How many hours is "Part Time"? (2024)

The definition of part-time, for a long time, has been jobs that take "substantially less" than the M-F, 9-5 requirement. Part-time jobs can range from a few hours helping out at a family business, all the way up to covering a couple of shifts a week, but there is a nebulous middle ground between part-time and full-time that needs to be considered as an employer. Not to mention the growing list of companies shifting to a shorter work week.

So, how many hours is part time? How many hours is full time?

According to Statista Research Department, approximately 25.13 million people in the US are working on a part-time basis; almost 20% fo the US workforce are employed on part-time contracts. This is a huge number which has slightly increased over the last 15 years as more people seek flexibility in their work.

How many hours is "Part Time"? (1)

There are many benefits to working party time but the most important is freedom and flexibility in your life. Working part time can help you escape from the stress of a workplace with long hours and from the constant pressure, helping maintain both your mental and physical health as this is often sacrificed by people working in full-time jobs. Furthermore, for people who have children, working part time may be the only option.

The laws defining part-time labour vary from country to country, however. For example, the definition (e.g. hours per week), benefits offered (e.g. healthcare), acceptability and availability vary widely across the world. In the following we review these laws and what it means for workers.

What are the Typical Hours per Day for a Part-Time Job?

Part-time job hours per day typically vary, but a common guideline in the US is working less than 7 hours a day. This aligns with the Bureau of Labor Statistics definition of part-time work as "usually less than 35 hours per week." Therefore, a standard 5-day workweek part-time job would be about 6-7 hours per day.

That means anyone working between 1-34 hours is working part-time, and anyone working 35 hours or more is working full-time. These numbers are based on Current Population Survey (CPS) statistics, published by the BLS. Therefore, they are guidelines and are not official time limits for full-time or part-time working hours.

These definitions vary by country to country and state to state, however. For example, workers will be classified as part-time if they work less than:

Many of these definitions are guidelines, however, and often it is the company’s responsibility to define these limits to their employees. For example, a company may consider 30 hours of work or more as full time while another may follow the limit by BLS and consider 35 hours or more as full time.

Typical Length of Part-Time Shifts Per Day

Unlike full-time positions, part-time job shifts are usually shorter. On average, a part-time shift can range from 4 to 7 hours per day, depending on the employer and industry. This shorter duration is what primarily differentiates part-time from full-time work.

For example:

  • A part time teacher may expect to work an 8 hour shift, 2.5 days per week.
  • A part time sales assistant may expect to only work a 4 hour shift, a few nights per week.

Maximum Working Hours per week by Country

The workforce ensures that the economy is moving forward, however, the possible exposure to exploitation may reduce their productivity and, in the end, lower a company’s overall productivity. Therefore most countries implement laws to protect the workers rights.

By law, the maximum hours an employee may work per week, is as follows:

In most of these places however, you are legally allowed to work for longer hours - but if you do, you must be paid at a higher rate. For example, in Texas, all work which exceeds 40 hours per week must be paid at 1.5 x the employees regular hourly rate.

How "Basically Full Time" Became "Part Time" in the United States

Many factors influence the culture of overwork in the U.S., but some factors have more influence than others. The United States government made the choice to tie offerings of health insurance to full-time employment under the Affordable Care Act for companies with 50 or more full-time employees. For many years before that, it was already expected that qualifying for benefits happened at a full-time level, so such a ruling was in many ways a long time coming and actually was intended to protect workers.

Because of this legislation, medium and large companies pay very careful attention to the bottom-level cut-off for full-time employment: part-time employees are seriously reprimanded if they work more than 29 hours a week or 130 hours a month, because it could result in a fine for not providing health insurance to these accidentally-full-time employees.

In practice, some companies attempt to get around the law by hiring just as many full-time equivalents (FTEs) as other large companies, but refusing to let most of them work more than 29 hours a week. Many of these same companies also have frustrating labour practices, such as at-will shifts that can be called off all of a sudden, and very low pay.

The changing of schedules each week, in particular, makes calling this 29-hours-a-week job 'part-time' seem incorrect; if the person must wait until one or two weeks beforehand to know when they'll be expected at work for 29 hours, there is very little remaining time for them to participate in the other 'part' of their lives, as mentioned above.

There are certainly companies that make 20-29 hours a week a truly free experience by offering competitive pay, flexible work hours, and even benefits, but the creation of a legal definition of full-time as 30 or more hours does offer a loophole to those who are willing to take it.

In the reality of exploitative labour, 28 or 29 hours a week isn't part-time at all; it's merely "not technically full time," a way to deprive people who essentially work full time of the benefits of that commitment.

Protection for Workers: Canada's Example

Putting a minimum on full-time work results, as we saw earlier, in the possibility for exploitation. Canada's example offers another possibility. Canada's legislation focuses on limiting overwork by placing an upper limit on 'standard' full-time workers of 40 hours per week or 8 hours a day, and a general upper limit of 48 hours a week, with 8 of those hours being considered overtime and qualified for higher pay. Exceptions exist, but the protections offered by this rule are substantial.

Protections and limitations on overwork are key; many workers are frustrated by the common trends in their offices where too many hours are expected for the same rate of pay, above and beyond normal full-time hours. Normalizing overwork isn't actually good for employers, who experience higher turnover and burnout rates as a result, but the ever-upward creep of the definitions of part-time and full-time add pressure.

The European Union has made an even more broad claim, which helps employers focus on what they need rather than on cost savings: part-time workers are entitled to the same "pay, leave, notice periods, and other rights and benefits" that full-time workers are. The loophole, for them, is closed, which may not be the right way for the United States to handle it, but is certainly a case study to examine.

Part-Time Should Actually Offer Freedom

Part-time work is the kind of work that leaves you time for other pursuits. It could be 10, 15, or even 20 hours a week, but it shouldn't be 29 hours with a schedule that changes every week. Calling this 'part-time' at the same time that working a single 10-hour shift and having six free days to do with what you will are simply lumping too many circ*mstances together into one umbrella term.

Freedom of some kind should come alongside the challenges of part-time work (chief among them is not bringing in a full-time level of pay, but there are others).

By this definition, we believe that 30 hours a week, and under certain conditions, 25-29 hours a week, constitutes a full-time job. The commitment needed to get the requisite rest, handle one's home duties, and still be at work, ready to be productive for 25-30 hours a week is a full-time commitment.

The grey area between part-time and full-time should be put to the test by asking whether someone could reasonably get a second part-time job and thrive in both of them. If that isn't possible, it is likely that the first job was really much closer to 'full-time' in its impact on the worker's life.

Socially Responsible Labels: Keep Part-Time Truly Part-Time

With the many technological resources and organizational tools available, United States workers are more effective than they've ever been; 30 hours of work in 2020 can accomplish what would have taken dozens, sometimes hundreds, of hours in the past.

29.99 hours does not make a part-time job, especially without protections like benefits or consistent schedules. As you interrogate whether to call a job part-time or full-time, consider not only the hours the person must commit to the work itself, but also the level of commitment by the employee to make this part-time job work: can they maintain their work-life balance at a part-time level, or are they really giving way more to work?

“Can I request Part-Time hours”?

If you are currently employed, the easiest way to get a part-time job may be to ask your current manager to cut down your working hours. In many countries this request must be granted by law.

For example, the Netherlands recently announced the Flexible Working Hours Act in 2016 which gives employees the right to request for reduced hours in their job. The law states that the employer is obliged to accept this request, unless there is “a significant business reason” which justifies that they cannot accommodate this.

As a result, the Netherlands has the highest percentage of “part time workers” in the world. Other countries at the top of the list, such as Switzerland, Austria & Germany, have similar laws which make it easier to request part time work.

How many hours is "Part Time"? (2)

In general, European countries tend to have more progressive laws in comparison those in North & South America, with respect to employer rights and working hours. This effect can be seen as all the countries with the least “hours worked per day” are all from Europe.

How many hours is "Part Time"? (3)

Summary: Part-Time Job Hours

  • A typical part-time job in the US involves working less than 7 hours per day, aligning with the general guideline of under 35 hours per week. This standard can vary internationally.
  • In the US, anything below 35 hours per week is considered part-time by law
  • In the US if you’d also like to be eligible for health insurance, you need to work at least 30 hours per week
  • Most part time jobs in the US don’t offer health insurance, but many 4 day work week jobs do
  • In many European countries (e.g. Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Germany) requests to drop your hours to part time often must be granted by law
  • The best way to find a part time job is:
    • Freelancing
    • Asking your boss to drop your hours
    • Finding a 4 day work week job
How many hours is "Part Time"? (2024)


How many hours is "Part Time"? ›

Is there a limit at all? Generally, part-time means less than 40 hours per week in California. That said, there really isn't a California law that sets a hard line for full-time employment. The California Labor Market Review refers to 35 hours or less as part-time, but again, this is more of a guide than a rule.

How many hours is part-time a day? ›

Full-time and part-time hours are usually expressed by the week or month, with 40 hours per week being the traditional standard for full-time. Therefore, anyone who consistently works less than eight hours per day could be considered a part-time employee, though it ultimately depends on the employer's policies.

How many hours is part-time in CA? ›

The state labor code 515 (c) definition of full-time hours in California is 40 hours per week, and those who work less than 40 hours are defined as part-time workers.

What does part-time 20 hours mean? ›

As a result, most companies schedule part-time employees for 20 to 29 hours per week. However, you could work fewer than 20 hours or more than 29 and still be considered a part-time employee. According to the ACA, you are a full-time employee if you work an average of 30 hours per week for more than 120 days a year.

How many hours is part-time in NJ? ›

For purposes of this calculation: a) Employees working 30 or more hours per week are full-time employees and each full-time employee counts as 1; b) Employees working fewer than 30 hours per week are part-time and counted as the sum of the hours each part-time employee works per week multiplied by 4 and the product ...

How do you define a part-time employee? ›

How to Define Part-Time vs Full Time Employees. Short answer: Full-time employment is usually considered between 30-40 hours a week, while part-time employment is usually less than 30 hours a week.

How many hours is full-time? ›

In the United States, the IRS classifies any employee who works an average of 32 to 40 hours per week or 130 hours per month as full-time. This maximum amount began in 1938 when Congress passed the Fair Labor Standards Act, which required employers to pay overtime to all employees who worked more than 44 hours a week.

What is the least amount of hours for part-time? ›

Affordable Care Act (ACA / Obamacare) – You are part-time if you work less than 30 hours per workweek or 130 hours per month.

What is the 4-hour rule in California? ›

According to California's 4-hour minimum pay rule, also known as the reporting time pay law, if an employee is scheduled to work a shift and reports to work as scheduled, they are entitled to receive compensation for at least half of their scheduled shift or for two hours, whichever is greater.

What is the shortest shift you can legally work? ›

There is no minimum shift requirement or minimum hour requirement for part-time or full-time employees. The 4-hour rule refers to minimum compensation in certain circ*mstances. These include on-call or scheduled-to-work employees who receive inadequate notice that they do not have any work for their shift.

Is 20 hours enough for part-time? ›

However, according to the IRS and the Affordable Care Act (ACA), part-time hours mean working fewer than an average of 30 hours per week. At the employer level, the number of hours in a part-time job varies. Many part-time jobs consist of 20-30 hours per week.

Is working part-time worth it? ›

If you're working a regular full-time job right now, adding on a part-time role can help you boost your income to meet short-term or long-term savings goals. Whether it's a dream vacation, paying off some debt, or adding to your retirement, part-time jobs are an ideal way to add some extra income.

Is 25 hours a lot for part-time? ›

Generally, full-time employees work 40 hours per week (8 hours per day), while part-time employees usually work 25 hours per week but can work less and more than that. As a general rule, anyone who works more than 34 hours per week should be considered a full-time employee.

Can I work 6 hours without a lunch break in NJ? ›

New Jersey Law

While employers typically provide lunch and meal breaks in New Jersey, there is no legal requirement for most employers to provide any breaks. Your right to take time off might be set by a formal policy in the company's employee handbook, an informal policy or even an unwritten practice.

What is part-time minimum wage in NJ? ›

Minimum Wage in New Jersey 2024

This minimum wage rate is greater than the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. Employers are required to pay their employees the higher state minimum wage, which, in this case, is $15.13 per hour.

Do part-time employees get benefits in NJ? ›

The part-time employee may enroll in any SHBP/ SEHBP plan that is provided by the employer (ex- cept for NJ DIRECT HDLow) and, if provided by the employer, the Employee Prescription Drug Plan. If an eligible employee elects to enroll and purchase coverage, the employee must pay the full cost of the coverage.

How many hours a day is 20 hours a week? ›

To find out how many hours a day 20 hours a week is, you can divide 20 by 7 (the number of days in a week). So, 20 hours a week is approximately 2.857 hours per day.

How many hours a day is 30 hours a week? ›

Even though you're used to a 40-hour—or longer—workweek, that doesn't mean you shouldn't consider other options. In fact, a 30-hour workweek, generally consisting of four full workdays (seven and a half hours) a week, or five six-hour days, offers numerous potential advantages.

How many hours a day is 25 hours a week? ›

In most countries, the workweek is around 35 to 40 hours a week, so around 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. Now looking at the 25-hour workweek, that means 10 to 15 hours less per week. That makes it 3 hours less per day, so 5 hours of work per day when working for 5 days a week.

Is 32 hours considered full-time in NY? ›

Generally, working 32 hours or more weekly may classify an employee as full-time, aligning with the IRS and the Affordable Care Act's criteria, which consider 30 hours a week or 130 hours a month as full-time. For the most accurate definition, consulting directly with the employer in question is advised.

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