

Players can stay on the IR list for as long as it takes for them to heal. The caveat however centres around their return where they have a four-week window to return to the main playing squad following their first practice after their return from injury or they risk becoming ineligible for the remainder of the season.

Do players on IR travel with the team? ›

Players are permitted to stay with the team and attend games, though players may leave the team to focus on treatment, to avoid traveling with the team on a road trip, or for short term minor-league rehabilitation assignments to prepare for their return to the active roster.

Do IR players get Super Bowl rings? ›

The winning team can typically present any number of rings to whomever they choose, including usually, but not limited to: players (active roster, inactive roster, or injured reserve), coaches, trainers, executives, personnel, and general club staff.

Do NFL players get full salary on IR? ›

Once the season has started, any player on either the 53-man roster, injured reserve list, and even the practice squad counts against the salary cap. Players do typically get paid while on injured reserve, but depending on their contract details, they may not be paid their full non-guaranteed salary.

Do players on IR get paid? ›

As previously discussed in the minimum salary article (Part 5), players receive their full salary while on IR. The only difference is if the player has a split contract which changes their minimum salary in the case they are injured.

Do practice squad players get paid? ›

While the salary may not as lucrative as an NFL contract, practice squad members do get paid a livable wage. The players on the practice squad get a weekly salary set by the league Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Do NFL players get paid weekly? ›

NFL players are generally paid weekly during the regular season with their annual salaries spread across 18 weeks. When the playoffs begin, these checks stop. Players participating in playoff games are compensated, but playoff checks are often drastically lower than regular season game checks.

Do NFL players pay medical bills? ›

Who pays NFL medical bills? The team pays medical bills for players injured in games or practice. That's part of the collective bargaining agreement between the players' association and the owners.

Who is the highest paid NFL player? ›

The highest paid player in the league at that position, the Cincinnati Bengals' Joe Burrow, is also the highest paid player in the league, making $55 million per season (yes, $55 million per season in average annual salary).

What is the long term injured reserve? ›

When a player is on LTIR, a team may exceed the salary cap. Despite the common misconception, LTIR does not remove a Cap Hit from a team's overall Cap Hit, it just potentially allows the team to exceed the salary cap.

Can you go on IR twice? ›

There is no maximum length for an IR stay over the 17-game, 18-week regular season. A player even can go on IR twice in one season. The only limit is that each team has a maximum of eight available slots for an IR player to return during that season.

What is the 10 day injured reserve? ›

Definition. The 10-day injured list allows clubs to remove injured position players from the 26-man active roster while keeping them on the 40-man roster.

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Name: Lidia Grady

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.